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Deprivation-Related Health Issues in North East London: Focus on Barking & Dagenham
Worst, poverty remains chronic even with urbanization (Mitlin 2005). Because of this, morbidity and mortality associated with poverty persist even with the urbanization---implying that urban health programs must continue to be attuned to the state of poverty in their localities even with urbanization (Barten 2010).
Race and the ethnic group labels used in America are mostly not clearly based on the criteria that everyone understands, agrees with, and can easily utilize. So as to comprehend the human diversity in the United States, an understanding of the common criteria used in the distinction and classification of groups is paramount.
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The work of Yen et al. (2012) on the other hand further reinforces the thesis that online interactions are different, and that online social relationships yield new sets of dynamics with regard to how human beings relate to one another, behave, and are impacted by their social relationships (Yen et al., 2012)
The study incorporated fifteen dissimilar schools, both countryside, and metropolitan, with thirty-six classes selected for the study. Despite the fact that educators bring their principles, as well as postulations into class, their discernments, deliberately or without thinking, affect their individual teaching practices.
Technology facilitates constant connectivity, which has led to the establishment of a current-generation living in a globalized world. Therefore, tracking communication and interaction with technology through my Smartphone for a period of four-hours depicts that there are numerous features offered by these devices.
According to the report, the government of the UK contributes greatly to the development of approaches to tackle inequalities and discrimination. Refugees in the UK face numerous challenges in an attempt to adjust to life in the UK, which are not common to established Asians, blacks, and other minority ethnic groups’ migrants.
Prejudice also entails the pre-conceived judgment towards an individual based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other identifiable personal trait (Brown, 2010). On the other hand, discrimination is the positive or negative actions that are taken by an individual towards a member of a certain group and are influenced by the existing prejudice.
According to French Philosopher, Michael Foucault, visibility is a trap. He argues that surveillance is an aspect of modern society and the visual is also the principal means by which we are regulated and controlled. From this argument, it can be observed that modern-day people are concerned about their appearances.
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, Research Paper
It is in learning institutions that children are taught the importance of socialization, acceptable moral values, and good behaviors. This explains why schools are the best training site for studying the best skills to be practiced in the society at large and the rule of law governing the country (Madigan 10).
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, Research Paper
The current societal response to crime prevention has not been effective. The policymakers have not aligned with prevention strategies with the root causes of the high crime rate in the society. Some crime response approaches that can be successful in reducing the crime rate include elimination of the risk factors that cause individuals to engage in crime.
Sociologists Tim Biblarz and Judith Stacey noted in an article published in American Sociological Review in the year 2001 that although outcomes differ to some extent between the children raised under same-sex marriages and straight marriages, the differences are not as substantial as they might be expected by the family sociologists.
Out of these three interviewees, Alex was in high school; Jessica was a Masters in International Relations and James had done primary schooling with several engineering courses back in his days. It was evident from the responses that all the interviewees were using the facts that were known to them.
Our behavior and thought process largely center on this basic human instinct. Human sexuality affects all facets of our life such as socialization, the arts, social institutions, spirituality, and many more. Sex is the very basis of our existence. In ancient India, sexuality has been expressed in sculptures, Hindu temples, and monuments and is even considered a door to salvation.
The author points out that most of the scholarly research that has been conducted on the socioeconomic achievement gradient has mostly been focused on attempts to try and understand mechanisms via which some of the factors like parental educational attainment, investments, school quality, family structure parental preferences.
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, Research Paper
Yakuza Organizations. The Yakuza organization is a traditionally organized crime or mafia group with its origins in Japan. The word Yakuza is believed to originate from the Japanese game called Oicho-kabu which is played using hanafuda or so called kabufuda cards.
Social stratification is the feature of every society and not individuals. It depends mainly on three factors such as power, prestige and property. The social stratification is a universal factor but inconsistent, it prevails in the society from generations and the strata are formed due to the belief of the people.
A deeper look into the theory has resulted to criticisms on its weaknesses, which as described in this essay lie on the very framework of the theory. Nevertheless, the theory remain to be a useful aid to understanding environmental problems, because it has provided a description of the new risks and the fatal effects they pose, enough to call the attention of policy makers, scholars and experts.
Crime has become a sociological issue in need of immediate intervention. The presentation of crime on social networks and media has further sparked a great deal of aggression among individuals. For example, several types of research have been carried out on the effect of video games on criminal activity among teenagers.
It is a form of institutional prejudice and discrimination in that, groups that enforce law use race as a policy to select an individual out for more inspection. It is also a form of institutional discrimination for the reason that social institutions’ representatives unfairly single out particular representatives when seeking to implement rules or laws, thus violating civil rights (Free, 1996).
7 pages (2019 words)
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, Research Paper
Sociology of education has contributed immensely to educational processes; as a source of information, plus training for teachers, and also for policymakers. The sociology of education focuses attention on the social issues, issues of the society as a whole for educational institutions like gender and race issues.
Teenage pregnancy is now considered to be a social problem because it disrupts social productivity; instead of going to school, teenage mothers tend to stop schooling because of their condition, and they eventually cease to continue their schooling. It also poses a danger to the child and the mother as their young bodies are not really ready for childbirth.
However, we come across people from different cultures in our daily life. Even in our own culture, we need to understand different characters. All of us must show respect and worthiness to other people to reach our personal and business goals. Therefore, I was interested in taking this course. It helped me learn actively based on my experience.
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, Research Paper
The benefits of these sites are numerous including educational support, instant information exchange, communication and technical skill enhancement, personal expression, keeping in touch with family and friends in a free and effective way, promoting ideas and concepts, enhancing people's social circle, discovering old friends.
The factors of abusing include mental instability of a spouse, financial capabilities, past related experiences of a spouse such as child abuse, influence from drug and substance abuse such as excessive alcoholism, criminal related activities by a spouse such as a robbery with violence which results in abusive behaviour towards the other spouse.
According to Al Mosaed, violence is linked to power and this also is an alarm for many other problems such as unequal power distributions among families or couples. Thus, control and power are universally accepted reasons of violence. This type of violence may include sexual, emotional, physical or psychological abuse that takes place between partners, even same sex (homosexual) relationships are not devoid of this dilemma.
When a child faces abuse, what is the behavior of those close to him/ her, and how do they react? Child mistreatment increases the probability of the child committing a crime, and there are various channels through which a complaint can be made regarding abuse. Child abuse can be prevented if society is sensitive to the welfare of the children.
Counter-terrorism is referred to the procedures, techniques, and strategies utilized by the governments, police departments, militaries, and varied investigating organizations to circumvent terrorist threats. Counter-terrorism is described as the offensive policies intended to prevent, discourage, preempt and react to the terrorists’ attacks.
In order to comprehend the factors, whether religious or constitutional that influence the creation of each nation’s criminal justice and policing systems, it is critical to study each nation’s laws and justice department system separately. Policing systems in various parts of the world have different concepts about what policing involves.
A significant proportion of the total population of US consists of Hispanic Americans who are living in US in different communities. There is a lot of variation in the religious, social characteristics of the different Hispanic American communities living in US. Many Hispanic Americans have migrated or immigrated to US from different parts of the world.
The ability of individuals to face various social problems is depended on factors. Financial and social status are common criteria for judging the potentials of people to respond to challenges of different types. It seems that the perceptions of each individual in regard to the necessity and the value of particular social policies are differentiated.
The author states that the story allows us to dwell into the mind of Sammy, a teenage clerk who holds sarcastic and opinionated thoughts about the world around him. Notably, the main character’s voice is presented in a colloquial and intimate tone to highlight his individuality and character.
At times when YMCA has enough funds, a problem of accepting volunteers crops up. This is because it is in the capacity of employing workers to do their activities. This is something that is exceedingly detrimental to those willing to serve as volunteers. This is because the agency is able to offer the services with easiness.
The death penalty is such an ambiguous issue. One’s opinion about it reflects one’s values. However, looking at the conflict perspective, one can actually say that even without death penalty, crimes and conflicts would still ensue
Cornel West published many books and among the books was the Race Matters, which was a non-fiction runaway success (1). West has also participated in all forms of locally based protest and he is an active member of the socialists’ conference, Democratic Socialists of America, which occurs yearly in New York.
The Bahá'í Faith is a religious community unified by a series of central tenets, beliefs, practices, and ideals. The religion originated in 19th-century Persia, where it was founded by Bahá'u'lláh, a supposed messenger from God who was persecuted for teaching ideas discordant with the dominant Persian and Ottoman authorities.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
It creates psychological scares in a person such as lack of security and self-confidence, low self-image, feel of guilt etc. These things affect thinking of children’s also and have a negative effect on them. Social workers are sensitive to both children’s as well as women’s.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
As far as the definition of community care goes it refers to the participation of external forces to care for the mentally ill and the impact it has on their treatment. These forces can be legal, social, based on the relationship to the mentally ill individual, or purely based on providing a professional service to aid in their betterment.
Cultural politics is the impact that culture has on politics. Many aspects make up the culture of a people; class, gender, and race are the most common aspects of culture that tend to influence politics. In Colombia, the above aspects of culture play a crucial role in the definition of the cultural politics of the country.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
However, it is relatively high in the United States mainly through Mexico which is located south of the United States. A person becomes an illegal immigrant or alien in one of several ways. Unauthorized immigration includes two types of migration to the United States which qualify as illegal.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
There has been widespread coverage of the issue by academic scholars, sociological researchers as well as by the print and television media, regarding the increasing incidences of among the youth, and the possible causes behind the same. The use of gangs and their dramatic portrayal in the mass media gained widespread media attention during the early 1980s, sparking nation-wide debates and curiosity, at the same time.
This term paper makes use of a wide variety of sources in a bid to explicate the topic of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Scholarly journals for instance, the Journal of Education and Sociology, newspaper articles, text books, as well as, verified internet sources was employed to conduct this research.
7 pages (2022 words)
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, Research Paper
Obesity refers to a condition of abnormal increase in body weight. This condition usually occurs due to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. This accumulation process in turn happens due to the excess intake of calories coupled with a lack of physical exertion. Obesity further leads to health problems.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Women in Developing Countries 300 Times More Likely to Die in Childbirth. Despite the world developing at a fast rate, it raises eyebrows among many countries why women die while giving birth mainly in developing countries (less developed countries). It is on this basis that a lot of research has been conducted in the developing countries to come up with an absolute reason for the occurrence.
Obesity comes with many disadvantages such as increased cost of clothing, high blood pressure, reduced life span, and complications of bones. Increased consumption of junk food from fast-food outlets is one of the major causes. People have busy schedules in their lives and no time to cook quality food with fewer adverse effects.
Sociology argues that human behaviors are social and thus studies the structures that enhance sociability which include groups, organizations, and societies. On the other hand, urban sociology entails studying how humans interact in metropolitan areas. Urban sociology entails understanding how conditions that characterize the urban life affect human aspects such as relations, ideas, as well as opportunities affect metropolitan inhabitants (Flanagan, 2010).
Abnormality Models Introduction Life has several interesting behaviors that are evaluated using the abnormality models in the field of sociology. This means that it is upon the personalities and people around to support the varying methodologies of cure in order to avoid the spread of such illnesses.
She is brought up by her parents like any other white girl would be. However, reality strikes when she is admitted to school and is not accepted by parents and teachers. She herself also does not feel a sense of belonging there. The State officials declare her as “colored” and she has to leave the school.
Teachers teach both formal and hidden curricula. The formal one is more organized and concerned with solving a problem. The hidden curriculum refers to the way the teacher delivers the lesson. He or she can impart knowledge in a hidden way and this helps the students to have greater insight into a particular problem.
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, Book Report/Review
Butterfield has made an attempt of explaining why a family would engage in crime through five generations by giving the history of each one of this generation. He gives incite on the fact that may cause people to be inclined to commit a crime is quite convincing and I believe if applied can be very powerful in dealing with youth delinquency.
Racism as the Result of the New World Slavery. By the argument that racism was the result of the New World slavery, it is meant that the policy, system of government or belief that is based upon the persuasion that a person's own race being inherently superior emanates from the slavery and slave-related activities that was practiced in the Western Hemisphere, particularly the Americas and perhaps, parts of the Oceania.