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Culturally Competent Ethical Decision Making Nursing Essay
11 pages (2970 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Maya was an Asian woman married to a White American and she had an 8-year old son in that marriage. She was admitted to the hospital after she started showing symptoms of extreme depression and anxiety. All this had started after she came to know that she was into her second pregnancy but she could not proceed with that pregnancy.
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Progress Concerning the Eight Domains of Mentorship Nursing Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The mentor demonstrates responsibility for the development of a younger professional; instrumental in the process of education as in the context of the truest root of the word 'educate, to bring out from within. The foremost, and perhaps the chief benefit of work under my supervisor mentor has been the mutual understanding that leads to trust.
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Checking Emergency Equipment Nursing Essay
7 pages (1951 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Feedback helps in reinforcing good performance. This is especially effective in training sessions on endo-tracheal suctioning and in informal situations where Flo was assisting in emergencies. It also enables learners to assess their self-performance. It encourages dialogue between Flo and me in the process.
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Nursing - Nursing Leadership in the 21st Century Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 14 , Essay
First of all, an introductory paragraph has been given that introduces the importance of nursing leadership. Then, nursing leadership competencies have been described, that can also be considered as the recommendations regarding how nurses can develop better leadership skills.
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Analyzing the Report on the Future of Nursing Nursing Essay
7 pages (1911 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the important actions take is the transformation of the nursing profession, which is the largest of the healthcare workforce. Being the largest, nursing has the potential to contribute to the realization of a transformed healthcare system. Four key messages were discussed to transform the nursing profession and the entire healthcare provision.
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Poor Drug Compliance and Education to Asthma Patients Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to a survey which conducted by Brunton (2011), most patients do not comply with drug prescriptions. It also revealed that the level of patients understanding affects their compliance to drug therapy. Lack of adherence could be unintentional or intentional.
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Hospital Birth vs Home Birth Nursing Essay
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Pregnant women may prefer different settings for delivery depending on which they are most comfortable with and which provides minimum risk to them and the unborn children. In addition, the cost of facilities and availability of medical personnel/ midwives may play an important role in the decision-making.
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Legal Responsibilities of a Nurse Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the report in the United States, every state maintains a Nurse Practice Act, which clearly defines the legal responsibilities for the nurses who are licensed to work in the state. The Act gives training specifications for nurses and hence each nurse should practice in the specified area of nursing. 
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Do Physical Restraining Patients with Dementia Make them More Agitated or Aggressive Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1275 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It will undertake to discuss the subject of patients with dementia by extending it further to talk about the effects of physical restraint on them. The research proposal will outline the background, research aims, and the data collection techniques to be used in the completion of this research study.
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Crisis Management Plan Nursing Term Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Some of the major changes that are likely to take place include changes in the communication dynamics that exists in the work place. Such changes in communication dynamics are generally necessary as a way of ensuring that there is effectiveness in the communication process and that the communication that is put across addresses the needed challenge.
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Patient-Care Delivery System: Implications of Technology Integration Nursing Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to the report The success of the restructuring of a hospital’s nursing organization relies on the mindset of all members, from the management down to the nurses in duty. Each must think of themselves as a leader who is accountable for whatever service they would give to their patients. Each member of the organization must be able to act.
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Nurse/Patient Relationships and It's impact on the healing process Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The nurse-patient relationship characterizes nursing practice and forms the core dimension of caring; it is analogous with patient-centred care. Besides long-term interpersonal relationships between nurse and patient, even single encounters or short-term care can be equally valuable to the patient’s healing and health.
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Health Care System in Israel Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (881 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Israel is a country in the Middle East with a parliamentary rule and diversity in geographical features. Healthcare is an important component of any government’s success in the management of the economy and for prosperity. This paper will explore the status of the healthcare system in Israel and contract it with the American one. 
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Emergency Department Operated by the Childrens National Medical Center Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The conclusion from this study states that strengths and opportunities of the Emergency Department outweigh its weaknesses and threats. According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the Emergency Department can achieve a prosperous future if the organization improves its competencies on a continuous basis. 
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Nursing Theory Plan of Care Nursing Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Various nursing models that have been provided for by Nursing Theories provide a frame of reference in all the healthcare institutions. There are numerous nursing models or theories with each having its essential but integral parts.
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Effects of Continuing Education on Nursing Profession Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to the report effects of continuing education on nursing profession are both negative and positive. Different nurses participate on continuation of study with diverse motives; other to increase their knowledge and others to change careers. Nursing care has been changing, hence requires a nurse to update on their skills.
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Modern Multicultural Society Nursing Essay
4 pages (1116 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In nursing care, the cultural classification of the communities to be served is an invaluable start. This paper focuses on Hispanic cultural features as regards the quality of care. To this end, a journal article “Nurse-Curanderas: Las Que Curan at the Heart of Hispanic Culture” by Elaine Luna (2003) has been consulted.
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Review of Literature Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They are trained practitioners, capable of having a comprehensive picture of the whole healthcare situation like any other doctor or physician they work alongside. This paper will review literature that has been written by persons and organizations who are directly concerned with nursing, on the comparison of nursing in the 1960s and today’s practice.
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Nursing Leadership: Rebecca Pena Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1550 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
It can occur in any form, internally motivated or externally motivated, though if the change is to take place it should be for the best to improve the status. When change takes place things have to be done differently depending on what was changed, it could be time, location, the staff, or any other measures.
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Role of Nurses in Patients Concordance to Compression Therapy for Venous Leg Ulcer Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 8 , Essay
Role of Nurses in Patient’s Concordance to Compression Therapy for Venous Leg Ulcer. The healing of venous leg ulcers should be celebrated and is achieved through skill nurse input and significant patient effort. Keeping them healed, however, is a considerable challenge with one major cause of concern.
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Nurses role Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The essential conditions that lead to the transmission of healthcare associated infections to susceptible patients are identified in the research process. The various features of healthcare associated infections that distinguish it from other diseases have been studied in the research process.
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Anemia Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This can be serious condition if it is not taken care of properly but thanks to modern medicine and the introduction of healthcare related technology, an individual is now able to detect and treat this condition appropriately so that they are not severely affected by it (Aapro & Link, 2008).
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Research funding(granting) agencies Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Examples of such research funding agencies are the National Institute of Health, National Health Foundation, Department of Health and Human Services, and the Agency for International Development, Corporation for National and Community Service (University of North Carolina, 2011).
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REFLECTION Nursing Term Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
At Liberty University, apart from professional development personal and academic development are emphasized as part of molding a complete nursing practitioner. The curriculum provides foundational academic knowledge that is applicable in the medical field and experimental coverage that equips learners with basic skills in apparatus and patient handling.
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Escape Fire Documentary Critique Nursing Essay
4 pages (1255 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The documentary is produced by the Sundance Institute in 2012 and was directed by Susan Froemke, an Oscar Award nominee, and Mathew Heineman. The film’s main objective is to introduce low-cost methods of disease prevention, and innovative technology in healthcare. The documentary includes various personal stories of individuals.
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Treatment for Necrotizing Fasciitis Nursing Essay
15 pages (4243 words) , Download 2 , Essay
She remained afebrile at all times, her tenderness and pain increased in the distal thigh. The blood investigations showed a high increase in the markers of inflammation. Regarding the failure in responding to the intravenous antibiotics, arthroscopy that was negative, and increased distal thigh tenderness, suspicions of necrotizing fasciitis
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Nursing Informatics: Security of Health Information Nursing Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
In current research three strategies are presented to address the issue of fear and resistance related with the use of electronic health record: conducting a qualitative research, opening the line of communication with the healthcare staff, and observing the staff while using the electronic health record.
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Managing Change in Healthcare Nursing Assignment
8 pages (2339 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The nurse staffing ratio refers to the number of patients that a given nurse handles at any given time. Adequate nurse staffing is key to nurse retention and patients care. This is mainly because understaffing usually endangers the lives of patients; results in longer stays in hospitals; and results in high staff turnover rates, which is expensive.
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The Intensive Care Unit: Multi-Organ Failure Nursing Essay
17 pages (4973 words) , Download 5 , Essay
My experience as regards this issue is of a 57-yr old man who was found collapsed by his wife. Examination of the man recorded some existence of SIRS, the main observation being spontaneous breathing. Initial management was immediate intubation within the ambulance fifteen minutes after the arrival.
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Proposal for Implementing Computer-assisted Instruction (CAI) With IBMs SPSS Research Analysis Nursing Article
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Article
The program referred to here in this proposal will utilize IBM’s SPSS analysis program but will be designed to assist those in the medical community to learn how to create analysis structures that are specific to the medical field (Bridgewater, 2008).
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Physician-Assisted Suicide Nursing Research Paper
8 pages (2113 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Many others believe that humans do not possess authority over his life. Critics of mercy killing believe that life is the most precious thing in this world and it is the contribution of God. They also believe that only God has the right to make changes upon his creations and any activity performed against the will of God is unethical.
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Evidence-Based Practice of the Correlation between Schizophrenia and Cannabis Addiction Nursing Essay
8 pages (2794 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the 1980s the term ‘evidence-based practice’ was used to describe the application of scientific evidence to determine the best practice. (Bayea & Slattery, 2006) In addition, it can be stated that it “Aims to apply best available evidence to clinical decision making.” (Holland, 2010) Also vital is the need to ‘match the expertise and level of provision with the severity of the case.’
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In Support of the Distracted Driving Bill Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Residents of Idaho like Roger Sauer of Idaho falls have voiced out their concern by saying “ I think any kind of distraction we can get away from a driver is valuable. There are so many things going on out there right now, if we can eliminate that one thing hopefully we can save lives.” (Harmer, 2011).
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Proper Nutrition for Promoting Wound Healing in Elderly Nursing Literature review
6 pages (2139 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
Wound healing is a treatment that engages a complicated sequence of interrelations amid diverse cell types, cytokine mediators, and the extracellular medium. The stages of standard wound treatment entail homeostasis, swelling, reproduction, and adaptation. Every stage of wound healing is distinctive, even though the procedure involved is continuous with every stage overlying the subsequent one.
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Car Accidents in Saudi Arabia Nursing Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
But when this natural shifts as a result of human activities, it results in an imbalance of life that instantaneously affects the normal daily cycle of a person. There are many reasons for natural imbalance scientifically and socially. It could be either because of natural disasters budding from unhealthy human practices, disease epidemics, wars, bad hygiene, crime or lack of social and psychological control.
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Evaluating Practice through Theories and Models: - Reflection Case Study Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This discussion will include actions that can improve the outcome of the complications. PICC line complications are common and care pathways have been developed to assess and create a nursing diagnosis for these complication. Main Section We will apply Gibbs model of reflection in implementing our improvements with patient X, who has presented with peripherally inserted catheter complications.
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Personal Responsibility: A Plan to Promote Healthy Practices Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are many interventions, healthcare facilities and policies which are made to reduce the overwhelming number of deaths due to poor health care systems and sicknesses. Some researchers attribute these statistics to the eye-catching advertising of unhealthy products, poor legal control, unlawfulness, unavailability of healthy food intakes, lack of professional health advisers and others relate it to the unawareness of the life-risking factors that lead to jeopardizing one’s health.
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Analysis of a Disability Deafness Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper will focus on deafness. Deafness is defined a disorder that affects the ability of a person to hear. Deafness includes the whole inability to respond to the sense of hearing. Under the individuals with disability Act, deafness does not include people with limited ability to hear.
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Effective Cancer Symptoms Management Nursing Essay
10 pages (3013 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Over the years cancer has been evolving as a disease. This obviously leads to it becoming more resistant to overused symptom management systems. This makes health organizations and health bodies come up with new symptom management programs which will tackle the evolving disease.
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APN credentialing boards Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The nursing industry has also evolved to a system which advocates for specialization. This has seen the emergence of many groups of nurses with different duties and responsibilities. This has assisted in medical service delivery in terms of ease and efficiency.
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Developmental Care Within the Neonatal Intensive care unit Nursing Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Developmental care is defined as the strategies used in neonatal care units to enable in reduction of the level of stress that a premature infant goes through (Hamilton, Moore and Naylor, 2008, p. 190). According to Abbott and Israel (2008, p. 80), neonatal intensive care units organisation has effects on the development an infant’s brain and its organisation.
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The Importance of Nursing Theory Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1387 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Nursing theory, whether stemming from grand, middle-range, or practice theory all have practical applications to the nursing profession in terms of identifying tangible activities in nursing, the relationship of the environment for nursing adaptability, and in helping to understand the inherent or intrinsic dynamics of the nurse practitioner.
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Pharmacology in nursing-Psychiatric disorder Nursing Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Assignment
The treatment of these conditions heavily relies on first and second generation antipsychotics (FGAs & SGAs), which work by antagonizing the dopamine neurotransmitter. SGAs differ from FGAs because they antagonize both dopamine and serotonin. SGAs have proven to be more effective than FGAs because they offer better symptom treatment and less adverse side-effects.
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The role of the family health practitioner:an advanced nursing practice framework Nursing Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper explores on the development of a personal advanced nursing practice framework and its application to the recognized roles of the family health practitioner using clinical studies. Academic requirements, knowledge, skills and experience by these registered nurses were listed and fully described.
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The Medical Basis of Psychiatry Nursing Essay
11 pages (3127 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In a dozen schizophrenia twin studies a meta-analysis was conducted. This disclosed that the risk of contracting schizophrenia was 81%, and this is higher than the risk involved in most of the complex diseases with established genetic risk, such as breast cancer and type II diabetes (Haraldsson, Ettinger, & Sigurdsson, 2011, p. 83).
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Challenging Practice, Service Improvement and Contemporary Issues in Later Life Nursing Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Nursing and Midwifery Code (2008) specifies that older adults must not be discriminated against in their healthcare; instead, they must be treated with dignity and respect. Jane Cummings also mentions the 6 Cs (compassion, courage, competency, commitment, care, and communication) of nursing which helps provide support for the delivery of appropriate health services to older adults.
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Tramadol Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Therefore, it is crucial to prevent such pain outcomes and Tramadol can be significant in this case. Tramadol or Ultram is an effective pain reliever that aids to relieve both mild and severe pain. Discussion Tramadol drug It is a Narcotic like drug utilized to relieve pain for a short time.
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Mock Interview of a Prospective Staff Member by Employer Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A mock interview is a practice session that closely simulates the actual interview, to provide the interviewer or the interviewee with a performance experience.The purpose of this paper is to investigate optimal guidelines for conducting a mock interview towards employee selection.
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Nurses Role in the Field of Health Care Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Such duties are duly handled by well trained professionals (Allen, 2001). The discipline lays emphasis on how to assist patients to fully recover from their ailment. Nurses are required to provide a special treatment to patients to fast track their recovery and later integrate them into the general population.
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Pain in the Hispanic Cancer Patient Nursing Article
7 pages (2083 words) , Download 2 , Article
Many vie for immigrant status and citizenship to enjoy the privileges of social healthcare. The US is a country that stood for equality of rights for every man, no matter the race, culture, or belief; however, it is shocking and disappointing to find out that there are discrepancies in the pain management options given to migrant cancer patients.
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