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Why does the US continue to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization - Research Paper Example

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Hezbollah is an organization in Lebanon that has been branded as a terrorist organization. Different governments have different perceptions and because of their perceptions, they act differently…
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Why does the US continue to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization
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? Why does the US continue to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization? 14th December Introduction Hezbollah is an organization in Lebanon that has been branded as a terrorist organization. Different governments have different perceptions and because of their perceptions, they act differently. The US perceives Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and is constantly urging the European nations and the United Nations to brand it a terrorist organization. The British have the perception that it has two wings, one that is political and the other, the military which is responsible for terrorism. This claim has since been refuted by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (ITIC, p. 2). Other governments mostly Muslim and Islamic nations, consider Hezbollah a legitimate resistance group. The problem is, the branding is based on government’s perceptions (Stewart 137). Terror is perceived as war against Islam. So why does the US continue to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, yet the organization has well defined manifesto of resisting Israeli invasion, and any other colonialist invasions? The aim of this essay is to explain the other side of the organization. It is to show that Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization, but a political party that fights against invasion as well as development. It is also to show that the branding of the organization as a terrorist organization needs more facts and explanations as to why. Political Party A political party is an “organization that gives birth to the domination of the elected over the elected, of the mandataries over the mandators, of the delegates over the delegators” (Michels, p. 15). According to Michels, political parties’ existence (the domination over societies and organizations by leaders is a characteristic of any complex social system. Is Lebanon not a complex social system? It is a complex system just like other nations. It has Hezbollah as one of the political forces and another Amal as another political movement that represents the Shia community (Tucker p. 529). These two organizations dominate over the elected, and delegate over the delegated. Currently, Hezbollah holds 11 parliamentary seats and 2 cabinet seats among the Lebanese’s parliamentary and cabinet seats. This shows how dominating the organization is, a characteristic of a political party. Anti Defamation League, notes that Hezbollah has been labelled as a terrorist group, but its actions have shifted its political stand to advocating for the electoral interests of the Shii’s community. Shi’i community is about 40% of the population of Lebanon (2008). Hezbollah is a political entity that does not only fight against Israeli invasion, but for its existence and power as well. In May 2008, an agreement was formed between Lebanon’s western backed government and Hezbollah. This was meant to end a political crisis that had lasted 18 months and was on the brink of causing a civil war in Lebanon. From the agreement, Hezbollah and its allies obtained prohibition powers over the government decisions and were awarded 11 seats out of 30 cabinet seats (ADL 2008). In 2009 parliamentary elections however, Hezbollah and its allies were defeated and remained with 11 out of its 128 seats. A new unity government formed in November, which now holds two cabinet seats belonging to Hezbollah (ADL 2008). All these are indications of a political party with its own strategies of getting power from the Lebanese government. There are several reasons why Hezbollah is considered a Terrorist country and these will be discussed, but the main reason why Hezbollah exists in the first place is because of the Israeli Invasion. The formation of Hezbollah explains all their actions. The Formation of Hezbollah Hezbollah was founded in 1985 and is a major political force (Tucker p. 529), although considered a terrorist group or organization by the US, the British and some other countries. In 2001, President George W. Bush in his speech to a joint session of congress, noted that there are countries that meet the standard of being terrorist groups and Hezbollah was definitely among them (Byman 2003). According to ADL, Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and its aim is to set up an Islamic nation that covers Israel and Lebanon. Current actions of Hezbollah could suggest that this is their intention, but considering the origin of Hezbollah, one would consider it just a political party, formed at the right time and favoured by its surrounding political environments (2011). It was formed at the time when Israelis were invading Lebanon and it was a resistance force. Their success in resisting invasion is one of the reasons why its formation was at the right time and because of the rivalry between Israel and Islamic countries, it could have a lot of support from Islamic countries hence has gained power. Another reason why political power is inclined towards Hezbollah as a political party could be because of their leaders and their armed force which is considered the country’s most powerful (Haaretz Service and News Agencies, 2011). As at 13th December 2011, News report indicated that Lebanon is in the most dangerous political crisis. On this date, Hezbollah militants imitated a previous coup when they surrounded the Lebanese capital (Haaretz Service and News Agencies, 2011). This could be considered Terrorism, but the reason behind its formation could rule this out as an act of terror as perceived by the US, UK and the Israeli. According to Stewart, Hezbollah’s formation is because of the imbalance in political power between the Shia population and the Maronite Christian population. The Christian population was favoured under the national Pact and most Hezbollah’s supporters are the Shia community (p. 137). Hezbollah was also formed as a result of Lebanon’s civil war when the confessional groups formed militias to gain more power and even to have monopoly over power (Stewart, p. 137). This could still be the issue; as it is currently, Lebanon is still in a political crisis, and this crisis is considered the most severe compared to other years, with Hezbollah as the main political and well armed force against the rest of other militia groups in Lebanon (Haaretz Service and News Agencies, 2011) and (Harik, p. 77). Hezbollah fought against the Phlange who were the Maronite militia (Stewart. p. 137). After gaining freedom from Ottoman control in 1919, French troops and Marronites fought against the Shia and this led to the establishment of Hezbollah in the 1980s. It is not a terrorist group as it is labelled, although the organization’s actions are of terror, their main aim is to avoid invasion by Israeli and other Israeli supporting Nations. After establishment, their main goals were to set up an Islamic nation, to make Israeli troops withdraw from southern Lebanon, to make the Israeli withdraw from Sheba firms and Golan Heights, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the release of Lebanese prisoners. The perception with Hezbollah is that Israeli is an illegitimate state. This according to Stewart, makes it more popular in the region. In fighting Israel, Hezbollah are said to be the first to use suicide bombs targeting civilian by use of Katyusha rockets (p. 137). So, why is Hezbollah considered a terrorist organization? The Controversy about Hezbollah as a Terrorist Group Hezbollah is considered a terrorist group by others such as US, UK, Australia, Israel, Netherlands and Canada, while there other countries and people who believe it is a legitimate resistance group. Those who believe it is a legitimate resistance group are Muslims and Arab worlds and some Christians from Lebanon. According to the United Kingdom’s claim, it is only the military wing of the group that are terrorists and not the political side. Hezbollah is not listed as a terrorist organization under the European Union, but it has its intelligence leaders listed as one of the founders of terrorism (Juan 2007). In 2005 March, members of the European Parliament urged the European council to make Hezbollah a terrorist organization, but this has not been done because of fears that such branding will undermine the efforts of peace talks in the Middle East (Juan 2007). Juan also indicates that, the US does not consider it a terrorist organization because of its current activities, but because of its past terrorist activities on the western countries. According to Dennis Ross’ article, the resistance to Israeli occupation is not the reason for branding the organization as terrorists. In Argentina however, Hezbollah is held responsible for a terrorist attack on Argentine soil which occurred in 1994 (Juan 2007). Why Hezbollah is considered a Terrorist Organization: Western Perception As indicated earlier, different countries have different opinions about Hezbollah. Some consider it legitimate resistance organization, while others think of it as a terrorist organization. More specifically, the US considers it a terrorist organization because of its past attacks. Hezbollah carried out terrorist attacks against European targets in Lebanon, European targets abroad and against the US. These attacks are such as those bombings carried out in the 1980s in France, kidnapping of German, British, French, and Russian diplomats and European and US civilians. The reason for their action was to make the countries that held Hezbollah operatives captive release them. During that period of kidnappings (1980s to the 1990s) more than 18 western countries’ citizens were kidnapped and three were killed (Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, p. 65). It is noted that Hezbollah claimed responsibility for a lot of terrorist attacks to the western countries, and some investigations also revealed that they were the group responsible for certain terrorist attacks. In 1983 April 18th, the US Embassy in Beirut was bombed and 63 people were killed. At the time, the organization responsible was called Islamic Jihad; this was a Hezbollah’s cover name during those times (ITIC, p. 65). The ITIC considers this a Hezbollah cover name yet history proves that it was not a Hezbollah cover name, but one of the resistance groups that later collaborated with others to form Hezbollah in 1985. In the same year October 23rd, 58 French paratroopers and 241 US soldiers died in a car bomb that was against the French Unit of the Multinational force in Beirut and in the US marine compound. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. Other attacks are air hijackings on 14 July 1985 of TWA and 1984 and 1988 air hijackings of Kuwait Airlines, which were meant to pressure the Kuwait government to release the Shiites. This group also carried out two terrorist attacks against Argentina in the 1990s. Evidence shows that Hezbollah was responsible for the bombing of Israeli Embassy in 1992 March 17th at in Buenos Aires (ITIC, p. 66). Why Hezbollah is considered a Legitimate Political Entity This is the story that proves Hezbollah, is a legitimate political entity, fighting against Israeli invasion and is not a terrorist organization as perceived by the US, Argentina, Netherlands, Britain and Israel. The reasons given above by different countries, for labelling Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, are because of previous actions by organizations that were not Hezbollah at the time. Hezbollah is formed from an evolution of resistance movements from the time when the Israeli’s invaded their land. It is the effects of that invasion that contributed to the strength of the organization. Most of the supporters were victims of the invasion, or those in the same situation as the victims of the invasion. The story is as described below. A Shiite resistance movement was formed during Lebanon’s civil war in response to the 1982 invasions by Israel. Israel had previously invaded Lebanon, but the effects of the previous invasion (1978) had less impact compared to the 1982 invasion that left so many displacements, prisoners taken by Israelis and casualties. Because of this the existing political movements developed into what is known as Hezbollah. During this time, the Lebanese Shia, were the most discriminated group, suffered under the Lebanese government with shortage of government services and programs, and the poorest in Lebanon. This contributed to the formation of the Movement of the Dispossessed, under Musa Al-Sadr; a cleric at the time. This was a non military political movement. Musa Al-Sadr disappeared on his trip to Libya which led to his movement being subsumed by Amal Party. The next movement now had a military wing and a non-military wing. This movement did not last long; one of the leaders (Husayin Al-Musawi) accused the Amal of not resisting Israeli invasions and divided the group forming a different movement of his own. This split group sought assistance from an Iranian (Akbar Muhtashimi) and a militant group began to form. Iran then later sent 1000 to 1200 revolutionary guards to where the militants were training (at Bekka valley). It is from this point that the Islamic Amal resistance group was formed (Tucker p. 529). There was a group of students who had formed the ‘Party of God’ (Hezbollah). These students were a group of Iranians, Lebanese and Iraqis who had run away from Iraq between 1979 and 1980, at the time when Saddam Hussein was eliminating Shia Islamists’ movements. They became the disciples of Sayid Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah when they came to Beirut. At the time of Amal Islamic resistance movement formation, Fadlallah’s followers had increased including displace southerners and Beiruti Shia. It is from this group, in collaboration with Islamic Amal resistance movement and Islamic resistance in souther Lebanon that Hezbollah emerged. Cordination began in 1984 and in 1985; Hezbollah was formed (Tucker p. 529). The US claims that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization because of its pastactions against the western countries. Almost all the actions claimed except for the Argentina case, were conducted in 1983, before Hezbollah was officially formed. How come then, that, such states are still pushing for labelling Hezbollah a terrorist organization? Before Hezbollah was formed, there is a militia group (Organization of the Islamic Jihad) that is known to have been responsible for the bombings in 1983 of French peace keeping forces and the US embassy. It is this group that is linked to Hezbollah, yet at the time of the bombings; Hezbollah was not in place yet. There had not been any co ordinations between the three Islamic movements that later came to form Hezbollah in 1985. Hezbollah also denied responsibility to the bombings but, it is still accused of the 1983 bombings. The only relationship that could link Hezbollah and Organization of Islamic Jihad is that which was at individual levels. According to Tucker, sympathy and coordination between ranges of radical groups was only on the levels of individuals (p. 529). In the 1990s fighting broke out and this led to all dismantlement of all militia groups except Hezbollah. The reason for Hezbollah’s exemption was because the Lebanese government did not agree with the occupation and use of Lebanese proxy forces by the Israelis (Tucker p. 529). The force and power of Hezbollah has grown since then, and now the organization has seats in the government. The organization has social development programs and a radio and a satellite television. More proof of its political legitimacy is seen in its actions in 2006 to 2008. Hezbollah is one of the groups that started the opposition protests against Prime Minister Fouad Siniora’s government. The two parties had a disagreement over maintenance of Hezbollah’s telecoms network and this led to the organization’s a war against Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and his allies. They took over West Beirut neighbourhoods from those loyal to Fouad Siniora, but the areas were given to the Lebanese Army. It has been gaining popularity and still is gaining popularity and strong support. Courtesy of the Doha agreement, Hezbollah now has prohibition powers against government decisions (Alagha p. 227). It is evident that Hezbollah has never been involved in the terrorist attacks, claimed to be the reason why it is branded a terrorist organization. This is because of the basis of its formation and the Islamic community’s perception of terror. The basis of its formation was; To drive out the French, Americans and their allies from Lebanon and to end any colonialist unit in Lebanon To ensure the Phalanges have surrendered to a just power and achieve justice for all the crimes committed against Christians and Muslims To create freedom so that the people of Lebanon can choose freely, the form of government they wish for (Alagha p. 227). The organization developed a new organization policy which makes the organization rational in its decisions, considering current societal situations, and focuses on integration into the community. The organization also advocates for secular modern system to replace the current existing sectarian system. It however, still has Israel and the US as its main enemies; this has not changed. Could this be the reason why the US is still urging European nations to consider this organization a terrorist organization? Hezbollah’s acts may be violent and this could be the reason why some countries perceive it as a terrorist organization, but some governments consider it as a resistance organization that is only defending its nation (Alagha p. 227). Historical information also proves that this organization was formed as a resistance organization to Israeli invasions, to protect its national land and people. Conclusion Perceptions are different and only facts differentiate between wrong and right. Hezbollah is a political organization in Lebanon that is perceived to be a terrorist organization, a legitimate resistant group and both. Those governments which perceive it as a terrorist organization claim they are because of the bombings carried out in Western countries. Some of these bombings were carried out before its existence. Those who perceive it as a legitimate resistance organization argue that it was formed on the basis of protection against invasion by the Israeli and it still has that aim to date. Those governments which claim that Hezbollah is both a terrorist organization and a legitimate political organization note that it has two wings; the political wing and the military wing. The military wing is the terrorist, while the political wing is not. In order to consider Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, the governments have to provide facts linking Hezbollah to terrorism and the reason why such acts are not considered defence against invasion. According to Stewart, terror is considered war against Islam (p. 136-7). This should not be perceived as terrorism by other governments. Works Cited Alagha, Joseph. Elie. The Shifts In Hizbullah's Ideology: Religious Ideology, Political Ideology And Political Program. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2006. Anti Defamation League (ADL). Hezbollah RULE A Political and Social Force in Lebanon. 2008. Retrieved on 14th December 2011 from: Anti Defamation League (ADL). International Terrorist Symbols DataBase: Hezbollah. 2011. Retrieved on 14th December 2011 from: Byman, Daniel. Should Hezbollah Be Next? 2003. Retrieved on 14th Deceember 2011 from: Haaretz Service and News Agencies. Hezbollah said Simulating Beirut Coup as Saudi Drops Lebanon Mediation Efforts. 2011. Harik, Judith, Palmer. Hezbollah: The Changing Face Of Terrorism. I.B.Tauris, 2005. Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC). Hezbollah (Part Two). Special Information Paper.2003. Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC). Hezbollah and the British Policy. 2009. Retrieved on 14th December 2011 from: Juan Sanchez. Terrorism & It's Effects. Global Media, 2007. Michels. Robert. Political Parties: A Sociological Study Of The Oligarchical Tendencies Of Modern Democracy. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1999. Stewart, Dona J. The Middle East Today: Political, Geographical And Cultural Perspectives. Taylor & Francis, 2009. Tucker, Spencer, C. The Encyclopedia of Middle East Wars: The United States in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq Conflicts. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Read More
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