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Nursing Research: Project Overview - Essay Example

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This essay "Nursing Research: Project Overview" focused on improving the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems scores in order to ensure that the facility achieved and maintained a competitive edge that made it provide quality care…
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Nursing Research: Project Overview
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? Nursing Research: Project Overview Overview of the Scholarly Project The overall objective of the scholarly project focused on improvement of the healthcare facility’s HCAHPS scores. Each healthcare facility is unique, which requires the facility to focus on its unique aspects in order to improve its HCAHPS scores. For this facility, the practicum project focused on these aspects: Effective case management. Improving communication amongst staff members and between healthcare practitioners and their patients. Reviewing the hospital setting and environment in order to raise the quality of care provided. Overall, the project focused on improving the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) scores in order to ensure that the facility achieved and maintained a competitive edge that made it provide quality care. In addition, it was evident that the failure to keep the HCAHPS scores high might affect the amount of the hospital’s reimbursement since the scores are influential in calculating the amount of reimbursement a healthcare facility received. In view of the level of importance and the benefits that the facility would accrue from the project, the planning, development, and the eventual implementation of the plan had to be aboveboard in order to leave no room for failure. There are various approaches that a healthcare facility can use in order to raise its HCAHPS scores. However, the unique nature of each facility necessitates a healthcare facility to examine the areas that required attention to raise the HCAHPS scores. For example, a healthcare facility’s score on the aspect of pain management might rank high on the HCAHPS scores while the HCAHPS scores on the facility’s environmental conditions might rank low. Consequently, such a healthcare facility should focus its efforts towards finding solutions aimed at raising these scores while developing, planning, and implementing projects to raise the HCAHPS scores. This specific practicum project focused on improving three key areas in order to achieve high HCAHPS scores to help the facility achieve its overall objective of providing quality care and ensure safety in practice. First, the project focused on improving the approaches that the hospital staff used while managing their patients’ cases. The need for effective case management arose from the importance attached to improving the quality of care, which has to start with effective case management. Therefore, raising HCAHPS has to start with efficiency in case management. Communication is another key component that the practicum project focused on improving in order to raise the facility’s HCAHPS scores. In this regard, the practicum focused on communication among the members of staff and communication between practitioners and their patients. In this case, it is evident that communication helps improve the management of a patient’s case in order to provide quality care. Finally, the practicum project focused on improving the hospital setting and the environment in order to provide care that was safe and high in quality. Importantly, improving the hospital setting and environment not only improves the quality of care that a healthcare facility provided, but it also raises the HCAHPS scores in the facility. Eventually, raising the hospital’s HCAHPS scores was the overall objective of this scholarly project. Development of the Project The development of the project involved a series of steps as outlined below: Carrying out an analysis on the need to improve the low HCAHPS scores in the facility. Development of an action plan based on the analysis carried out on the need to raise HCAHPS scores in the healthcare facility. Implementation of the developed action plan in order to improve the HCAHPS scores. Evaluation of the implemented plan in order to find out the need for modifying the project. Analysis on the Need to Improve the Low HCAHPS scores Before implementing any project, it is important to carry out an analysis that highlights the need for implementing the project. In effect, analyzing the need to improve the low HCAHPS scores was crucial in identifying the areas to address in order to develop the project. First, it was critical to carry out an intensive review of the literature from 15 peer-reviewed that focus on the importance role of HCAHPS scores. After the annotated bibliography, the next step included carrying out a survey from medical practitioners in the healthcare facility in order to investigate the need for improving HCAHPS scores in the facility. The survey provided me the areas of focus with an aim of improving the HCAHPS scores. With my mentor, I engaged in the process of reviewing the survey tool to use in order collect data that helped me focus on the three areas of communication, hospital’s environment, and the overall case management. From the survey, I was able to move to the next step in developing the project. Development of the Action Plan The action plan is the most important element that determines the success or the failure of any project. In line with this, it is important for the process of developing the action plan to be effective in order to ensure the success of the entire project. Consequently, the action plan started with the development of the objectives of the project. These objectives were based on the areas that the survey identified required to be addressed in order to improve the HCAHPS scores. Importantly, these objectives were important in setting the project’s priorities based on the available resources in the facility that will help the implementation of the developed plan. On the other hand, it is essential to point out that this step highlighted the timeline for implementing the plan after its preparation. In this case, an effective action plan should highlight the approaches that an individual should take in order to implement the project to ensure its success. Developing the Implementation of the Plan Based on the action plan developed, the implementation of this project followed the laid down procedures as itemized in the plan. First, the plan required engaging the entire team for the implementation of the action plan. In line with this, the engagement of the team required their clear identification and highlighting the roles that each member of the team played in achieving the success of the project. One other thing, it was crucial to ensure that the roles of each team member were reinforced throughout the implementation of the project. Therefore, the development of this project factored in the approaches to use when reinforcing the roles and responsibilities of each team member. Through the help of my mentor, I developed a tool that monitored the progress of the implementation process and the overall achievement of the objectives of the project. In effect, the monitoring would identify the areas that required modification and the team members in charge of the particular process. Consequently, I would devise modification approaches in order to ensure that the process of implementation progressed smoothly without any hindrances. Evaluation of the Overall Project Evaluating the overall project is a crucial step in the development of the project. In this case, a project’s evaluation process is best designed during the process of development, and not when the implementation process is ongoing. The evaluation plan was developed with the help of my mentor, who was my immediate supervisor. The plan focused on various aspects of the project such as assessing whether the implementation was done according to the timeline provided in the action plan. Moreover, the evaluation plan developed approaches that assessed whether the plan was done according to the action plan. On the other hand, the evaluation process was essential in identifying the achievement of the objectives based on the action plan. The Implementation of the Practicum Learning Agreement The implementation of the Practicum Learning Agreement followed a four-step approach that oversaw the implementation of the project from its development stage to its final stage, which is the evaluation stage. First, it is crucial to point out that the Practicum Learning Agreement started with highlighting the goals of the agreement. In this regard, the goals of the practicum learning agreement were: To improve HCAHPS scores at the Ben Taub General Hospital (BTGH). In this regard, the need to improve these scores was necessitated by the low scoring that the facility had been previously recording consistently. To improve the overall quality of care provided by BTGH. To improve the relationship between the patients and the provider (BTGH). Based on the goals of the practicum learning agreement, the following discussion of the four-step approach formed the basis of the practicum learning agreement. Analyze the need for improving low HCAHPS scores at BTGH Analysis that provided the importance of improving the HCAHPS scores based on the following strategies. Carrying out a literature review on the need for HCAHPS scores based on 15 peer-reviewed journals. Developing, reviewing, and administering a survey to hospital staff in order to identify the areas that required to be addressed. From the foregoing, this step set the pace for the implementation of the program. In this case, carrying out an analysis of the need for improving HCAHPS scores at BTGH was the foundation towards the implementation of the action plan. In this case, the analysis consisted of two approaches that involved the collection of data, which was either primary or secondary data to determine the importance of improving HCAHPS scores. Secondary data was obtained from 15 peer-reviewed journals that were duly submitted to the portfolio, and therefore setting the pace for the development of the project. On the other hand, the development of primary data was carried out using an anonymous survey provided to BTGH staff in order to identify the areas that required to be focused on while considering the overall objective of improving HCAHPS scores. After development of the survey and its consequent placement on the portfolio, the next step involved its review with the mentor, which was documented in the practicum journal. The review process was crucial in determining the areas of the journal that required modification. Consequently, the review process was followed by the administration of the survey to the hospital staff with the results being submitted on the portfolio after the analysis and the consequent identification of the areas that required to be focused on in order to improve the scores. Importantly, the completion of one stage in the development and consequent administration was systematic in such a way that no single step was developed without the previous step being completed within a degree of satisfaction. Development of the Action Aid Plan The development of an action plan was based on literature review conducted and the results of the survey conducted. The action plan eventually focused on the following aspects: Objectives. Processes to address the improvement of HCAHPS scores. Financial, patient, and staff implications of the development plan. Cost-benefits ratio of implementing the plan. Timeline for implementation. Based on the literature review and the annotation bibliography submitted in the portfolio, the next step in the development and implementation of this plan focused on development of the action plan. The plan was crucial in identifying the objectives of the overall practicum project. The objectives had to be developed in such a way that they were in agreement with the literature review. In addition, these objectives had to be developed based on the data collected from the survey conducted among the hospital staff. These objectives were completed in the project portfolio. Other than the objectives, it was important to implement the processes that addressed the improvement of HCAHPS scores. In this case, the processes identified the various approaches that the project will use while implementing the action plan. In addition, it was important to evaluate the implications of the development plan on patients and the staff. In this case, the practice agreement ascertained that the implications of the plan did not pose any harmful risks to patients and hospital staff, which underlines the feasibility of the project making it applicable. On the other hand, the financial resources required to implement the project would not stretch the resources of BGTH, which contributed to the feasibility of the project. In line with the financial implications, the cost-benefit ratio of the implemented project, as appearing in the portfolio, highlighted the importance of implementing the project since it was feasible with the benefits BGTH was to accrue from implementation being higher than the cost. Finally, the timeline was another important part of the practicum learning agreement since the timelines provided to achieve different milestones were achieved according to plan. Implementation of the action plan to improve HCAHPS scores Implementation of the action plan with an aim of improving the HCAHPS scores with the following steps in mind: Setting up the time for implementation and the consequent implementation of the plan. Monitoring of the implementation process through feedback from mentor. Based on the developed action plan, the practicum learning agreement highlighted the process of implementing the plan in order to improve the HCAHPS scores. The process of implementation started with the setting up of the date that the implementation was to start. Following the agreement on the time to implement the action plan, the next step involved its implementation, but only after ensuring that every team member understood their role and responsibility in the implementation of the plan. The practicum journal highlights these steps involved in implementation. On the other hand, the implementation of the action plan highlighted the monitoring process as agreed with my mentor. Evaluation of the Overall Project This step involves the development of the tool to use during the evaluation of the success of the process. In effect, it involved the following plans: Developing an evaluation tool. Administering the evaluation tool. Analyzing HCAHPS scores one month after evaluation. Review of the evaluation with the mentor. Simply, the evaluation process involved the development of the tool that was to be used in evaluating the success of the project. This tool was further placed in the portfolio with the practicum learning agreement further approving the next step that involved the administration of the tool to evaluate the success of the project. Following the administration after one month of the implementation, the next step involved an analysis of the HCAHPS scores as compared to the baseline data, which was placed on the portfolio. Finally, the practicum learning agreement culminated with a meeting with my mentor to evaluate the project and the results documented in the practicum journal. Reflection of the Value of the Practicum Project It is important to point out that the practicum project has played an immense role in preparing me for my future career. In this case, the project has enabled me gain professional and relevant work experience. In this case, the supervision of the project by people who were professionals in the field of nursing has been instrumental in instilling in me essential skills that will benefit me throughout my entire career. In short, using my hands to practice what I was taught in class has been essential in shaping the skills that I acquired as a future nurse. Nonetheless, the value of the practicum project in my future career can be summarized under the following points: The practicum project provided me with the chance to integrate classroom work with the ‘real world’ experience. Enhanced my ability to put the techniques I learned and the technology available in context. Strengthened the portfolio of my accomplishments and my resume through the skills and knowledge I developed. The feedback from professionals in the field has been instrumental in growing my skills and knowledge in nursing. Interaction with the hospital environment has helped me appreciate the organizational culture and climate in hospitals. Working in the real life setting has enabled me to identify the values that I need to be successful in my future work. Integration of Classroom Knowledge to the Real World The practicum project provided me with a chance to integrate the classroom knowledge into the real world and made me appreciate the importance of class work on real life approaches. Importantly, the supervision of the project by a qualified individual who has the experience in the field has provided me with the chance to learn about the field and the challenges that I will be encountering in my daily life as a nurse in future. Appreciating the role of the knowledge learned in class and applying the knowledge to develop a solution that improved an organization’s objective helped me prepare for my future career. In this case, the preparation in form of using the knowledge learned to solve problems in my career has helped me appreciate the role of education in preparing an individual for a future career. Application of Technology and Techniques Applying the techniques taught in designing the project inculcated important values on the importance of using standard and current technology in my career. In this case, the implementation of the project involved interacting with techniques taught in school, which were being applied by the healthcare practitioners in real life, and the current technology in the medical field. Consequently, I learned the importance of ensuring that a combination of the most updated technology and techniques is crucial in ensuring that I achieved my objectives as a nurse. On the other hand, the implementation of the project helped me learn effective techniques for communicating with the staff members about the project. In this case, I realized the importance of communication in getting working done to achieve success. Strengthening of my Portfolio and Resume The success of this practicum project has helped my future career by polishing my portfolio and resume making me a valuable asset in my future career. In this case, it takes exceptional skills to analyze a hospital situation and develop a solution that not only improved the quality of care provided in the organization, but also improved the HCAHPS scores of the hospital. In this case, HCAHPS are neither a statewide ratings nor are they regional ratings, but the ratings apply across the United States, which implies that the practicum project has set me on a path to a career whose success is measured nationally. In addition, the project helped me realize the importance that the country attaches to healthcare, and especially in the important aspects of the quality and safety of care provided. Feedback Provided by Professionals in the Field Throughout the project practicum, I involved various professionals in the field. The professionals were drawn from the healthcare sector, and they had been in practice as instructors, leaders, and practitioners. Consequently, the wealth of knowledge they provided to me as feedback was crucial in ensuring that the project achieved the success that I wanted it to achieve. In effect, the feedback helped me appreciate the importance of engaging in practice and operating with the help of professionals in this field. For success to be attained, the feedback from these professionals was crucial in highlighting in me the aspect of always seeking for advice and clarifications from professionals in the field in order to provide quality care. Interaction with Hospital Setting helped me Understand the Organizational Culture The project practicum was organized, developed, planned, and implemented in a hospital culture. Consequently, the project practicum helped me learn about the culture in a real hospital setting, which will help my future career since I know the requirements for each team member in a hospital setting and how they play their roles as they seek to achieve quality care. In fact, the practicum project helped me to understand the approaches that I will be using to handle my future employer. In a way, this project helped me understand the dynamics involved when initiating a change process, which provided me with the opportunity of learning the challenges posed by initiating and establishing a process that wanted to bring change in practice. The skills learnt will immensely contribute to the approaches that I will learn while implementing the change process in future projects and career. Inculcating Values that are Crucial for the Organization Every organization has different values that an individual learns in order to be successful. In line with this, this practicum project has helped me learn the most crucial value of work ethics. In this case, the amount of hard work and time I dedicated to ensure the success of the project helped me understand and value the importance of dedication towards ensuring that I achieved the objectives I had set my eyes towards achieving. In effect, this will help me engage in future projects in my career in order to replicate the success of this project and the important value of work ethics that nurses should epitomize in their careers. Professional Relationships Established during the Project Practicum Most professions require people to work together in order to achieve success; the nursing profession is not an exceptional. During my practicum, I established professional relationships that helped me achieve success in the implementation of the project. Essential communication skills were crucial in forming these relationships. These skills helped me connect with people, on a professional level, who provided me valuable assistance to the success of the project. In this case, the people who I established professional relationships with are: My mentor (immediate supervisor in the workplace). Nurse Leader. Practicum supervisor. Hospital Manager. A Nurse Practitioner working in the facility. My Mentor My mentor, who was my immediate supervisor at the hospital, was the most important person that I established a relationship with during my practicum. Not only did my mentor provide me with the guidance throughout the practicum, but he also helped me grow my skills in project management and supervision. During the initial process of developing the surveys that were required in order to analyze the need to improve the HCAHPS scores, my mentor was at hand to provide me with the essential guidance on the way to structure the survey in order to ensure that the respondents answered the questions as asked by the survey. Thereafter, my mentor helped me to analyze the survey findings and consider the areas that the project should focus on in order to ensure the achievement of the objective of raising the HCAHPS scores. Although my mentor was instrumental in the development of the monitoring tool during the implementation process, I involved him a lot in the stage of developing the action plan to implement the project. In line with this, he provided me with the insights on how to go on with structuring the plan and the milestones that I should consider while developing the action plan. Other than helping me in designing the surveys and providing me with the feedback that was essential in implementing the project to achieve success, my mentor was always there when I felt like I would give up due to the pressure from work, education life, and my family life. He taught me the approaches to use in order to strike a balance and equally consider each life as important. As a nurse practitioner (NP), he was influential in the overall success of the project due to his immense contribution all through the project. In this case, the knowledge and insights he provided me during the project practicum helped me overcome any frustrating encounters I would have stumbled upon during the development, planning, and consequent implementation of the project. He was always available anytime I needed to communicate with him, whether by phone or in person. This relationship helped me become confident in my work and ensure that I developed and maintained a project that was successful in the workplace. Nurse Leader The facility’s nurse leader was also an important person whom I established a professional relationship with, during my practicum project. The nurse leader was responsible for assigning nursing roles in the entire hospital. In this case, she played a role in assigning nurses to their workstations and units. Moreover, she was responsible for any nursing projects that involved change of practice in nursing. As an individual with a doctorate in nursing, the nursing leader in the facility understood the importance of evidence-based practice and she was on the forefront urging nurses to ensure they used evidence-based approaches in their practice. Consequently, she helped me during the planning, development, and eventual implementation of the project. In this regard, she contributed through providing me with ideas and opinions that helped me form the material required to implement the project to its success. Other than this, she ensured the success of the project by ensuring that all nurses were aware of the roles and responsibilities that they should play in ensuring the success of the project after its full implementation. Practicum Supervisor During the practicum project, the knowledge and skills that my supervisor provided me were immense in ensuring that my project succeeded. In this case, my supervisor was providing me with ideas on various approaches to consider while ensuring the success of the project. In this case, my supervisor proved to be important due to their extensive knowledge in nursing research. We developed a professional relationship that helped me raise any problem that developed during the cause of my practicum to my supervisor. Eventually, any challenge and problem was eventually tackled in an amicable way, which further contributed to the success of the project. Every stage was analyzed and anything that was not clear was consequently solved in order to ensure a successful practicum project. Hospital Manager The hospital manager was influential in ensuring that the hospital provided me with the support that was required to ensure the successful implementation of the project. After explaining the concept of the project to the manager, the manager called a meeting with the stakeholders in the hospital and asked me carry out a presentation that helped the managers understand the substance of the project. Any objection to the implementation of the project was addressed by the hospital manager. Consequently, we developed an honest relationship based on trust since he understood the project and realized its importance in the facility. In effect, he would make available all the resources required to ensure the implementation of the project leaving no room for failure. A Nurse Practitioner working in the Facility One nurse working in the facility was crucial in the success of this project. Although we were in different units, she learned about the project that I was implementing in the hospital and she approached me to offer her support. Having carried out a similar project that sought to raise HCAHPS scores during her practicum in a different facility, we developed a professional relationship that helped me achieve success in my project by providing me with insight and ideas on how to incorporate various approaches in my project. Read More
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