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Treatment for the Genetic Mutation in FH Nursing Term Paper
7 pages (2135 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Normal morphometric measures, absence of smoking and metabolic syndrome, good adherence to statins, and awareness of current LDL-C levels are positive factors for the attainment of LDL-C goals. As well, it was found that women, residents of nursing homes, and people with comorbidities have better treatment adherence.
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How health care is organized Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The purpose of primary car is to provide care for very common health issues experienced by an individual such as fever, diabetes and stress and in primary care measures are taken to prevent individuals from experiencing certain diseases with the assistance of vaccinations provided.
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Initiatives in Nursing Nursing Assignment
4 pages (1320 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Even though the American Nurses Association was initiated to cater to the needs of nurses alone, it also has a code of ethics that gives numerous suggestions that are of help when nurses communicate with their patients. The hospital also provides technical assistance to community agencies as well as county child welfare institutions.
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Nutritional Practices Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Describing and analyzing the nutritional practices of the following ethnic groups living in the U.S, is relatively easy however, at the same time, it is difficult to characterize their net effect to account for the health benefits and disease reduction as each of the ethnic group observes diverse eating practices.
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Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Older Hispanic Womens Experience with Osteoarthritis Nursing Dissertation
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Osteoarthritis, abbreviated as OA, can affect on each and every aspect of someone’s life, including a person’s ability to be independent, their relationships, social life, as well as emotional welfare (Brown et al., 2011).
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Health Service Provision for Older Patients Nursing Essay
11 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In this essay, the most common cause of dementia in the elderly, Alzheimer's disease, will be discussed through review of literature. The signs and symptoms of the disease, the pathophysiology and various aspects of nursing intervention will be elaborated. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common degenerative disease of the brain that leads to dementia.
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Reflection to ANMC Codes Nursing Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The reflective practice provides the nurse with an opportunity to assess them and analyze their performance and negligence in the care giving, hence providing room for self-identification of errors and corrective measures. This provides satisfaction to the nurse as they are impressed by the level of care they offer to their patients and also incompliance to the nursing standards.
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Cultural discussion Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Instead, the nurse must strive to establish trust, so that Mrs. Nasser can believe in the former’s medical opinions and recommendations. She can establish trust by asking open-ended questions that can reveal Mrs. Nasser’s beliefs and customs, which can impact her daughter’s healthcare needs, and by empathizing with her daughter’s illness.
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A term paper covering a leadership topic* Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
People tend to communicate every now and then. Definitely, they need to be led by a strong and sound-minded person freed from biases and unethical actions in mind. Thus, ethical leadership springs up today as the outcome of inefficient practice in this field.
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How Nurses View Jobs Today Nursing Term Paper
5 pages (1351 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
This again requires a sense of personal motivation to gain control and mastery over destiny and the working environment. In order to be an effective leader, while also maintaining control over skills development and environmental conflicts, authoritarian-based negotiation strategies, as well as knowledge related to management control, is required.
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Cancer: Complication and Care Nursing Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
According to American cancer society, cancer is a name, which generalizes a family of one hundred diseases or more, which normally involve an abnormal growth of human body cells. Failure to access timely and professional treatment of cancer results to serious illness and even death.
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Ethical Principles Underlying Leadership Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay discusses that in a fast-paced world leadership becomes equated to control, dominance, and total authority, which deviates from the original authoritative principles of leadership. Because of this, many organizations fail as a result of the inaccurate meaning of leadership even among its professional managers.
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Prevention of Medication Errors and Safety Measures Nursing Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Assignment
Medication errors have been categorized as prescribing, dispensing and administrative errors as they can occur at any of the above stages and lead to serious or even fatal complications in some cases. Though medication errors mostly happen by chance and physicians or nurses concerned do not deliberately commit the errors.
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When acceptable standards of operations are not adhered to, patients may suffer harm and catastrophe as a result of failure of health practitioners and organizations. In addition to medical experts’ duty to ensure safety of patients, the patients also have a moral obligation to safeguard their own well-being while undergoing treatment.
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Vision for the Future of the Nursing Profession Nursing Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The following brief analysis will provide and propose something of a vision for the nursing profession with regards to such factors as demographic shift, alternative medicine, due to changes within technology and science, projected changes in challenges to nursing education, and the challenge of continuing to integrate professional nursing institutions with the needs of their stakeholders.
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Theories of Pain, Its Anatomy and Physiology, and How to Treat the Pain Nursing Essay
8 pages (2639 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Pain is an experience that is common to all animals. It is the result of certain forms of stimulation and involves complex, multidimensional processes. The word pain has been utilized to explain many conditions. There are two types of pain: acute pain is generally any relatively short duration pain with known organic cause and chronic pain is deep, long-lasting intractable pain.
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Empowerment in Adolescent Obesity Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1257 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Furthermore, there is culture as a significant factor among impoverished obese adolescents, which hinders them from overcoming their obesity (Cochrane 68). Additionally, there is the issue of motivation, which means the inner and outer drive of individuals especially the affected obese teenagers in attaining self-determination and self-esteem.
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Evidence & Literature Overview Paper Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, some goals and actions need to be invented to ensure that the operations of the health organization run smoothly. For this to happen, the set goals should be followed to improve the services offered in the health centers. In this paper, we will look at four of those goals that if implemented, will promote the productivity and enhance the performance of the health organization.
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Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is usually more prevalent, in young children and the most vulnerable are those who do not have immunity from it. Immunity can be acquired if a person had the disease before or received a vaccine from it. The disease is becoming more rampant in Houston as identified in the children admitted in the Texas Children Hospital (Wheeler, 2007).
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How Various Aspects Have Shaped My Personal Values Nursing Assignment
6 pages (1576 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Values are meaningful and important to an individual due to the vital role they play in a person’s life. Each person has their own set of values, which they embrace, whether knowingly or unknowingly, and these vary among various individuals. This variance is because of the varying life experiences of individuals. Therefore, a person’s life experience is important, as this shapes their values and perceptions about life.
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Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity in Communication: Circumcision among the Luo Cultural Group in Kenya Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity in Communication: Circumcision among the Luo Cultural Group in Kenya The Luo cultural group found in Kenya, East Africa, does not practice male circumcision (Serah, 2008). There is a relationship between male circumcision and HIV/AIDS infection.
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Instructional Technology of Nursing Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that in the faculty of nursing/healthcare, programs are divided into three main parts i.e. management, theory and practice. The theoretical part can be tutored through online functions like online blackboard in the Monash University. Students take lecture notes and assignments from the online blackboard.
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The Major Concepts of Caring Theory by Watson Nursing Assignment
7 pages (2112 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Jean Watson’s theory of caring is extremely important for nurses to excel in their profession. The needs of the patients could be different and it is the duty of the nurses to adapt themselves to it. Better patient-nurse relationships may help the patient very much in the recovery process. Nurses should be visualized as angels.
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The Charismatic Leader in a Healthcare Organization Nursing Term Paper
7 pages (2194 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Because of the nature of the industry, it has special challenges related to leadership and leadership development. Though, clinical practice is strictly regulated. This can cause confusion on organizational priorities. Should the organization focus on reducing medical errors or developing leaders first? Should they focus on financial sustainability or create a process of leadership development?
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Various Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions Nursing Research Paper
12 pages (3360 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Another of these types of treatments is the use of oral appliances. These appliances are like mouth “guards worn for the treatment and obliterating Obstructive Sleep Apnea” and snoring with their use. They work as they help in positioning the lower jaw slightly forward than the usual position during sleep (ASAA).
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Thermoking SL 200e vs. General Chest Freezer Nursing Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Thermoking SL 200e vs. General Chest Freezer The chest freezers also known as the deep freezers are very important when it comes to any kind of preservation. The chest freezers are the best when it comes to long preservations of food. e blue star chest freezes are basically the best when it comes to long preservations as they use states of art technology to preserve the stored food for a very long period of time.
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Effect of Healthcare on the Elderly Population Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1429 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to Rogers (1997), vulnerability is an issue of level; it depends on the situation and how one observes and reflects on it. In nursing, vulnerability can be dependent and decided on such factors as age, gender, race, ethnicity, social support, education, income, and life changes. Being elderly is one of the leading causes of vulnerability.
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Societal Influences on Nursing as a Profession Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
As the report stresses the current society nursing practices are much different from the ancient practices. Tremendous changes are expected to occur in the profession of nursing due to the current and future societal movements. At family level settings, traditional roles of sisters, daughters, and wives were rooted in nurturing.
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Effect of Hourly Rounding on Clients' Satisfaction in a Pediatric Facility Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This study will go over the level of patients’ satisfaction with regards to the service given by the ER staff nurses with regards to patient care, the level of satisfaction of clients with the level of communication incurred within the hospital facility with regards to clients concern and the level of client satisfaction with regards to their overall stay within the emergency room.
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Concept Analysis: Humor Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
It has been proven that humor promotes good health both psychologically and physiologically. Therefore, the concept finds profound use in the field of nursing to address various physical and psychological states such as stress, anxiety, fear, among others.
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The Nursing Field: Related to Maintaining Skin Integrity Nursing Essay
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 8 , Essay
The study was carried out on volunteers mainly between the ages of 18 to 65 years. The study subjects were categorized by sex and age after which their demographic data was taken. cyanobacteria isolates were cultured in sterile inorganic media. The patches contained aqueous suspensions of cyanobacteria which were applied for 48 hours.
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Epidemiology Case Study Paper Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The patient lives with multiple adult migrant workers and their children, and attends a school at which additional migrant children, besides local children, are present. Epidemiological Triangle According to the epidemiological triangle, changes in one of the elements of the triangle can influence the occurrence of disease by increasing or decreasing a person’s risk for disease (X.X.
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English Only in Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions Nursing Essay
5 pages (1460 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Generally, effective communication remains one of the fundamental enablers of efficiency in the nursing profession. Vast amounts of literature that explore the factors behind effective nursing care cite language and communication skills as key to successful interaction between the nurse and the client.
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Health Education of Hypertension: The Hispanic Population in Philadelphia Nursing Research Paper
8 pages (2120 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A health education plan can be described as any plan that seeks to help individuals and groups of people learn to promote, maintain and restore their health. Health education plans are common in most countries as governments seek to ensure the health of their citizens. The paper discusses a health education plan on hypertension as a health problem in the Hispanic population of Philadelphia. 
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Mouth care to reduce ventilator-Associated pneumonia Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Early onset of pneumonia is caused by infection of staphylococcus, haemophilus or streptococcus gram-positive bacteria. These strains of bacteria are antibiotic sensitive. The late onset of VAP occurs after 72hours of ventilation (Booker et al., 2013). Methicilin resistant staphylococcus, pseudomona and enterobactor bacteria normally cause it.
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Clinical Supervision for Nurses Nursing Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 12 , Essay
Clinical supervision may mean different things to different people; as such, no single definition can be used to refer to the term. The term refers to a form of intervention provided to a junior member of the profession by a senior member. Thus, the relationship between the supervisor and the supervisee can be termed as evaluative.
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Diabetes in the Pediatric Population Nursing Essay
8 pages (2177 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Diabetes is a medical disorder that causes a patient who in this case is a child to suffer from excess thirst while he or she produces a large amount of urine. The disease affects children from the age of seven and onwards. It could persist to adulthood if not treated and brings with it chronic diseases such as heart problems and high blood pressure.
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Diabetic Disease Management in African American Elderly Nursing Essay
5 pages (1436 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Insulin is produced by the pancreatic gland, and for people with diabetes, little or no insulin is produced. As a result, since the "glucose is not broken down it accumulates in the blood" and passes as urine (Zazworsky & Bolin, 2005). The body lacks energy and patients become extremely weak. There are two forms of diabetes.
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The Role of Ethics in Nursing Nursing Essay
6 pages (1614 words) , Download 3 , Essay
All questions answer the role and importance of ethics in nursing where ethical principles have been considered as the utmost requirement to deal with varieties of ethical issues. The ethical dilemma presented in the case study revolves around the enforcement of personal will where the Chief Resident tells the head nurse of a pediatric unit.
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Policies and Procedures That Govern the Hiring Practices Nursing Article
4 pages (1300 words) , Download 4 , Article
The policy and procedures of human resource management serve as a guideline that the organization can regularly follow regarding employment, evaluation, and improvement of staff. Standardization of such practices facilitates the hiring of competent employees that can help attain the goal of the organization. 
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Congestive Heart Failure as a Concept in the Field of Nursing Nursing Essay
6 pages (1970 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As members of the growing numbers of people in the nursing profession, it is important that all aspects of the career be taken up, including the identification of nursing roles in providing care among patients, recognizing the potential legal issues when dealing with them, as well as classifying the evidence-based practices.
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Leadership and Management - Chief Nursing Officer Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1396 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The chief nursing officer is responsible for coordinating and looking after the daily routines and official works of any organization’s health department or health facility. The chief nursing officer has a paramount role to play in aligning the organizational requirements with the problems, demands, and abilities of nurses. 
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Analysis of Anaesthetic Nursing Nursing Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 7 , Research Paper
Anesthesia denotes loss of sensation and ‘anaesthesiology’ connotes the practice in pain management or pain relief.  Latest developments of theories have a significant influence on the role of the anesthetic nurses since anesthetists are working in close coordination with the surgeons, the role of anesthetists/anesthetic nurses is very crucial. 
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Analyzing Jean Watson's Theory of Caring Nursing Essay
7 pages (2121 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Born and brought up in West Virginia, the name and works of Dr. Watson are not unfamiliar in the field of nursing. Being dint of her innate compassionate feelings, great enthusiasm, and dedication to the nursing profession, she has rendered valuables services for the cause of the suffering humanity, in the treatment of which she has made sincere and unflinching efforts for the last five decades.
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The Diabetes Issue Prevailing in South Asian Indian Women Nursing Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The rise in a number of diabetes cases amongst the South Asian Indian women in different parts of the United States is no more a hidden fact and mystery (Sarita, et. Al, 2005). Camarota (2001) stated that with so many immigrants coming from different parts of the world, the United States is considered as the home for many. 
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Review of Literature Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Analysts define this skill as the science of promoting the protection and improving peoples’ health through education. Public health has been documented over the years to improve the well-being of people in a given society. The behavior activities include self responsibility, nutritional awareness physical fitness, and stress management.
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Socialization into Nursing Nursing Essay
7 pages (1931 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Nursing is a very noble profession and a nurse has a very heavy responsibility on her shoulders. A nurse doesn’t only treat the victims physically but also takes care of their mental health by teaching them how to live in an organized way. Nurses’ responsibilities towards the patients are many. Those involve carrying out treatments, monitoring equipment.
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Career Development in Nursing Nursing Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ccording to the paper the International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a group consisting of more than 130 nursing associations all around the world. In its course to guarantee quality assured nursing facilities, ICN reported on various positions which are essential to be considered when deciding upon the maintenance of good health within the global community.
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Teen Health: STDs and Pregnancy Nursing Essay
4 pages (1284 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The socioeconomic constraint is a major hurdle in universal access to health care for all, fostered by many governments including the federal government. Despite a handful of efforts, by several agents, 9% of the American population received delayed medical care while another 6% did not access medical care at all due to cost in 2009 (Adams, Kirzinger,& Martinez, 2011).
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The Future of Nursing Nursing Term Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
According to the paper the future of nursing depends on innovation, leadership or administration and on further studies of various fields. The subject of this study is however confined within the scope of education, leadership and the practice of nursing services. The future health requires education to enable the health service professionals to rethink and develop stronger visions characterized by actions.
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