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It uses a phenomenological research approach. This paper presents student narratives that offer insights into their inner worlds, providing true accounts of the essence of stress for them. This knowledge has “implications for lecturers, personal tutors, nurse educationalists and nursing curricula, highlighting need for more proactive approaches to the provision of guidance on professional support for students and staff” (p.
The term protected mealtimes can be described to imply periods within the hospital setting when there are completely no urgent issues or activities at hand. During these times, patients are able to take their meals without interruption and staff are readily available to offer help to those who need it.
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The traditional path givers to these leadership styles are still relevant in the organizational functions of today. In almost all spheres of nursing management, nurse managers have to adopt either one or a mixture of all three styles in order to ensure that tasks are effectively handled and the challenges presented to the workforce and the workplace are efficiently resolved.
In this case, the plan a hospital makes has relies on the funding and reimbursement is one of the funding received. However, the approach used in determining the reimbursement amount is complex with the government taking charge of deciding the reimbursement amount.
This essay discusses that the nursing shortage that is growing, and changes to trade agreements in the United States has led to increased efforts by U.S employers in health care to hire, recruit and utilize registered nurses that are educated in foreign countries so as to curb the shortage of nurses in U.S.
Change is a common occurrence in our society and natural environment all over the world. It is a common saying that the only permanent phenomenon is changing. Change generally means the alteration of something or an organism in any of its aspects. For example, when one alters his or her behavior for any reason, then that is change.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
The inclusion of the 200 participants will be composed of clients who have experienced service in the emergency department during the month of April so that unbiased answers based on impression from people who have not experienced service will not be entertained.
On the other hand, nursing institutions that do not have any structures for promoting good sleep habits were also associated with high mortality rates. The findings of this study were consistent with other findings that showed a positive association between the states of health of patients in the ICU with the number of hours of sleep.
The movement of populations from low-density to high-density also increased chances of introducing infections such as measles into high-density populations, causing even greater outbreaks due to the large probable numbers of susceptible people. The associated epidemiological indicators of measles were the same in all three studies, regardless of the different places where the outbreak occurred.
6 pages (1843 words)
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Umbilical cord care is an important component of midwifery nursing. It is studied in relation to aspects of pregnancy and delivery care. Neonatal deaths have become a great concern, especially in third-world countries. Research in nursing is increasingly focusing on the causes of neonatal deaths with the aim of reducing mortalities.
For chronic pain, it has been revealed that addressing this especially in patients with compromised health conditions could be most challenging. Health care practitioners have, therefore, sought complementary alternative medicine (CAM) interventions which specifically include mediation.
Legalizing Euthanasia. Euthanasia has been defined as the act of deliberately killing patients with an aim of reducing their suffering and pain. This paper looks at the various supporting arguments for euthanasia and the counteracting arguments to oppose the practice.
Wind Shield Survey Community Assessment of a community in Queens in New York. Health care sector is gaining a lot of attention in response to the fast emerging concern about quality service delivery and the impending risk to the society (Zuckerman,1998). This paper discusses community evaluation and assessment of a long-term healthcare strategies and policies in the community of Queens,New York.The community as a client refers to several groups comprising individuals, families groups and communities at large with a focus of providing nursing services.
Today, as a profession, nursing evaluates and embraces evidence-based practice, quality improvement, informatics, and education in the delivery of healthcare. Nursing found its foundation as a profession in the 19th century under Florence Nightingale due to the quality nursing care provided to soldiers during the war (American Nurses Association, 2010).
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing, is the act of inducing a gentle and easy death to patients suffering from terminal diseases that cause endless pain and are not manageable. Euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues in the world today due to the legal and ethical considerations that surround it.
10 pages (2822 words)
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Nurses must ensure their patients’ pain is well managed to improve their well-being. Pain management is a specialty of medicine also referred to as algiatry (Gordon et al., 2005). It is a branch of medicine that draws knowledge and expertise from a wide scope of researches, literature, and day-to-day practices to ease the suffering and improve the quality of life of people with pain.
The increasing utilization of the intravenous contrast agents and the growth of CT during these procedure has closed up the link between nuclear medicine technologies with these agents alongside their associated complications. Basic understanding of acute and late allergic reaction, the frequency of occurrence of these reactions and other side effects is of increasing important not only to nuclear medicine technologists that also to the patient fraternity in totality.
The current performance evaluation system used by one’s health care system already incorporates facets of the 360-degree evaluation in terms of soliciting the comments and suggestions of the employees being evaluated and gathering as much information from other stakeholders who get to be in regular contact with the appraised employee.
Research critique plays a vital role in this paper as it allows a thorough systematic review of literature for relevance using a framework. Polit & Beck states that critiquing a piece of work is the conclusion or judgment that summarizes the merit or value and may indicate ways to improve the research study.
I will first of all start by thanking God for giving me the strength and good health to sail through this dissertation process. I wish to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Mike for being there for me and taking time out of your busy schedule to meet up with me and giving me valuable advice and guidance, once again a massive thank you.
The researcher aims to pay special attention to five core nursing interventions; monitor vital signs every 10-15 minutes; place the patient in a high Fowler's position; teach patient to take slow deep breaths; closely monitor input and output including insensible losses from diaphoresis and perspiration; monitor for indications of decreased cerebral perfusion.
HIV/AIDS is a source of constant worry concern for medicinal practitioners. By the end of the year 2000, AD more than 36 million people living on this planet earth had HIV/AIDS and, amongst those, more than 1 million were infants to kids of tender age or small children. 4 million kids children and around 21 million people in this across the world have died due from this ghastly disease.
This will in turn decrease one’s income. In addition to this, an ill person will have to spend a lot in looking for treatment through transport and the cost of treatment. To cater for these expenses, you will be required to use what you have earned. This leads to reduction of your income.
Mr. Cooper arrived at 1:00 am at the nurses desk, where I was sitting, and greeted me politely, saying that he was unable to sleep, although he had been trying to relax for the past 3 hours. We had, on a few occasions casually spoken, and he always was very easy going and comfortable in speaking with me.
This is basically to suggest that most abusers of drugs do so not out of their own will but out of ignorance. This not withstanding, there are still some people whose misuse of drug are attitudinal. Most of these are those whose continuous misuse of drugs has eventually resulted in addiction.
Optimal levels of exercise should be developed to fulfill the needs of the patient having cardiovascular disease based on the severity of the condition, gender, and age. The methods that will be used to develop the evaluation plan will be surveying of the staff attitudes towards the change, (that is, before and after initiation of the change) and comparing the patient’s discharge survey before the change and after the initiation of the change.
Palliative care is not simply another word for Hospice. It encompasses helping an individual be functional, healthy, and independent, and as comfortable as is possible despite diseases including chronic and debilitating diseases that are frequently treated in the field of oncology. In diseases that are not curable care is always considered palliative care.
The objective of this paper is to find out the possible ways in which different faiths understand health issues. Buddhist, Shinto, and Baha’i faith diversity will be analyzed. Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Buddhism Perspective on Healing According to Buddhists, the mind is the main part of the body.
When Dr. Ezra, an eminent researcher in the medical field, collapses, he is treated by Dr. House. After many tests, the diagnosis remains elusive and the condition of Dr. Ezra keeps deteriorating. Dr. Ezra gets frustrated with the numerous diagnostic tests which are physically and emotionally exhausting, especially.
The association accords respect to women and endorse them as decision-makers for their own health. The association does not discriminate against women, regardless of age, race, or class. Imagine your mother suffers from an ailment and just needs a nurse practitioner on a daily basis to take care of her.
My experience of working in the day center taught me to function well within a group with other experts. Adult Nursing is a demanding line of work due to the varied amount of situations faced by the professionals. Adult Nurses assess the requirements of patients as well as of their relatives and manage care whilst staying responsive towards transformations in their physical and mental state.
Domestic violence has been one of the primary causes of injuries among women. At the same time, it has been found to affect not just women, but children, too. Wives and their kids suffer from serious mental and physical problems that result from battering, sexual abuse, scalding, threat, and intimidation.
There is a need for developing a holistic approach to dealing with the problem of substance abuse. The rationale is that substance abuse is not just the result of drug trafficking and hence should not be seen just as a criminal offense. Instead, it needs to be treated as a health issue and preventive measures need to be put in place.
This particular scenario stretches from a legal aspect view, and a literal view of the incident. The main reason behind the existence of the two different firms is that the instance whereby Mr. Abraham succumbed to death, in one way or the other, the shift of blames suddenly arose.
Although nursing is regarded as a vocation calling, the findings have served to quell the critics and encourage professionalism in nursing in a rapidly evolving healthcare environment. However, there is still need to provide more information to the nursing community in order to facilitate a smooth dispensation of services.
Lundstrom defines falsification of medical records as documenting medications and treatments as being given when in reality they are not. Falsification of medical records involves altering the dates in medical records to cover up unprofessional acts. According to Lundstrom, there are cases where health practitioners make inaccurate entries into a patient’s medical records.
The discussion on issues of privacy in the mental hospital in patient setting
Not only are they struggling with gender issues, some are grappling with cultural taboos, the violation of which can engender culpability and bitterness. Nurses have also raised their apprehensions about being incapable of giving distinguished care.
The research has shown that nearly half of all the residents of the nursing facilities fall every single year. This has attracted concerns from many people including hospitals. There have been numerous efforts set in place to reduce the number of falls in hospitals. Falls are caused by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Addiction to Percocet 1. Introduction This paper provides an overview of an addictive painkiller Percocet that is widely used in the U.S. medical practice to relieve sever pain. It explores potential effects and precautions of Percocet prescription and use in the nursing practice with focus on pregnant women and Percocet’s impact on a fetus.
Stress incontinence is underpinned by the vigor of the pelvic floor muscles and is provoked by physical activities such as sneezing, or any other sudden voluntary movement, due to the pressure that these movements or activities apply on the bladder. Stress incontinence can therefore be seen to be unrelated to psychological stress, though it remains the commonest form of urinary incontinence.
9 pages (2250 words)
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The essay, Ageism in Nursing, would initially provide a brief literature review on the subject; in conjunction with a presentation of definition of relevant terms and concerns that have emerged on the topic. Subsequently, the scope of the paper would be defined as well as the purpose and outcomes of this research.
The paper shall discuss women’s options during births, especially where infants are in the breech position. This dissertation will further evaluate if the women’s choices with regards to the delivery of the breech are significantly impacted by the deskilling of health professionals or by the actual risks of the procedure itself.
Bipolar disorder refers to a brain disorder that leads to unusual set of “mood swing” conditions; this is an alternating appearance of two emotional extremes. This condition; also known as manic depression, describes exaggerated mood swings, energy, activity levels, delusions of having extraordinary talents, and cognition from one extreme emotion to the other.
The Management of Restraint and Seclusion for Aggression in Psychiatric Patients in Inpatient Units By [Name of Student] [Name of Institution] [Word Count] [Date] Blog Nursing Management of Restraint The nursing incident under review involved a 64-year psychiatric patient called Jane.
Mixed state is the episode in which the patient has the symptoms of both elevated and depressive state at the same time. Patients suffer from major depressive episodes (loss of interest in all the activities and a persistent state of depression) frequently but there are also some individuals who did not have any history of depression before the disorder.(NIMH,2011) Until now, the exact cause triggering the bipolar disorder is still unknown but genetic, nuerochemical and environmental factors play a significant role in the inception and progression of the disorder.
Various randomized controlled experiments assessing analgesic medicines for cancer pain respite is minor, even though growing. It is possible to compare the efficacy between opioids and NSAIDs.
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At times, that personal code of ethics is not technically personal but the same code of ethics is being shared by many people due to their association with a group, community, society, religion, or other that requires them to uphold a specific code. There are occasions when this code of ethics or parts of it are available in hard copy.
10 pages (2500 words)
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The author states that one of the debates against the idea of physician-assisted suicide is because there is a belief that it will open the door to abuses. The true desires of the patient would be subverted to a system in which assisted suicide was a viable course of treatment, thus creating a pressure on patients to make use of this treatment.
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These disparities have impacted on the different activities and opportunities which people have sought to carry out and explore. Some have not experienced much difficulty in creating and availing of varied opportunities; however, others who have traditionally and historically been discriminated against have experienced difficulties.
Just like the NYS NPA, the Florida NPA was created so that the safety of patients in the state would be assured during treatment and consultation. The Florida Senate included the NPA to the statutes of the state in 2002, and ever since, all nurse professionals are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations of professional conduct.