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Michigan's Responce to the PBB Crisis in the 1970s History Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
What started out as a mislabeling in a chemical factory led to a series of events which culminated in this disaster, primarily attributed to the chemical Polybrominated biphenyl or PBBs. PBBs, prior to the 1970s has primarily been considered as a flame retardant1.
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War is not Beneficial to the World History Term Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan was liable for the economic deterioration of the states not to mention the hardship that people living in these places have to go through such as lack of food, shelter, and education. This put the lives of people within the given areas in fear since they are not sure of when disaster strike.
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Battle of Shiloh and General A.S. Johnston History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
S. Johnston, the Confederate general, as a function of how the Confederacy may have fared had he survived the battle of Shiloh. As with any such speculative history, the best that a historian can hope to do is to base the analysis solely on the known facts that existed regarding the particular time, the nature of the war, and the known actions of participants in hopes of painting an accurate, albeit fanciful, picture of how events may have turned out differently had this statesman, courageous and talented soldier, and high ranking Confederate general had lived to, at the very least, the conclusion of the Civil War.
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Integration of reality into the works of william hogarth in the eighteenth century History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Oftentimes, this is done as a result of the fact that the artist is attempting to convey current salient points to the viewer by different means. Other times, artists seek to portray elements of society or ideas that the prevailing mores and norms of society would be categorically against.
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Horses in Han Dynasty China History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Depiction of the Horse on Han Dynasty Tombs. A glimpse on Chinese ancient civilization presents a long history of the role played by the horse in architecture. A deeper analysis reveals that the horse played critical roles in core aspects of the people’s lives.
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Robert McNamara: Architect of a Failed War History Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Robert S. McNamara (1916-2009) was the eighth Secretary of Defense serving from 1961 to 1968 during both the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Despite his stellar career in business and finance before and after his time as Defense Secretary along with successes while in that capacity, McNamara’s legacy will forever be tied to the Vietnam War.
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How and why has fashion production been globalised History Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Fashion globalization is the adequate availabilities of fashion wear sold by renowned retailers who transact multinational deals, make necessary updates to their inventory, and engage in worldwide distribution of fashion products via the internet. In essence, consumers tend to consume a product’s brand rather than the product itself especially in the fashion industry.
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Extremism as failure of state policies History Research Paper
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
For democracies, extremism mostly refers to the authoritarian ideals or sometimes far left ideologies and principles of the people. There are various causes associated with extremism, including political and ethnic diversity, diverse norms, divergent views, and in some cases, failing and ineffective state policies.
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A Comparative Analysis of the Foreign Policy Process between France and Germany History Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Due to the fact that nations are going through major external and internal changes, it becomes vital to look at the continuities and discontinuities between states as regards foreign policy processes.
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Democratic Political System and Foreign Policy History Essay
11 pages (2968 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The reign of George W. Bush was characterized by efforts and actions that were aimed at promoting freedom in Iraq and other parts of the world. On the other hand, it has been debated that the democratization process within the foreign policy of the US is a form of tyranny and a tool of fighting terrorist groups as depicted by the US war on Iraq.
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To what extent had a middling class emerged in Britain by 1832 History Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Industrial Revolution was an unprecedented process. No nation had really experienced that level of commercial success and scientific advancement. Until the Industrial Revolution, Britain was a nation that was made up of two distinct classes: nobility and commoners2.
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The Modernization and the Act of Industrialization of Japan History Essay
15 pages (4588 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The Japanese believed in traditional social cohesion, and no individual was allowed to travel outside Japan or use any foreign material on Japanese soil. Even though they were first resistant to the foreign association, the Meiji government's welcome to the foreign was driven by the challenge in 1854 when Captain Perry from America forced a trade treaty with them.
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Modern Age Europe 1348-1789 Phase Definition 2 History Essay
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Modern Age Europe Key Terms and Concepts Definitions for Chapter 16 Mercantilism is a system of economy whereby businesspeople (mercantilists) assume that there are scarce resources in the world. Consequently, there ought to be economic limits of these resources for the growth of a country.
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World leaders and their leadership styles. How did they affect the world History Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
World leaders and their leadership styles – How did they affect the world today?.There have been different leaders in history and through each one of the leaders; there have been many attributes, skills and characteristics learned by those that have followed the leader.
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The importance of HBCUs in the modern world History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The issue seems to have been resolved, with slavery having been long dissolved. Nevertheless, the issue seems to never end as long as there will be different skin colors, cultures, religions and other factors determining people’s differences. For centuries, the former generations fought for their rights, whether white, black, red or yellow.
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How Open was the Landed elite during the era 1780 - 1888 History Essay
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Throughout history, there has been interplay between land and power. Land has largely conferred powers on the owners, enabling them to derive economic and political power.
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What Strategies Can Policymakers Use Employ to Promote Successful Policy Implementation History Essay
14 pages (4116 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Policy implementation is the part of the policy process between establishing and evaluating the policy and seeing its impact on people. This process actually involves the translation of the objectives of the policy into the system. It has three basic elements which include creating responsibility or an agency that would handle this new responsibility
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Global Humanitarian Assistance of UAE History Research Paper
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The United Arab Emirates, commonly known as the UAE or the Emirates, is an Arab country located on the Persian Gulf to the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula. It borders Oman to the east, Saudi Arabia to the south and shares sea borders with Qatar and Iran.
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Career Development and Gender, Race, and Class in The United States History Essay
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Studies interpret gender, race and class as categories of interlocking experience that impact on all life aspects, hence, they structure simultaneously the categories of the people’s experience in the society. At some particular moment, class, race or gender may feel more meaningful or salient in a specific person’s life, but they are cumulative and overlapping on their impact on the experiences of people.
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5-Year Plans and Its Role in Russian History between 1924 and 1945 History Essay
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper examines important elements and components of the three Five Year Plans and their impact on Russian history between 1924 and 1945. The Five Year Plans of Stalin was a move from the backward peasantry that existed under the Tsarist regime to a modern industrialized nation under the new Communist regime.
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Investments Between Qatar and South Korean Governments in Oil & Gas Industry and Others History Essay
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The aim of this research is to avail a detailed analysis of the joint investments between Qatar and South Korean governments, principally in oil and gas industry and also in other industries.
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The Executive Branch of the Russian Federation History Essay
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This Assignment is correlated with the information about the political system of the Russian federation. It includes a thorough illustration of the Russian Federation’s Government, members of the Russian Executive branch, through which process they are being selected or elected and what are their responsibilities.
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NGOs are an effective force in processes of conflict resolution and healing. Discuss using examples History Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Bercovitch (1996), conflicts deprives fundamental rights from the victims especially those that pertains to liberty, life and safety. In schools, concern about violence has been on the rise and in relation to that, conflict resolution and peer mediation training programs have been growing.
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Historical Significance of AIDS History Essay
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It shows how Brazil turned out to be the first country among developing countries to make ARVs accessible universally. This was an initiative that made a breakthrough propelled by a group of activists, development agencies, government reformers and pharmaceutical industries.
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Women's role in The Bronze Age History Research Paper
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Women’s Stone Age. Women’s distinct nature in the Euripides is accustomed to their acclaimed character and this explores the attributes of the Heroic age. This principally defines the Greek mythology and the ancient archeological Bronze Age of Ancient Greece.
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How should the USA deal with China should they contain or not contain China History Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?…………………………………………12 Bibliography………………………………………………………………. 14 Introduction Southeast Asian nations confront cold tension as Chinese government used military and political pressures in a struggle to monopolize control over Southeast Asian seas and the resources within this region.
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Traits of a successful Byzantine emperor from the perspective of Michael Psellus History Research Paper
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Michael Psellus was a prominent figure in the Byzantine history, being a philosopher as well as being a politician. In Psellus’ own account, he portrays himself as being highly educated and having had the attribute of being among the learned persons of his time.
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Functionalist and intentionalist explanations of mass murder cases History Essay
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However, what the gist of these two theories are, with regards to the subject at hand, is that intentionalism is basically imposing an ideology of an individual, and this ideology is what affects the structures of the country or environment around him or her.
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The Clergy's Involvement as an Aspect of the Iranian Revolution History Research Paper
10 pages (2604 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The revolution in Iran in 1979 can be considered as one of the most important events of that era, resulting in the revival of Islam in Iran and striving to resist modernization in various Muslim countries. The truth is that the revolution of Iran was a worker’s revolution. If it had not been for the mobilization of the labor class, Ayatollah and his companions would have stayed in France until better times.
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SARS Treatment Methods History Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Unexpectedly, the 2011 incident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant awoke fear among the American citizens that radiation would linger on for years and affect them as well (Krupa). Likewise, the fear of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) still lingers among the world population.
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Soviet Military and Nazi History Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Russia and Germany were some of the main parties involved in the Second World War. The war between the Russians and the Germans brought great carnage and destruction to the entire Eastern front of Europe. Both countries had different ideologies that were irreconcilable and this made the war a matter of life and death.
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African American woman working towards better education History Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The African American women had to endure pain and alienation during the civil rights movement.The white people were violent and terrorized the black people, women especially. The African American women were discriminated in terms of education. Other forms of discrimination included employment and demoralization through verbal abuses.
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Marginalized people of the Atlantic world History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
As intimation to the readers, this is a research paper, being written with a view point to provide a detailed and extensive description regarding the marginalized people of the Atlantic world. This paper comprehensively states the reasons and circumstances due to which the marginalized people opt for piracy as their source of income.
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The notion that Internally Displaced Persons are forced migrants denied rights to claim asylum History Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This particular term finds its use being increased a result of the political rift going on many countries around the globe. The concept is itself diversified and can be classified into following the categories. We have refugees, internally displaced persons, and asylum seekers, persons who have illegally smuggled or trafficked.
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Racism and the African Condition in America History Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Racism against African-Americans ran deep in the period after the American civil war, where African-Americans were viewed as a plague in the American society. White supremacist spread their ideologies and propaganda against them leading to widespread segregation, seclusion, and subordination through slavery, lynching, economic sabotage.
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The 2008 Tibetan Unrest History Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This illustrates that the political situation of Tibet following the Chinese annexation in the 1950s has been a delicate one. Tibet has had a history of violence since March 1959 during the abortive rebellion that led to the exile of Dalai Lama. There was an armed crackdown in 1989 during the Lhasa revolt that was overseen by President Hu Jintao.
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The Crisis Of Fordism History Essay
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Fordism is defined as a mass production of related products using a rigid mode of technology of production line with particular machines and work routines, which leads to increased productivity through intensification of labor, homogenization of the labor force and the economies of scale.
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Political and Cultural Consequences of Neo-Liberalism History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Political and Cultural Consequences of Neo-Liberalism. The word neo-liberalism can be rooted from globalisation. The term neo-liberalism could also imply fundamentalism, and these two terms are in most cases interchangeably used. Neo-liberalism can be defined as a conjecture of political economics, which holds that the ultimate wellbeing of people can only be improved through liberating their individual entrepreneurial skills.
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A Critical Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Marxist Political System History Essay
11 pages (3095 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Because of the profoundness of the Marxist perspective about human society and its economic functions, it tends to trace and foretell the processes of changes of human society from its penultimate stage, namely capitalism, to the final stage, socialism, a form of power of working-class people. But there have been a lot of debates on the question of whether Marxism offers a coherent account of the modern international political system.
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Functionalist and Intentionalist Explanations of the Rwanda and Holocaust Mass Murders History Essay
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Over the past two or so decades, the most heated debate has been revolving around an erudite predisposition by and large referred to as intentionalist and an antagonistic functionalist explanation.
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The Moral and National Education Controversy in Hong Kong History Essay
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Its provision also helps children develop the ability to analyze and judge issues that are related to family, social, personal, national or global, at different developmental stages. The willingness to make contribution and commitment is also enhanced (EDB - Moral, Civic and National Education 2001).
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Do you agree with Wood that the cause of the American War of Independence was a desire for liberty History Essay
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
But how this revolution took place and what were the basic philosophical and ideological foundations which actually resulted into the revolution of the country. Gordon Wood in his essay “ideology and the origins of liberal America” argues that American Independence was the result of greater need for liberty and ideology for liberalism.
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Changes in the Nature of War and Diplomacy after 1989 History Essay
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Changes in the Nature of War and Diplomacy after 1989: An International Relations Perspective.The Second World War ended with an alliance between the Soviet Union, USA, Britain, France and China. In terms of ideologies, the Chinese and the Soviets supported a Communist system of totalitarian state controlled governance whilst the Americans, British and French supported a Capitalist system where individuals had the right to control wealth.
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History of the Multinational Oil Market History Literature review
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
It is evidently clear from the discussion that in the 1920s, Mexico became the greatest oil exporter and the second producer in the world. The Middle East producers had (and still have) great influence in the oil market. Since the Red Line Agreement, international oil companies are focused on developing and exploring Arabic oilfields.
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Why were the Americans unable to prevail in Vietnam whilst the British succeeded in Malaya History Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
American Failure in Vietnam War and British Success in Malayan Emergency. The Vietnam War was a long running combat between the nationalist forces and the United States with the alliance of South Vietnam. While the nationalist forces tried to fulfill their objective of unifying the independent country of Vietnam under a communist government, the purpose of the United States was to thwart the proliferation of communism.
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What Holes Has The Financial Crisis Revealed In The G8 Will The G20 Fill Such Holes History Essay
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
What holes has the financial crisis revealed in the G8? Will the G20 fill such holes? The 2007/2009 recession has caused huge financial crisis across the word. Not only the poor and developing countries, but also the developed world faced severe financial problems as a result of it.
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Holocaust and Rwanda Genocide History Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Genocide, in this case, refers to the structural and systematic destruction of innocent individuals by a state bureaucratic apparatus and may also mean expulsion or evacuation of individuals from one place to another. Genocide remains a controversial topic among nationalists, historians, politicians.
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African Colonial Subjects during the World Wars History Essay
16 pages (4255 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Colonies served as a large pool of manpower that was deployed during wars. Approximately one million soldiers from African colonies served the purpose of allied forces. In World War II, two million African soldiers (one million African Americans and one million Africans) confronted the enemies of those who fought against oppression and violence.
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How effective is the United Nations in global governance History Essay
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This study will includes the major timeline of UN post cold war, however it will also project the background of its establishment and how it came in to form, with what objectives and goals. The paper will highlight its credibility and how successful and effective; its policies have been in recent times as well as in history.
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Is political analysis a science, an art or some kind of hybrid History Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Initially, it was related to the interest of people who were the political activist or in any way involve in politics. The study of this field was thus, limited to things occurring and evolving in a society that can be considered from a political point of view, to attract more people by understanding their political needs (Adcock & Bevir, 2005).
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