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Pornography and the human juvenile: Negative effects, social stands and religious understandings - Essay Example

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This essay outlines negative effects, social stands and religious understandings with regard to pornography. The author pays special attention to the question: ‘Why pornography is bad for juveniles and what consequences it may have?’…
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Pornography and the human juvenile: Negative effects, social stands and religious understandings
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?Pornography and the human juvenile: Negative effects, social stands and religious understandings Pornography is a multibillion dollar a year industry that spans the entire globe, no society, nation or government is free from the effects of pornography. The modern usages of the internet and global communications networks allow almost instantaneous communications of large amounts of information; this means that access to previously monitored and forbidden media can now be had regardless. The teenaged human juvenile has increasing access to the internet resulting in higher rates of pornographic exploitation through the viewing of various sites as well as the use of communications software allowing sexting, and video chats. This paper will address the negative effects of pornography on the human teenager, the social stands on pornography and the human teenager, and the religious stances in this regards as well. History of Pornography: Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia, India and more all have written works depicting sexual acts between individuals. India has the Kama Sutra an illustrated historical work depicting many varied approaches to human sexuality that some researchers have decided is not necessarily pornography. Bas reliefs in Grecian, Roman, Egyptian and Persian buildings, tombs and more depict sexual acts or naked individuals. However, much of the time these are defined as being artistic in nature and not true pornography. The differences of course are reliant on the individuals understanding of what pornography is. As defined by Merriam Websters dictionary pornography is, “the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement; material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement; the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction” (Pornography). This commonly accepted definition in many locations simply re-affirms the idea that these original historical works of “erotic representation” were in fact pornography. The obvious connotations are that much of the classical artwork that hangs in various states of undress are in fact simply art and not pornography. This is an interpretation that should be left to the individual and in many cases does not change the potential for sexual arousal. Modern pornography however, as in the depiction of hard core sexual scenes for personal gratification can be attributed to Christianity and the Western world in the Renaissance in 1523 approximately. According to a paper titled, the Taxanomic Effect, “Pietro Aretino, a contemporary and intimate of both Giulio Romano and Raimondi, was inspired to write a sonnet for each of the positions and it is said that engravings of the sonnets and illustrations were published. Nothing of this publication has survived and Aretino also fled Rome because of his part in the scandal.” Additionally, “From his refuge in Venice he wrote letters to two friends who supplement the history of the designs and the text. These letters make it clear that by 9 November 1527 an edition had been put on sale in Venice which contained the printed text of the sonnets accompanied by illustrations after Giulio Romano’s designs. We assume that these illustrations were in the form of woodcuts” (Salaman). The Roman Catholic Church has done a good job of ensuring that very few representations of this exist to this day. While this is not an endorsement of pornography by the Roman Catholic Church or the Christian faith it does show a potential proclivity for these actions, at least in a public way. Interestingly this does not reflect the overall beliefs of the Christian faith though if one is to look at the news reports filtered out of the United States regarding sexual deviance and relatively influential “Christians” one may rightly assume that Christianity endorses this practice at least secretly. It was not until 1968 that pornography was first legalized in a nation, Denmark was the first. Currently in most western societies pornography is embraced and seen as a part of life. Unfortunately, it seems that this approach may have an effect on teenaged humans around the world. Again because of the largely transient abilities of information and media it is possible to see something that someone sent to a friend within a few seconds around the entire world. If one part of a largely globalized society embraces the application, and creation of pornography then it is likely that regardless of what other localized societies embrace or believe these values can easily be subverted using modern communications. With the history of pornography it becomes apparent that the modern approach to pornography may in fact be promoting additional problems. With juveniles especially pornography has become epidemic in the ease of use and abuse that is being reflected in behaviors and sexual experimentation especially in the United States. According to one study in particular, “Pornography can create a powerful biochemical “rush” in the user. When a teenager is subjected to an arousing image, the adrenal gland secretes epinephrine into the bloodstream, where it proceeds to the brain and locks the image in” the author goes on to say that, “I have encountered many adult clients who can still vividly recall the first pornographic image to which they were exposed as a child” (Haney 50). It seems obvious that there is a very serious problem that can exist for juveniles and exposure to pornography. However, it also seems important at this time to address the various approaches, especially religion. Religious approaches to pornography: The three largest monotheistic religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism all have varying approaches to sexuality, the Hindu also have a varying approach to human sexuality. The Qur’an is clear regarding any illegitimate sexual act. “And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.” (Surat Al-'Isra') This is the will and direct word of Allah and is to be followed; any deviations are not acceptable from adherents. The Christian bible and Jewish holy book have many sections outlining their apparent approach to this as well. However, many of their churches and synagogues allow sexual promiscuity, homosexuality and more. Pornography is not even addressed as a negative in many areas of western Christian culture. The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry website had an interesting article that addressed pornography, “As you can see the Bible tells us to be sexually pure. This is why Jesus even tells us to guard our minds. Note that He said in Matthew 5:27 that to even look on a woman lustfully is to commit adultery with her.” (Slick). Lastly the Hindus also seem to embrace pornography, and explicit expressions of sexuality as can be seen in their work the Kama Sutra. Various alternate religions tend to allow certain habits however; one common thread between the three major monotheistic religions is that they all tend to condemn sexually aberrant behavior. Interestingly it seems that the older the religion is the less likely adherents of this religion are to follow the tenants of their holy books with regards to sexual relations and more. It should be noted for the purposes of this paper however, that the holy books of each major monotheistic religion do outline the results of evil or sinful sexual behavior. Interestingly however, it is generally in the modern American Christian faith that sexual deviance is seeing a wider acceptance in the form of homosexual relationships and extra-marital affairs. Pornography is still publicly decried though many reports and essays have been written regarding this. Society and Pornography: Modern western society is a conundrum of variety and difference of opinion. Generally modern western thought is such that what happens with the self is understood to be private with the self, unless of course those actions cause others harm. This is not the same all over the globe, global social thought varies widely in areas like human sexuality and what is right and wrong behavior. While there are relatively universal approaches regarding murder, sex seems to have different meanings to different cultures. As a result the viewing of pornography and the approach to the use of one’s own body in images or video pornography can vary widely on purely social lines. Society is of course a very broad spectrum and does not include the individuals separate beliefs which may change from person to person regardless of societal normative that may surround the individual. Pornography while remaining a taboo subject for many regardless of social background are far more acceptable within western thought then it is for those in Muslim nations. According to a Social Science Quarterly, “The United States has become the world’s largest producer of hard-core videos with more than 150 titles produced per week” (Stack et al,. 75-78). This of course cannot be meant to assume that only the United States consumes pornography however, later in the same study the authors state that religion is a good thing for reducing aberrant behaviorisms, “Those individuals who attend services more often are most likely to be influenced by religious belief systems and co-religionists” (Stack et al,. 75-78). This study seems to show that those who are more reverent in their faith and approach with regards to religion are also less likely to partake in the viewing or production of pornography. For juveniles this can have benefits, after all by participating in regular religious practices whether they are services, schooling, or prayer the juvenile is better able to harness their feelings and will likely find a closer bond with others within their faith. Another aspect within the social nature with regards to pornography would be the potential conflict within the house itself. If parents are viewing or utilizing pornographic materials and the juvenile becomes aware of this they may be more likely to experiment with it. Obviously, the experimentation itself is not always necessary and will not always take place. However, regardless of steps taken to prevent the juvenile from viewing if they see the adult role model partaking it will unfortunately reduce the effectiveness of the adult’s arguments in support of the restriction to these materials. Some researchers have also postulated that modern television programming with the wide array of readily available adult situations can also lead to juvenile sexual deviance, in this case pornography. There is of course also the readily available gamer world which while it does not necessarily represent real attachments can be quite graphic and in fact has faced heavy penalties and forcible ratings as a result of several very sexually graphic games. Why pornography is bad for juveniles: understanding the problem We have looked at the various religious, social and historical arguments and issues with pornography, now we should look at the various psychological or scientific reasons. The definition of pornography is, “the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement; material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement; the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction” (Pornography). The entire purpose of the erotic materials that are defined as pornography is to stimulate individuals on a sexual basis, with juveniles there is a proclivity to rash judgment or decisions. In a study published in 2007. “When contemplating risky decisions, they (juveniles) show less activity in regions of the brain that regulate processes involved in decision-making, compared to adults” (Ernst ). This could lead a researcher to see the correlation between rising juvenile related sexual encounters, the obvious correlation being that the juveniles are partaking in more pornographic material and related activities which leads them to make poor decisions relating to themselves and others. It is entirely possible that the rising availability of internet pornography and teenage pregnancy in the United States are linked as well, though this could not be verified without an in depth research study the correlation is of course a rational one based solely in the inability of the juvenile to make risky decisions logically and the effects of pornography on the human psyche. Again this seems to be an issue that is in need of a specific study as currently that information was not available to this author. The unfortunate side effect of readily available pornography is that when juveniles “sext” pictures and lewd comments to their peers they are doing so without taking the time to understand that what they are doing may in fact be wrong. One story from the New York Times says, “For teenagers, who have ready access to technology and are growing up in a culture that celebrates body flaunting, sexting is laughably easy, unremarkable and even compelling: the primary reason teenagers sext is to look cool and sexy to someone they find attractive” (Hoffman). This reporter is correct, after all juveniles need to feel a part of something, they desire to feel special and for some that means they take their religion with more fervor. Unfortunately, in the quickly changing modern world the use of cell phones has grown exponentially and not just in the United States. In some nations cell phone technology outpaces even electric services to some areas, this allows far more opportunity to potentially contribute or be a part of the problem that is juveniles and pornography. Psychologically the very idea of pornography and the juvenile is a sure recipe for disaster with regards to a stable relationship or non-deviant lives. Given the cultural implications that can be foreseen in some areas it may in fact be more beneficial to juveniles as a whole to be restricted from viewing materials such as these. Of course that is an approach that would need to be brought up by the political leaders and law makers of the nation’s we reside in. We can easily see that pornography as it stands today is not a positive contributor to a juvenile’s beneficial upbringing regardless of personal or religious upbringing or background. While there is many additional reports, reviews and medical surveys etc. available supporting this approach it seems likely that it will not be easily changed phenomena and will unfortunately result in additional casualties whether they are violent or non-violent? Conclusion: Is it possible that the idea of pornography having a real effect on the individual is simply the approach of an over-zealous author? While this author would like to believe that this is the problem as it would make it much easier to address this issue within society, it is unfortunately not the case. Australia passed a bill titled the Online Services Bill in 1999 according to a paper published in 2000 following the bills implementation, “(pornography) challenges fundamental values and names deepest fears…It tells us things about ourselves that we do not wish to acknowledge” (Sandy 2) . This is a relatively deep psychological look at the reasoning behind the viewing or lack of viewing of pornography. Unfortunately, as we have seen juveniles are unable in many cases to properly reason and therefore are susceptible to potential abuse from themselves and others as a result of their viewing of pornography. It may be a positive approach to look at the eventual legislative, political or religious approach that effectively bans and punishes instances of pornography. Works Cited Ernst, M. "Adolescents brains show lower activity in areas that control risk choices." Neuropsychologia. (2007): Print Haney, J. "Teenagers and Pornography addiction: treating the silent epidemic." 10. (ND): 50. Web. 31 May 2011. Hoffman, J. "A Girl’s Nude Photo, and Altered Lives." The New York Times. The New York Times Company, 26, March 2011. Web. 31 May 2011. Pornography, . "Definition of PORNOGRAPHY." Merriam-Webster. N.p., 2011. Web. 29 May 2011. Salaman, Naomi. "The Taxonomic Effect ." N.p., 1999. Web. 29 May 2011. Sandy, G. "The Online Services Bill: Theories and Evidence of Pornographic Harm." School of information systems, faculty business and law, Victoria University of Technology. (2000): 2. Print. Slick, Matt. "What does the Bible say about pornography? Is it wrong?." Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry. N.p., 2010. Web. 29 May 2011. Stack et al,. "Adult Social Bonds and the Use of Internet Pornography." Social Science Quarterly 85.1 (2004): 75-78. Surat Al-'Isra', . "Surat Al-'Isra' (The Night Journey)." Qur' N.p., ND. Web. 29 May 2011. Read More
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