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Interpersonal violence can be split into family and intimate partner violence as well as community violence. Family and intimate partner violence encompass child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, sibling’s violence, and elder abuse.
Visual evidence within sociology is regarded as some of the best ways of giving true facts regarding the aspects under study. In this book, there are different photographs that Harper and Faccioli (2009) claimed to have used in a bid to providing necessary evidence regarding Italian food and how it can be used to explain their cultural orientation.
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, Research Paper
This fact has been confirmed by Benson (1997). He stated that for students to be healthy, happy, and productive, they should have social interaction, physical activities and the love and guidance of caring teachers and other adults. It has been found that there are several factors which alarmingly affect the curricular and co curricular performance of students.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
Why females earn less as compared to their male counterparts? U.S. women earned only 77 per cents from the ‘male dollar’ in 2011, according to up-to-date statistics. (This number drops to 65% for women of African – American race and 58% for Latinos.) To stress the necessity for change, since the year 1996 the National Committee for Pay Equity, an advocacy- body umbrella group, marked April 20 as the Equal Pay Day.
They may suffer prejudice and negative stereotyping, and this causes a number of harmful consequences both for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and for members of these African American Churches who are encouraged to hold homophobic views.
Some chronic disease may result in immediate danger for an individual’s life, though commonly, chronic diseases are persistent and are not necessarily life threatening. Examples of chronic diseases include cancer, arthritis, stroke and Parkinson’s disease among other numerous examples.
United States and other countries across the globe have declared total war against drug abuse because it has been noted that the epidemic is affecting the lives of very many people in the society. Drug abuse affects the lives of the abusers as well as that of their close family members.
In essence, the literature review is a functional body of transcription fundamentally structured with the key goal of assessing, appraising, and evaluating the most significant points in a work of literature. The technique, into the bargain, is practically geared towards studying the diverse methodological and theoretical research methods.
Exogamy means marrying the person of some other ethnic-racial group or community. For instance, if a Chinese marries a person coming from the yellow race of Southeast Asia, including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, it will be endogamy. Similarly, if a German enters into a marital-knot with an Asian, the nature of the marriage will be called exogamy.
Who Should Have Custody of Children? Guidelines are essential when an evaluation is required to choose the parent suitable to have the custody of a child. These guidelines are represented in a symbolic interactionism perspective to determine a suitable person to have the custody of children.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
The purpose of this research gets clearly outlined in the beginning, which is to investigate the effects that the internet has on young children. The research questions have also been highlighted as to whether or not the internet makes children smarter, and if there is any difference in socialization between children who get exposed to the internet and those who do not.
According to the paper a lot of research about the current trends in social media amongst the student population has been carried out within the last decade. These days, a vast majority of students make use of social media to receive education, do assignments, projects, and research work because of the ease of portability of the devices of social media and the consistence of social media with the contemporary lifestyle of the young generation.
Moreover, interaction is also an important part in the movie which includes physical and verbal interactions as well as symbolical. For sociological studies, it is then perceived that the film is a wealth of information reflecting the realities of life. This is specially so because the film traces how the life of a young boy emerged from being poor to becoming rich and powerful.
The author argues that there is interplay of many factors which affect the ability to perform well in school. By citing works carried out by ethnographers, ethnomethodologists and other social scientists such as Coleman (1961), Hollingshead (1949), DiMaggio shows how American high school education has gradually become unequal.
This paper will analyze different aspects of the term global media, which is greatly related to globalization. Globalization and global media are two interconnected terms and they mutually support the development of each other. Globalization can be simply referred to the cross border movement of capital, labor, ideas, and cultures for the creation of a global economy.
The phenomenon, which is now referred to as a crisis of identity, is viewed as a section of a wide process of change. This ‘crisis of identity’ brings about a dislocation of the central structures and processes within modern societies and assuming the frameworks which allowed humans to have a stable anchorage in the social world.
Studies reveal that correctional facilities have been driven to a breaking point by the economic hardships. It is critical to understand the structure of correctional activities. Correctional and incarceration facilities have embraced multiple structural changes in a bid to transform offenders. Most of the correctional facilities offer vocational training.
The main reason for selecting the issue as a topic for the present study includes it's being accepted and adopted in various countries of the world. Since the topic covers a large majority of the individuals belonging to divergent cultures and societies of the globe, it maintains sociological significance in its nature and scope.
The reasons for drug use and the reason that it continues to be illegal are many. However, as a control for the poor it is an exceptionally good tool in order to enforce incarceration at the discretion of judges and to target minorities for punishments that are unreasonable.
Women and Paid Work. Women live in a society that is segregated according to race, class, gender, territories and other cultural differences. Consequently, opportunities for and attitudes towards them vary substantially based on their demographics. Therefore, only the survival of the fittest or the most superior is possible while the inferior classes often don’t see the light of day.
Suicide bombing is a phenomenon that largely embodies Karl Marx’s conflict theory. In any case, suicide bombing stems from political conflict, particularly territorial disputes. The article of Robert Brym entitled Six Lessons of Suicide Bombers demonstrates that conflict theory reveals how groups compete for power while limited by resources.
9 pages (2426 words)
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, Research Paper
The rapid social and economic development of China has paved the way for the exchange and fusion of the Chinese and Western festivals in China. Gradually, Western values are integrating into the indigenous culture of China as Chinese people have started to participate in Western festivals more fully and seriously.
In addition, social elements and the social structure within the environment influence the health of an individual in various ways. Interestingly, there are aspects of gender differences observed in the health situation that are almost similar to the societal perception of gender disparities.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLE TITLED: “THE 2.7 TRILLION MEDICAL BILL” This article primarily highlights the critical concern of raising medical expenses in the overall context of the United States. It also demonstrates the most costly bill of the year that amounted to US$6,385.
Conflict theory is the negative opposite of functionalism. It views society as a constant struggle by the underprivileged against the privileged segments such as Marx’s depiction of the conflict of the proletariat against the bourgeois class. Interactionists claim people collectively ascribe meaning to symbols and structure their society.
3 pages (750 words)
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, Personal Statement
The race is indeed a sensitive topic that draws emotions whenever it is mentioned in an adverse manner against individuals, hence the handling of various racial categories ought to be done in a responsible manner. Essentially, racial categories entail the classification of individuals based on skin color and ethnicity.
The Commission further states that life-long learning activities encompass formal, non-formal, and informal learning which starts from pre-school to post-retirement. Examples of life-long learning activities include pursuing a master's or a doctoral degree, attending seminars, workshops, conferences, or undergoing on-the-job training programs. Other individuals even acquire a second degree.
Most sociologists aim to carry out research that can be utilized for societal policy and benefit. Others focus on polishing the theoretical apprehension of social procedures. To enhance this several research methods were used. Among them is quantitative research, which is the procedural empirical probe of societal phenomena through computational, statistical, or numerical techniques.
Many people believe that as far as relationships are concerned, individuals with shared values or characteristics will most likely be attracted to each other. Others hold the opinion that individuals who are too much alike would not last long as a couple and therefore people tend to look for those that complement them.
20 pages (5104 words)
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, Research Paper
Parents approach child-rearing in numerous different styles. It would be almost unfeasible to explore all the diverse methods that people apply in parenting. Authoritarian parents often establish rules along with expectations and anticipate their children to abide by the rules. In these families, children have low power and say in decision-making.
The cooperative should participate in the society welfare. For instance we will set aside some fund to cater for the needs in the society. To enhance efficiency, the co-operative through the welfare department will liaise with the nearest governmental welfare departments to provide aid to victims of some disasters like hurricane of Katrina, floods and landslide among others.
These volunteers of the black middle class are said to have offered social support to single black mothers whose income were low. This kind of support was done through a community-based program (Gafford and Tulane University 27).
The author chose the videos from youtube which both explains what New Year Resolution is. The first video is about a family with a father pledging that he will sleep earlier while the children are making their own commitment as well. The other video is an interview with different kinds of people asking them on how they interpret New Year Resolution is.
This concentration of power in the hands of large media conglomerates makes it easy for them to set the political agenda on the national scale. It is no surprise then that the issues that they cover are infested with their personal biases, prejudices and interests.
The author explains that human beings in an organization have complex social relationships. They have both negative and positive aspects towards a person. They show ethical behavior to each other but at back they pass unethical rumors about a person. Same is the case in the dilemma of this organization.
The nature of work in modern times is having a major influence on leisure activities undertaken by individuals. Features of one’s job like pay and hours of work have a bearing on the type of leisure activities an employee engages in. The nature of work has been known to create interests and technical skills which spread into leisure.
Racial bias in hiring due to organizational values, norms or rules is a form of structural discrimination. On the other hand, attitudinal discrimination is the racial bias in hiring because the employing party has negative attitudes or perceptions against some groups.
Health care utilization can be of high or low quality, expensive or inexpensive and appropriate or inappropriate. The healthcare delivery system of today has undergone tremendous change. New and emerging technologies, including drugs, devices, tests, procedures and the scanning machinery that are changing patterns of care and sites where care is provided.
Increased participation of women in the workplace as well as amendments in the child support statutes has served to lessen the economic adversity associated with marital breakdown. Empirical studies show that men tend to considerably gain after marital breakdown although some studies indicated that men’s earnings may actualize smaller gains in the short-term.
This eventually leads to aggression among prisoners struggling for the same resources. The period for which one remains in prison is determined by the seriousness of the crime commited. The main factors leading to conviction of women are substance abuse and property crimes.
Micro units are “right sized units” that are not only efficient because of the space that they conserve but also the revolution that they start off having everything smaller in size to save space and time. Elaynow talks about his “purge” pile where he was regular in eradicating anything that he didn’t need in his home.
The author of the text provides some facts concerning Ishmael Beah's life. Namely, it is mentioned, when Ishmael was a child, he was happy and enjoyed dancing and rapping. Reportedly, he had to live for days without food and still survives. Additionally, he was isolated and forced to become a child soldier.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
The overriding assumption guiding this opinion is that once the parental rights have been terminated, the government should guarantee that the child transit safely in a new adoptive home. Despite the high number of at-risk children to poor life outcomes, contentious linger as to whether removing children from home and placing them under foster care is constructive or injurious to child development.
This work sets out to demonstrate that boundless optimism has a dark side, and that this dark side is something that does not have enough attention paid to it in American national discourse. The work contends that Americans have a biased world-view, that they are overly optimistic, and that this optimism has been an important part in some of the most damaging practices in recent memory, such as the acquisition of too many risky mortgages that led directly the financial collapse of recent years (Ehrenreich 2012).
In both Inca and Egyptian creation myths, there are representations of the different worlds, each having their own unique features. In the Inca creation myth, the sky is divided in to two parts, the day sky and the night sky. While the day sky is full of brightness emanating from the sun, the night sky is empty until the creator god Pachacamac creates the stars, moon and planets to light it (“Inca Creation Myth”, 2011).
Since Germany manifests high inequality, the system subsequently promotes poverty and social exclusion, both of which are distinct but interconnected concepts. The German welfare system promotes, rather than weakening inequalities. Germany’s economic and social policies are not attentive to their influence on social-economic inequalities.
However, if one were to watch this movie with an awareness of the sociological theories that are involved in it, then he or she would find that it is one of the greatest movies created that addresses quite a number of these perspectives. Among the theories that can be found in this movie are the following social conflict as seen when the human beings attempt to destroy the Navi and take over their planet, cultural superiority (racism), among others.
Schlosser discussing matters relating to drugs, sex and the supply of cheap labor that the American population access. The articles used were of low quality, and are used in the process of developing high quality books. Despite efforts to link the books together the books are understood as having separate ideas.
Since females are neither allowed to seek professional education nor do they have permission for obtaining skills and technical abilities, they remain completely dependent on the male stratum. Somehow, in case of the death of their male supporters, or after getting divorced from their husbands, women appear to be unable to feed themselves.
Erikson emphasized the influence of social and cultural aspects on child’s development more than the sexual urges and hence, his theory is labeled as psychosocial theory (Shaffer and Kipp 44). Erikson believed that during the course of their life, people experience development through eight major crises which he called ‘psychosocial stages’ (Shaffer and Kipp 44).