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Sustainability in Tourism Leisure - Essay Example

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The paper "Sustainability in Tourism Leisure" explains that to successfully achieve sustainable tourism, concerned authorities, companies and managers have to collaborate in order to develop viable strategies. The union of the concerned persons is beneficial in ensuring tourism that is profitable…
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Sustainability in Tourism Leisure
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? TOURISM AND SUSTAINABILITY Introduction Sustainable tourism is the tourism that protects the economy, environment and the cultures that exists in regions where it occurs (Buckley, 2012). Sustainable tourism ensures positivity and proper experiences to all people involved in it including the local persons, companies venturing in tourism and the tourists. The aim of sustainable tourism is to reduce negative influences by ensuring a union between various companies dealing with tourism, and the authorities in charge. Sustainable tourism is seldom synonymous with ecotourism because the latter attempts to emphasize mainly on nature, exotic cultures and wildlife (Buckley, 2012). To successfully achieve sustainable tourism, concerned authorities, companies and managers have to collaborate in order to develop viable strategies. The union of the concerned persons is beneficial in ensuring tourism that is profitable. Wall, G. (1994). Sustainability in tourism leisure. Waterloo, Ontario: Department of geography, University of waterloo. Summary The article presents the outcomes and the proceedings of the meeting on sustainable tourism held in Tilburg University (Wall, 1994). The work and organization research center (WORC), participated in the preparation of the meeting, whose intentions were to raise issues concerning the differing aspects of sustainability that occurs to scholars of tourism and leisure. During the proceedings, an expert of Luton University doubted the possibility of successful tourism sustainability (Wall, 1994). Another from Netherlands stressed on the significance of community contribution on the issue. Jan philipsen from Netherlands availed several suggestions for complexity of sustainability concept. The participants presented various issues including the procedures of measuring visitor contentment in natural regions. Other issues in the meeting entailed cultural tourism in Indonesia and Europe. The discussion raised significant issues; the contradicting interests plus ways of uniting them, and the role of market plus state intrusion in ensuring sustainable tourism (Wall, 1994). Briassoulis, H. (2002). Sustainable tourism and the question of the commons. Annals of Tourism Research,. 29, 4, pp. 1065–1085. Summary The article addresses the tourism commons by describing the importance of sustainable development in social plus cultural areas (Briassoulis 2002, p. 1067). Various resources developed for the purpose of tourism are fundamental to the locals. This is because of the sharing that occurs at some points in life. The article indicates the function of the “common pool resources” in tourism sustainability and development. It provides various principles useful in the organization of these resources and the policies for future endeavors. From the economics and scientists description, CPRs are resources whose exploitation by a single user cuts down the quantity availed to others. In this case, omission of further utilization is complex. The article performs the analysis of the tourism commons stating their complexity culminating from their usability by diverse groups (Briassoulis 2002, p. 1071). It describes their nature as heterogeneous and made of tangible and intangible materials. The resources demand plus volatility is evident and contrasts the issue of tourists use because of changes between seasons. According to the article, there are problems of excessive use of the commons. Lack of proper management and incentive provision is evident. The associations between the commons plus tourism and other undertakings are present. Sustainable development issues are in detail with the consideration of community involvement in such affairs (Briassoulis 2002, p. 1083). James, T.G. (2001). Assessing Progress of Tourism Sustainability. Annals of Tourism Research, 28, 3, pp. 817–820. Summary Development of sensible criteria for monitoring the continuance of sustainable tourism, and considering the quality of systems instead of absolute sustainability is prevalent in the article. Progress assessment arises as an essential aspect in ensuring sustainable development (James 2001, p.818). Measuring STD considers the notions of stakeholders plus identification to foster achievement of various tourism needs such as environmental protection. The sustainability development meter provides essential data for use by makers of policies. The model for performing measurement indicates the relation of humans plus the ecosystem in matrix form. The matrix depicts the variety of combinations present in BTS associating the ecosystem and mix in sustainability. The research is able to incorporate social, political plus environmental aspects concerning sustainability in the tourism arena (James 2001, p.819). Tucker, H. (2001) Tourists and troglodytes: Negotiating for Sustainability. Annals of Tourism Research, 28, 4, pp. 868–891. Summary The paper entails the issue of tourism sustainability and the notion that it destroys the culture and environment within which it occurs (Tucker 2001, p.870). The article concentrates on the situation in Turkey where it performs an analysis of the tourism associations and hospitality. The article argues of dynamism in the idea of sustainable tourism which would have challenges from the assumptions of localism in the tourism sector. Tourist areas do not need to retain their traditional aspects for the purpose of adherence to tourist needs. The piece articulates various cultural aspect of the turkey’s Goreme village, indicating the link between the local people and the tourists (Tucker 2001, p.890). The interactions portray the possibility of dialogue when certain fundamental associations take place. Availing of a swimming pool in pansiyon area was beneficial to the tourists. This entailed a concession between the tourists and locals to perform a transformation of the site. Buckley, R. (2003). Tourism, Recreation and Sustainability: Linking Culture and the Environment. Annals of Tourism Research, 30, 1, pp. 271–273. Summary This is a research conducted by experts in Montana University depicting tourism as a natural plus cultural legacy. The research involved various countries including USA, Denmark and Canada (Buckley 2003, p. 272). There are discussions on activities associated with tourism such as societal behavior, matters of recreation plus sustainable tourism. The authors disagree with the issue of tourism as a tool that drives economic development and criticizes the agencies concerned with tourism of their participation in activities that boost tourism (Buckley 2003, p. 273). The authors indicate the importance of sustainable tourism quantitative indicators to measure the continuance of sustainability in tourism. The absence of the systems to monitor the progress would render sustainability meaningless. The entire piece consists of important literature that provides an understanding of sustainable tourism (Buckley 2003, p. 273). Wheeller, B. A. (2005). Tourism and Sustainability: Development and New Tourism in the Third World.Annals of Tourism Research, 32, 2, pp. 499–501. Summary This entails a criticism of tourism as the largest industry. The article reveals that if tourism was large, it should compose certain drivers such as avarice and instrumentalism (Wheeller 2005, p.500). It argues of the limitations involved in tourism especially with greed and selfish interests in the minds of certain individuals (Wheeller, 2005). The evidence provided by the arguments is the prevalence of western culture and its effects worldwide. There is an association between sustainable development, globalization plus tourism. The article provides sufficient information that regards sustainable development. It fosters knowledge of the issue because of clarity in discussion of various issues that acts as obstacles of development, and the expectations of concerned persons in ensuring the sustainability issue has an amicable resolution (Wheeller, 2005). Gezici, F. (2006). Components of sustainability: Two Cases from Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research, 33, 2, pp. 442–455. Summary This entails an analysis of developmental progress plus sustainability objectives of turkey’s popular cultures (Gezici 2006, p. 443). High growth rates and emphasis on tourism and associated activities culminate to negativism as concerns the cultural plus natural environments. When the local inhabitants of the region participated in the affairs of tourism in a lesser frequency, there were greater effect on sustainable development and tourism. The article presents the coastal regions as having an immense pressure and environmental complexities than other regions that are of great value to tourists. The notions of globalization and localization present tourism as means for advancement in regions of tourist interests. Advancement in the tourism arena means profitability to the beneficiaries of tourism (Gezici 2006, p. 449). The article depicts the significance of community venture in the issue. Community participation culminates to sustainable tourism because proper decisions are possible through negotiations. To achieve results that are beneficial to the society, developing cost effective goals plus objectives is a fundamental aspect. The article explains the sustainability concept by including ecological dimensions. Mass tourism culminates to environmental harms in areas faced with tourist activities. There are expectations that emphasis and environment associated problems are subject to elimination hence sustainable tourism is attainable. The activities of sightseeing rely on the prevalence of environmental resources. This depicts the need of environmental know how and the significant of its protection (Gezici, 2006). Saarinen, J. (2006). Traditions of sustainability in tourism studies. Annals of Tourism Research, 33, 4, pp. 1121–1140 Summary In the tourism sector, sustainability is a vital aspect that is generating considerable criticism. There is a dire need for vivid understanding of its growth obstacles. This piece presents analyzed facts for procedural reach, evaluation plus descriptions at a preferred scale. Although there exists varying understanding, there exists traditions which are totally different (Saarinen 2006, p. 1123). The article presents a critical scope of sustainable tourism and sustainable development. In the past years the influences of tourism acquired attention in studies of associated development. There is a room for growth in tourist areas although the rising influences have recorded various problems that relate economic, social, cultural plus political issues. These issues are evident in tourist destinations hence requiring convenient practices that safeguards the environment, and useful in development and creation of policies (Saarinen 2006, p. 1125). Despite the existing link between sustainability, environments and activities in tourism, researchers have demonstrated skepticism in the use of the notion. The article consists of an examination of the notion of sustainable tourism and the featuring of the growth limits. The prevailing principles are in consideration. There are discussions of the link between sustainable tourism and expansion (Saarinen, 2006). The article discusses the need for reducing the development rate drawing literature from past events and processes. The notion plus explanation of sustainability are challenging to studies and research in tourism. The article indicates the difference between community, resource and activity-based traditions and their effect on sustainable tourism (Saarinen, 2006). Globalization is able to cause challenges to the customs of sustainability as presented in tourism. This calls for political and economic action towards concentrations in human associations and ethics (Saarinen, 2006). David L. & Edgell Sr. (2009). Tourism, recreation, and sustainability. Annals of Tourism Research, 36, 4, pp. 749–750. Summary Sustainable tourism is a significant issue that is raising interest in the globe. It forms part of the continuing investigations and talks. The continuing investigations and concerns are those of climate change, global warming, economic advancement and preservation of environment and other issues such as policy (David & Edgell 2009, p. 749). The article explains the aspects of green tourism, eco tourism and others. The association between sustainable tourism and others such as ecosystem are broadly in discussion. There are discussions giving reasons to the need of understanding culture plus environment (David & Edgell 2009, p. 750). It is a complex activity to change the nature of tourism to conform to the requirements of sustainability in a world that is continuously undergoing transformations (David & Edgell 2009, p. 750). The responsible authorities concerned with tourism are to make proper plans that will ensure sustainability development and desired tourism. The article is able to describe various issues relating tourism and sustainability. It describes various cultures plus environments for the upcoming generations (David & Edgell 2009, p. 750). Sharpley, R. (2010). Tourism Development and the Environment: Beyond Sustainability? Annals of Tourism Research, 37, 4, pp. 1194–1196. Summary The article addresses the issue of sustainable development where it presents various aspects that challenge it. It argues of the requirement and importance of approach to advancement that draws literature from environmental problems concentrating on tourism as a venture (Sharpley, 2010). The article criticizes the issue of sustainability in the tourism industry. There are features of tourism and influence in the local environment and the culture of populace in which it occurs. The article explains the meaning and the procedures of advancements (Sharpley 2010, p.1195). The limitations in the idea of sustainable development plus tourist associations with globalization are in discussion. The article explores the nature of tourism as a capitalist venture and its associations with the environment. There is an explanation of the reasons behind tourism sustainability as a lacking paradigm, and provision of suitable criteria for growth (Sharpley 2010, p.1195). The article argues in ways that fail to accept tourism environment associations as distinct entity. According to the article, tourism ventures are a manifestation of use plus production. Literature exists that relates tourism and sustainability concentrating on the limitations of capitalism to those associations. Approaching the issue of sustainability with the argument of destination capitals is likely to create different perspectives on the issue. It is evident is evident from past literature that sustainability is far from achieving (Sharpley, 2010). It is possible to criticize and question how sustainable tourism features appear, their nature in terms of complexity of avoidance. Some readers may present their thoughts that the approach to destination advancement in the article is similar to that described in the paradigm of tourism sustainability. The article emphasizes in advocating societal matters such as justice and democracy. The notion of sustainability in the tourism arena is essential for its ability to create an important argument (Sharpley, 2010). Farsari, I., Butler, R.W., & Szivas, E. (2011). complexity in tourism policies a Cognitive Mapping Approach. Annals of Tourism Research, 38, 3, pp. 1110–1134. Summary This article entails the scope of various policies for sustainable tourism created at different policy making stages by utilizing a complex phenomenon. There was evaluation of difficultness in policy matters for example, the essentials for rule considerations (Farsari et al., 2011). There exists an analysis of the models of policy makers. Cognitive approaches of mapping are in use for the purpose of unraveling policy considerations, results plus notions of complexity. The analyses unraveled dissimilar structural aspects of the policies. Although there were differences in structural appearance of policies, Greece emphasized on ensuring tourism sustainability. The theory of complexity is useful in describing conditions where some simple models experiencing linearity are unable to sufficiently deal with difficult systems due to appearance of large figures of correlating elements (Farsari et al., 2011). The aim of the article is to create a clear comprehension on a variety of issues that concerns sustainable tourism plus development. There are disciplinary inputs to the study of tourism and the progress of those inputs over a certain period. Buckley, R. (2012). sustainable tourism: research and reality. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 2, pp. 528–546. Summary The article reviews social and environmental effects plus feedbacks and indicators by considering opulence, pollution, populace peace and protection (Buckley 2012, p.528). Only a small part is responsible for evaluation of the entire universal tourism arena. There is a lacking evaluation that takes into consideration desired global research in ensuring sustainable development. The tourism arena is thus not able to achieve sustainability. The best criteria for ensuring improved sustainability development in the arena, is to foster appropriate regulations instead of availing market measures (Buckley 2012, p.536). There is evidence which indicates use of political approaches of tourism in order to dodge limitations to the environment and access natural resources. The researches in future may include the purpose of tourism in ensuring expansions of various areas under protection. There is a need for advancing techniques for accounting that concerns the environment. There is a literature that explains the perceptions of accountability while dealing with climate change. Results on demographic trends show that the income resulting from tourism is capable of reducing the sizes of families via some meandering means (Buckley, 2012). The mechanism includes subsistence reliance and education of females. Conclusion Recent research recognizes the importance of sustainable tourism although it makes statements of the complexities involved in achieving it. Sustainable development is critically vital in tourism studies (Buckley, 2012). Academic researchers have a potential to improve the situation via a thorough research in the tourism industry. The themes that were mentioned earlier are of great significance in dealing with sustainability. The effort of academics plays a fundamental role because the information attained is useful by government in developing policies for the purpose of addressing sustainability (Buckley, 2012). References Wall, G. (1994). Sustainability in tourism leisure. Waterloo, Ontario: Department of geography, University of waterloo. Briassoulis, H. (2002). Sustainable tourism and the question of the commons. Annals of Tourism Research, 29, 4, pp. 1065–1085. James, T.G. (2001). Assessing Progress of Tourism Sustainability. Annals of Tourism Research, 28, 3, pp. 817–820. Tucker, H. (2001) Tourists and troglodytes: Negotiating for Sustainability. Annals of Tourism Research, 28, 4, pp. 868–891. Buckley, R. (2003). Tourism, Recreation and Sustainability: Linking Culture and the Environment. Annals of Tourism Research, 30, 1, pp. 271–273. Wheeller, B. A. (2005). Tourism and Sustainability: Development and New Tourism in the Third World. Annals of Tourism Research, 32, 2, pp. 499–501. Gezici, F. (2006). Components of sustainability: Two Cases from Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research, 33, 2, pp. 442–455. Saarinen, J. (2006). Traditions of sustainability in tourism studies. Annals of Tourism Research, 33, 4, pp. 1121–1140. David, L. & Edgell, Sr. (2009). Tourism, recreation, and sustainability. Annals of Tourism Research, 36, 4, pp. 749–750. Sharpley, R. (2010). Tourism Development and the Environment: Beyond Sustainability? Annals of Tourism Research, 37, 4, pp. 1194–1196. Farsari, I., Butler, R.W., & Szivas, E. (2011). complexity in tourism policies a Cognitive Mapping Approach. Annals of Tourism Research, 38, 3, pp. 1110–1134. Buckley, R. (2012). sustainable tourism: research and reality. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 2, pp. 528–546. Read More
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