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Various Sources and Their Impacts - Essay Example

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The paper "Various Sources and Their Impacts" discusses that the Southern Cross daily newspaper dated 15th November 2011 brought out some significant issues affecting the tourism industry. This article's main points brought out were unfavourable weather conditions, terrorism threats…
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Various Sources and Their Impacts
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? Reading Portfolio/Journal Reading Portfolio/Journal The tourism industry generates a lot of revenue to any country that practices it appropriately. It is a vast industry, and; therefore, has many issues that bear significant impact. In this essay, various sources will be used to discuss issues and their impacts. Some of this sources include; journals, newspapers, gazettes and textbooks. Southern Cross Daily Newspaper The Southern Cross daily newspaper dated 15th November, 2011, brought out some significant issues affecting the tourism industry. In this article, unfavorable weather conditions, terrorism threat and language barriers were the main issues brought out. Adverse weather conditions such as heavy rains and snow fall discourage tourists from visiting a certain country. Heavy rainfall can damage roads and interfere with air transport (Condren, 2011). This hinders navigation to different locations. Language barriers pose a significant challenge to this sector, as well. Language barrier is a condition whereby parties cannot communicate appropriately. It mainly occurs in situations where foreigners visit remote localities and are unable to communicate with the locals. This may lead to restrictions since the foreign tourists may not get adequate information about the phenomenon (Condren, 2011). Terror attack is a detrimental issue in the tourism industry. Tourists, whether foreign or domestic, need to be protected from the malicious terror attack. In the article, government agencies were urged to boost security in the beaches, parks and hotels to guide the welfare of tourists and boost their reputation. Tourism is a crucial sector of any economy. Hence, such issues must be addressed for economic welfare (Condren, 2011). The Sun Daily Newspaper During the second week, The Sun Daily Newspaper was used as main source. Firstly, tourism causes an increase in prices. Tourism will result to increase demand of basic commodities (McCarty, 2012). This may cause price hikes that affect locals negatively. Tourism overdependence results to economic risks. A country that relies on mass tourism is faced with formidable economic recession during natural disasters as hurricanes that change patterns of tourism. Tourism also creates seasonality in jobs, at peak seasons jobs are abundant, same to low peaks jobs are scarce hence constant unemployment (McCarty, 2012). Seasoned workers face job insecurity and no guarantee to medical benefits. Such challenges pose threat to tourism. Tourism causes cultural erosion especially in coastal centers. Tourists, in the beaches, expose the locals to their behaviors, which erodes their cultural values. Such behaviors result to prostitution and immorality in the coastal centers. Some tourists may also engage in criminal activities as drug dealing and sell of fire arms. Tourists can take advantage of their state and involve in criminal activities. Tourism can cause damage to wild life. Some tourists target wild animals such as rhinos and elephants for their tusks. This results to death of the animals. It also reduces incentives to visit such parks. Wild animals are in a danger of poaching. This might reduce tourist activities and profoundly affect the economy of the country. Countries that practice tourism are, therefore; urged to improve security to avoid such issues that affect it. Tourism and travel are substantially connected. Tourists travel to different localities to view spectacular features. A remarkable relationship exists between tourism and transport (McCarty, 2012). Green Gazette Green gazette, a travel gazette has brought out main issues in tourism. In the gazette, air and motor travel are the most fundamental modes that serve the tourism sector. Hence, this supports rapid development of new destinations (Simmons, 2011). Motorcars have witnessed an equal significant growth over the four decades. This can be attributed to preference for on-the park view. Tourists prefer being driven to the parks and reserves where they can have a closer view of the animals. This increases the demand for motor vehicles in the tourism industry. Tourism has enhanced the transport sector with regard to the issue stated above. During peak seasons, tourists have higher demand for transport facilities. This results to increased profitability in the transport sector. The Green gazette has discussed the challenges tourism has brought to the transport sector. Amongst this challenges are increased transport cost and loss of control of the transport industry. High quality transport services are costly therefore; it requires extra charges to maintain. Loss of control by government is because the initial cost of developing up-to-date airports and purchasing crafts are extremely high (Simmons, 2011). The government is forced to ask for foreign assistance, which affects the economy negatively. The local citizens as well are pushed out of businesses related to air and motor car travel. They are unable to compete with foreigners who have large capital bases. The TCA Gazette The TCA gazette is a travel gazette published in Spain. In the gazette, tourism and transport face numerous transformations (Williamson, 2012). Privatization has opened new opportunities for growth and co-operation. This is aimed at joint profitability. In this article, importance of air transport is highlighted. Air transport has reduced travel time and costs for the longer haul travel. Air travel is also fast therefore; it reduces the cost compared to other modes of transport. Air transport costs mainly influence travel behaviors that impact tourism. In this travel gazette, future air transport market developments have been discussed. Tour operators have opted to integrate IT into their systems (Williamson, 2012). Through this, tourists can book services in hotels, motor vehicles, reservations and air tickets online. This will improve efficiency in the travel and reservation sector. Similarly, the air travel consultants opt to study the market behavior by using statistical data to tap effectively into the short and long market haul. Low cost carriers have been integrated to act as informal feeders to the full service charters. This is a technique meant to deal with inconsistencies in the travel sector during low peak periods. Full service carriers have simplified pricing structures to encourage tourists to travel conveniently over long distances. Tickets are sold over the internet making them easily available. Travel agencies have employed improved technology in the security sectors. Use of biometric scanners to confirm identity and detect illegal weapons has vastly boosted safety in the tourism sector. These issues are fundamental to tourism (Williamson, 2012). The Travel Weekly UK Travel weekly UK has brought out global issues affecting tourism. In this travel weekly, political instability and health issues have been single out as main issues affecting travel and tourism industry (Whittman, 2009). Political aspects raise security concerns and have substantial impacts on the both tourism and travel. Firstly, they result to increased business failures. Business requires that people travel to different localities to attend meetings or prospect on business opportunities. When travel is affected businesses are likely to fail. In some business raw materials are transported from other places to the business premises. Likewise, already manufactured goods need to be transported to the market. Workers may need to travel to their workplaces. Lastly, political instability may cause loss of expected growth to other destinations. People may be scared to travel due to security threats. Health issues may cause stalemates in the travel and tourism industry. In the UK Travel Weekly, health issues have been discussed in broad views. Impacts of SARS in the South Asia and Australasia have been reflected. The SARS resulted to issuance of travel warnings (Whittman, 2009). Passengers were advised against travelling to those destinations. This substantially affected their travel and tourism sectors. The South Asian and Australasian countries suffered a massive economic blow at the period. In the Travel Weekly as well, effects of foot and mouth disease on UK tourism were discussed. The UK government like the Asian and Australasian countries suffered due to the ban on travel. Such issues must be addressed accordingly. The Travel Weekly Asia Travel Weekly Asia discusses challenges a country faces in conserving their environment and wildlife to boost tourism and their impacts on the travel industry (Porter, 2010). According to the Travel Weekly Asia, wildlife conservation is a considerable challenge to most Asians countries. Statistics from travel firms indicate high demand at peak seasons. This clearly shows that travel agencies and firms are supported largely by foreign tourists. Issues affecting tourism are therefore discussed intensively in the journal. Travel Weekly Asia blames increased reduction in wildlife to increased poaching. Poaching is the act of killing an animal for its products. Wild animals are usually targeted for their tusks and skin (Porter, 2010). According to this Travel Weekly, the governments in Asian countries should pass laws that prevent trading of tusks and skins. Environmental conservation plays a prominent role in tourism. Apart from wildlife, tourists come to see spectacular features. Coastal regions are the main target in this discussion. Governmental and non-governmental organizations have to ensure coastal beaches are hygienic to attract tourist. Litters and garbage need to be disposed off safely to prevent contamination at coastal ports. Beaches have to be handled with care to avoid inconveniences. Similarly, other areas as town centers need to be neat. Environmental conservation improves reputation of a country and makes it preferable (Porter, 2010). Tourists can develop negative attitudes towards countries that to do not manage their environment properly therefore, opting to stay away. Governments are urged to take care of their environment and wildlife to boost tourism. Tourism and Ecosystems In the Tourism and Ecosystems text book, a chapter on advantages of tourism and its relation to the ecosystems are outstanding (Leonard, 2001). This book has clearly categorized and explained the advantages of tourism. Ecosystem has been defined and its relation to tourism stated. First of all, tourism earns a country income hence increasing GDP. Tourists pay to see wildlife and other spectacular features (Leonard, 2001). This money contributes to the national income of the country. Increase in number of tourists is proportional to improvement of the economy of a country. The country gets foreign currency hence, being able to engage in trade. More foreign currency in the central bank puts a country at a better position of engaging in trade. Reputations develop trust amongst countries hence assisting each other during difficult times. Tourism leads to developments in various sectors such as transport, hotel and reservations industry. Tourists move from place to place, thus, roads need to be in good condition to avoid inconveniences. Hotels have to be built to accommodate their growing number (Leonard, 2001). The government invests capital to build hotels which are up to the standard of the tourists. Tourism may initiate business opportunities. Tourists in their tours may incidentally spot a business opportunity and decide to invest. These investments earn government revenue and create employment. Tourism has many advantages. Ecosystems also have a vast effect on tourism likewise. Ecosystem is the ability of the environment to self-sustain. Tourism depends heavily on environment (Leonard, 2001). Tourism Management Tourism Management is a book written by John Smith and Paul Michaels. In this book, advantages and effects of tourism are discussed further (Sydney, 2000). According to the book, tourism when managed properly is highly beneficial. According to this book, Switzerland vastly benefits from tourism. Some of the reasons for this are the geographical locations, variety of sites, hospitality and financial capability. Switzerland is located in a suitable geographical position in that they do not experience extreme winter or summer conditions, hence tourism activities throughout the year. Switzerland has a variety of tourist attraction sites and features. This has made tourism a principal economic activity in the country. Banking services and financial institutions in Switzerland have made it affordable to acquire financial services hence, increasing affordability to tourism services. Switzerland has experienced lots of benefits such as improved infrastructure, social amenities such as hospitals, improved recreational centers, employment and economic growth. Switzerland has one of the greatest economies, generally the populace is well off and this can be attributed economic conditions as a result of the tourism activities. Switzerland has the highest number of commercial banks worldwide. Similarly, tourism has had effects on Switzerland. Property and land cost have risen beyond the citizens capability due to tourism. This has discouraged real estate development (Sydney, 2000). Tourism comes with lots of benefits. Switzerland has been cited as a good example of country. This indicates that when country manages his sector wisely it stands to gain. Everest Journal Everest Journal, a tourism journal, discusses emerging trends in tourism. The emerging trends have substantial impacts on tourism (Chan, 2012). Introduction of ICT in the tourism sector has made it open. ICT development has changed the way tourism is viewed. ICT has brought with it an updated network infrastructure, modern telecommunications systems and skilled labor force that is a perquisite for a good system. Mass tourism has forced a change in the way it is handled because activities in the tourism sector have become complex. Benefits accrued from tourism are substantive. ICT has led to promotion of tourist destinations through the advertisement of the tourist products in multimedia applications (Chan, 2012). Tourists view destinations and contents they expect before visiting the places. Programs on televisions increase the curiosity of tourists. ICT has promoted interactive communication between tourist destinations and the tourists. Tourists can communicate on accommodation and travel information. Through such features as video chats and emails tourist are able to enquire about almost everything. This has made the tourists to be certain and hence a motivation to travel. On-line transaction between tourist and agents has been improved significantly. On-line booking services have been made simpler and easier. ICT services have entirely transformed the industry. Telecommunication applications have enabled integration of work to leisure hence, longer leisure time. People are to work on vacations and increased free time to engage in tourism. Transport telematics has created improved transport systems for tourists which results to a reduction in traffic congestion (Chan, 2012). Asylum Journal Asylum journal is a tourism journal that discusses various tourist attractions. In each continent, spectacular features attract tourists (Woo, 2009). According to the asylum journal, the contents can be classified into wildlife, natural phenomenon, spectacular features and culture. Wild animals are widespread in Africa, South America, Asia and Australasian. Wild animals are considered as the leading source of tourist attraction. In Africa, the lions, gazelles and Wildebeest are the most common wild animals. In East Africa for instance, the Wildebeest and Lions can be traced to Maasai Mara and Amboseli Parks in Kenya. Wildebeest crossing to Tanzania from Kenya was branded the 7th world wonder. Kenya boosts inhabitants to the animals Spectacular features are unique and found only in specific localities. Ancient pyramids in Egypt are a spectacular feature. They can only be associated to Egypt. Most tourists visit such locations in order to have a glimpse of such features (Woo, 2009). Spectacular features are incredible and usually questions are raised over them. It is for this reason that attendants are trained to respond to their questions. A natural phenomenon can be described as any physical feature such as mountains, basins and valleys. All these are sources of tourist attractions. These features and phenomenon are of great importance. Initiatives have to be taken to protect them. Benefits a country accrues are massive (Woo, 2009). For any nation that wishes to have economic prosperity, all the wild animals and other sources need to be protected and well conserved. References Condren, P 2011, ‘Issues affecting international tourism’, Southern Cross Daily Newspaper, 30–31 Nov., p. 16. McCarty, Y 2012, ‘Tourism and the economy’, The Sun Daily Newspaper, 24 Jul., pp. 16-17. Simmons, J 2011, ‘Cut holiday queues this summer’, Travel Trade Gazette, 9 Feb., pp. 8-9. Williamson, A 2012, ‘Bray & Raitz: flight to the sun’, Travel Trade Gazette, 7 March., pp. 6-7. Whittman, J 2009, ‘Global issues affecting tourism’, Travel Weekly, 31 Sept., p. 7. Porter, M 2010, Travel to the heart of the UK, Travel Weekly, 21 Aug., p. 11. Leonard, J 2001, Tourism and transport: Management, Vin Press, New York. Sydney, P 2000, Tourism essentials: Development, Clump Publishers, New York. Chan, D 2012, ‘How to successfully advertize your country’, The British Journal of Tourism Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 34-37. Woo, C 2009 Tourism in Africa, The American Journal of Tourism, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 26-27. Read More
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