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In October same year exchange of gunfire took place in a crowded prison between police commandos and prisoners, leaving 27 for death and 44 injured. Above tragedies have unique trajectories and causes. Although they show a major problem facing countries worldwide: making sure that inmates are handled safely and securely.
11 pages (3210 words)
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, Research Proposal
From the paper, psychological theory indicates that when mothers spend more time engaging in quality activities with children, ranging from nurturing to facilitating a sense of love in the child, they are likely to be better developed emotionally as they enter adulthood and also achieve superior academic success.
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13 pages (3672 words)
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, Research Paper
Child abuse exists in most cultures and countries of the world. Researchers claim that unreported invisible child abuse occurs even in developed countries, the UK, the United States, Canada, and most other European countries along with reported pieces of evidence. In a study conducted in 2009, Ofsted reports that on an average, in a week, three children die as a result of abuse against children (Ofsted, 2009).
NOHS works to support all Human Service Professionals in our primary purpose to assist individuals and communities to function as effectively as possible in all major domains of living. Generally, a code of ethics should include the six universal moral values, where you state that you expect an employee to be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fair, kind, and good citizen.
Protection is provided against the various social problems like unemployment, disability, poverty, orphans and old age. UK is the one of the developed nation of the world where standard of living is high and government is involved in such activities which ensures social security of its citizens.
As a result, there has been considerable degree of variation in police strategy and aim at all levels of policing. First of all, police have undertaken the responsibility of analyzing, sharing, and collecting information which are important for public safety.
The study is important because it will shed new light on the conventional studies on mass media as a socialization agent, about gender roles in particular. The topic of the transformation of U.K. society’s attitude toward gender roles is particularly timely, in light of the recent decision of the heads of the 16 Commonwealth Realms.
Arab Christians had to face the bias of the political leaders in some cases, which is why Arab Christians migrated to the USA, in search of their identity. The role of European missionaries is also very gigantic in this connection because they used to draw a picture of the dream homeland and of the opportunities to both Arab Christian and Muslims.
The conclusion from this study states that several forms of advertising campaigns could be used for RNIB. However, it is thought that only certain forms of advertising might be more profitable for RNIB in the long run in order to advocate for services for their disabled and partially disabled customers who are blind or partially blind.
Karl Marx is inarguably one of the most influential men of the 19th century. His socialist views have shaped the politics and social lives of thousands of people. While many hail Marxism thoughts as an alternative to capitalism, there are those who think that the work of Marx constitutes a framework that undervalues the importance of the individual.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The concept of fairness or equality between men and women have been addressed during the Seneca Falls Convention but in the United States and to some parts of the world, the difference between treatment and role performance of men and women still exists.
The fields of work life which require more physical exertions and body stability to perform the tasks were firstly not associated with women. Yet, if we look closely, the women's involvement in the military has long been established and different countries have accepted their role and success in military operations for about 5000 years now.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Behavior can be termed abusive if it intimidates, threatens, manipulates, humiliates or injures another person (Dolan 11-13). Domestic violence happens to people irrespective of their educational background, sexual orientation, race, gender, ethnic group or religion.
Sociology has a characteristic remarkable skill referred to as Sociological Imagination, which most sociologists base on in their attempt of finding out the in- depth understanding on the social behavior of social beings in the society (Giddens et al, 2009).
7 pages (2195 words)
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, Research Paper
In the light of the above discussion, it is conclusive that being labeled as having autism may lead to benefits such as being regarded as an individual with superior and unique mental qualities. However, research reveals that it is only a small fraction of people with autism have special talents, skills, and abilities.
The U.S. Census Bureau's assertions on the white population suggest that, whereas it is the biggest of the five race or ethnic groups, it happens to be the slowest-growing among the groups. The Hispanic population tends to outpace every other ethnic group by increasing from 32 million to 72 million.
In order to further understand the maintenance of social order in the given case, one needs to first have a rapport with the term itself; social order, briefly, is a set of social structures, institutions or practices, and beliefs, that assist in enforcing a ‘normal’ or most suitable manner of conduct to the greatest number of people in a given society.
Unlike humans, this legal person was provided all rights of a living individual but with an immortal life. Unlike humans, it could carry on its own activities despite being sued. The sole purpose as a legal entity for a corporation was to serve its stockholders by earning profits while disregarding the concerns of other stakeholders such as employees, communities, etc (Machbar, 2007).
6 pages (1844 words)
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, Research Paper
The influence of social media on society is unprecedented. The positive effects range from easing communication and increasing contact. The negatives range from health problems, invasion of privacy, to increased vulnerability of children amongst others. However, the negative aspect of social media seems to outweigh the positive.
Some of the staff in the zoos attack the animals for an apparent reason, just to relieve their own frustration with their jobs and other issues they may be facing. This can be seen in the case of a member of the zoo staff who subjected a wallaby to undocumented and unauthorized euthanasia. The member of staff has found the animal suffering.
What do you understand by ‘development’, and is the alleviation of poverty the essential prerequisite for development to take place?
“Poverty is one of the main problems which have attracted attention of sociologists and economists. It indicates a condition in which a person fails to maintain a living standard adequate for his physical and mental efficiency”.
U.S. Sports and Society
In modern times, people from minority races face many types of separation via social division, which result in their being treated differently from those of majority races. This discrimination is not only found in the neighborhoods but also at work and at school (Anderson 3).
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
This research project hypothesizes that television is a leading source of aggressive and criminal behavior in children and contributes to childhood aggression. Because children are easily influenced by reference groups, it is relatively simple to deduce that aspirational programs containing violence will have significant impact on child behaviors and increase the likelihood of engaging in criminal actions.
Often calling himself a ‘born troublemaker’, Mills practically analyzed and criticized many practices of the American society and was often deemed as an outsider or deviant from traditionalist viewpoints. Mills grew up as a recluse. His family and parents had very few friends and he had limited interaction with people.
This has meant that many services in these areas are different from that in England, and they are different again from each other. Some have argued that these differences are negligible and are only in line with the needs of that area, and some feel that the differences are leading to big levels of inequality.
According to the paper there is inequity of education in schools. There is disparity in the enrollment rates of students as well as the availability of teachers belonging to different races and ethnic origins. “Equity is central to the current reform movement in science education. Students in the urban schools display lower graduation rates and higher truancy rates as compared to the students in the non-urban schools.
9 pages (4063 words)
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, Research Paper
The literature review in this paper presented studies related to the topic of study generating the knowledge gap. Data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The study used both interview guides and questionnaires to obtain responses from the study participants. The findings of the study reveal that these study generation surfers from social media addiction.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Book Report/Review
William Blackwood started Blackwood magazine in 1817, which was famous for the sensationalism of its stories. The focus of these stories was on the mental sensations of the characters involved and on the attitude of authors towards these characters. All stories of the Blackwood magazine were published under the supervision of Poe.
Cyberbullying is the use of the Internet and cell phones to attack somebody. Facebook and Myspace have received negative publicity due to the cyberbullying that has occurred on their websites. Over 42 per cent of children have claimed to experienced cyberbullying and over 25 per cent have had it occur more than once.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
Absolute poverty refers to the inability of a person to afford the basic human needs such as clothing, shelter and food whereas relative poverty refers to the state of being unable to afford a level of resources or income that is usual or socially acceptable within a society or country (Ambert, 1998).
8 pages (2217 words)
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, Research Proposal
The following proposal for study researches the effectiveness of the NSW police in regard to their media image. The focus of this study will be toward determining those variables that can directly connect to improvements in outcomes or the establishment of criteria of 'best practices for future media relations strategies.
Slavery is one of the social and economical issues which have existed throughout history of humanity. Long before American slavery there were many ancient nations and tribes where slavery plaid a great role. Already in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece there was a great number of people who were like slaves serving their owners.
Discrimination faced by black people in America is not attitudinal but institutional. This means that the American institutes are formed in such a manner, that black people find themselves discriminated against on a large scale. The article explores the reasons behind the absence of black people in managerial positions.
She has two children, is still married to her first husband, is a three time breast cancer survivor and has just retired from an executive position with a major national bank. She says that her earliest memories are of the smell of the earth after the fields were plowed.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
The one given by T. R Malthus says that overpopulation occurs when population growth causes the output per head to fall to the subsistence level and the rising mortality rate causes population growth to stop. The second definition is from the optimum theory under which overpopulation occurs.
The findings of this study are reliable due to strengths in data collection; various perspectives and sources of data on the given issues have been used, making the results significantly reliable. The source of weakness in this study is the failure to adequately link MDG 4 in Argentina with the other MDGs – the attempts made are not deemed sufficient.
The systems of the estate classes were based upon economic needs that promoted the concept of legal duty which meant that each class was in service to the ones above and below it in order to secure communities from danger with the creation and spread of resources.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Additionally, the research the topic offers an opportunity for the study to investigate how cultural socialization impacts African American children’s academic performance and cognitive ability. The thesis for this research or study, therefore, is, more and continuous involvement of parents in their children’s education improves the children’s academic performance and increases their cognitive ability.
8 pages (2091 words)
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, Research Paper
I will particularly concentrate on the educational dimensions of the male and female. I will collect the data on the graduate and graduate dropout figures among various ethnicities. The focus will be highlighted on the Africans and the Hispanics and their comparison will be made with the white pupils.
This is due to a number of factors; however, the main factor is that fewer children are being born and individuals are living far longer and healthier lives than they once did. As a function of analyzing how this issue fits into the field of sociology, the knowns and unknowns about the given situation, and discussion of credible research on the topic, the proceeding analysis will attempt to engage with reader with these points.
Migration of people is a human behavior that traces its origin back to creation. Movement of people to different places is highly attributed to social, political and economic changes. People move into a different country for different reasons, which include economic, family reunion, political and environmental issues among others
The author states that past government legislation and practices that have been operational in Australia such as assimilation policies have contributed largely to the sensitive issues affecting Aboriginal people today and the resultant intergenerational impacts such as suffering, abuse, and neglect of children in Australia.
6 pages (1855 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The authors bring the readers into a clear understanding that eradication of homelessness requires not only efficient government policies but the moral responsibility of the individuals to look ahead for a better life. As highlighted by the authors, the punitive governmentality has greatly influenced the lives of the homeless.
There is a good mixture of ethnic groups at the university, and the students come mainly from the middle to upper class. There are more Chinese students that I interact with and I feel that I belong there not only due to our common first language and culture, but our personalities more often than not, complement each other.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
According to the paper food, without a doubt, was one among the basic and indispensable needs of human beings in order to live. Foods of different sorts existed in our society because of many reasons which primarily was because of supplying people their needs of it. Unfortunately, regardless of the fact that food was an essential part to sustain our daily living, it could also offer people a wide array of negative outcomes.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Literature review
The paper uses quantitative studies to determine the exact prevalence or incidence of pessimism among the community mental health team on the recovery of people with schizophrenia and the need of their parents for emotional support and the qualitative studies - to establish the problems exist even if reliable estimates of the problem’s prevalence and incidence are not immediately computable.
I have always tried to be a part of the field of social work in one way or another. This profession does not boast of fame, a high financial status or any other materialistic outcome. However, this profession does reward a person with a wealth that is invaluable and priceless.
Domestic violence against women is not a new phenomenon. For many cultures, domestic violence against women is a routine practice and has become a part of them. The United Nations clearly defines violence towards females as any action of gender-related abuse that brings sexual, physical, psychological suffering experienced by women.
People from childhood are being slowly prepared for eventually becoming a part of the workforce. Upon graduation from high school many adults elect to go to college to learn new traits and skills that will prepare them for a career.
There are regions where people suffer from draught and famine for years and years and are totally dependent upon the aid of foreign countries for the survival, and there are also places where people have more to consume than what they really need in order to live a healthy lifestyle.