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Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance - Research Paper Example

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The researcher aims to analyze both the Anglos and Hispanic cultures of the US in order to address the issue of cultural awareness, understanding and acceptance in an understandable way. In this study the researcher will address four common themes regarding the cultures. …
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Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance
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? Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance Task: Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance A. Introduction Cultural awareness is undoubtedly the real foundation of noble and effective communication since it encompasses the act of stepping aside from oneself and realizing the cultural values, perceptions and beliefs that we portend. The aspect of awareness of cultures becomes consummately significant on interacting with different people from different cultural backgrounds. Conventionally, people see, understand and interpret things in different ways, whereby a characteristic behavior or perception in one culture can be interpreted as inappropriate in another. Thus, misunderstandings may erupt when one tries to apply their cultural views and understandings in making sense of a different person’s reality. In order to address the issue of cultural awareness, understanding and acceptance in an understandable way, I will analyze both the Anglos and Hispanic cultures of the US. In this study, I will address four common themes regarding the cultures. Firstly, I will talk about religion and spiritual beliefs, which affect their cultures. Secondly, I will describe the teaching and learning implications on students in both cultures. This will depict the right environment that students will require for effective learning. Thirdly, I will espouse their diverse eating habits and conclude with etiquette values for each culture, the Anglos and Hispanics. I. Purpose of study The purpose of this study entails studying two different cultures in the society that affect the learning behaviors in the classroom. This issue is connected to cultural diversity where the different cultures with their own set of beliefs will agree on certain aspects of cultural behaviors or conventions and disagree or misunderstand each other regarding the diverse cultural aspects they portent and so value. The teachers in classrooms, thus, ought to incorporate multicultural education into their teaching processes ensuring that they embrace and apply equality and diversity into the education curriculum. The paper will describe two different cultures, the Hispanic and Anglos, establishing why everyone in the school should accept, understand and be aware of cultural diversity to enable the learning process. B. Results section: Culture descriptions I. Hispanic Culture 1. Religion and spiritual beliefs Approximately 90% of the Hispanic people are Roman Catholics while the other denominations dominate the remnant percentage (Miguel, 2009). They believe that health comes as a gift from their creator and people should not assume it. It comes from God. In cases of illnesses, prevention is achieved through wearing of amulets, religious medals and relic keeping. They constantly, visit shrines, offer medals and light candles, with persistent prayers as a sign of worship to their God. Shrines and saint pictures in homes of Hispanics is a common religious practice. They celebrate the saints’ day with jest than individuals do in their birthdays (Miguel 2009). The church comprises a significant part in the family lives of the Hispanic spiritual life. Religious institutions are a source of comfort to families in times of adversity. The Bible and other religious teachings that teach the Hispanics how to live well guide life within the context of the family (Literacynet, 2012). 2. Teaching and Learning implications Attention to gaining and maintenance of trust is consummately important since Hispanics value that virtue in learning processes. Educational efforts among the Hispanic youth are dependent upon the active involvement of the Hispanic elders in the evaluation, delivery and planning of the educational efforts (Rojas, 2008). Therefore, they value exemplary leadership. Notably, Hispanics greatly value close distance when conversing. Respect towards ;learners is a profound Hispanic attribute, making it imperative for teachers to act respectfully towards them, for instance, individually, presenting papers to them rather than passing over and producing learning materials at suitable reading levels. 3. Eating Habits Hispanics refer light meals for breakfast, with the lunch, el almuerzo, being the main meal. The Hispanics consummately value family togetherness during meals, as both children and adults meet for two hours to take their lunch from work or school (, 2012). Adults value a rest period after lunch, referred to as la siesta, after lunch. In the early evening, they take a light snack of coffee and sandwiches or rolls. Being informal, adults leave it for the young people and children. As late as 9pm in the night, the last meal of the day, a small supper referred to as la cena, is taken as people retire to bed. Thus, Hispanics value the three-meal system. Evening and midday meals are important for family gatherings and social meetings. Conventionally, Hispanics accept additional servings and meals when people offer them for the second time (Clutter, 2012). 4. Etiquette Hispanics have a tendency to treat each other with formality and utter respect, since they value the importance of being respectable. When greeting and giving a leave-handshake, Hispanics tend to prefer a strong and firm handshake, as a sign of well wishing to the departing person or their counterpart as a means of thanking and appreciating their hospitality or goodness (Cnnc, 2012). Light kissing and hugging are valued in between close people (Rojas, 2008). Their language demands use of familiar and polite commands. The Hispanics prefer use of gestures, body movements and body movements when articulating messages or conveying important information, since it enhances their understanding (Churchdocs, 2012). II. Anglos Culture 1. Religion and spiritual beliefs The Anglo ancestry stems wholly or partly in England. The Anglo-Americans live in America and speak English. Their religion mainly encompasses protestant and Catholicism, though the Catholics are more than the Protestants (Dancer, 2005). They value worshipping in churches, from where they hold gatherings together on specified days. They maintain one God and usually are fanatics of goodwill and unity. The protestant Christian religion tends to lie on the Calvinism aspect, which affirms God’s grace operating through the people. Having characterized Anglo-Americans as capitalists, they internalize their spiritual beliefs and perceptions of God’s grace as a mindset that serves to make them productive in society and derive the best out of them (Dancer, 2005). 2. Teaching and Learning implications Owing to the dire need to reform the education form and structure in Anglo-America in order to meet the global challenges, secondary and primary education in the pluralist society is greatly valued (, 2012). Resultantly, the Anglos take a serious step and approach to education acquisition, owing to the fact that intellectual capitalism, bringing about numerous global challenges requires a completely equipped citizen, who can brave them and realize individual success. Thus, the Anglos, are active members in most schools, and form a major percentage in the same, regarding their majority in America. The Anglo American School of Moscow is a good example of a well-equipped and highly ranked school (, 2011). They are active in class; prefer responsibility, where the teachers do not need to be in class every time. They are not keen on perceptions and teaching implications by their teachers and are actively involved in schoolwork, as disputed to the minority groups (Manzer, 2003). 3. Eating Habits Occupation, gender, personal taste and social class among others determine eating habits among the Anglo-Americans. Liberty is, thus, a consummate part of the Anglos, since everyone has a choice to make regarding their eating habits. Therefore, it is liberal to take meals at preferred times, when an individual feels like. However, the standard meals among the Anglos are breakfast, supper and dinner. The extended family is mostly involved in these meal sessions, where the members meet together and take a variety of cuisine, after work and school. They take breakfast, the first meal immediately after chores, followed by the late evening supper which is light, before the grand dinner. Lunch is usually a light meal that the Anglos prefer carrying from home to work (Foodtimeline, 2011). 4. Etiquette They portend diverse forms of etiquette behaviors, which distinguish them from other cultural groups. A characteristic behavior is the jogging behavior that occurs in the morning, before breakfast. Additionally, the Anglos, in the course of their jogging, do not prefer conversing with other people, initiated by their British reserve of inclination (Googlenews, 2010). The Anglos also portend characteristics of gentility and respectability, where, they value the aspect of being polite, kind and gentle in their confrontations and encounters, with a respectable touch in their daily environments (Literacy net, 2012). C. Discussion and Conclusion I. Similarities and differences, applications in the class The Hispanic culture encourages cooperation and family superiority over individualism whereas the Anglos believe in individualism and competition to thrive. For instance, in a class or group discussion situation, a member who does not contribute does not bother Hispanic students. Anglos students expect every member to contribute and play their part. The students can go to an extent of cheating in an exam in the name of helping each other. Additionally, Hispanic students concentrate more on short-term goals rather than their Anglo counterparts who concentrate on the long-term goals. Hispanics are very polite and respectful in their daily lives, as they hold these actions as virtues while Anglos interprets the politeness and kindness as subservient (Literacynet, 2012). The Hispanics value young ones very much. The parents do not take harsh measures in their indiscipline, but instead treat them lightly, whereby a parent may not constantly spank their children. Hispanics play with the young ones, by calling them childish names, to brighten them up. This depicts their level of fondness towards children. This is unlike some Hispanics who are strict on matters regarding children indiscipline. Hispanics depend more on their parents and guardians, making them unable to make personal decisions. Traditionally, the children bear a strong appreciation and connection towards their ethnic group and culture. The Hispanic students tend to concentrate on their own uniqueness than individual competitiveness. They try to adjust to the immediate environment rather than control it (Literacynet, 2012). Hispanic students are rather sensitive with issues concerning etiquette. They are courteous and prefer formal and respectable treatment. Thus, as a teacher, I would make sure that I communicate courteously and respectfully towards the Hispanic students in a classroom situation. For instance, I would not pass over their books or credentials but would give them directly. Conversely, Anglo-American students are rather ignorant of minor etiquette matters. However, fairness is imperative. I would treat them with a uniform degree of etiquette and respect, correcting them individually whenever they misbehave. With regard to learning and teaching implications, the Anglos are more likely better performers. The Hispanic students may not be that good in class but can do well. To ensure that both cultural groups deliver their best results, I as a teacher would establish a teaching criterion that aims at enhancing reception of concepts during lessons. For instance, I would place the Hispanic students to the front but still maintain uniformity with the Anglo students. Discussion groups of four, with equal numbers of either party would make them share their knowledge, enhancing their appreciation towards education. Additionally, regarding the respective religions that both groups come from, they obviously possess diverse values and social inclinations. Therefore, I would make sure that represent both groups in an equal degree, stressing the good values elicited from Catholicism and Protestantism that both cultures embrace. This kind of application of the various thematic concerns in both groups properly sets the class into a pure reading atmosphere, for all to receive proper education. D. Research methods, materials used, importance, best sources I conducted a qualitative research where I employed literature reviews from online sources. These include published books, online journals and peer-reviewed articles. I obtained these sources by searching the web for the materials that were relevant to my research study. Online libraries such as Google books and Google books have consummately provided information related to my study topics. Some of these sources come from the US government libraries, educational institution websites such as and other secondary sources that aided me to compile my research paper. I have used only credible secondary sources such as literacy net and Food timeline. These sources have helped me gain fundamental information on the Hispanic and Anglos cultures. Primary sources contain the much-derived information on first study. The credibility level for these sources is consummate. The best sources I used in my paper, such as Cnnc and provided me with literature of both groups, in the thematic concerns of learning and heritage. Other sources have aided in giving me the various comparisons and contrasts on the Hispanic and Anglo cultures. Literacy net is such an example that compares the two cultures. E. Review and Synthesis To obtain a contextualized understanding of my work, I have applied the ground theory to formulate a synthesis technique that entailed constant comparison of the addressed cultures to generate a thematic concern that comes out when explaining the cultural aspects of the addressed cultures. I utilized flash cards and my outline to organize my work in a better format, in order of importance. When taking my notes, I would highlight the consummate points with my writing implement to make it easy to address them exhaustively when drafting my final paper. Additionally, I utilized the Venn compare-contrast analyzer when describing the specific themes, differences and similarities to both cultures. This way, was able to contextualize information in an organized way and make it easy to read and comprehend. F. Personal and Professional Relevance As a teacher, I will draw great attention to the various thematic concerns addressed. Regarding the religion, I will professionally, deal with the spiritual needs and concerns of students from both cultures, encourage good religious practices and emphasize the need of adjusting students’ individual practices with the rules in school. Additionally, I will consider the learning implications presented by the students and do my best to help those who are weak in reception of content, mostly Hispanics, as I encourage them to work harder as their future depends on their efforts. I would optimize the class environment for both Hispanic and Anglos students to gain the best results from their studies. Personally, this information gives me an upper hand when I meet such people from the addressed cultures. I will be able to interact well with them, aided by my diverse knowledge regarding their culture, obtained from this study. This information will also be useful in working situations where people portending the addressed cultures are present. This will help me to interact freely and competently with them, for coexistence. G. References Churchdocs. (2012). Understanding the Hispanic Culture. Retrieved from [Primary] Clutter, A. W. (2012). Understanding the Hispanic Culture. Retrieved from [Primary] Cnnc. (2012). Latinos/Hispanics. Retrieved from [Primary] (2012). Anglo-European/American values. Retrieved from [Primary] Dancer, A. (2005). William Stringfellow in Anglo-American perspective. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. [Secondary] Foodtimeline. (2011). About American Mealtimes. Retrieved from [Primary] Googlenews. (2010). Anglo American jogging etiquette questioned. Retrieved from,2629266 [Primary] Literacy net. (2012). Anglo Culture. Retrieved from [Primary] Literacy net. (2012). Hispanic Culture. Retrieved from [Primary] Manzer, R. A. (2003). Educational regimes and Anglo-American democracy. Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press. [Secondary] Miguel, A. (2009). Hispanic American Religious Cultures. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. [Secondary] Rojas, T. P. (2008). Hispanic cultural values and the Interpersonal Psychotherapy Model for. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest. [Secondary] (2011). Russia, Moscow: Anglo-American School of Moscow. Retrieved from [Primary] (2012). Hispanic/Latino Heritage. Retrieved from [Primary] Read More
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