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The development of a place as a tourism destination is based on a series of facts. Primarily, the ability of the place to attract tourists need to be evaluated. At this point, the characteristics of the place, in terms of history, sightseeing options, and leisure options, if available, are taken into consideration.
Work Placement in Hailong Hotel (Learning Log). Learning log can be identified as a unique documentation of how a student traces their responses to learning difficulties as set by the teachers. In workplace environment, it has been observed that the companies have started to prefer candidates who are competent enough and thus can take challenges easily.
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6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
Shanghai is an increasingly popular city among domestic as well as international tourists. Also identified as Hu or Shen by the Chinese citizens, Shanghai is situated at the center of China’s eastern shoreline. It is one of the nation’s biggest cities with approximately 20 million residents.
Another negative importance of the corporate sponsorship of events lies in the application of sponsorship as a part of running bribery frauds or as favours, where the event organizers violate the generosity of corporate institutions to forge their own selfish agenda in terms of squeezing funds out of their pockets.
The planning of how the industry will work is left to different regions to contribute to the decision making process the central government has left the decision making process to the Black Sea region. The central administrations only supervise and involve all Black Sea regions in the final process.
15 pages (3750 words)
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, Literature review
Major one-time or recurring events of limited duration, developed primarily to enhance awareness, appeal and profitability of a tourism destination in the short term and/or long term. Such events rely for their success on uniqueness, status, or timely significance to create interest and attract attention.
A lot of changes and development has happened in the tourism industry over the last forty years. The field has migrated from finding knowledge and preparing learners for employment to the development of a curriculum. Various theories have thus been integrated into the field to meet the changing needs of individuals and tourism in society.
The first area in which the operation management works with the food and beverage is through the supply chain. The operation management holds strengths with taking the foods from Japan and having an original composition with the control. This allows the individuals to create and produce a different association with the management used.
The following are my excerpts on my three-day observation in the cafe: November 17, Saturday. Today is the first day I will conduct the participatory observation in this cafe. This is the only cafe in the neighbourhood, that is why I am thinking that many people are ought to go here.
Many people today are technologically oriented. This means that they are able to use the internet for social media purposes and also for business. For instance, a customer who is on a business trip is able to communicate with his/her colleagues. The hotel has been able to attract young people who are extremely valuable to the business world.
Aboriginal art and craft include paintings, sculptures, woodwork, stone carvings wood works, jewelry, and many other products made with the help of plants and animals. They are made by the indigenous and non-indigenous residents of a country (Aboriginal Art, 2012). Indigenous tourism is concerned with authentic cultural exposure.
The study observed in the paper is on “Doing Gender, Doing Entrepreneurship”. There is a connection between entrepreneurship and culture apart from it being an economic activity. The study picks onto gender as a result of the increased institutionalization of value and symbols that can be related to this social component in the operation of enterprises.
The research methodology also included mechanisms to keep the anonymity of the respondents and thus the information could not be attributed to any particular respondent. This was done by dividing the respondents into three groups, and use of content analysis methods to analyze the responses of each group.
11 pages (3018 words)
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, Research Paper
Health facilities in the world need to be maintained and equipped with ultimate safety measures to improve the living standards of people. A number of researches have been conducted to establish indicators applicable in providing good care and health standards to human beings. Lack of prioritizing medical care and safety ideology to patients has reduced the services offered and the level of treatment.
In the recent years, journals are preferred for learning marketing knowledge and this has lead to an increase in journals in the market worldwide. Marketing managers are gathering information from journals, which have greatly influenced their decisions.
Volunteer tourism participation may reinforce stereotypes as some volunteers emphasize differences and establish a dichotomy of “them and us” instead of finding commonality between the developed and developing world. Many organizations promote simplified imagery of destinations and local cultures to appeal to potential volunteers’ imaginations.
Tourism planning does not entail a one-person decision but comprises the decision of different individuals. Both the public and private actors have to be involved in the process of tourism planning. The public sector is involved in tourism planning with the central role of enactment, governance, and implementation of rules and regulations.
One of the traits of an entrepreneur is identifying a marketing opportunity. The EU airways provide a lucrative business market for both small and large-scale entrepreneurs. In a small-scale capacity, there are a number of factors to be considered in setting up a venture in the market. The tourism industry is one of the best resources when it comes to the passengers of the airline sector.
This is with the goal to sustain growth of business and the communities,attraction of visitors,provide reasons for spending,and other social and economic gains.Some of the results and effects,however may be adverse to the community’s welfare such as increase social problems of migration and unsustainable population growth,and environmental degradation.
Generally, today, business is considered one of the key initiators of important social and economic changes. In the protection of the environment also, the role of business is significant; having the power to develop initiatives that help to control the effects of human activities on the environment.
15 pages (4083 words)
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, Research Paper
It is of high importance to mention that the evolution of telecommunication technology along with the process of evolution of high-speed internet and various kinds of technology-enabled gadgets has resulted in the process of playing a tremendous amount of influence in the lives of the masses around the world.
Tourism has emerged to be one the fastest growing economic sectors in many countries. For instance, in Costa Rica, tourism has been serving as the largest foreign exchange earner since 1995. The natural attractions such as Poas Volcano Crater and Cocos Island have enhanced the growth of the sector in Costa Rica.
The paper will explore different perspectives to different industry queries. The elements of human resource management and emotional intelligence with application to the hospitality and event operations personnel in organizations will be explored. The significance of conferences in the hospitality and event operations industry will also be explored.
Consequently it led to the concentration of country population towards the industrial hubs shaping in big cities with dense population resulting in over exploitation; a major cause, threatening global biodiversity.
Transportation is the movement of people from one place to another with the help of a medium. The different mediums of transport include air, land, and water. With the ever-increasing advancements in technology, all the medium of transports has become faster. Land transportation usually includes the ones which travel on the roads.
My specialization centres on the service oriented business (tourism luxury industry) concentrating in event planning and management for upscale clients. Luxury tourism is a prominent field awash with an ever growing stature. In the discussion, I have adopted the position of events planning manager specializing in organizing high-end events such as concerts, product launch, and showroom facilities.
I have short listed seven countries that I find interesting, places that I have visited and places which I would like to go to in the future. Each of them has their own geographical features that distinguishes them from other countries.
It is popular as the origin of history, culture, artistic legacy, and extraordinary countryside in the entire span of Italy. Strategically located in Italy, Tuscany plays a major role concerning the promotion of the tourism sector in Italy. This essay seeks to describe, analyze, and research on the tourist potential of Tuscan City in Italy (Discover Tuscany).
Based on the notion of how CRM is capable of producing positive effects on customer loyalty, a hotel will be selected for studying and researching the point in question here in the hospitality industry, which namely Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel. This dissertation aims to critically analyze the impact the CRM has made on Customer Loyalty in Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel.
It is worth mentioning that the company operates almost 5500 coffeehouses that provide great coffee and genuine service to its customer (Starbucks Corporation, 2013). However, it has been viewed that with the increasing competitors and the growth for supplementary products are establishing new challenges for the company.
The scope of the study is limited only to the market of the USA and UK. The information is gathered solely from secondary sources such as journals, articles and books. The researchers will try to gather in-depth information from the research papers and present applicable and realistic strategies for organizations in the particular industry.
This research tells that tourism has obtained incredible popularity during the contemporary era all over the globe particularly for the duration of last two decades or so. Political changes at world level including the removal of the Iron Curtain and the demise of communism have made valuable contributions in the creation of a healthy and pleasant appearance of global tourism in every region.
The hospitality industry is very well established in the United Kingdom because of being one of the highest tourist turnovers around the world. This is the strength of the British economy. It has been stated as to the airlines which are operating in England region have very impressive revenue rates.
It can be said that from the perspective of the tourism economy and the hosting of international events, there comes the potential for a remarkable rise in a number of important destination growths reflected by the increased number of tourists. It is therefore important that those hosting international events maximize short-term efforts.
London is regarded as the biggest city in the continent of Europe. It is the capital city of England and was historically founded by Romans almost 2000 years ago. The city is located on the bank of the famous river Themes. Today, the city is often viewed to be one of the prominent cities in the world and one of the most visited destinations throughout the globe.
6 pages (1669 words)
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, Research Paper
The phenomenon of the global village has not only come about people through the power of the internet, people can be at one point of the world and access information from all other parts of the world. Actually, there is also massive political freedom that has made the physical movement of people from one place of the world to the other very easier (Kjeldskov and Paay, 2005).
Due to its location Three Monkeys is considered as an ideal place for starting the visit in West End; in fact, Three Monkeys is one of the most known places in West End. The only disadvantage of the place in terms of location is related to the weather; due to its low position, compared to the sea level, the place is exposed to flooding.
Global tourism has had a tremendous impact on the global economy. Many countries didn’t consider tourism something that could actually boost their financial revenues but now countries are competing in the tourism department just as they compete in other commodities. Here is the synopsis of six news articles on the growth and impact of global tourism. These serve well.
Moreover, with the help of this strategy, the brand image and reputation of a tourist group might also be enhanced, thereby generating a strong position for itself in the market among other rivals. In this vein, the revenue of the tourist organisation might also be increased, which enhances its rate of sustainability in the market in the long run.
Holden (2005) also points out that within a tourist destination, residents and tourists share certain characteristics and elements while other elements are used exclusively by one group or the other. Tourism is becoming a key industry in Hong Kong. In the last decade, tourism in Hong Kong has developed rapidly.
When this Researcher decided on the research question and objectives, it was planned to primary research and give focus on the Ministry of Civil Service of Saudi Arabia with the objective of determining the key HRM practices on employee retention. It was thought that it would be an easy job because the researcher would only have to focus on a particular department or bureaucracy of Saudi Arabia.
The operational principle behind destination tourism and the emergence of technological phenomena such as the Internet created a modern platform by which stakeholders, especially tourism businesses in a tourist destination, can integrate their operations into one system that effectively provides almost all services to their clients electronically.
Since the challenges pose difficulty to the management, an understanding of the industry is critical to planning in tourism; hence the need for an elaborative financial plan for the management to accomplish its objectives (Dale, 2006, p. 171). When planning, Paultons Park limited should focus on overcoming the challenges by devising contingent plans for their business since hospitality is unpredictable ventures.
A famous saying about the master plan is “master-plan takes care of the details, so you can take care of the business”. Various innovative ideas are required for a good master plan, which is further implemented in an event’s success. Skills are needed for cost-effective planning are of prime significance in master-plan.
Bilateral code sharing has picked up with the development of airline alliances. Code sharing can be broken down into two predominant forms: ‘parallel’ and ‘complementary’. Parallel code sharing occurs where two airlines operate flights on the same route allowing both to gain advantages of increased frequencies and shared resources.
The term ‘sports tourism’ has been defined in many different ways. According to Standeven and De Knop (1999, p.12), sports tourism refers to all forms of active and passive involvement in sporting activity causally or in an organized way for non-commercial or commercial reasons that necessitate traveling away from home and work locality.
In 2011, Wales’ population was estimated to be 3,064,000. The country has a total area of 20,799 km2 (Wales, United Kingdom Travel Guide). The employment rate for working-age people was 67% in Wales according to a 2011 report whereas the UK as a whole maintained a rate of 70.7 (Key Economic Statistics – September 2010).
The policy initiatives required to develop Rhossili town into a global tourist spot is outlined in the paper. The priorities of the town council are to develop a global town providing a 'little bit for everyone' along with maintaining the heritage of the town. The facilities in the town have to grow proportionately to accommodate the increased population that would inhabit the town.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Tony Wheeler begins writing his book by questioning what is known to outsiders to be myth and the quantity of information that makes history in any restricted society. The project of the Lonely Planet by Wheeler begins on these points as he undertook the project that enabled him to tour regimes he calls the most repressive or dangerous world governments.
Kenya is bordered by Uganda to the west, Tanzania to the southwest, Somalia to the east and Sudan, and Ethiopia to the north. The Indian Ocean borders Kenya on the southeastern part near Somalia. Moreover, to the west of the country lies the Lake Victoria that borders Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.