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The purpose of this article was to examine the use screening tool to predict rates of recidivism in LTI’s. I found the article insightful and innovative because the implications of developing an accurate screening tool for criminal recidivism can directly affect the criminal justice system by predicting future criminal behavior thus making decisions for parole and risk management while incarcerated easier (Manchak, Skeem, & Douglas, 2007).
Policed should be called even if there is a slight suspicion of physical or emotional abuse. Also, common people should be told to report any suspicious behavior regarding Sadomasochism. Sadomasochists communicate with other people of the society therefore it is possible to catch people who are responsible.
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Reviewing the beliefs, as well as decisions of professionals regarding potential improvements, have been utilized in environmental scrutinizing, and for offering direct forecasts regarding the future. Different systems, phone discussions, and head-to-head group gatherings can be utilized to get professional views and support debate and consensus.
Aid to Dependent Children or ADC was a social security act of 1935. It first functioned to provide federal grant on order to help the state maintain their mothers aid laws that had being passed in forty states between the year 1910 -1920. This program offered help to the poor parents, and assumed that women should always be caring for the children at home.
Since anthropology is known as the study of man, it serves as a comprehensive umbrella that can include the study of psychology or human mind, and sociology or human societies. On the other hand, they also have several differences that make them unique in their own right.
Rabbi is the title of Jewish religious leaders. Ronit and her family hail from a Jewish Community in a place in the Northwest of London called Hendon. We are informed that Ronit has not been living in London, but when the father, Rav Krushka dies, she comes home to pay her last respects.
10 pages (2616 words)
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, Research Paper
The recent findings collected by World Health Organization (WHO) shows that approximately 4.3 million health care professionals are needed in the world. Many national constitutions today recognize that every individual has the right to better health and require the state to cater to healthcare services.
If your social work interview is with an organization with a specific client profile, they'll want to make sure you'll be comfortable with them. Talk about your experience with that population, using a specific example. Focus on your actions that led to results. Show your enthusiasm and compassion for your clients.
But is this the reality? Is playing balls and greeting humans a natural gift for the wild cats and the elephants? Is listening to human instructions and following them like docile creatures, a natural trait of the wild animals that we see in the circuses?
Religion and politics have made for strange bedfellows since before the time of Christ. Kings and pharaohs of ancient times were long regarded by their public as the human representation of Gods and as such had the ultimate power to rule over the population.
Sociology is an ancient subject that specializes in the human societies. It is among the social sciences that come up in the 18th century through the works of philosophers like Auguste Comte, Emilie Durkheim, and Max Weber among others (Scott 2006).
The case of domestic violence is rampart across the globe and it is increasing everyday in the current society. Most people assaulted include women; thus, many states have implemented public policies against domestic violence of different types. Krug and World Health Organization (2002) reveal that the elderly abused majority are women whereas the majority of males are the perpetrators.
Sociology is the subject that discusses the social relations of human beings and their interactions with the society. Every person has his or her own identity and lack of identity can bring confusion. This can lead the individual to be viewed as a misfit or deviant. Individual identity is an individual owner or self-perception of who they are.
Great strides have been made towards achieving equal status for women, particularly in western societies. However, some vestiges of gender discrimination, such as gender stereotyping, glass ceilings in the professional world and the reluctance of males to accept responsibility in childcare and domestic duties, persist.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Proposal
Research Proposal Research topic: Assisted Suicides Research question: Should physician-assisted suicides be made legal globally? What are the social implications of this practice? Introduction: When preparing a research project on social sciences, selection of topic and question for it is pivotal since all subsequent steps shall be revolving around them.
Why is it that some children physically and mentally abuse their parents? Most especially their mothers Research related child and parental abuse often concentrate on parents abusing their children, but limited research highlights on children abusing their parents.
To develop the default setting on the society, social imagination is needed to develop other means by which other factors are incorporated in social circles. In an argument by Wright-Mills (2000), social imagination is voluntary way in which society members are enabled to embrace new ways in which they could make their lives more comfortable.
Gordimer Nadine’s Country lovers is a narrative about a son of a white Master and a black girl in forbidden love. The narrative is about the love of two children from different races. Though the love was forbidden, the two went ahead to bear a child after an escapade of sexual curiosity, where Thebedi got pregnant without Paulus knowing it.
Charlie cannot take care of himself. He can’t even eat food without assistance and has a habit of putting unhygienic and inappropriate things in his mouth, taking bath is beyond him. This all is happening during Charlie’s emerging adulthood, the phase where there is a transition from adolescent to adulthood (Arnett & Tanner, 2006).
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
Pedophilia is defined not only by having sexual intercourse with the child but also by other sexual acts that exploit the child. These include touching the child’s private parts; videotaping the child’s nude body; and showing the child the pedophile’s private parts.
This essay will begin with the statement that over the past few years, a lot of debate has been carried out on whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is just another drug whose consumption makes people addicted to it. Protecting nation’s health is an obligation upon the government, so it should not legalize marijuana.
10 pages (2672 words)
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, Research Paper
Researches on adolescent stress and depression require a detailed discussion about the various causes of teenage stress and depression and its implications in social, cultural, political, and professional fields are also to be unearthed. A variety of causes take part in promoting stress and depression among adolescents.
Japan has maintained its cultural beliefs over the years but has incorporated western technologies into their systems for their advantage. This has enabled the Japan to be one of the most developed countries in the world since it thrives on maintaining its traditions and embracing modernity so that it can achieve its endeavor of attaining economic stability.
What Is Sociology?
Societies comprise of issues and events, some of which are positive while others are negative to the livelihood of human beings. The negative issues that tend to occur in various societies have led to degeneration of initially stable societies due to poor relationships.
Homophobia takes on different manifestations as seen in media representation, homophobic jokes, and discrimination and physical attacks in places of work. In the book, my year of meats, social hypocrisy is unearthed and discrimination against lesbians portrayed as not only immoral, but a possible future crime.
Each one of us has a role to play in breaking down or contributing to the policies developed to discourage racial prejudice. People should take a firm stand against these inhuman attitudes in their own communities and join groups advocating for the human rights of minority groups and take a lead to raise voices about the issue.
10 pages (2730 words)
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, Research Paper
In essence, most juvenile programs aim at increasing the intervention mechanisms to reduce and end a number of problems affecting the children in society. Notably, committing a crime is not, a one-time venture, because it develops in the offender’s psychology for a protracted period and eventually manifests.
The author states that in the North East, 87% of the dwellings are bungalows or typical houses while the rest are flats and maisonettes. North West presents a similar story with 89% of the houses are bungalows and the rest are flats and maisonettes. The smallest number of dwellings is from the North East side with just over a million houses.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
This paper will discuss in depth about Kenyans in America, an ethnic group whose population is in the increase in America. Their adjustment has contributed to the way people perceive them. In the paper, stereotypes and their impacts to Kenyans in America will be discussed.
10 pages (2580 words)
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, Research Paper
The African American community has many hurdles to overcome. Despite the fact that they make up 13 percent of the total population, they constitute more than 50 percent of the incarceration population. Black males constitute the biggest number of individuals in prison due to racial profiling, misplaced ideologies, poverty, limited education.
9 pages (2594 words)
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, Research Paper
Alternative forms of currency seem to be responding to the inefficiencies created by money, especially during unfavorable economic times when money becomes scarce and business people still need to make transactions. According to Schwartz (2008), alternative forms of currencies have historically been existent as businesses attempted to innovate as a result of the problems they encountered with conventional money.
Where the action is in Contemporary Criminology Criminology refers to the scientific study of criminals and criminal tendencies and behavior. The aim of this study is to formulate theories that explain reasons behind the occurrence of crime while testing the same theories by behavior observation (Chris 2009, p.
Juvenile crime around the world Juvenile crime, also known as juvenile delinquency, youth crime, juvenile offence is illegal actions by minors that are those who are typically under the age of eighteen. They would be acted upon had they been adults, but the laws for juvenile crime are different.
The author states that Phyllis Daugherty, the author of the newspaper article that discusses this practice proffers to the reader that the government of Ireland is currently considering legislation that would ban the practice of the “bigot” itself; however, such legislation would have no effect on the continued prevalence of fox hunting.
14 pages (3950 words)
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, Research Paper
To a large extent, this research shall help in coming out with new strategies on how to address inequalities in health services in the UK. The new trend of knowledge to be acquired shall indeed lead to a new paradigm shift whereby the knowledge shall be adapted for use and implementation by present and future governments.
The purpose of the testing conducted by genetic scientists is to trace population movements during the history of humanity by comparing the genetic structure of the DNA of those tested. This documentary states that 99.9% of our genetic makeup is identical to everyone else in the world. The only differences are occasional random changes called markers.
The author states that most political scholars in relation to the international system argue that, anarchy dictates that the concerned states must depend on their own resources and abilities. This practice has widely been referred to as a principle of self help. The lack of authority in states calls for protection and aid.
The disorder can be looked into together with other emotional grounds like stress and burnout; these psychological problems come due to the exhaustion of the mind with real things that are not pleasant to the mind and the emotion. This disorder is also one that results following the state of the mind and that of the physical environment.
The author analyzes the key elements that are known to play important roles in the development of a nation. According to a number of social scientists, the process of a nation's birth or development occurs when a certain group wants to achieve a purpose, which compels them to stick together and with the passage of time they emerge as a nation.
The system that was so successful in bringing profits to the mainstream society cannot be altered overnight. Neither can it be completely done away with because this will result in social chaos. Instead, the theory of functionalism holds that people should seek to come up with different ways of slowly changing the society by means of established social systems.
In the United States, it is a compulsory requirement for all the employees to pay social security taxes, which is apprehended to this scheme primarily to benefit those who have attained the retirement age or those who are considered to be disadvantaged by the disability (Organization de cooperation, 1998).
Chan (198) says Hong Kong's current path to a complete democracy has been influenced by the country’s internal development of democratic structures over the past two decades. As of now, the struggle for establishing and strengthening internal democratic structures in Hong Kong has led to the pan-democratic agents locking horns with the hesitant government of China.
Owing to the fact that we both have very little knowledge about the preparation of research projects, thus, an exploratory kind of research shall be undertaken. Furthermore, in order to logically structure the research report and reach a reliable conclusion deductive reasoning shall be applied in the research project (SAGE Publications, 2013).
Although U.S. spends the greatest amount of money per person on healthcare services but yet life expectancy in U.S. is much lower. “The standard of living of U.S. working class is deteriorating rapidly” (Champion).
The present questionnaire was designed to identify whether a particular module effectively reached its established goals from the undergraduate student's perspective taking the course. The questionnaire is designed to verify if the module's overall goals are reached, as against particular learning objectives that are subject-specific.
He wanted to tell the story of their social classes as well. How these social classes were divided by social status, people's attitudes, and physical blockades on a ship that was known as The Ship of Dreams was one of the main storytelling focus points in the movie.
If a society comes up with ideas to-do something and an agreement is made, then that is what is termed as ideology. Ideology may either offer changes in the society or offer closeness where confrontations exist. Ideology can exist in many ways, one as an instrument of social reproduction.
In this unit, two descriptions of culture and two theories are discussed aptly. Section 1 a. Culture is a set of values Culture is a set of values that are needed to be followed accordingly by a person practicing the culture. Examples of values in my cultural setting based on Islam religion involve; folk culture like dances and music.
The United States of America makes up one-third of the affluent world and is the top destination for those who are seeking immigration to acquire high standards of living. This has created several problems for the United States itself as the country is prone to discrimination issues with each fresh arrival of immigrants.
The widespread development of technology and interactions has complicated the security situation in the world. Today, most countries are more vulnerable to terrorism than was the case before globalization took a centre stage. For example, more people, especially in poor countries are increasingly becoming victims of cybercrime due to globalization and the liberal market.