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A Rapidly Growing Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
7 pages (1995 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the scientific perspective, the development of ecotourism is beneficial in comparison with ecotourism causes a less negative impact on natural areas. Moreover, another advantage of ecotourism is its conservational and developmental function. As is underlined in the study conducted by Charnley.
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Sports Tourism and Thanatourism Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The society comes before the people within that community. This is so since the people’s way of life is hugely influenced by the society. People tend to avoid what is perceived by the society to be wrong and live according virtues prescribed by the society.
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Hospitality Contract and Event Management Tourism Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For example, the company holds regular meetings, but special events are for conventions and exhibitions. These events are assigned an acronym, MICE, which refer to meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions/events. Events increase value creating for an organisation.
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Participant Observation Tourism Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 7 , Essay
The participatory observation took place on 16th Saturday, in the morning from 9.30 to 11.30 am. The following is an extract of participatory observation that took place at a local cafe on Saturday. Since it is a weekend, many people visit the cafe, which is the only cafe in the town.
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Role of Corporate Social Responsibility Tourism Essay
6 pages (2114 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Therefore, the industry should focus on developing unique, attractive and safe tourism products. Moreover, the industry should ensure quality tourism destinations. Along with ensuring quality tourism destinations, the industry should focus more on the safety of the tourist to whom the tourism products have been offered.
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Urban tourism, heritage and culture Tourism Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In most cases, promotion of heritage centers and cultural heritages are not meant for tourism, but to preserve identity of communities for long periods. This heritage may be a form of symbolism, representing spectacular events, which may have shaped the lives and history of the people concerned.
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Canada National Park, Bruce Peninsula National Park Tourism Research Paper
6 pages (1770 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Worldwide, National Parks represent the geographical, ecological and environmental features of nations. Within this context, Bruce Peninsula National Park represents the geographical, ecological and environmental features of Canada.  Bruce Peninsula National Park is situated in the Bruce Peninsula, which is in Ontario, Canada.
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Starwood Hotels Human Resources Strategies Tourism Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 13 , Research Paper
Taking the form of world-class groups of hotels Starwood is one of the biggest global hotels. It owns, franchises, manages, and oversees hotel facilities, spas, residences, vacation rights facilities and resorts on the nine full-fledged brands under its brand.
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Tourism and environment Tourism Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The main issue is that countries try to develop their tourism at the cost of their own environment. Tourism today is the fastest growing industry anywhere in the world. With the current situation of the economies of the world, tourism has proved to be a great source of relief as an alternate source to attract foreign investments and FDI’S.
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The Carbon Neutral Activities Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2546 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Sustainable tourism can be defined as tourism that makes a conscious attempt to impact lowly on the local culture and the environment, while at the same time helping to create employment for the local population in the future. Its main objective is the creation of a positive experience from the development of tourism for the tourists, the tourist companies, and the local people.
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The Ethno-Tourism Industry Tourism Report
6 pages (1795 words) , Download 2 , Report
Critics argue that ethno-tourism does not benefit the tribal communities and it only benefits the governments. They also argue that tourism causes disruption in the society of the tribal communities and causes wealth divisions. It has also been argued that ethno-tourism is the leading cause of the exposure of the tribal communities to deadly diseases.
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Benefits of Train Travel versus Car Travel Tourism Essay
3 pages (897 words) , Download 34 , Essay
Due to the fact that it is impossible to travel by train over vast distances and/or across oceans, the author of this brief comparison/contrast piece of work will seek to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of travel based upon domestic situations in which both choices are readily available to the traveler.
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Negative Side Impacts of Foreign Workers in the UAE Tourism Essay
7 pages (2166 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The United Arab Emirates is a country that is located in the Middle East of Arab countries and it borders the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. United Arab Emirates positively co exists with the neighboring countries like Oman and Arabia when it comes to investments and trading activities. The United Arab Emirates lies in a strategic position that is along the southern Strait of Hormuz that has rich oil fields.
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Types of International Tourism System Tourism Essay
14 pages (3666 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The infrastructure to support the tourism business was available for the aviation companies with the development of technology, price decentralization of oil, low-cost airlines, and a combined package of both travel and accommodation provided by aviation companies these factors helped the global tourism industry to grow rapidly in last 10 years.
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Positive Impact of Tourism on the Environment Tourism Essay
12 pages (3513 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In terms of the impact aspect of pollution, there is the occurrence of water pollution through discharges of sewage, oil, petrol, noise pollution from transportation and tourist activities, combustion of fuel for lighting purposes, etc. The creation of tourism infrastructures requires a lot of s, which often result in disturbance to the ecosystems.
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Issues Being Faced by Modern Construction Tourism Essay
19 pages (5463 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Such changes or innovations might be relatively minor, for instance in the case of installing a new software program. However at times must be on an integrally major level as in the case of refocusing a complete marketing strategy, transforming a company in face of continual foreign competition or fighting off a hostile takeover.
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Tourism in Valais Tourism Research Paper
8 pages (2404 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Various places in the world have different tourist attractions, which pull visitors from different parts of the world. People are attracted to an area due to various factors; culture, wildlife, sporting activities, weather and climate and natural features. Tourism benefits a country in that it is a source of foreign exchange whenever people visit a new area.
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The Analysis of the Tourism Sector in Egypt Tourism Essay
8 pages (2240 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Furthermore, there are various environmental problems that affect the tourism sector in Egypt negatively, including air and water pollution, and the destruction of the coral reefs. Basically, pollution is a problem that Cairo specifically is suffering from. Air pollution in Egypt has become a health-threatening problem.
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The Four Platforms of Tourism Tourism Essay
6 pages (1904 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In accordance with the verification of this model, it has been validated that there is an interaction of three elements in the structure of tourism; these elements include the tourists, the locals, and the brokers at tourist destinations. Thus these three major components of tourism have been formulated by Miller’s model of the tourism system.
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Managing Hospitality Resources Tourism Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Developing a website is difficult; however, for the Royal Garden Hotel to develop website, various considerations must be given a priority. For example, hotel information should be in the website. In as much as the website will give a competitive advantage over other hospitality facilities, there are various challenges the hotel will experience.
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The Influence Of Technology On Hospitality Firms Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
These large hotels host both local and international guests willing to pay a large amount of money to be accommodated. Discussing the penetration of Information Technology into the hospitality industry will place all these varied businesses under the same umbrella.
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The Concept of Street Art in London Tourism Essay
11 pages (3109 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The core of street art as a new touristic product is the physical plant, which refers to the physical environment and the condition of tourism infrastructure surrounding the street artworks in London city. The buildings, equipment, infrastructure and land in London city provide the cultural and natural resources on which street art tourism is based.
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Clean Water Act by EPA Tourism Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Since its enactment, the law is continuously expanded and implemented by industries and municipalities. Primarily, water pollution was considered a state and local problem. However, there were no federally required objectives, goals, limitations, or even guidelines.
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Tourism in Paris and New York Tourism Essay
8 pages (2358 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Tourism is a sizeable industry all over the world. Attractions within a state help draw attention from foreigners; they come to have fun and even just new experiences. These attractions may be geographical, sporting activities, or just fabricated structures. People may even be attracted by the culture of the natives, and therefore, decide to exchange their different cultural opinions.
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Managing Work-life Balance Tourism Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A balance in both these spheres would imply progression in both spheres of life (Felch, 2010, p. 28). In the current era of complex and fast-paced life, it is one of the concerns of the employers to support their employees “in creating a healthy and productive balance between their working and private life” (Hellmund, 2012).
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Paper Critique Tourism Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The main problem identified in this research is that many hotel managers pay less attention to the peripheral activities of their hotels and that often becomes the reason of disappointment and frustration of customers. When this frustration gets aired through different media sources, it can negatively affect the customer rating and image of the hotel (Sparks & Browning, 2010).
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How do americans view morocco as a touristic destination Tourism Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to the research Morocco is in a much better position than its Middle East counterparts when tourism is considered because of its diverse culture, diverse geography and relatively more peaceful and open government. However, being an Islamic nation, Morocco is not able to totally suppress the religious elements.
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John Constable and the Romantic Landscape Painters Tourism Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The brilliant, clear ambiance of Constable's works distinguishes penetratingly from the cumbersome ambience of Turner. The landscape painting referred to as Hay-Wain is frequently well thought-out to be his masterwork. Salisbury Cathedral is accomplished in a comparable manner, while Stonehenge is nearer to Turner's distortionist artistic.
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Evaluation on the New Developments on Destination Management Systems Tourism Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the report managing destinations is thus a significant issue that involves the complete experience of the travel and requires all local actors and stakeholders to participate in the process of management, along with providing consumers and all stakeholders with the necessary information in relation to a particular tourist destination.
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The role of supply chain management in tourism Tourism Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In a competitive atmosphere, tourism service providers cannot but look for new, more effective methods of winning a better place in the market. Tourism industry players are gradually beginning to realize the benefits of effective supply chain management (SCM) and its implications for competitiveness in tourism.
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Safety issues regarding foreign recreational fisherman in Norway Tourism Dissertation
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Recreational fishing by foreign tourists in Norway is a major industry. There is a sudden surge of number of foreign tourists who visit Norway for sport fishing and due to this, there have been widespread unintentional injuries or death due to drowning of those who engaged in recreational fishing in Norway.
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The Environmental Analysis of Hilton Hotels Tourism Essay
15 pages (4277 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Competitors are the biggest threat to any business in the external environment. In the case of Hilton Hotels, the conditions of facing steep competition from the rest of the market players are prevalent. The major competitors of Hilton Hotel are Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide and Marriott International.
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Various Issues in the Fast-Food Industry Tourism Case Study
14 pages (3729 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The presence of frequent visits of the manager in the dining hall is generally a good move to keep firm control on any misconduct. Intrusion detection devices would be installed in CFF to deter burglars. The regular arrangement of practical lectures will train the workers to understand the concept of security and its demands.
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Tourism in France Tourism Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The breath-taking landscape, the numerous castles, the mountains, the monuments, museums’, and other attractions have led to the growth of the tourism industry. France has incorporated conservation and biodiversity into tourism development policies and strategies and this has resulted in social and economic benefits to host communities.
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Tourism Perspectives Tourism Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The authors lay stress upon looking into the tourism phenomenon within the purview of modernity, where they look for taking these ages as two different perspectives and approaches actually. Ritzer & Liska have declared tourism as one of the most dominating factors that pave the way towards bringing social change in the wake of it.
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Tourism, Leisure or Events Organisations in Attempting To Improve Service Quality Tourism Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
You Are Required To Critically Evaluate the Strategies That Could Be Adopted By TWO Tourism, Leisure or Events Organisations in Attempting To Improve Service Quality. The tourism industry has developed in an enhanced manner due to increased demand in this sector worldwide.
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Hospitality Group - Developing Your Managerial Skills Tourism Essay
8 pages (2711 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This reflective essay aims to present a brief of my professional development with respect to international and cultural employability skills along with my team development and planning and organizing skills which I believe to be quite helpful in deriving better career prospects in the hospitality industry.
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Significance of Social Media in Tourism Marketing Tourism Essay
12 pages (3538 words) , Download 2 , Essay
On the other hand, messages received from home and work through technology can also easily interrupt and affect experiences during travel. Travelling with access to the network is characterized by vitality and involves experiencing timeless time and placeless space as the traveller is simultaneously active in different time zones.
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The Concept of World Tourism Tourism Essay
9 pages (2490 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Cater (2006) observed that adventure tourism is the most rapidly growing among the tourism segments. Furthermore, the expenditure related to adventure tourism contributes approximately US$220 billion annually to the US economy. The article suggests that adventure tourism is a part of wildlife tourism where the risks of the travellers are higher.
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The Challenges And Opportunities of Tourism Development Tourism Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to the paper tourism development seeks to improve operations within the tourism industry which translates into multiple benefits for the host community in terms of improving labour force skills development, job creation and regional economic wealth. Depending on the host country characteristics that appeal to diverse travellers, development seeks to respect the socio-cultural identity of host communities.
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The Impact of ICT on Hotel Customer Service Tourism Dissertation
53 pages (10897 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Most of the respondents (74) indicated that they were well-trained to do their jobs, with only 12 who felt they were not well trained. In this case, it may have been the position, such as food service or travel service, or a job that was not satisfying to them because of leadership problems. This questionnaire was not developed enough to determine that.
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Destination Management - Stage of Tourism Development Tourism Assignment
12 pages (3200 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
A tourist destination can only promote products that are at its disposal at the time, as such, destination development is a dynamic and fluid process of coordination and development of the available attractions as well as the introduction of new ones. Inclusion of restriction to tourism activities when they seem to be having a negative environment is also a central part of destination development.
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Waiting for a Delayed Flight Tourism Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Being alone as a woman in the waiting bay made me feel very terrified and bored and I regretted having not carried a novel on which I would have spent the time reading. In the struggle between boredom and the taunting headache, I fell into a sleep from which I would frequently awake due to a frightening noise as a plane took off from a nearby lane.
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Tourism Environment of York and Seville Tourism Essay
8 pages (2238 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay answers ten questions related to the tourism environment of York and Seville, from the perspective of the Chief Executive working for the York-Seville Strategic Partnership. Unrealistic, inappropriate and irregular intelligence combined with less focus on tourism research, forecasting and data-driven strategic planning are the key factors affecting the two popular destinations of the world. 
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Tourists Ethnic Background and Nature-based Tourism Tourism Dissertation
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
The author states that the characteristics of tourists from different countries also become evident when tourists come together in nature-based experience production and consumption. Cultural values held by tourists from different nations hence affect tourist behavior and perception, and can furthermore impact experience creation.
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Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry Tourism Dissertation
10 pages (2745 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
Hotels being part of service industries have thus witnessed an increased effort to enhance customer satisfaction and thus customer satisfaction measurement has become an important ‘part and parcel’ of a hotel's success. The purpose of this research is to discover and recognize the determinants of Customer Satisfaction.
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Wildlife Tourism - Future Challenges Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2644 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Wildlife tourism is a tourism that is eco and animal friendly, normally showing animals in their natural habitat. In its simplest sense, is watching animals in their natural habitat.  It is an important portion of the tourism industries in several countries including many African as well as South American countries, Australia, India, Canada, Indonesia and Malaysia among many.
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Level of Understanding of Events Impact and Events Stakeholder Management Tourism Essay
9 pages (2455 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Any event organizer knows that there is a lot of information and numerous tasks that are usually carried out in the preparation of any prominent event. Each of the above phases has numerous functions that have to be addressed if the event is to be successful. In large-scale events, these four phases sometimes lapse into one another, requiring the events coordinator to be prepared to concurrently handle multiple functions.
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Giving Kosovo a Visual Identity Tourism Essay
28 pages (7485 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The primary aim of this project is to look at how visual design tends to change the perception of an individual. Thorough investigations will be carried out to find the technical process that goes behind in making these visual designs. The investigation also explores the success factors of using visual designs, such as logos and identifying their processes, techniques and development.
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Tourism and environment in conflict Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Although the fact that tourism is perhaps one of the most sought after commercial activities and perceived as an economic savior by countries worldwide, cannot be denied it has also become a catalyst for the gradual degradation of the natural environment (Scott, Gossling, Hall, 2012).
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