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The Polaris Project and the Problem of Human Trafficking in the World - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Polaris Project and the Problem of Human Trafficking in the World" discusses one of the major anti-trafficking organizations in the US, the Polaris Project. The discussion includes the organization’s mission and activities, its importance to the current war against human trafficking…
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The Polaris Project and the Problem of Human Trafficking in the World
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?Running Head: Anti-Trafficking Movement The Polaris Project: A Modern-Day War against Modern-Day Slavery A Discussion Paper of Professor Date of Submission Introduction Human trafficking weakens the security and wellbeing of all countries it implicates. A successful fight against human trafficking requires different stakeholders, such as the media, academics, NGOs, international organizations, government agencies, Civil Society Organizations, and the public. This paper discusses one of the major anti-trafficking organizations in the United States, the Polaris Project. The discussion includes the organization’s mission and activities, its importance to the current war against human trafficking, and possible ways to improve its current outcomes. Mission and Programs of the Polaris Project Black slaves, for decades, made use of the North Star to lead them to emancipation down the Underground Railroad. At present, more than a century after slavery was formally brought to an end in America, the Polaris Project tries to become a guiding light of free will and liberty for present slaves whose populations all over the world are continuously ballooning. The Polaris Project is an organization engaged in the war against human trafficking. Its name was inspired by the North Star. The organization has been creating an inclusive strategy to fighting present-day slavery and human trafficking since 2002 (Meyn, 2007). It operates at local, national, and global arenas. As stated by the organization, human trafficking is one of the biggest organized crimes in the world, and is intensifying at a disturbing pace. The office of the Attorney General reported in 2004 to Congress that annually “14,500 to 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States” (Meyn, 2007, 10). The Polaris Project is parading the catchphrase ‘Slavery Still Exists’ to mobilize the public against human trafficking. The organization is disseminating information and publicizing the campaign by pulling together pictures of homespun posters or clothes splashed with the phrase “Slavery Still Exists” (Meyn, 2007, 10). The organization is one of the most important movements that adopt a comprehensive strategy against human trafficking and giving support and aid to the victims. Adherents and practitioners who collaborate with the organization aspire to nurture hope and encouragement among victims of human trafficking, and to mobilize the organization’s inadequate resources to give assistance to those affected, team up with community associations, and lend a hand to everybody caught in human trafficking, as well as those who are culpable of the crime themselves. One of the most important activities of the organization is the conference call to states and legislators to co-operate, give insights, and support anti-trafficking policy. Every state has implemented its distinct strategy against human trafficking and the goal of the activity was to grant legislators the chance to find out from each other effective approaches to combat the issue and the problems others have faced in effectively enforcing anti-trafficking policy. Nevertheless, not all states have anti-trafficking legislation and victim-oriented approach that stresses the significance of the duties that the Department of Social Services and Law Enforcement have in dealing with this atrocious criminal industry (Lagon, 2009). But the organization is hopeful that it will be able to encourage these states to join the movement against human trafficking. Another activity of the organization is the rigorous trainings and educational meetings for community leaders. It works with the task force and unions to develop new materials that inform supporters and professionals on arising human trafficking systems. The staff members also work nonstop to field calls and respond to crisis calls. Fielding calls involves a considerable extent of documentations and updating which could require communicating to law enforcement reports of human trafficking, giving recommendations to service providers at the local level, or allocating materials and resources to clients through electronic mail. Because the success of the Polaris Project greatly depends on their local allies and the expansion of the anti-trafficking movement all over the nation, it dedicates a significant amount of time in forming and sustaining relationships and focusing on capacity building (Lagon, 2009). The organization also persistently works to modify its in-house hotline procedures, to produce statistical documents to present to the field, and to address various technical support and training demands from a national client. The Importance of the Polaris Project The Polaris Project is worthy of attention because it deals with the much-needed grandiose approach to human trafficking and slavery eradication. The organization appropriately stresses the debt taken advantage by traffickers to trap and overpower victims and the importance of business in the fight against human trafficking. In order to sever the unseen but terribly fetters of present-day slaves, the abovementioned grandiose approach should attain three equilibriums according to Bales (2005). First, the most important is the necessity to deal with labor and sex slavery with similar force. In their apprehension toward the individually demeaning and abusive characteristic of sex slavery, a number of anti-trafficking organizations disregarded the huge worldwide epidemic of slave labor (Sage & Kasten, 2008). Second, equilibrium between the emphasis on poverty as a root of slave labor and other roots, like racial discrimination, labor demand, and a lack of legislation, is needed (Bales, 2005). Data is required but the success of combating human trafficking will not be quantifiable. Third, there is a need to build and maintain equilibrium between corporate social accountability and corporate social responsibility. As argued by the Polaris Project businesses are integral to the abolition of human trafficking. According to Bales (2005), this implies not simply that hotels should prohibit sex tourists, but monsters of the World Wide Web as well, the new technology of human trafficking, should fulfill their responsibility. Recommendations The Polaris Project should deal with the entire human trafficking system, as well as its most unseen connection, which is the demand that leads to labor and sex slavery. Other countries should be encouraged to implement or reinforce legislative and other strategies to put an end to this demand that cultivates all kinds of abuse of children and women. The organization should enforce measures that will make it extremely difficult for patrons to buy women and children for sex slavery. Legislation against purchasing children and women should be toughened. Additional campaigns should be carried out cautioning men that purchasing women and children for sexual intentions is a criminal act (Shelley, 2010). According to Danailova-Trainor and Laczko (2010), certain constitutional strategies proposed are public shaming of buyers, vehicle penalties for men caught soliciting, and additional schools for sex tourists and Johns where criminal buyers are ‘enlightened’ about the evils of sex slavery. The Polaris Project should also be made more accommodating of immigrants. Numerous local and social service providers disclosed the existing approach prevents victims from revealing themselves in fear of extradition. Foreign women trafficked into the United States for sex slavery revealed this apprehension toward extradition and how it had been taken advantage as a way to subdue them (Shelley, 2010). Thus, the Polaris Project should have more bicultural, bilingual employees who have the capacity to speak with victims, contribute to the presentation of the condition, and give cultural interpretations of the processes of the occurrences. Highly qualified interpreters have to be accessible to make sure that victims are educated of their constitutional rights and can completely take part in the filing and resolution of the case. The organization should be given official sanction to represent victims of human trafficking in court. According to Shelley (2010), constraints should be removed in order for anti-trafficking organizations to be able to give immigrant and official representation to victims of human trafficking. Additional services and resources are required for victims of human trafficking, such as financial support, legal assistance, therapy, protection, housing, welfare services, and health care. Current organizations, like the Polaris Project, that help victims of human trafficking in the United States are vital in furnishing victims the resources they require to live productively and healthily outside of labor and sex slavery. The Polaris Project could be improved and provided resources to carry out outreach to global victims of human trafficking and work with other anti-trafficking organizations. The organization’s services and goals should satisfy the needs of particular communities and individuals in culturally sensitive means. Essential requirements like the familiar home environments and food preparations are major components that can assist in giving human trafficking victims secure and relaxed surroundings where in they can start living anew. The Polaris Project needs cultural consultants and researchers who are knowledgeable with the cultural settings of both traffickers and victims. Additional resources and materials should be provided for services, training, education, and research for victims of human trafficking. The organization should also allocate resources for shelter and support services for children and women trafficked for commercial sex slavery. According to Andrees and Belser (2008), when properties are confiscated from traffickers, they must be apportioned for human trafficking victim services. Conclusions Human trafficking, which is an atrocious present-day slavery, takes place more frequently than a lot of us might believe. Worst, it is not only a national or a global predicament; it is a local problem as well. It is a huge industry, and it engages numerous offenders and affects numerous victims. Anti-trafficking organizations at the global, national, and local levels should stay vigilant to this problem and fight it forcefully and resolutely. Local officials should also gain accurate knowledge of the issue and learn how to identify it in their areas. Synchronized, balanced, and unrelenting efforts from anti-trafficking organizations and law enforcement can stop this growing organized crime and emancipate the victims. References Andrees, B. & Belser, P. (2008). Forced Labor: Coercion and Exploitation in the Private Economy. New York: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Bales, K. (2005). Understanding Global Slavery: A Reader. London: University of California Press. Danailova-Trainor, G. & Laczko, F. (2010). “Trafficking in Persons and Development: Towards Greater Policy Coherence” International Migration, 48(4), 38-83. Lagon, M. (2009). “The Anti-Slavery Crusade” Harvard International Review, 31(2), 6+ Meyn, C. (2007). “Slavery Still Exists” In These Times, 31(11), 10. Sage, J. & Kasten, L. (eds) (2008). Enslaved: True Stories of Modern-Day Slavery. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Shelley, L. (2010). Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective. UK: Cambridge University Press. Read More
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