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Current Approaches to Tourism Development - Essay Example

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The paper "Current Approaches to Tourism Development" focuses on the fact that sustainable tourism is a new trend in the industry, which involves another factor in the tourism sector. The factors include environmental, economical, social and ethical factors…
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Current Approaches to Tourism Development
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? Sustainable Tourism Emergence of Sustainable Tourism Sustainable tourism is a new trend in the industry, in which it involves other factor in the tourism sector. The factors include environmental, economical, social and ethical factors (Harris, Williams & Griffin, 2012). The aim of the practice is to meet the needs of tourist without compromising with the plans and goals of the future. The study will focus on Black Sea region in Turkey where Karagol-Sahara national parks was the main target. The principle of sustainable tourism has overtaken any other form of tourism. It has attributed to change in the tourism industry. Development and marketing strategies have been included into the industry hence ensuring the strength and uniqueness of the sector (Cerina, Markandya & McAleer, 2010). The sustainable tourism has brought with it development benefits to the locals (Jamieson, 2006). It has resulted in the creation of jobs to the locals and hence enhancing their life improves in society. As compared to the past form of tourism where the locals benefited less the new form enhanced more opportunities. The locals also benefited in since there has been creation of business resulting from sustainable tourism (Miller & Twining-Ward, 2005). The infrastructure improvement is evidence of sustainable tourism the sector has ensured the locals enjoy the benefits of the tourism industry. The result of sustainable tourism is increased revenue. The revenue collected from the sector is then channel into other economic activities and the remainder reinvested into the sector. The re investment aspect makes the practice unique as compared to other forms of tourism. Money acquired from the sector is then used in conservation and community based project with the aim of involving the locals and the sector (Robinson & Heitmann, 2011). In Black Sea region, tourism has recognized the way of life of the locals and their value and the determination in promoting tourism, this has made hence locals take responsibility feeling part of the process. These are the reasons sustainability now pervade all forms of tourism development in turkey (Wang, 2011). Current Approaches to Tourism Development Tourism in Black Sea region has had many approaches which mainly focused on environmental and economical and socio cultural aspects (Castellani & Sala, 2009). The importance of the three is ensuring that as much as the sector targets to attract more players, the three are then combine to form a more sustainable tourism industry. They include ecotourism at Karagol-Sahara national parks done based in proving the values and benefits of the tourism industry and still keeping in mind the environmental factor. It has included the private sector to its policies. Ecotourism lacks in the ability to gather more tourist. The limited number of tourist generates less revenue, due to their small number of tourist. They lack in physical infrastructure will eventually affect the entire industry (Edgell, 2006). The form of tourism approach may hence result to negative effects and the whole issue of sustainable tourism may be put to test. Ecotourism focuses on the environmental factor of the tourism industry. The other approach by the Karagol-Sahara national parks is pro-poor tourism in which it focuses on profits from the industry being channeled to the poor in society (Herremans, 2006). The aim of the tourism practice is to try and eradicate poverty amongst the local communities. The practice usually focuses on creation of job opportunities by reinvesting the revenue collected to other economical uses. The tourism approach main components include improving the available economic benefits. The other component is dealing with both social and environmental impact lastly it focuses on policy reforms in that the normal way of doing business is transformed to include the plights of the local people (Knowles, Diamantis & El-Mourhabi, 2004). Lastly is the conventional tourism in which money from tourist is not channeled to the locals but back to the industry (Pineda & Brebbia, 2012). Development resulting from the practice is aimed at promoting the Karagol-Sahara national parks in the outside world. It neglects the need of locals. This usually affects the sustainable tourism development (Wang & Pizam, 2011). Factors that promote tourism sustainability range from those shared by other forms of tourism and the development aspect of tourism. Funding from the industry is another factor that ensures the efficiency of sustainable tourism development in Black Sea region. The factors range from monitory to suggestive matter. The locals also play part in ensuring the industry achieves sustainability development in tourism sector (Herremans, 2006). Sustainable Tourism Developments/Products/Or Approaches To Destination Management The approaches have been successful due to some factors including, decentralization and proper administration practice (Edgell, 2006). The form of administration ensures benefits of devolution to the tourism industry. The planning of how the industry will work is left to different regions to contribute in the decision making process the central government has left the decision making process to Black Sea region. The central administrations only supervise and involve all Black Sea region in the final process. The decentralization of the administration process in essence promotes sustainability in the development of tourism in Black Sea region. The existence in homogeneity due to decentralization has been the result of development in the tourism industry in turkey. Proper planning in the tourism sector is the result of success of the approach. The plans include long term and short term to enable the development of the tourism industry. As a destination manager the plans always are inclusive of expansion and increase in revenue collected from the sector. A proper team is laid as a result of realization of goals set. The approach lay down procedures in ensuring the well being of the sector (Castellani & Sala, 2009). The plans are comprehensive in that they are they provide incentives to help facilitate the goals. A destination manager usually involves plans to subsidies the tourism sector. The benefits that come with the approach are the result of continued benefits brought about by well coordinated government intervention and trained destination manager. The tourism plan is not only driven by the market demand and is not supply oriented but has set plans. Improvements in the sector are done in a long term basis to avoid the rush when the demand is high (Wang, 2011). As a destination manager using the approach, the issue of myopic is a thing of the past and focus is laid having planed for what is to happen in the industry. Plans under the approach are able to be achieved due to the inclusion of many players in the sector. The approach is made possible with a proper community approach. They involve the community plays a greater role in the sustainability of tourism development. The sustainability development in the tourism industry will only be achieved by involvement of the community. The approach creates jobs and creates business chances to the locals, the approach usually advocate for participatory approach to the industry (Wang & Pizam, 2011). The element for a successful sustainability some elements must be met. First, management must commit them in the sustainable solution. They was design a way where the all aspects involved are set and timed well. The other element included the staff in that they was be effective ii line of duties. The management and the staff members was collaborate to ensure a smooth process of ensuring that the realization of sustainability development in the tourism industry. Management was set up programs and processes to allow collection of data and set bench marks to be followed (Robinson & Heitmann, 2011). Systems that involve both the environmental and social management was be set to ensure its development. They was cover the issue of the sustainability. A proper communication process was be set to ensure good relation between the management and other key players in the sector to enhance development. They include a good system where customer can forward complaints and suggestion to ensure that whatever suggested by the customers is used to ensure sustainability (Pineda & Brebbia, 2012). Measures was be placed to ensure that all activities are being accounted for. New trends was be noted and counter moves made to ensure that the industry keeps bay with the competitors from different country. The other factor of sustainability in tourism is the annual reviews (Miller & Twining-Ward, 2005). Activities of the previous years are laid down and valuation done on their profitability. The process usually involves the government and the stakeholders where the progress of the tourism is valued in relation to sustainability to the industry. The progress is valued in terms of revenue collected. The amount of revenue collected and reinvested back is valued. The valuation provides comments to be used in ensuring the improvement of the industry. For sustainable development, progress must be noted (Knowles, Diamantis & El-Mourhabi, 2004). They then use them to create new approaches to ensure goals are achieved. In destination management the first developments is partnership with the private sector and the local authorities. This will ensure the industry achieves additional advantage; the private sector will carry out some faction the aim of realization of sustainable tourism development. They carry out the promotion part in which they advertise the sector. The partnership result to an increase in number of tourist who in turn raises the revenue collected as the result of the tourism industry. The level at which the private sector get involved in the tourism industry is a thing to be acknowledged (Jamieson, 2006). The sector also focuses in the realizing of the sustainability goals in which they suggest on the measures to be used in ensuring the general public is involved. The private sector also offers other services, fro instance they invest in the hospitality industry they include the Kaptan Hotel, thus aiding in the development and realization of sustainable development in the tourism industry. The partnership ensures the industry realizes and formation of market strategies hence marking the industry competitive. Competition comes from other countries providing the same number of products (Herremans, 2006). Planning is the other approach in achieving the set goals of, as a destination manager planning is the most important aspect in sustainable tourism. It involves identifying infrastructure services and facilities, in ensuring that the facilities are acceptable the manager included the locals and the other players to choose the best location. This usually includes transport and accommodation; this is the key factor to the tourism industry. The planning aspect ensures the sector follows without breakages in the order of activities (Harris, Williams & Griffin, 2012). The government is the major player; it ensures every sector performs its duties in ensuring the realization of sustainability development. Is ensures there is segmentation hence different departments deals with the issue at hand in a more effective way. Communication is then advanced to enhance easy flow of information. The government does an audit to ensure accountability to the sector (Edgell, 2006). Each of the challenges identified in the process of sustainability I the tourism industry is as a result the complexity of the task of implementing change throughout a large and complex system despite the challenges faced in the industry, sustainable tourism application remains critical to the oncoming new trend in tourism. Understanding the complex process of implementing sustainable tourism has increased significantly, as has our appreciation of the challenges (Cerina, Markandya & McAleer, 2010). The approach continues with to lay emphasis of ensuring the sector is overcomes the challenges. In ensuring sustainability phases include, first developing sustainability policy where the principles of the industry are laid with economic and societal performance in mind (Castellani & Sala, 2009). They are always planned in a way that the locals and the environment are not affected. The plans depend on how the company defines the whole process of sustainability. The next step involves identifying major aspects. They include a number of products to be made available and how they will add value to the process of sustainability. In economic aspect they include direct cost other forms of revenue including recycling revenue, it also involves the effect on the ecosystem. The environmental factors include the number of materials used and their effects to the environment and the amount of green energy involved in the tourism industry. It includes how it will impact the both the local and global scene. The last aspect is the societal aspect where living conditions and well being of the society is reflected (Wang, 2011). There exists sustainability of the tourism sector in relation to climate change. The activities was revolve around the ability to deliver and at the same time protect the environment. Depending on social needs, the destination/community may value employment opportunities higher than energy savings and yet, in the absence of legislation or industrial agreements, it is the enterprise that will determine the action (Robinson & Heitmann, 2011). The industry was include a well trained marketing team who collects data from the environment and find out what the market needs (Miller & Twining-Ward, 2005). This ensures will ensure the company keeps at bay with changes in trend. The marketing team proposes plans to the team to ensure they all overpower their competitors and outshine them. The market changes with time and this is well covered with the team of expertise available in the company. The industry was allow views from the outside environment and this plays a part in their success. Complaints of the customers in the tourism industry usually motivated or act as challenge hence need for them to be taken with much seriousness and act on them immediately (Jamieson, 2006). They also take failure as the opportunity to grow and expand. The success of the approach is then used to improve the weakness of the sector. The employee is given a chance to interact with the customer for them to be able to know their needs they was work in conjunction with the customers and management to find a better way forward in realization of suitability in the tourism industry. Reflection Tourism is cultured in way a culture in that it usually involves different factors. Committed is important in ensuring sustainable in the tourism sector. A clear channel of relaying information ensures that information reaches all at the shortest time and it’s reliable (Cerina, Markandya & McAleer, 2010). The employees also feel as part and parcel of the company and work hard to ensure the sustainability need in the tourism sector. Thus every staff carries the responsibility of impacting positively to the sector. Different departments in Tourism work together in the aim of achieving a common goal. The employees work hard with the knowledge that a certain common goal must be achieved. Orders and instructions follow a certain protocol to ensure that goals are set and followed. Team spirit in Tourism is the key factor in enabling sustainability in development. The industry welcomes and adopts the diverse skills of its own staff (Harris, Williams & Griffin, 2012). The management in Tourism industry usually acts in a manner that portrays the key objective of the firm. The sector has its constraints they include, the monetary factor, implementation administration, social issues and environmental (Wang & Pizam, 2011). Money generated from the sector is usual less since the practice mainly reinvest the revenue and usually channeled towards the community hence the following financials year profits are then less due to funding of some projects. As a result the industry lacks in expansion due to limited finances. The community only benefits from the infrastructure, but in for the case of profits from the suitable tourism they achieve less or no funds. This then demoralizes them and hence leaves the government to deal with all aspects of the tourism without help or assistance from other sectors. The government hence resolving in using lots of resources in ensures smooth growth of the tourism sector. The other factor is implementation in that the players in the industry lack in skill (Pineda & Brebbia, 2012). These results from the problem of mistrust amongst the government the private sector. This may cause the process to take long or fail to implement. This is also brought about by the misappropriation of funds by the stakeholders. The other problem is the environmental factor. The sector may usually carryout their activities with the aim of being eco friendly. This may be a constraint in that the number of activities to be carried out is limited. The cost of doing business will rise since expensive hence higher charges that will reduce amount funds allocate for community development. The industry is faced by many challenges which results from the social factors, they include the industry aim of assisting the locals in ensuring that they benefit from the fruits ripped during the tourism activities (Knowles, Diamantis & El-Mourhabi, 2004). The challenges can be dealt with by first ensuring that the goals set are inline with the budget and that the budget gives room for adjustment in order to deal with the issue of finances. The other the problem faced is adoptability; this can be dealt with in a way that the process is discussed intensely. This was be done early enough to keep those resistances to the change a chance to examine it before concluding on rejecting it (Herremans, 2006). The government was motivating the sector by providing incentives and subsidies to enable the private sector invest to the sector. The partnership between the government and the private sector ensures the realization of the set goal by each getting involved in the parks activity. Factors that promote tourism sustainability range in a way hence solution and suggestions was done without interfering with the entire process. Funding was the reason why the industry ran in a more professional and better manner. Sustainability is usually not measured on the profit level but on the achievement of goals set by the national park (Edgell, 2006). Conclusion The Turkish government ensured that the sustainable development in the all sectors that constitute tourism. The industry involves key players including the general public and the government. The government goes the administration part while the locals and the private sector ensure its smooth flow. Karagol-Sahara national parks practices are an example of the new trend in the tourism industry. The result of sustainable development in the tourism industry is continued benefits to the locals. The practice gives weight on the implication to the environment. The practice has seen many countries in the world adapt the practice. The locals feel responsible and hence aid in the development of the industry. All aspects of social, economic and environmental aspects are combining to form the basis of a better industry. The practice regenerates revenue and reinvest it in a number of activities. The practice in general benefits is felt in a number of sectors associated with the approach. The approach is seen to many as one which provides avenues to economic a development not only in Anaya but the entire country. The locals and the Anaya administration that represent the government has played unimportant role in ensuring suitability in the tourism sector (Castellani & Sala, 2009). References Castellani, V. & Sala, S. (2009). Sustainable Tourism as a Factor of Local Development. Chicago: Tangram Ediz. Scientifiche. Cerina, F., Markandya, A. & McAleer, M. (2010). Economics of Sustainable Tourism. Chicago: Taylor & Francis. Edgell, D. (2006). Managing Sustainable Tourism: A Legacy for Future. New York: Routledge. Harris, R., Williams, P. & Griffin, T. (2012). Sustainable Tourism. New York: Routledge. Herremans, I. (2006). Cases in sustainable tourism: an experiential approach to making decisions. New York: Routledge. Jamieson, W. (2006). Community Destination Management in Developing Economies. New York: Routledge. Knowles, T., Diamantis, D. & El-Mourhabi, J. (2004). The Globalization of Tourism and Hospitality: A Strategic Perspective. Chicago: Cengage Learning EMEA. Miller, G. & Twining-Ward, L. (2005). Monitoring For a Sustainable Tourism Transition: The Challenge of Developing and Using Indicators. New York: CABI. Pineda, F. & Brebbia, C. (2012). Sustainable Tourism. Chicago: WIT Press. Robinson, P. & Heitmann, S. (2011). Research Themes for Tourism. New York: CABI. Wang, Y. & Pizam, A. (2011). Destination marketing and management. New York: CABI. Wang, Y. (2011). Destination Marketing and Management: Theories and Applications. New York: CABI. Read More
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