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Essay is one of the most popular assignments among students papers. If you got stuck with writing or lack of ideas, scroll down and find inspiration in best samples we collected for you!
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About Essay

Writing essays is a crucial part of studying for a degree. It assists the process of learning by pushing students to organize their thoughts and clearly express their ideas, and at the same time, allows tutors to assess the progress to leave constructive feedback.

At the end of the day, it should help students acquire skills for organizing, developing, and presenting complex ideas and information in writing that are vital for high-paying jobs.

8 Common Types of Essay Examples

With more than 10 writing assignments to complete during the semester, it only seems that college paper examples come in all shapes and sizes. There are only eight widely acknowledged types of essay examples. The sooner you understand the differences among them, the easier it will be for you to nail them. Let us crack them:

  • Analytical essay. It describes the topic, presents the advantages and disadvantages of the subject, and provides an objective analysis.
  • Expository essay. It explains the idea or defines the concept or process as directly as possible.
  • Narrative essay. It is written from the first-person point of view and features the personality and charisma of the author. As a rule, it combines fact-based storytelling experience with some arguments taken from a person’s life.
  • Argumentative essay. It provides reasoning and evidence to back up the specific point of view (the latter is also known as the central thesis).
  • Compare and contrast essay. It shows the similarities and differences between the two main points to exemplify the more significant point.
  • Descriptive essay. It describes an event or objects creatively using vivid sensory details like taste, sound, or touch.
  • Critical analysis essay. It features arguments about what the author of the novel or any other literature piece is trying to say.
  • Cause and effect essay. It shows the relationship between points of view, things, or objects and often demonstrates how one thing influences another.

Whatever writing assignment you have, you can find all the types listed above in our library of free college papers examples.

Benefits of Using Free Essay Sample

Grasping the difference among the essay types is one thing, but writing an essay according to its purpose is another. While practice is what makes it better, an academic essay example is what guides this process and helps see through this challenge. The deal is, essay paper example clarifies these crucial moments:

  • What to write about.
  • How to write about.
  • How to deliver the message to the reader, avoiding misinterpretation.
  • What length is enough to cover the subject.
  • How many arguments or ideas to present to uncover the subject thoroughly.
  • What thesis statement should it have.
  • How to connect each paragraph to the thesis statement.
  • How to present your ideas and arguments, preserving clarity in expressions, and at the same time, showing your personality.
  • What words to use to sound confident.
  • What structures to use to avoid redundancy.
  • How to structure the paper to create the best reading experience.
  • How to format the document to comply with the university’s style.

The Best Essays Practice to Create an A-grade Academic Paper

There are millions of free essays online, but they still do not guarantee a top-grade result. As a solid foundation to create your paper, they provide you with insights, arguments, and ideas; however, to ensure the top grade, you need to follow these tips:

  • Getting started on essay paper early. Failure to launch is a common thing among the students. You will need time to overcome this fear. Therefore, the earlier you get to this task, the more chances you have to handle it before the deadline.
  • Allocate at least several minutes to brainstorm the subject every single day.
  • Be ready to write several drafts. Believe it or not, no one hands in the first draft. Everyone rewrites and re-edits their paper essay even if they have a perfect essay sample at their fingertips.
  • Turn on the recording device and start talking about the subject. As practice shows, the perfect opener or a brilliant insight often comes when you least expect them.
  • Pick up the topic that interests you.
  • Take the position and form a thesis statement.
  • Put all your thoughts down on the paper and formulate the ideas to create an outline.
  • Find clear and convincing evidence.
  • Present both sides, if necessary, and always express your point of view.
  • Reinforce the arguments and ideas with verified information like facts, stats, or figures.
  • Present arguments according to their types of claim: fact, dictionary definition, value, cause and effect, and policy, as well as according to their types: classical, Rogerian, or Toulmin.
  • Follow the well-established structure: the intro is about capturing the reader’s attention and providing a gist of the story; the central part is about revealing arguments and ideas; the conclusion is about summarizing and leaving a long-lasting impression.
  • Make sure every paragraph is centered around a topic sentence.
  • Make sure every paragraph echoes with thesis statement.
  • Use transitions to mark the connection or opposition between the points of view.
  • Proofread the paper either on your own or through special applications.
  • Read it out loud. This helps eliminate sentences that sound ridiculous or unnatural.
  • Re-read the final paper several times, preferably the following day.

How to Find Essay Sample Right for You in Just 2 Steps

Securing the right high school essay template can be challenging if you do not know where to seek. It is always better to start your searches in the most extensive databases like Studentshare because they cover thousands of topics. Moreover, this search turns into a pleasant pastime thanks to the intuitive interface. Here, it just takes two simple steps:

  • Step 1 – Use one of the ways to navigate through the library. It can be
    • a key-based search on the top,
    • a small form on the header,
    • a collection of popular tags featured in the left sidebar,
    • a comprehensive panel with filters to specify such parameters as subject, keywords, number of pages, number of downloads, amount of words, and school level.
  • Step 2 – Locate the paper on the search result page and download it to explore at your own pace.


Examples List on Essay

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