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Orlando Is My Favorite Place Tourism Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 17 , Essay
On the east side of the city, there is beautiful landscaping along with lush greenery and a clean environment for people to live in. This area mostly consists of residential places to live and has very well planned areas with convenience with respect to shopping, transport, eating out as well as schooling and education. 
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WTO Impact and Helping Enter New Markets Tourism Dissertation
66 pages (10575 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Innovation must not only be a business term used in term papers but can also be used in preparing one’s term paper by trying to be more receptive to the topic and give out more than the project demands if possible. Learning from disruptive innovation, the members of the group have learned that there can always be a better way of making a project.
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Consumers Attitudes and Behaviour towards Responsible Tourism Tourism Literature review
7 pages (1890 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Responsible tourism allows the consumer to combine their attitudes towards the environment and sustainable culture and their holiday. This has become a growing trend in recent years, due in part to the growing conscientiousness regarding the environment and in part to the increasing amount of disposable income in the concerned classes.
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Impacts of Hosting the Olympic Games on Local Businesses Tourism Literature review
9 pages (2621 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Olympic Games have been ranked top among the events that bring individuals from various countries together. Every four years, players from various countries come together to compete amongst themselves in new venues in front of numerous spectators (Zimbalist, 2011). In addition, most of the sports fans who do not manage to attend these games watch them on television.
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Benefits of Tourism to the Local Community in Singapore Tourism Research Paper
11 pages (3262 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This section comprehensively explores the major concepts of tourism with the aim of addressing the objective of the study, which entails investigating the benefits of tourism to the local community in Singapore. The sections explore tourism as a concept that is fiscally and socially relevant in an effort to enhance societal integration.
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Tourism Is Only about the Pursuit of Pleasure Tourism Essay
9 pages (2622 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This study would examine literature that tackles the aspect of tourism as a leisure activity intended to provide satisfaction and pleasure to individuals. The literature present would comprise journals and various articles that authenticate and support the claim of tourism as an individual’s pursuit of pleasure.
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Tourism, Leisure Activity Tourism Essay
6 pages (1630 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Leisure activity has different cultural meanings. The research delves into leisure activities. Leisure activities focus on both physical leisure activities. Physical activities include sports activities. Nonphysical activities include non-sport leisure activities. Leisure activities must enhance one’s interpersonal relationships.
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Use of Events for Tourism in the City of Barcelona Tourism Essay
8 pages (2301 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Various improvements can be made to ensure the growth of event tourism in Barcelona. One of such is making sure that they completely publicize these events and making the world know exactly what is unique with what they offer. They could also consider using the events as a chance to market the other tourist attractions in the city.
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Tourism Leakages Tourism Dissertation
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
In most cases, the governments have favored the owners of the tourism resources by the private sectors or the foreigners. Consequently, a recognizable percentage of the tourism resources belong to the foreign investors. Therefore, the local communities benefit less from the tourism revenues due to the leakages of tourism profits.
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Background Information on the Travel Agency Tourism Essay
15 pages (4057 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Plaza Travelers is a tour company based in Venice town but has operations in entire Italy. It was started in 1988 in order to assist tourists with travelling plans and such for our clients on holiday in Italy. We have a wide range of clients drawn from all over the world with the majority from the USA, UK and Russia.
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Communication as a Fundamental Aspect in Daily Interactions Tourism Dissertation
65 pages (9698 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The higher the efficiency rates of the integration, the higher the chances that the benefits would be incurred by the organisation. To effectively execute the process of integration, an organisation must be ready with information and strategies that they can utilize, as knowledge is not enough to carry out a process, there is also the need to propel decisions.
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The Effects of Tourism on the Small State of Monaco Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Monaco is a state in Europe that borders on France and the Mediterranean Sea. The state is well known as a popular tourist destination due to the mild climate, attractive scenery and wide range of gambling facilities. The largest impact that tourism has had on Monaco is the economic impact.
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What Image the British Tourists Have of Bangkok Tourism Dissertation
78 pages (10607 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
The research has been conducted to understand what image the British tourists have of Bangkok, Thailand. This is a very important topic as the British are an eminent part of the tourism industry of Bangkok. Since Thailand heavily banks on the tourism industry for its economic prosperity, it becomes imperative to value the British as they, in turn, affect the economy.
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Job Seeking as a Challenging Aspect of Modern-Day Tourism Essay
8 pages (2255 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the job description, the event manager is supposed to manage the budgets for the events, which he has the responsibility to manage. This being the case, lack of good financial and budgeting skills will be detrimental to the organization of the event, in that the available funds may not be planned for accordingly.
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Heritage Tourism UK Tourism Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The small tourism enterprises happen to be among the major stakeholders in heritage tourism. There are several management issues that range from decision-making, knowledge management and transfer that affect their participation in heritage tourism. The survival of such enterprises highly depends on the awareness of their potential clients.
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Capacity in the Beijing Hotel Market after the 2008 Beijing Olympics Tourism Dissertation
60 pages (10557 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Having a glut of hotel rooms available in the city during a long stretch of time would create the feeling that the industry is less vibrant and alive than it truly is. If too many hotels are built away from others, visitors may spread out where they stay in the city, thereby making it difficult for other venues to create the excitement and vigor that Beijing is known for.
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Emergence of Destination Tourism Development Tourism Assignment
10 pages (2801 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Rome is rich with its heritage. The city is inhabited by 2.8 million people and is the largest city in the country. Rome has within itself an entire state, the Vatican City. The city has a history that dates back to 753 BC. Rome has to offer a lot of places of interest to the tourists and a host of activities that the visitors can undertake during their trip to the city.
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Health and Wellness Resorts Tourism Research Paper
13 pages (3893 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The research intends to identify and explore the management and operational issues faced by health and wellness resorts. Consequently, based on the evaluation made certain recommendations for future areas of research have been made. It has been ascertained that the concept of health and wellness resort is relatively new and its development across the world is at the infant stage.
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Zero Hour Contracts in the Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
‘Zero-Hour’ Contracts in the Hospitality Industry. The policy issue in this essay focuses on Zero-Hour employment contract as practiced within the UK hotel industry, aiming at critically analysing the concept and comprehending its implications for both the employees and the employer of Hyatt Regency London.
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The Health Systems Issues and Managements Tourism Research Paper
11 pages (2980 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to the World Health Organization (2000), the health system refers to all activities whose main function is to promote, restore and maintain health. The key aims of health systems are to respond to the needs and expectations of the public by offering services in a just and equitable way. Achieving these objectives has been a challenge to most health systems.
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Tourism and the environment: a symbiotic relationships Tourism Dissertation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
Destination’s popularity is always determined by the sea, the sand, the forest and many other picturesque beauties of nature. Unfortunately, people’s desire to have a good rest on the beautiful land is often dangerous for the landscapes. A constant and overall building of hotels and other types of recreation buildings causes a negative impact on nature.
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Travel Expenditures of Visitors to Disney Tourism Essay
4 pages (1096 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A variety of each visitor’s daily travel expenditures was gathered from the questionnaires. They included expenditures on shopping, lodging, sightseeing, entertainment, meals, gambling, and local transportation. Tobit analysis was used to analyze the determinants of the foreign visitors’ travel-related spending patterns.
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Advantages of Tourism Tourism Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
Tourism is usually one of the biggest income earners for many countries,and in Canada,the sector accounts for a lot of revenue.From definition of tourism in Canada, it is evident that tourism is the various activities conducted by individuals travelling out of their usual environments to places in Canada mostly for pleasure.The biggest facet of tourism in the Canadian economy comes from international visitors who come into the country to visit the diverse environment.The tourism sector is made up of different businesses and individuals who make the sector thrive and provide an income for the economy.The tourism sector in Canada has many advantages to the three main sectors of the industry and
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Organizational Structure and its Major Elements Tourism Essay
6 pages (1548 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The properties were utilized to set up resorts and offer the services in a stereotypic fashion in order to earn revenues and profits. With the increase in the level of competition, the resorts and the hotels started to think of ways to limit their declining market share. This led the resorts to focus on their organizational culture.
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Beneficial Effects of Overseas Travel Tourism Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Benefits of traveling overseas are that it is learning experience that helps enhance a person’s creativity, his understanding of a new place, culture and a foreign language and along with these advantages, how the change allows the individual to create an understanding of his own culture and society in the new one that he witnesses/
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Selling adventure tourism: a distribution channels perspective by Christian Schott Tourism Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Research methodologies and main findings of the paper shall be discussed in the later sections. The review will be concluded with a personal reflection of the paper and the implications of the research findings in the field of tourism, business and marketing.
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India as a Multi-Cultural Tourist Attraction Tourism Essay
8 pages (2300 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While the world is now considered to be a global village and people can view and experience different cultures, various countries, learn different languages, and many other things through the click of a mouse; people are still highly inclined towards experiencing and seeing various things in person.
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Bandung - Promotion Strategy Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Marketing research helps gather information and apply it effectively, essential to destination marketing. Based on the marketing research principles, the objective of the report is to present the findings on the growth potential for Bandung, Java, as a tourism destination.
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Mardi Gras in New Orleans: Reconciling Commercialisation and Local Culture Tourism Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mardi Gras in New Orleans: Reconciling Commercialisation and Local Culture Despite the destruction brought about by Hurricane Katrina, numerous parades, carnivals, and marching groups invaded the boulevards of New Orleans in 2006 (Gotham 2007b, 825). The 2006 Mardi Gras was seen locally as a vital declaration of the city’s resilience and speedy rebuilding attempts.
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The Effectiveness and Use of Sustainable Tourism in the World Tourism Research Proposal
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The first two months will constitute the gathering of the literature, as well as determine what is relevant. From January to February the information from the sources will be collated into a form that can be analyzed and evaluated. Once survey results are received they will be analyzed and whether further action is required will be determined.  
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Market Segmentation of Thomas Cook Tourism Essay
11 pages (3656 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This is simply because tourism is seen by many as part-time leisure that is best undertaken when there are virtually no official duties to perform. Knowing this, the company is in a position to strategize its publicity and advertisements at times when major holidays and vacations are drawing close.
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The Barrens Quest: Film Summaries Assignment Tourism Movie Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 8 , Movie Review
The Barrens Quest Economic, social, political, scientific and ecological development of the world depends on the human activity drastically that may cause as positive as negative causes simultaneously. For instance, annual pollutions that harm the air, water and land resources because of the factories’ and plants’ performance in some countries exceed normal standards.
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Culinary(or Gastronomic)Tourism in Derbyshire Tourism Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The culinary tourism research in Derbyshire will be aimed at the following: to find out the cultural dish of the people of Derbyshire; to learn new cooking methods from the people of Derbyshire; to attend the Annual Derbyshire Food and Drink festival; to increase the knowledge in cooking by incorporating the new methods from the Annual Derbyshire Food and Drink festival.
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The Reason for Choosing Quantitative Research Methodology Tourism Essay
9 pages (2479 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It has been debated previously in the literature review that the UAE has a very closely knitted family system and considers cultural acceptance widely. Social values originate from the religious views of Islam, which emphasizes the modesty of females. It is the view of the writer that these religious views have been blown out of proportion with time.
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Importance of Hotel Amenities Tourism Term Paper
12 pages (3025 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Hotel amenities are the services that the hotel offers its customers in order to make their stay enjoyable. These perks may not be what the average person may think they are. Amenities go beyond what is standard in most hotels. A deeper investigation into the many avenues of hotel life can show the actual depth of amenities.
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Case study for Tourism and hospitality Workforce Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is an example of a performing company. Joe, the General Manager comprehends that impression and attitudes of employees are crucial things that hotels rely on to achieve success. They form the driving force behind customer satisfaction. Hotel staffs need to understand the importance of eye contact and must welcome visitors with a great smile as well as greet guests.
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Field Trip Reflection ( Cruise) Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The head of the cruise is the Capitan and he is responsible for the ship most especially with the safety of the crew and passengers. . The ship is just so huge and massive that I cannot help but wonder about the manpower, logistics and resources needed to keep it afloat for weeks during its cruise.
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Quantitative Methods - Frequency, Cross-Tabulation, and T-Tests Tourism Assignment
2 pages (639 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
This study aims to investigate the perceptions of tourists on the industry and their destinations. There are two main approaches to research; qualitative and quantitative. This research uses quantitative research. Quantitative research refers to investigation on the basis of numerical data through mathematical, statistical, and computational methods (Miller & Acton, 2009).
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Impacts of ecotourism on host communities in Kenya and Zanzibar Tourism Case Study
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Ecotourism has the ability to reduce the negative effects of conventional forms of tourism while at the same time improve the positive impacts of tourism. Ecotourism therefore, aims at minimizing the effects of tourism on the environment.
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Development of New Products and Services in Hotels Tourism Essay
13 pages (3589 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The main limitation of this research is that the study was based on only two of the hotels in the United States and Canada (Hossain, Kumar, & Kumar, 2010). This presented a limited scope regarding the implementation of NSD, considering the fact that both industries have relatively similar qualities.
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Operation Management Issues Facing Disney Tourism Essay
8 pages (2384 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This lessened the external forces exerted on the company by the new market. However, despite this investment in the company by the French government, there was a lot of criticism since the government had also stated it was willing to expropriate land from local farmers to give it up to the company for construction.
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Singapore Tourism Profile Tourism Research Paper
8 pages (2346 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Singapore itself was founded in 1819 and, after a series of country agreements with the United Kingdom and Malaysia at separate times during its history, is now a fully independent republic (Henderson, Chee, Mun, & Lee 36).  This tourism profile will examine certain aspects of Singaporean culture and life that have a direct impact on tourism in Singapore and throughout the region.
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The Impacts of Exhibitions on Customer Buying Decision-Making Tourism Dissertation
79 pages (10212 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The research commences by examining a critical literature review of consumer behaviour and consumer sales systems and structures. This gives an insight into the Chinese automotive industry and consumer buying habits and consumer buying decisions. This gives a broad scope of the actual concept and its related and correlating ideas.
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Destination Management: London Tourism Essay
13 pages (3703 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The city has people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, and over 300 languages are used within its territories. It contains four global Heritage Sites including London Tower, Kew Gardens, and the historic Greenwich settlement; the side is made up of (Westminster Abbey, Palace of Westminster, and St Margaret’s church).
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Successful Long-Term Destination Development and Marketing Tourism Essay
8 pages (2453 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The role of marketing in the business world is vital. Marketing is the only source that helps producers or service providers to reach out to their potential customers. Marketing is something which, if not done with proper knowledge and skills can decrease the number of sales. Destination Management also markets the services which are being offered by a particular place.
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British Airways - Operations in the UK and Overseas Tourism Essay
3 pages (1091 words) , Download 3 , Essay
BA, through its subsidiary British Airways World Cargo, provides cargo services. Throughout its flight route and it handles more than 80000-ton cargo per year. BA provides many services to customers such as airlines, cargo, holidays, and sports. Through its improved services, it has gained the confidence and loyalty of its customers.
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The Impacts of Increasing Wellness Demand on Resorts Tourism Essay
10 pages (3012 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Generally, recent times have experienced a record increase in the number of resorts, spas, and hotels offering luxurious surroundings of natural beauty, which provide advanced health and education facilities, lifestyle training, and myriad other opportunities to enhance consumers’ health and wellness.
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Important Facilities Planning Aspects Relating to Hotels Tourism Essay
15 pages (3996 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The hospitality, tourism and events (HTE) industries are necessitated to revisit their strategies under the environmental changes taking place rapidly, for sustainable development. The report contains four important facilities planning aspects relating to hotels in the hospitality industry to lend focus to observation, analysis and recommendations.  
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Tourist Destination - Hong Kong Tourism Essay
5 pages (1718 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay aims at examining the transportation links in Hong Kong and how these links serve the area with regard to tourism.  The essay will also try to analyze the tourism industry in Hong Kong by assessing its transport policy and how it influences tourism in the region and the best tourism practices that can be used to develop tourism management.
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Fair Trade Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
11 pages (3262 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The tourism industry on the international level is booming. For instance, in 2012, a total number of tourist figures reached a whopping figure of 1 billion and in 2013, the tourism industry anticipates to develop by three percent thereby contributing an aggregate of US$6.8 trillion or nine percent of the global GDP.
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