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Essays on school

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School Effectiveness and School Improvement
2 pages (646 words) , Download 3
The author of the paper "School Effectiveness and School Improvement " will begin with the statement that School Effectiveness and School Improvement has gained popularity in its two distinct roles: measurement of education in numbers and determining the most effective educational approach. ... Robinson, Lloyd, and Rowe (2008) relied on a meta-analysis of education data in order to measure the effectiveness of schools and School in their quest to determine the most appropriate approach to teaching....
Personal School Health Education School
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
This essay talks about health education which is an important element in growth. It promotes the mental well-being of children and help in the growth process. Mental development is an essential element in growth as it is used to measure the actual growth of a person. ... As the report stresses children protection is a term used by the UNICEF organization to refer to the response and protection of children against violence, children abuse such as child labour, drug abuse as well as sexual exploitation....
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Home School vs. Public School
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 6
This paper compares and contrasts the existing advantages and disadvantages of public School versus home schools. It is aimed to assist the parents in their decision making towards the appropriate form of education system to grant to their children. ... According to the report parents value the education of their children and therefore making it a high priority before their decision on the type of education to give to their kids. Debates have been in existence for decades in an attempt to conclude...
Home School versus Public school
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3
The author of the "Home School versus Public School" paper analyzes the statement that homeschooling is a very effective method of educating a child. Many believe a child being home-schooled would come to lack social skills and to fear association with others.... It is apparent now that home-educated people are improved educated than those who obtain their education from a public School. They soar higher and their grades reflect it. Homeschooling provides a unique learning experience for each student....
School uniform
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
This paper 'School Uniform' will explore the pros and cons of School uniform to students. It will analyze on the impacts of School uniform to students in regard to their academic performance, student life, and behavior. The wearing of proper School uniform has become a long debate.... According to the essay, one positive impact of School uniform is the prevention of gang activities and other violent acts by students because they can be easily detected if they do such actions. Students will be more...
School Law - Legal Issues with School Personnel
9 pages (2362 words) , Download 3
The paper "School Law - Legal Issues with School Personnel" offers guidance and helps to address the whole issue of Sexual misconduct until a solution is reached. This will be done in the spirit of maintaining the integrity and high conduct among the employees of Spring Valley Middle School.... According to the second standard of ISLLC, a School should promote an environment of conducive learning for every student. However, this case of professional misconduct by one staff member has an adverse...
School Hierarchy
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6
School attendance in the United States is compulsory under the requirements of the K-12 system, the School management is given the mandate to run the School and ensure that all children are included and their education needs taken care of. This should be done irrespective of... To effectively run the schools as required, the management requires periodically to make and implement decisions to ensure that all the activities are in line with the requirements and regulations. These decisions make School...
School Uniforms
2 pages (713 words) , Download 8
In the paper 'School Uniforms' the author provides the discussion of whether uniforms must be made mandatory in schools or not. Either side of the argument has many supporters as well as criticizers. Both sides have their own advantages as well as disadvantages.... The author provides a few arguments in favor of having School uniforms or in favor of making School uniforms mandatory. School uniforms generally create a sense of uniformity and discipline in the School. When students are in the same...
School Curriculum
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
One of the most essential responsibilities of the educational systems and institutions is to ensure that the School curriculum has been effective in catering for the needs of all students and several media articles and journal articles have dealt with this topic in a significant way.... Justine Ferrari's "Back to basics is best, says Julia Gillard" is an important media article from The Australian and it deals with education minister Julia Gillard's comments, who has set out her belief in an old-fashioned...
Charter School vs Public School Education
5 pages (1366 words) , Download 0
The paper "Charter School vs Public School Education" focuses on comparing how charter schools differ from public schools, on a superior learning environment, on becoming operational, academic standards, the 'theory of action', a comprehensive study, academic standards.... In New York City, eighth-grade charter School students have a higher likelihood to be reading and writing at an appropriate grade level than are eighth-grade public School students according to tests performed for a New York Times...
School Policy and School Crisis Management
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 3
The paper "School Policy and School Crisis Management" describes that the implementation of a well-developed and robust crisis response plan in such circumstances would enable the schools to address the problems faced by them and manage them effectively.... School crisis management has shown tremendous growth over the years mostly on account of the growing need and significance of a well-developed crisis response team within School premises and their effectiveness in assessing, preventing, and mitigating...
School Counseling
7 pages (2085 words) , Download 2
This work "School Counseling" describes the critical analysis of different websites related to School counseling. From this work, it is clear about the administration scheme, the improvement requirements of School counseling, a critical role in advancing students' learning success.... School counseling, a vital constituent to students' accomplishment is a 'comprehensive program that helps students learn through personal/social development inside the School setting.' In this regard, analysis of the...
Every School is a Great School
16 pages (4353 words) , Download 2
The essay "Every School is a Great School" discusses issues for the betterment of the School environment that is intrinsically related to the social environment of the state. Such issues seen from a judicial and moral standpoint need to be addressed while generating policies related to education.... The question of a better School lures the minds of both parents and academicians. They fail to comprehend the reasons that restrain the schools in which their children learn and that which they administer...
School Improvement Plan for Schafer School
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
This essay "School Improvement Plan for Schafer School" would aim at answering these research questions: Does the SIP clearly identify the areas of weakness reflected in the district, state, or national assessments or other data? Is it clear from the SIP what problems exist in the School?... This study will be guided by such research questions: What factors have contributed to each area of weakness? Has the School prioritized ones that can be influenced? Do these factors indicate what the School...
School Violence
8 pages (2319 words) , Download 0
This paper ''School Violence '' tells that it is a problem of concern to stakeholders worldwide, and many resources have been invested in prevention School violence. Verbal and other forms of violence are a common phenomenon, but the more extreme power involving physical abuse and weapons is becoming more widespread.... Whatever the case, the problem is getting out of hand, and unless a solution is found soon, then the young generation will suffer the effects of juvenile delinquency. There are many...
Middle school and high school students
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3
There is an emergence of two dominating ideas related to analyzing the provided information,the first suggested active involvement of students and teachers' enthusiasm laying the way for positive images of social studies in high and mid-School students ... The second idea was the perceiving of a utilitarian value emphasizing that students were not as negative toward social studies as indicated in researches made before.My instructional environment as well as my interwoven opinions of the author's...
School Law and the Public School Book
6 pages (1663 words) , Download 2
The author of the paper "School Law and the Public School Book" will begin with the statement that education is a tool through which human intellect and free will are promoted. Through education, individuals are able to identify their capabilities.... Educational institutions enable individuals to realize their potential in various spheres of life, whether social, political, or economic. The state fosters and supports education to enable individuals to realize their self-worth and maximize their...
School-Based Management as School Reform
6 pages (1868 words) , Download 0
This report "School-Based Management as School Reform" discusses goals of School-based or participatory management adopted in the Victorian School system that include productivity, accountability, flexibility, and autonomy which are also the core objectives of profit-making organizations.... The new structures developed are in form of committees in different schools such as finance and budgeting, grounds and buildings, sports, students' discipline, and uniforms committee to mention a few. Such committees...
Privite high school vs public high school
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4
There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages attached to both the kinds of schools. This paper tends to reflect on this: private high... Private high schools offer curriculum that is exclusive as compare to that offered in public high schools, as they strive to come at par with the international standard. Moreover, Your full April 14, Comparison/Contrast It is all a matter of affordability; otherwise, who does not want to admit his children in a School that is unique in manifold aspects (hook)....
School Uniforms
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
Name oaf author: School Uniforms Uniforms are widely used in different areas of our social life including; police forces, military, postal services, health profession etc. The major use of uniforms is the convenience in identifying a person. Even though uniforms at workplaces are accepted by the public, it is not so in schools.... The necessity of uniform in schools is still a controversial subject all over the world. Students, educationalists, sociologists and parents have different opinions and...
School Violence
11 pages (2910 words) , Download 1
This case study "School Violence" finds out the psychological and the social factors that lead children to commit violent acts in School. The government reports for the statistics reports related to violence in the schools are used. ... The literature review of the profile of young people who conduct shootings at School and the reasons behind the shootings reveal one important thing and that is, the lack of communication. Bullying at School is one of the major problems of society. Most of the time,...
School Violence
8 pages (2586 words) , Download 2
The paper "School Violence" tells that it has been revealed that schools were more likely to have a serious problem with student bullying than any other discipline problem. Furthermore, it has been reported that bullying and delinquency were more common among boys than girls.... Bullying among adolescents boys in schools has a disturbing influence on their development. Research reviewed in this paper has enough evidence to substantiate the negative health consequences of being bullied. This information...
School Education
1 pages (277 words) , Download 2
The author of this assignment "School Education" comments on the controversial issues concerning School education. As the text has it: "I would still send my child to School even if it is 10 miles away and will not allow the child to work in the street".... To make ends meet, I will move my housing nearer to the School so that it will not be difficult for the child. Ideally, between the School and the clinic. If things had gotten better in the factory, it would help a lot to the workers to give them...
High school
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3
What kinds of relationships exist between students and teachers? There are a lot of relationships between students and teachers. Barriers play a key role in these relationships. Some teachers do not like to talk much with students, and some students do not like to speak with teachers. ... Communication exists between students and teachers inside and outside the School because sometimes, teachers help students in things, issues and concerns outside the academic endeavor. Also, some students have established...
Public school education vs. Private school education
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4
This paper 'Public School education vs. Private School education' presents an overall view of the conflict between public schools and private schools in US, along with advantages and shortcomings of each. It also attempts to peek into the future course of this conflict.... The author claims that UK is presently bothered by a serious debatable issue which is the better mode of education- the public schools or the private ones. The problem started with government's decision to withdraw aid or public...
Afrocentric School
4 pages (1049 words) , Download 3
The paper "Afrocentric School" tells us about School that tends to focus more on the glorious origins of the black race, or peoples of African descent. This community of scholars considers ancient activities to be its central focus.... Personal identities in this community are conceptualized based on the complexities of memory, sentiments, a person's knowledge and ideas of the environment which the person can evoke by the use of cultural identity symbols for the purpose of organizing one's self to...
School Refusal Behaviour
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2
In the paper 'School Refusal Behaviour' the author tries to understand why and how School refusal happens. Having a model or theoretical framework for School refusal has advantages as it shows why young people miss School, how this could be explained.... The author states that it has been suggested by many researchers that children avoid School as they tend to avoid negative affectivity and problems at School. There is also an escapism involved as children try to escape aversive School-based evaluative...
School Food Standards
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3
The paper 'School Food Standards' digs deep into policy implementation and evaluation finalizing with possible recommendations for future policy. This paper will address the issues related to nutrition and School meals. This will be followed by the rationale for the current policy, how the policy came about as well as a brief summary of the policy.... The author states that it is important to understand that lifestyle and eating patterns are caught early in life and progress into adulthood. Schools...
Examining Comprehensive School Reform
7 pages (1847 words) , Download 2
The paper 'Examining Comprehensive School Reform' concerns the schools or learning institutions which can be regarded or considered at different levels including elementary School, middle School, and high School. Each category grouped herein deals with a certain age of children.... There is very little input of ethnic and cultural effect on the School boundary expansion since each and every institution has its own rules and regulations. These rules and regulations shall apply equally to the entire...
Successful after-school program
83 pages (20750 words) , Download 2
The purpose of the paper "What Factors Contribute to a Successful Computer-Based After-School Program?" is to examine what factors contribute to a successful after-School program on the academic performance of at-risk students in an urban middle School.... The scope of this work is focused on whether the participation in an after-School program is beneficial to at-risk middle School students. This topic is important because there is a need for increasing the amount of time in which students are involved...
School Size And Achievement
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3
This research examines the effect of attending a middle or junior high School on academic outcomes in British Columbia relative to attending a School from kindergarten through 8th grade. Other considerations are on high small schools and large high schools.... According to the discussion district schools have implemented middle schools which has less evidence concerning the quantity of efficiency of the education structure. Middle School system is better than junior high School system because of...
Ryer Avenue Elementary School
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
In the paper 'Ryer Avenue Elementary School' the author looks at a small public elementary School in New York while Abraham Joshua Heschel School is a large private School. According to a study, children in public schools generally performed as well or better in reading and mathematics.... The study, along with one of the charter schools, was commissioned by the government, at a time preliminary data suggested that charter schools, which are given public money but are run by private groups, fared...
High School Dropouts
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2
The aim of this paper is to conduct a qualitative research on School dropouts. Section 1 is the statement of the problem. Section 2 covers research questions, followed by definition of concepts used in the study. Section 4 cover methodology and finally, research site, sample, and sampling ... The research covers students who have not graduated from high School or not currently enrolled in schools but have attained the age of 16 which is the statutory age for School leavers. Those who leave School...
Administering the School Budget
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
The purpose of this piece of work is to investigate the administrative role of district School budgeting responsibility. In additionally, it gives clear emphasizes on accounting and auditing. ... Administering the School Budget Abstract The purpose of this piece of work is to investigate the administrative role of district School budgeting responsibility. In additionally, it gives clear emphasizes on accounting and auditing. Administering the School Budget The administrative budget of public School,...
Implementing Healthier School Menus
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2
The author states that there are considerable costs of childhood obesity that are much more than just the obvious. Liabilities to the School and poor academic performance go hand-in-hand and the School, as a business entity, must consider all risks to its strategic position... It would have been short-sighted to propose a new menu and simply believe that the School district would find participation and success simply by changing product variety. In order to improve the health of youths and reduce...
School Restructuring Models
4 pages (1511 words) , Download 0
The paper "School Restructuring Models" highlights that depending on the main goal of the educational institution, each School may choose any of the restructuring models that serve their specific needs in terms of improving the students' academic performance.... The use of the accelerated School model is focused on creating a School wherein each student will have the opportunity to become successful in terms of being a creative, critical, and productive member of society. This model is not only designed...
Seatbelts in School Buses
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
This paper discusses the pros and cons of seat belts and how they impact the everyday lives of children. The usage of seat belts in School buses has been a topic of discussion and great debate over the years. Currently, only two state have made it mandatory for children to wear seat belts during transit while the others state have dismissed the matter. ... According to the paper to save lives in car accidents seat belts are the most preferred remedy. But seatbelts in buses are not much of an object...
Building Resilience in School
6 pages (1695 words) , Download 0
This paper "Building Resilience in School" intends to discuss some of the ways in which schools can use to build resilience among young people in a School environment. The ability to cope with an adverse issue and function well is known as resilience.... In this dynamic social world, resilience is a highly indispensable aspect of every individual. This is more so important in a School setting where young people go through a myriad of life challenges. Resilience refers to one's ability to bounce back...
Controversial of School Prayer
7 pages (2209 words) , Download 4
The paper "Controversial of School Prayer" concludes that the argument against prayer based on the concept of free thinking cannot be accepted. In short, prayer should be reinstated in all American schools to generate a healthy future generation.... Prayer in schools is an issue that has been debated for years. Many people believe that prayer should be in public schools whereas many others are of the view that prayer in schools should be prohibited. Prayer at the beginning of each School day is mandatory...
Cell Phones in School
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4
This study will present the advantages and disadvantages of allowing the use of cell phones in School, a major policy issue involving children, School authorities and parents. This paper illustrates the example of total freedom and total ban on the use of cell phones in School.... This research will begin with the statement that John and Jean (imaginary characters) are students at high School but they are studying in different institutions. The researcher states that John's School allows him to carry...
School Board Policies
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
In the paper “School Board Policies” the author submits the article evaluations with relevant observations: the victims and their families; external campus security; the matter of internal campus security; School security in the post-Columbine era.... The author references the increase of School shootings and educator awareness, but notes that even though some schools have policies like a “crisis document” which specifies staff responsibilities during an emergency, most teachers are unfamiliar with...
Sociological Issues in School
8 pages (2260 words) , Download 1
"Sociological Issues in School" paper discusses 7 sociological issues and how they affect the learning that takes place inside the classrooms. The author states that if schools can create a less threatening atmosphere through a caring attitude, then an increase in parent participation is observed. ... A student's life is primarily shaped by two settings where s/he spends most of his/her time: School and home. The interaction between these two settings is highly observed in School. While the School...
Life after High School
8 pages (1998 words) , Download 0
This essay "Life after High School" presents high School graduation that is often a principal milestone for growing up because it translates to joining college, living on one's own. For most high School graduates, the excitement comes from getting a job, and freedom from guardians or parents.... Life after high School requires preparation. I was lucky not to take the path of 'I wish someone had told me when still in high School'. Learning from the experiences of my friends, I knew I needed to prepare...
Catholic School Acccreditation responses
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
This has been achieved through ensuring every subject provides teachers with the opportunity to strengthen students' faith. Teachers facilitate class discussions that focus on church's teachings. In activities... Students are also introduced to books that encourage them to develop values that help them to become responsible citizens. The School also ensures that the Catholic School Accreditation Responses Response E: The School has incorporated Catholic values into the curriculum. This has been...
Chicago School Paper
4 pages (1306 words) , Download 0
This paper ''Chicago School Paper'' tells that Thorstein Veblen was an economics professor who was based in the US. Many of the essential writings he did on economics were done in the early 1900s. His perspective did not encompass a limited version of economics.... One of his most acknowledged works, The Theory of the Leisure Class, shed light on the concept of conspicuous consumption. His writings are representative of a new stance and opinion regarding human affairs, and he posits various aspects...
Free School Meals
10 pages (2624 words) , Download 2
The paper "Free School Meals" highlights that the free School meals policy was passed by the United Kingdom education department to enable all pupils to have access to meals while in School. This was done regardless of their social background, color, or race.... It is important to highlight that this policy was passed after it was realized that most of the young pupils from poor families went to School without proper meals. This adversely affected their concentration in class and so there became...
High School Experience
1 pages (427 words) , Download 6
The paper "High School Experience" states that the author always tried to motivate himself to complete his assignments, and failed. Due to this, his grade suffered terribly, however, he did well in chemistry because it involved mainly practical which he enjoyed.... High School for me was a mixture of bad times and wonderful experiences and honestly, I was both saddened and excited that it had to come to an end. During my first year, I approached Michigan high School with the thought that I had landed...
Last day at school
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4
I cannot forget that day as it is still fresh in my mind like it happened yesterday. I passed my high School days in this School very joyfully .These years are associated with so many memories and events because I have shared so may days with all these students.... Narrative Essay. My last day at School! I cannot forget that day as it is still fresh in my mind like it happened yesterday. I passed my high School days in this School very joyfully .These years are associated with so many memories and...
Elementary School in Birmingham
8 pages (2241 words) , Download 1
The paper 'Elementary School in Birmingham' presents an observation at an elementary School in Birmingham, Alabama. The forty hours of observation were completed in a kindergarten classroom. The teacher has over twenty-eight years of experience. The class has 17 students: 8 girls and 9 boys.... It's pointed out that while observing the classroom, I focused on six concepts: parental communication, diversity in the classroom, parent involvement, classroom volunteers, parental instruction, and homework....
Florida Christian School 4Ps
1 pages (412 words) , Download 2
The paper "Florida Christian School 4Ps" states that Florida Christian School is a well-structured Christian School created by Christians around Miami. The School is strategically located in Miami-Dade County and easily accessible by the community around.... Florida Christian School is a Christian-based academic institution that aims to enact educational knowledge to young leaders in various capacities. The institution's core objective is to nurture God has given talents by placing appropriate mechanism...
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