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One of the priority problems that can be noted in the case of Jane is Respiratory - a problem where it is noted that when Jane is sitting upright, she is demonstrating auditory wheeze and is using accessory muscles. This shows that she is straining to breathe. The other priority problem that the nurse should note in the diagnostic statement is that Jane is experiencing dehydration.
7 pages (2144 words)
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, Research Paper
The chronic systemic process of this disease is atherosclerosis. Normally, arteries’ inside walls are rather smooth and flexible, which allows easy blood flow. Plaques, which are fatty deposits, can build up in the wall of the artery. This plaque will then narrow the artery and consequently stop or just reduce the blood flow.
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The DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria of Dementia defines and characterizes dementia with symptoms of loss of memory, deterioration of language function, and loss of ability to think and plan abstractly and to initiate, sequence, monitor, or stop complex behaviors (Koutoukidis, 2009, p. 872). These symptoms have been very evident in one of my residential home care patients named Ms. X.
Causing numerous disease-related distress cases both among the ailing and close people who spent their entire time acting as caregivers (Boman, Bjork & Lindahl, 2003). Mainly, caregivers, in this case, encompass family members and other close people who normally intervene with the intention of aiding the affected.
The investigation is structured in the form of a literature meta-analysis concerning an article specific to the nursing profession and its relationship to evidence-based practice. A hybrid approach is used to derive comparisons between a case study, and a literature meta-analysis of related findings.
Alzheimer's disease is a very severe and debilitating form of dementia. The disease robs them of their ability to think or speak coherently, their ability to separate the past from the present and fiction from reality, and even the ability to recall memories of their children's faces (Gross & Kinnison, 2007).
9 pages (2914 words)
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, Research Paper
Teams are groups of people who work together towards a common goal or intent; they are mutually dependent and interrelate within a larger organization or environment (Lurey & Raisinghani, 2000). Traditionally, team members, whether social or task-based, work in close proximity to each other and are thus co-located.
Apparently, sentinel events are perceived to have a high likelihood of occurring in the medical practice thereby defining a new era of medical errors. In reference to regular reports, medical errors continue to dominate in the medical practice. The occurrence rate of these errors apparently varies from one healthcare facility to the other.
The present health care environment requires nurses and health care practitioners to constantly update their knowledge and skills to improve health care services provided to patients.
This is a case of an 82-year-old female, who comes in with the chief complaint of shortness of breath. Because of this, she is already using oxygen. The patient has been smoking for 40 years already. In addition, she presents with signs of depression. Both the respiratory complaint and the psychiatric problem should be addressed by nursing care.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Many of those found positive confront the dilemma and shame of disclosing their conditions fearing that their families and immediate community will stigmatize and scorn them till death for bearing such illness. This paper seeks to qualitatively review studies pertaining to psychosocial therapy and support accorded to young persons living with HIV.
5 pages (1421 words)
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, Research Paper
The BSN graduates have been trained to work under diverse conditions and this will only be ascertained if more can be enrolled into the nursing colleges. However for this to happen, they must be given the appropriate and adequate facilities that will enhance not only their competence but also their confidence.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
A higher percentage of men who do not respond to conventional depression treatment have either low or low-to-normal testosterone levels. This issue is analyzed in this research paper by the author as well as many references that provide the same opinion on the topic. Also some recommendations as how doctors can use such effect are mentioned.
Filling the form made me to realize a number of issues which are relevant to ethical conduct. For instance, I realised that ethical conduct should be something that one does in a conscious way because failing to do so would mean that most of the time the person would be acting in a way that is unethical.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
People must understand that restricting food consumption not only helps one maintain body weight and shape but also unfortunately poses severe illness, which cause death. Instead of deciding to restrict food consumption as a method of maintaining body weight and shape, people should use appropriate measures such as attending gyms or doing physical exercises.
As such, the interviewees would be identified in the current discourse through acronyms and through their positions in the organization. The first nurse leader is the VP for Nursing, who will be identified herewith as VBM. The second nurse leader is a Department Manager for the Cardiovascular Unit, now named MMC.
This paper presents a quantitative study because it presents quantitative information’s about the incidences and etiology of different types of distractions in one operational room. It is also qualitative because, in essence, it researches one qualitative subject – human communication (Burke et al. 2004).
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
This essay discusses that CT scanning can be used to diagnose different types of cancers such as lung cancer, liver, prostate cancer and enables doctors to see the size of the tumor and see the rate at which it is increasing. The size of the tumor, its exact location, and its effect on nearby tissues is also seen through this.
These issues culminated after a series of incidents that occurred to her. She recently lost her mother and before her passing, she could not reconcile her differences with her. Due to this, she died without them making any substantial peace. This led to serious depression which has created the effects listed in 1 to 5 above.
Acute pain in children In the last decade, the practice pediatric pain management has recorded changes following the inventions of pain management equipment specifically for pediatric patients. Prior to that, assessment and treatment of the pediatric patients faced many changes such as lack of clinical knowledge, fear of side effects, inadequate research, and addiction.
12 pages (3833 words)
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, Literature review
Wound care is often one of the most tedious aspects of health care. Cleaning, healing, and recovery of wounds may take short periods of time for most patients, and for other patients, especially those with existing health complications, the healing process may take longer. Where the recovery of wounds may be prolonged, the more vulnerable the patient is to various risks, including infection.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
The longer range 5.56mm calibre C7 rifle, commonly known as Colt Canada C7, is a standard Canadian Forces infantry weapon produced by the Colt Canada (formerly Diemaco) in mid 1980s adapted from the U.S M16A1E1 rifle developed by the Colt Firearms.
Culture influence the way a person thinks, perceive surrounding environment, interact (relate), make judgments, play roles, communicate, behave or act in their world. Providing care to people in different cultural setting demand that health care providers must be culturally competent.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Peplau’s pattern integration in Long Term Care is a hypothesis with a view of examining interpersonal and therapeutic affiliation that tends to arise between a client and a nurse. The interpersonal concentration of Peplau’s theory demands that the professional gets to the interpersonal process happening between a caregiver and a client.
Name: Course Name: Course Instructor: Date of Submission: Contents Contents 2 Introduction 3 Heritage Assessment Tool 3 Why there is a need for Cultural and Heritage Assessment 4 Heritage Assessment Interview Results 6 First Family (My Family) 6 The Second Family 7 Discussion 8 Conclusion 10 References 11 Heritage Assessment Introduction Cultural beliefs form the manner in which individuals seek assistance, describe health problems, and eventually stick to therapeutic regimens.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are computer chips linked to a tiny antenna that is used to convey information electronically through a close RFID reader. The use of RFIDs in health care is a promising progress in IT, but also raises vital legal, ethical and social issues.
Date QUESTION 1 Explain the underlying pathophysiology of subtrochanteric hip fracture and bone healing following ORIF. Use current literature to support/justify. Hip fracture refers to a breakage in the hip bone which is very common in the elderly people caused by falls – even a slight fall can cause it to fracture.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Personal Statement
I would work at night in the medical/surgical then in the morning I would see my home care patients. During my work, I noticed that many of my patients had co-morbidity with psychiatric disorders. This caught my attention and drew my interest. I was particularly fascinated by the pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders and how they affected the brain.
Person-centered care aids the process in the administration of clinical services by guiding the staff to understand their patients’ needs. Person-centered care is useful as an ethical strategy since it encourages respect for the needs of a patient. It ensures that the patient’s needs are met according to his profile and that he is treated with the utmost respect and provided with the best care.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
Old people are always prone to diseases. Across the world, the number of old people suffering from various diseases such as chronic diseases is on the rise day in day out Just like other types of diseases, chronic diseases result to pain in most old people.
The establishment of therapeutic relationships could aid the patient emotionally, whereas also enabling them to cope by themselves with their problems. Ultimately, strong therapeutic relationship creation could give me an insight into the patient’s condition, in addition to assisting me, in planning for the discharge of Mrs. Brown.
These individuals need medical attention while further investigations are made on their cases, or when serving a jail term. This is the role of forensic or correctional nurses. Community Setting: Forensic/ Correctional Nursing Correctional or forensic nursing deals with the provision of medical healthcare services to individuals incarcerated within the criminal justice system in facilities such as jails, prisons or juvenile detention centers.
Nursing Practice: John’s Case Study Introduction Nausea and vomiting are debilitating and common side effects resulting from exposure to chemotherapy. The nausea felt before or after chemotherapy is the sickly sensation experienced at the stomach area, which may end up in vomiting or emesis.
St., 2010). Chiefly, the health care economic issues and trends have a lot of implications for patients and advanced practice nursing, considering the many barriers that hinder the efficiency with which advanced practice nurses manage and treat chronic pain.
6 pages (1648 words)
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, Research Paper
The three methodologies are maintaining questionnaires, interviews and observations. What are the pros and cons of each methodology for our chosen performance improvement area? Questionnaires can be very useful because they ask the patient directly what is wrong with them and they answer accordingly.
The paper tells that patients about to undergo surgery are definitely very anxious about it and after the procedure is done they feel the pain. This anxiety and pain can be reduced if appropriate medication and treatments are administered to the patients. This can be pharmacologically or non-pharmacologically done.
Bower, K. A. (2009). Managing Care: The Crucial Nursing–Case Management Partnership.
Nurse Leader 26-29.
The article introduces the concept of case management and its relationship with the cost benefits that an institution accrues once it implements effective and efficient case management in its operations.
Formative assessment of students’ skills is an important component of successful mentorship; unfortunately, not all nurses can become good mentors. A student assessed formatively on their hand washing technique and their ability to apply principles of asepsis is influenced by a variety of factors, from their relationship with the mentor to mentors’ leadership style and the culture, in which they operate.
5 pages (1566 words)
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, Research Paper
There is a myriad of treatments for OCD including behavioral therapy pharmacological therapy, group therapy, and cognitive therapy. Each therapy differs in terms of its approach and its effectiveness. Some patients may have to try several therapies before finding the one that will work for them so that they will either.
Breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months as the exclusive method of feeding the infant. After the first six months, breastfeeding can be accompanied by solid food as well as the use of infant formulas. Breastfeeding is recommended for up to two years or more.
Introduction Lillian Wald is a well-known person for nursing. This talented woman made an essential contribution into medicine and nursing. She was born in 1867 in Ohio. Her parents were the representatives of social middle class. Starting from 1889 Lillian was a student of New York Hospital's School of Nursing and continued her education at the Woman’s Medical College (Wagenknecht, 1983).
High risk groups have also been identified in users of injection drugs and hemophiliacs. Vertical transmission from mother to child is a growing problem as more child-bearing women are affected with HIV from their male partners. Fifty percent of the children who had vertically-transmitted HIV developed AIDS (CDSC, 2003).
A Conceptual Analysis of Anxiety. Anxiety and fear are both parts of emotions such as joy, loneliness, madness and shame. They are part of daily lives of people. The exact distinction between anxiety and fear is difficult to identify and depends upon the situation.
The author shows that medicine is not an exact science: illnesses may be misdiagnosed due to lack of information. Uncertainty and ambiguity can happen because of the patient’s value system. The discussion of ethical issues is recognition that medicine is primarily concerned with a patient’s physiological well-being directed to his social good.
National Health Services is a shared name of the health provision services around the globe. A very imperative part of this national service is to come up with developmental ideas for the need for a rapid response to emergency cases of acute pain. It is for this reason that many countries have come up with the idea of forming rapid response teams in hospitals to address acute pain cases.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
The evaluation aims at offering care as it pertains to health to strangers. Curriculum evaluation considers aspects of curriculum design, and the outcomes it has after implementation. When a curriculum is being designed, the needs of the learners and the involved community are put into consideration.
These are discussed and analyzed as Moodely and West (2005) justified the need for understanding a patient’s personal health and healing belief as part of a holistic approach in health care delivery. It is understood that one’s spirituality and health belief directly affects one’s healing, coping, wellness, and total well being.
The holistic assessment process is one of the most valuable and useful processes to ensure the delivery of adequate and efficient health services. The holistic assessment also seeks to ensure a well-rounded evaluation of patients, considering all of their concerns and their needs. It is an overview of the clinical presentation of the service user.
However, there is no denying the fact that in an organizational context, the measure of the ethical affiliations of a person is to a great extent confined to what could be deduced from one’s actions and words. To date, there does not exist any standard to gauge the ethical integrity of a person’s heart and mind.
A business based ethics model helps in training and educating employees on appropriate ethical behavior at work. This model also helps in relieving pressure faced by organizations from competitors, consumers, and the entire economic market when carrying out business operations (Wheatley, 2006).