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Customs and Traditions in Spain Tourism Term Paper
4 pages (1209 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
The official currency of Spain is Euros and the official language of Spain is Spanish. Spain is a mix of different people and cultures with native Spaniards forming more than 80 percent of the population and the rest made of Latin Americans, North Africans, Asians, and Eastern Europe including French, German, and British.
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Wastes in the hospitality industry Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A lot of wastes are really going down the drain figuratively speaking, but this is happening because a lot of people just simply do not know how to dispose of their wastes properly. Studies show that a lot of wastes are being thrown away by households and the industries.
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Strategic Management in Tourism, Sports and Event Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Strategic Management in Tourism, Sports, and Event Case Study Sports industry has grown considerably due to the growing interests related to games, health and fitness. Alongside the growth of sport industry, the requirement of incorporating proper strategic techniques has gained much importance in order to sustain the development (Pfahl, 2010).
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Travel Project: Milan Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The city is the second most populous city of Italy and the financial capital of the country. The city has managed to emerge from the horrendous damage subjected to it by the world war. Currently, Milan has continued to foster a robust zeal in tourism courtesy for its comprehensive packages affecting leisure, and education ventures.
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Managing visitors space Tourism Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Consumers have been described to spent a substantial amount of money when they visit the museums, in consideration to the admission charges and the museum restaurants and shops expenditure. All museums share various particularities and similar functions. The economic approaches of museums rely on standard theory, especially in conditions where resources are scarce.
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The Management of Tourism Tourism Essay
4 pages (1080 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Tourism degree provision in the United Kingdom has increased tremendously because it attracts more applicants and cheap resources, there are notable comparisons. The same case was witnessed in Australia, when a few degree-awarding colleges were converted into universities and, simultaneously, tourism grew.
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Hospitality and Gastronomy: Social, Private and Commercial Tourism Essay
6 pages (1847 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Punjab is a state in northwest India and is located on the east side of Pakistan. Punjab has a rich cultural heritage and a long history. The people of the state are known as Punjabis with the local language being Punjabi. The state of Punjab is surrounded by Himachal Pradesh to its east, Rajasthan to its southwest, Haryana to its south and southeast, and the Pakistani province of Punjab to its west.
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Tourism Planning Tourism Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that tourism planning takes place at three different stages or levels: nationally, locally and one’s attraction. It is practiced through the development of policy, the national standards, and the institutions. At the site level, it involves the planning, design and the development of individual tourist attractions.
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The Impacts of Events - World Expo in China Tourism Assignment
7 pages (2515 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The World Expo in China was a splendid event at the socio-cultural level as well as over 73 million people visited which was a record attendance along with a participation of 250 countries and international organizations. It was also able to set up a record of having 1.03 million visitors in a single day. The World Expo has set new standards for encouraging tourism within a country.
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Issues and Controversies in Film Induced Tourism Tourism Essay
8 pages (2190 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Before the shooting of this series, Barwon Heads experienced a period of stagnation where most of the businesses and services were shutting down. However, after Sea Change there was a drastic change and the physical nature of the town completely got transformed affecting the lives of local residents and the tourism industry as well.
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Final exam case study's answers Tourism Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The extensive scope of this Marine Project does not only strike as overambitious but also a possible threat to the environment and the livelihoods of the residents in that area; the residents visual pleasantness on the Broadway water, their access to the waterways and water quality is likely to be affected by the Marine Project.
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Travel and Tourism Motivation Tourism Essay
14 pages (3782 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The travel market is in most circumstances divided into four types of markets that is either personal business travel, government or corporate business travel, visiting of family and friends, and travelling for leisure which a tourism product or service provider must put in mind when segmenting the market.
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The Planning System in Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
8 pages (2342 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The tourism industry is considered a major economic activity that positively impacts economic growth as well as employment in Europe. It is also viewed as being a key instrument in the reinforcement of Europe’s image in the world, projecting their citizens’ values and promoting attractions of the European model.
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Convergence in Mediatized Tourism Tourism Research Paper
7 pages (2282 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Convergence is a new media idea that enhances the understanding of tourist agencies in destination marketing. Tourists generate media images/products which are distributed online via channels such as social media. The circulated services or products are then presented to other tourists for consumption which, in turn, influences other new media services or products (Mansson 2011, p1634).
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Tourism can reach maximum profitability without having to sacrifice the ecological and aesthetic quality of the destination. Sustainable principles relate to the environmental, economic, and the socio-cultural elements of tourist development; moreover, a strong balance must be secured between the three elements in order to provide long-term sustainability (Office of the National Statistics, 2011).
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Challenges of restaurant operations in new Jersey Tourism Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They may include geographical sites like mountains, rivers and lakes, wildlife, natural phenomenon like weather and climatic conditions of a state and man-made features like arts, designs, amusement parks, restaurants, museums and other cultural and religious sites.
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Foundation Science Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management Tourism Dissertation
11 pages (2985 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Complaints have been made as the customers were waiting too long, it's unacceptable after travelling all day with small children, especially in the high season. Some customers agreed that it was a problem with the booking not with the hotel. It costs five times as much to attract a new customer as to retain an exciting one.
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The Multicultural Policy under the Australian Government Tourism Essay
8 pages (2288 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This implies that Australians from all backgrounds will be given the opportunity to participate and contribute to Australia and its social, economic and cultural life at all times to represent justice for all. Australians from all backgrounds regardless of race or religion will be given access to government services.
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The Hotel Human Resource Department Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper tells that successful hotels with good customer care services and reasonable profitability are basically dependent on how well the human resource department manages its labor force. The hotel industry, being a labor-intensive industry, incurs huge labor costs that significantly affect profitability of the organization.
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London: A Tourist Destination Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Major attractions of London are: museums of London that offer free entry. British museum in London besides projecting Britain culture also projects the culture of different countries of the world. British library, Victoria and Albert museum, Trafalgar square, Covent Garden, London eye and London zoo are few attractions out of many.
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The Core Components of Tourism Management Tourism Essay
6 pages (1609 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Amongst the European countries that generate the maximum number of outbound tourists are Germany, the UK and the Netherlands (Sporel, 2007, 4). Like Germany and UK, China is another country, which along with being a popular receiving country also generates a large number of outbound tourists, making it both a receiving and generating country.
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Management Issues in Relation to International Travel and Tourism Tourism Essay
13 pages (3753 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Tourism is probably one of the fastest-growing industries with an operational network over the entire globe. Many parts of the world have observed positive effects from tourism because it contains an idea of incessant development and modernism. The industry observed almost over 940 million tourists across the world during 2010 with 4.7% increasing financial receipt, ending by US$919 billion.
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Tourism Management at Royal Botanic Gardens Tourism Essay
7 pages (1994 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Appropriate interpretive strategies aimed at conservation issues are developed. Research evidence indicates that garden visitors are less interested in conservation issues and less motivated to learn than tourists to other free-choice learning settings such as museums, zoos, aquariums, other heritage sites, natural areas.
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Formulating Economic Policies for Singapore Tourism Essay
8 pages (2624 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The destination brand name of ‘Unique Singapore’ reflects to fulfil the strategy of a Distinctive Global City. Also, the concept of Innovative Economy as introduced in the economic strategies committee is reflected in the tourism policy by means of striving to attain Singapore to be the ‘Service Centre of Asia’.
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Sustainability in Tourism Leisure Tourism Essay
10 pages (2921 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The piece articulates various cultural aspects of turkey’s Goreme village, indicating the link between the local people and the tourists (Tucker 2001, p.890). The interactions portray the possibility of dialogue when certain fundamental associations take place. Availing of a swimming pool in the pension area was beneficial to the tourists.
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In-Depth Analysis of Tourism Australia Tourism Essay
12 pages (3144 words) , Download 2 , Essay
International visitors to Ningaloo come from Europe, Africa. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States of America, and Canada. Despite its location, Ningaloo attracts several foreign visitors to Australia every year. However, the majority of the visitors to the side are majorly western Australian visitors.
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York-Seville Strategic Partnership Tourism Essay
8 pages (2148 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Both cities respond to the needs and expectations of the increasing tourist's number attracted to their varied and rich array of business, cultural, shopping, sports, entertainment, and other attractions. They are required to continuously improve and renovate such facilities so that to maintain their share in the market of competitive tourism.
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Strategic Human Resource Management Tourism Assignment
13 pages (3895 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Human resource management is the role within an institution, which emphasizes recruiting, managing, and offering directives for the staff working within an organization. This function deals with issues of staff management, particularly – over hiring, compensation, and performance supervision (Goeldner & Ritchie, 2009 p. 89).
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Impact of Demand in Tourism for Japanese in the UK Tourism Essay
13 pages (3330 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Language is another constraint that proves to be a threat to the U.K, visit by Japanese. Since younger children are frequent visitors of the U.K, it is unfortunate that they are nervous about the English language despite the knowledge they have on the same. Mostly, this is because they lack foreign interaction.
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The Rapid Growth of the Tourism Industry Tourism Dissertation
10 pages (2961 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Singapore is one of the most popular and small state countries around the globe. The country is famous for its business activities and international trade. But at the end of the day it can be said that due to several natural and scenic beauty and popular tourist spots, the country can be considered as one of the most preferable tourist spots on the world map.
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Complexity of the Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author explains that alternative tourism is the process that fosters a fair form of tourism through the participation of diverse communities. Alternative tourism aims at attaining a reciprocated perceptive, cohesion and impartiality among members. Mass tourism is the process of visiting a place by a large number of people at the same time.
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Tourism in Myanmar Tourism Case Study
13 pages (3444 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
There are specific impressions which are left with tourism and travel, specifically which are created through the use of media.  This develops perspectives about a region in terms of the political, cultural and social concepts of the area.  The perspectives are combined with impressions of whether one should travel to the area or remain outside of the region.
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European Travel Geography: New Forest Tourism Assignment
6 pages (1811 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
New Forest, also known as a royal forest, is located in southern Hampshire of the United Kingdom. In this paper, a reflection on the concept of rural destination has been presented followed by a descriptive study of the New Forest. The natural environment of the district is the main area of focus along with discussions on landscape, flora and fauna, scenery, attractions, etc.
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Carnival Cruise Line, The Fun Ship Tourism Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The first of these is the fact that such a stance necessarily champions of value over luxury all stop whereas choices must continually be made by the consumer with regards to which product or service they will choose, it is a somewhat dangerous stance for Carnival Cruise Lines to champion low-cost as their primary method of integrating with the consumer.
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Development of the Heritage and Cultural Industry Tourism Essay
16 pages (4439 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Lastly, the metropolitan cultural districts represent a special collection of buildings that are dedicated to performing arts, museums and organisation that produces cultural related goods, services and facilities. The metropolitan cultural district is not just a community in which there is a collection of historical monuments and churches.
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Palm Islands as Eighth Wonder of the World Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the paper outlines, Palm Islands are man-made archipelago created in Dubai on which residential and commercial infrastructures have been/will be constructed. These islands are being constructed by Dutch and Belgian dredging and marine contractors Van Oord and Jan De Nul under the contract of a property developer in the United Arab Emirates called Nakheel Properties.
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Information Technology Is a Competitive Tool in an Evolving Hospitality Industry Tourism Literature review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
In addition, in the past few years there has been a considerable change from customary and manual customer self-service settings to IT supported self-service settings. In view of the fact that using the IT based tools and techniques, consumers can be capable of creating services and products for acquisition by which little or no assistance from the hospitality firm offering the services and products is required.
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Event Management in Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Tourism Essay
8 pages (2161 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the emerging popularity of the tourism business, there are now different types of tourism that have evolved in the business such as event tourism. Event tourism generally refers to an event that is organized for an audience from around the world. The event can be a public or corporate event that attracts people from around the globe and they visit the country to attend the event.
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Impacts Of Information Technology In Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 8 , Essay
The 21st century has witnessed a tremendous growth in the use of information technology in conducting business globally. Information technology has made it quite easy to reach clients, order for goods, and bid for contracts or even negotiate for mergers with multinationals around the world.
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The Impact of Leadership Styles on the Organisation Performance Abu Dhabi Municipality Tourism Dissertation
52 pages (9959 words) , Download 5 , Dissertation
The implementation of the transactional and transformational leadership styles in the Abu Dhabi Municipality has positively affected the organisational performance in the latter, focusing on its effects on the increase in the effort of the employees, is more effective and is satisfied as to the leadership implemented.
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Hotel Industry - Hotel America Tourism Research Paper
13 pages (3568 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
A hotel is a place other than your house, where people find food and shelter. People are generally allocated a room that is their area for the time that they stay. The beauty of this industry is that along with tourism, it combines a number of professions in it (Walker, 2007), making it good for the economy and for employment.
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Current Approaches to Ecotourism Development Tourism Essay
10 pages (3009 words) , Download 6 , Essay
In its broadest sense, the focus on biodiversity encompasses not only the survivability of the communities around but also the threatened flora and fauna, as they are all stewards of their producing environment. These strategies in addition to others act to promote responsible ecotourism through minding the local communities and the environment.
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Approaches and Techniques for Tourism/Aviation Policy Tourism Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The issue of approaches and techniques to tourism policy planning lays overemphasis on the procedure of formulating a plan to help in taking decisions over the future of tourism policy planning. Literature abounds in various research approaches and techniques, offering the possibility to zero-in from among the different approaches.
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International Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Established immediately after the formation of Australian colony, the region continues to maintain historical structural designs, developed several centuries back (Richards, 2012). Though most of the building remains constructed through traditional designs, numerous modern shopping centres and restaurants remain located within these buildings.
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Global tourism has enjoyed tremendous growth over the past fifty years Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Tourism industry is also an important source of foreign exchange. In 2011, Travel and Tourism industry contributed 6 trillion USD to the global economy. This accounts to around 9% of the global GDP. This sector also supports 260 million jobs worldwide. The impacts of the travel and tourism industry affects the economy deeply, as this industry stimulates the collaboration and engagement of tourists, communities, local suppliers, businesses and government with the help of the supply chain.
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The Effects of Ecotourism in Developing Nations Tourism Essay
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is clear that any marketing effort of the tourism industry in Saaremaa should be sustainable at multiple levels. Firstly, the sustainability of the business model should be considered. Questions such as is the targeting is accurate, will this segment provide enough profitability should be taken into consideration.
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Designing a Safety System against Terrorism in Hotels Tourism Assignment
9 pages (2606 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Risks and hazards of terror attacks are fully recognized, and so is the challenging task of effectively executing a comprehensive management strategy. The paper examines risk management models and resources utilized in these efforts. The significance of stakeholders’ cooperation, in addition to external and internal communications, is also a matter of emphasis in the effort to combat terror.
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Business and Operations of Marriott International Tourism Essay
8 pages (2121 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The global hospitality and tourism industry is becoming highly competitive due to the increasing market demand and the presence of several leading global organizations. The essay will focus on the hospitality industry. This essay will discuss the operations of Marriott International. Moreover, the essay will help to determine the challenges and opportunities for the global hospitality industry.
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STA Travel Agency Survey Tourism Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The STA Travel Agency is easily accessible because it is on the main road, therefore, identifying and reaching the Agency is effortless. STA Travel Agency staffs are competent and have warm welcoming face. They always have a prompt and polite greeting language and immediately ask for the main point of concern in particular.
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Battlefield Tours and Dark Tourism Tourism Essay
6 pages (1710 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An article entitled “Tech: why agents should not overlook SMS marketing” written by Matthew Parsons and published online through the Travel Trade Gazette on November 28, 2012, proffered pertinent issues relative to consistent reliance on text messages, which had been deemed crucial and evidently applicable in contemporary settings.
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