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Youth Transnationalism, Backpacking, and Tourism in Thailand 1. Introduction Tourism is currently in a state of global change. The expectations and desires of the average tourist have been gradually evolving over the years, and the tourist industry, although struggling to keep up, has performed brilliantly across sectors (Hamzah & Hampton, 2011).
Since 2008, the Employment Contract Law came to be implemented. It is a requirement that every company in the country adheres to the regulation. In addition, the Labor Disputes Mediation and Arbitration Law, and Regulations on the Implementation of Employment Contract Law govern labor in China (China National Tourism Administration, 2013).
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Of the ‘new world’ economies, China in particular, has demonstrated a strong growth market in outbound travel. Britain is keen to attract the Chinese tourists as they spend three times the amount than tourists from other countries. The UK and China are distinctly different in the cultural dimensions and culture impacts expectations and needs.
Most of the respondents are conglomerates and are major players in their respective industries. Based on the gathered information, 31% of the respondents indicated that the price of raw materials is more likely to be a risk in their business. Also, 23% of the companies mentioned the availability of procurement employees is another form of risk.
The aim of this paper is to thoroughly analyze the research structure and design of the proposed study, to state its research problems and paradigms, and to evaluate its significance. I. Aims of the Study and Statement of Research Problem The primary objective of the proposed study is to evaluate the impact of tourism on the quality of life of the people living in Venice.
The objectives include an investigation into the influence of culture on consumer misbehavior, evaluation of the relationship between hotel rate and customer theft, and an evaluation of the similarities and differences idiosyncratic characteristics between Turk consumers’ theft methods and those of British consumers.
Al Freej restaurant is focused on becoming the premier traditional Arabic restaurant in the local and foreign markets. We want our customers to have the total experience when visiting Al Freej. Our customers will not only receive quality meals and beverages but also they will enjoy a fun atmosphere that caters for their needs
Apart from these strategies, the company is also seemed to adopt other methods with the objective of improving the performance of the company. The management of the company seeks that the skills of the employees or team members are developed continually and are focussed on the objectives and performances of the company.
The slogan “Malaysia, Truly Asia” stands absolutely correct for this Malay-dominated nation. With its highly varied ethnicity and religious structure, it has created a unique identity of its own, attracting tourists from different corners of the world. 51% of the Malaysian population is Malay, all of whom are Muslims; 26% are Chinese and 7% Indians.
The single EU aviation market has been successful, especially in the regional integration of civil aviation. The success of EU aviation policy can be cited for availing more competition as demonstrated by an approximate 310% increase in intra-EU routes, with more than two carriers between the years 1992 and 2009.
In 2001 the release of the first instalment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy directed by Peter Jackson inspired worldwide interest in visiting the nation that had provided beautiful vistas for the film. Filmed in the wilds of New Zealand, the film had taken advantage of pristine and untouched lands that were examples of nature at its best (Leotta 2011, p. xi).
This food poisoning outbreak was seen in areas of Nigeria where over ten million visitors come every year. The incidences of food poisoning in the region have doubled each of the last two decades. While the local people of the region typically eat more homegrown food and fresh seafood, the tourists demand a different diet.
Impacts of Online Communication and Social Media on Travel and Tourism Marketing.Online communication has been a reliable mode of communication for travel and tourism sector. The tourism industry depends on the online communication to market various organizations and provide resourceful information to tourists.
The author states that political stability in the context of growth pertains to strong institutions, an efficient bureaucracy, low corruption and a business climate conducive to investment. The UK tourism industry is unable to compete against international competitors due to lack of support from local government in the form of reforms.
Individual versus collectivism focuses on the level at which people believe they are expected to support and be supported by the people who are related to them as a family or a group they belong to. People feel that for them to be members of a certain group they must benefit from that group to remain there.
The above figures show the importance of tourism in terms of a revenue earner for the UK government, thus making it important that tourism policies framed promote sustainable tourism and remain ‘tourist-oriented in their framework. However, in the recent context, it must be remembered that policymaking in tourism is not a static process.
That said, authenticity is a complex word to define. Authenticity may be objective, which means that there is one way to define authenticity, and there is a standard and a measure of the same. It may also be constructive, which means that it is defined according to relative standards, and the meaning of the word can change according to politics and power.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
Tourism emerges amongst the greatest global industries, with the focus of the vast majority of the growing market’s focus revolving around natural environments of pristine value such as marine and coastal protected areas. Marine protected areas continually attract foreign visitors’ interests as well as that of local residents.
Through various HR strategies, Mcdonald's has been able to develop a committed and competent workforce that delivers quality service and customer satisfaction. Strategic HRM strategies can be viewed as the main business strategy that has strategically positioned the restaurant in its current market position above its competitors in the food industry.
The study starts with a critical review of the UK’s tourism sector in order to understand its contribution or impact on the economy of the country. The essay looks into the nature and scale of the issue of the UK’s tourism visa. The analysis will look into the current legislations/ regulations, the adjoining problems with tourism visas, and the key facts and figures about the tourism visa.
Interviews are more structured in the quantitative research method than in qualitative research. Therefore we have decided to take out the benefit of quantitative research methodology and gather the information on the basis of a questionnaire that will be circulated while conducting the interview (Frels and Onwuegbuzie, 2013).
Tourist arrivals in Vietnam maintained their double-digit growth levels with 2011 recording a 15% increase. This is attributed to global economic recovery, expansion of air transport routes by international and local carriers, the introduction of new tourism products and effective branding of Vietnam as a diverse destination.
The impact of tourism on the host country can be pervasive and devastative. This adds to the existing problems that a region may have. For instance, problems and concerns in TEN are numerous. The key challenges faced in the Tsavo region include poverty and underlying socio-cultural problems that stem from poverty.
This essay mainly focuses on the evaluation of the impact of different factors, that directly or indirectly influence the performance of the industry of tourism and travel in the United Kingdom. The fundamental factors that promoted the growth of tourism in the UK include technological advancements, infrastructure state and macroeconomic stability.
The Earth Fair will benefit students of the University of Bedfordshire who will learn and experience the presence of different business and community groups about the importance of protecting the environment. For students, the event will increase their learning about environmental issues such as climate change and environmental degradation.
In terms of consumer utilization, 72% answered that they prefer to go online to look for travel services and 59% stated that they can always choose to secure their purchase electronically. This is the current dilemma that is threatening the business of travel agencies right now, which poses the risk of disintermediation.
14 pages (3940 words)
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, Research Paper
The nursing profession is guided by ethical principles that ensure that patient care is performed at acceptable standards. Ethical principles such as non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy, and justice are the basis of the profession, directing the code of conduct of nurses as well as patient care (Brody, 1998).
Both Dubai and Turkey depend tremendously on tourism for revenue generation as well as a source of income and employment. Both countries show considerable hospitality towards tourism by using incentives as well as having scrupulous tourist infrastructure and appropriate staff.
According to the research consumptive tourism is an method of tourism that provides economically for the society in which it is present, as well as motivating landowners and businesses to protect the species and environment. The use of consumptive tourism is heavily debated, with many feeling that it is contrary to the principles of sustainable tourism, or that killing for pleasure is unethical regardless of the potential benefits.
11 pages (3169 words)
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, Research Paper
Generally speaking, as noted by scholars, research methodology is the cornerstone of a study. It requires effective planning and development of sustainable programs that will drive the research process. Research methods include data compilation techniques, analysis, design and development of the findings.
We paid the entrance fees; a whopping $12 for foreigners and one must show a passport or national ID in order to enter; Egyptians can visit for approximately eighty cents. Although there was an option to take a horse and buggy tour of the grounds, we opted to walk; we had sat long enough the day before, and I wanted this experience to be real.
Introduction The name of the hotel is Club Belcekz Beach Hotel, which is a luxury hotel and it is located in Oludeniz, the city that gets millions of visitors in peak season from October to March. It has won numerous awards for customer satisfaction such as Thomson Gold Medal and offers facilities such as clubs, mini club, bars, restaurants and a plethora of other tourist activities.
Furthermore, some authors have refuted the idea that death-related tourism sites are wholesale dark. Therefore, it can be concluded that the field of dark tourism is wide; more questions have been raised, and at the same time, continuous research work remains the bedrock of explaining dynamism in the field.
Moreover it also includes ideological and physical participation of the tourist in the protection of the environment. There are several derivates of ecotourism including; alternative ecotourism, community led ecotourism etc. Impacts of ecotourism The concept of ecotourism has invoked a feeling of precaution in both tourists and the operator in handling the resources of the destination.
The country’s revenue from tourism has increased to 380,417 million baht as compared to 187,898 million earned in 1998. With the increase in tourist activities, the government has been concerned with the natural environment and this has led to the promotion of ecotourism as the current trend in the country’s tourism sector.
9 pages (2513 words)
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, Research Paper
Tourism is regarded as a worldwide phenomenon that involves a vast number of people along with the tourism destinations and acts as a significant source of economic activity. A well-planned and well-controlled tourism activity can generate jobs and can bring overseas exchange earnings along with creating opportunities to minimize the issue of poverty and gender discrimination to a certain extent.
In addition, the incorporated information towards cultural heritage and culture perform a major role by stimulating confined tourism. The non-material heritage, religious celebrations, holidays, history and art monuments, and museums are confined in the integrated information. All these are considered to attract tourists with respect to culture.
Factors that explain the growth and interest in heritage tourism
The growth in cultural diversity and heritage has been occasioned by discovery of more heritage sites, increase in cultural education, growth in the number of cultural exhibitions and festivals.
High-quality transport services are costly therefore; it requires extra charges to maintain. The loss of control by the government is because the initial cost of developing up-to-date airports and purchasing crafts are extremely high (Simmons, 2011). The government is forced to ask for foreign assistance, which affects the economy negatively.
Emphasising these characteristics of the tourism market in Dubai, the paper would intend to evaluate the extent to which the city deciphers or rather illustrates the features of modern urban tourism. The intention of the paper will be thus concentrated on connoting if Dubai presents a new paradigm of urban tourism.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Newsome, Moore & Dowling (2002) describe alternative tourism as “the existence of small or medium companies, created by families or friends, where there is the possibility of more contact with the communities and where most of the times there is a respect for the environment.”
The integrated efforts of politicians, planners and developers, as well as citizens, are required for creating a responsible and therefore acceptable tourism industry. It should “bring long-term benefits to residents and tourists alike without compromising the physical and cultural environment of the destination region” (Archer, Cooper & Ruhanen 1998: 98).
The tourism industry in Oman has rapidly grown and developed and the government of the country makes large investments in the development of this field. There is a clear intention of Oman’s government to draw the following parallels between enrichment of the country by means of tourism. Oman's National Economy is focused on investments of 12mn by 2020 (Lancaster, 2011).
The main purpose behind conducting this study was to investigate the effect of themed hotels on the tourism industry. The researcher mainly collected information from secondary sources to make the analyses, recommendations and conclusion of this report. The findings of the study outline how the tourism industry is influenced by the type of hotel in question.
These two theories came from past literature reviews and the approaches which these were based on with representations to tourism. This combined with the ontological approach, which was inclusive of references to tourist attraction systems, defining characteristics of travel and outcomes which were associated with tourism.
The tourism industry has faced a lot of criticism for having had a negative impact on the many destinations that tourists visit. However, if we consider the key areas that the tourism industry affects mostly, we note that the positive impacts are more than the negative impacts. The economic, environmental and cultural are the main areas that the tourism industry affects.
The tennis court of the hotel is over-resourced as the management pays much attention to it, which is not equally important in customers’ opinion. Tour booking service is another area of concern for the management because customers do not perceive it as an important feature, so the hotel management is trying to over-perform in this area.
Within this understanding, many scholars and economic forecasters appointed to the fact that this particular service industry stands a great chance of monumental growth and development within the next decade. However, like many economic forecasts, the overall level of belief that can be attributed to this must be somewhat abated.
Contextually, it would be to mention that organizations operating in the tourism and hospitality industries also face immense competition amid themselves owing to the increasing numbers of entrants and established brands offering similar products and services. Companies possess the need to develop effective strategies to deal with such scenarios.
Each one of us was expectantly looking forward to this trip and we had really worked hard around the year to save and set aside ample funds for this trip. Finally, the summers were here and after taking a count of our savings, we realized that we had sufficient money to finance a trip to any destination around the world.