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Overview for adolescent bullying Sociology Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Overview for adolescent bullying. Abstract Bullying among school-aged youth is increasingly highlighted as a significant challenge impacting on the well-being and social functioning of young people. Although, to a certain amount the conflict and harassment is characteristic of youth peer relations, bullying embodies a potentially more severe threat to health youth development.
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Muslim and gay Sociology Dissertation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Under the Islamic law, those found to be involved in acts of homosexuality face a death penalty and in some instances life imprisonment. Due to the strict nature of the Islam law against lesbians, the homosexuals opt to hiding for fear of their lives.
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Violence and Its Impact upon Adolescents Sociology Research Paper
6 pages (1856 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The American Psychological Association says there are three major effects of watching violence in the media (i.e.: video games/television) children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, children may be more fearful of the world around them, and children may be more likely to behave in aggressive or hurtful ways toward others”.
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A Critical Analysis of Wu Zetian as an Example of Womens Political Empowerment Sociology Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A Critical Analysis of Wu Zetian as an Example of Women’s Political Empowerment. In the history of the Chinese civilization, Wu Zetian can be considered as a shiny of women’s political empowerment. She is well-known as the first female ruler who ruled China from 690 AD to 705 AD, as Fairbank says, “China's only woman ruler, Empress Wu was a remarkably skilled and able politician, but her murderous and illicit methods of maintaining power gave her a bad reputation among male bureaucrats” (82).
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Conflict Style Assessment and Analysis Sociology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
According to Kilmann and Thomas (1976), the five stylistic approaches to conflict management are dominating, obliging, avoiding, compromising and integrating. Therefore, to enable a better understanding of problem one is supposed to know its root cause and the best measures that can be taken to mitigate or eradicate it.
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Symbolic Interactionism in Healthcare Sociology Research Paper
8 pages (2135 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The fifth and final determinant that this brief analysis will consider will be that of the fact that humans are considered active beings in relation to the environment within which they interact. In this way, social interactionism avoids the utilization of terms such as responding, controlled, conditioning, imprisoned, and/or formed. 
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Abortion Rates In Russia Sociology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The debate surrounding abortion is a relatively new phenomenon within much of the world, speaking historically. Whereas many developed countries in the world had previously legalized abortion decades prior to the United States landmark of Roe v. Wade, the history of abortion and its implementation within society can be traced back even as far as the anxious Egyptians.
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Access to Education as a Socio-Economic Issue Sociology Assignment
11 pages (2555 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
In the USA, many students are not completing their high school studies and opting out midway. The schools lack records of actual data, and therefore, tracking down the dropout students is becoming a major problem. Also, students' mobility is adding up to the problem of providing compulsory education to every child.
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Analysis of the agency( youth impact center),social work Sociology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to Smith (2007), this concept relates to existence of an open system whereby elements inside the system acquire their necessities from outside their environment, and utilize them for the benefit of their system. The theory acknowledges existence of different parts of a system in any given environment.
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How Can Chinese Citizens Participate in Public Policy Making Sociology Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, people's involvement would assist the government to avoid future conflicts and eliminate litigation costs. Traditional public participation techniques include focus groups, public meetings, advisory committees, open houses, print publications, workshops, and bilateral meetings as well as emerging techniques such as e-participation and open public dialogue.
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Conflict Resolution: A Case Study Sociology Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Conflict is a state of unresolved differences within an individual, between individuals, between an individual and a group, or between groups. Conflict is neutral; therefore, it is neither bad nor good. The way one responds to conflict is important, as this will determine if they will turn it into a positive factor.
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Women and Health Sociology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Women and Health Name: Institution: Women and Health The edition of the book Our Bodies, Ourselves began as a booklet written by twelve Boston feminists. The booklet of 136 pages was sold at 35 cents, and it was called Women and Their Bodies, which was published in1970 by the New England Press (Brehm, 2001).
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Sociology statistic paper - introduction, literature review and hypothesis Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It means income is the element that shows the purchasing power of people. The relationship between income, sex and marital status are explored through items that are related to morale and life satisfaction, sex and marital status have significant influence on life satisfaction above a poverty level but these variables are insignificant below the poverty level.
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Freedom of Expression in China Sociology Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
It can be noted that although the Constitution has clearly outlined the freedom of expression as a basic human right, the government has continued to violate it. This is by censoring the media, religion, the internet and speech.
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Crime and Criminal Justice Delivery Has Been a Phenomenal Problem in Years Sociology Research Paper
8 pages (2423 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The negative aspect of the behavior/situation is being magnified and not considering whether these marginalized people received equal opportunities and representations, also the law is designed to side and benefit only the ruling few, and there is an implied imposition on the standards of morality and good behavior as well as the distinct delineation between classes.
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Hookups among College Students Sociology Essay
3 pages (998 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Among the college students, part of the commonly practiced sexual orientations is hookups. Although research indicates this practice with the new college students, no claims are made of its absence among the students in the subsequent years of their college life. Black and white students define hooking differently.
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Refugee Immigration Communitys Problem Sociology Essay
10 pages (2631 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Apparently, it is unbelievable to comprehend that it is one of the few countries that practice racial and ethnic discrimination to date.  Moreover, they are known to give immigrants unnecessary conditions through laws and other entities thus making their lives difficult.  The situation at Tenderloin is clear evidence of the kind of life that the immigrants are living in such a country.
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Establishing Social Network Sociology Essay
9 pages (2456 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The difference in structure and how men and women use social support networks can also determine the benefit that either gender generates from the current arrangement. Apart from gender, including age, class, and race, other socio-demographic characteristics determine social support networks that individuals are involved in.
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Education in Developing Countries Sociology Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There will be no school uniform, and every student will have a personal guide, chosen by parents and students according to authentic reports and interviews. Guides’ use of apprentices, advanced students, and volunteers from field to further learning and development. Lastly, there will be extracurricular clubs, giving certificates from leading firms to ensure two year job post graduation.
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Implications of Gay Marriage Upon Society Sociology Essay
5 pages (1619 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Gay marriage should not be legalized. Gay marriage leads to an unnatural, unreligious, and unethical lifestyle, which has many potentially negative implications both for the children raised in gay families and the society of which gay couples form part. Gay marriage provides the gay couple with a legal way to commit sin.
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Understanding child abuse in America Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
So we may see whatever the reasons are and whoever the person involved creating abusive behavior towards a child, child abuse is extremely deteriorating condition which may further produce harmful impacts on the over life of a child.
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Child Abuse Sociology Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Increasing rate of child abuse cases creates severe problems among the authorities as well as the public and it has become a highly controversial issue in recent years. In the United States, studies prove that children continue to suffer from the hidden epidemic of growing abuse and negligence.
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What role, if any should religion play in the course of marriage or divorce Sociology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
After this point some arguments will be provided regarding what role religion should play in the ending of a marital relationship with regards to personal choice and the duty of the state to intervene.
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Health and Healthcare Sociology Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
But in the current times, health imperatives are increasingly being impacted by the socio-cultural and environmental paradigms. Indeed, the construction of social identities and social classes has become significant elements to influence the health of people.
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The Position of Religious Leaders in African-American Communities Sociology Research Paper
7 pages (1969 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
These struggles led to the present-day liberal society where at the top of the leadership of the United States is a man with African roots leading all races that exist in America. Through their preaching, religious leaders have affected society in many positive ways, contributing immensely to the social well-being of the community.
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Piaget and Vygotsky: Cognitive Development Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 8 , Essay
After a brief introduction to the basic premises of Cognitive Development Theory, this paper will compare and contrast the approaches of Piaget and Vygotsky to intelligence and its developmental stages. Classroom applications will be considered. Not all cognitive development theories are alike, but they do share some basic premises.
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Ghost of Ahu Ghraib vs. The Road to Guantanamo Sociology Movie Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
97. Unlawful detention). In the film Ghost of Abu Ghraib, the torture was evidently presented by the filmmaker. This includes a certain military personnel sitting on a prisoner sandwiched with two stretchers. The Iraqi detainee was badly tortured and died.
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How Does the Film Beloved Related to Sociological Theory and the Real World Sociology Term Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The story begins when the woman meets a girl named Beloved (Thandie Newton). In reality, this girl is a reincarnated daughter of that woman. There is a deep philosophical and sociological background in this film. For example, in her reminiscences from the past the main heroine reflects awful scorns at her when she was a slave.
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The Impact of Mass Media on Race Relations Sociology Research Paper
7 pages (1881 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The term mass media includes broadcast media, print media, and internet media among others. It has become exceedingly prominent in recent society. Racism simply refers to the different inherent traits in human races that justify discrimination. Racism and racial discrimination may lead to harm to the parties involved.
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Resolution of Conflict Between Armenia and Azerbaijan About the Region Called Nagorno Karabakh Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The conflict area is located within the boundaries of Azerbaijan but mainly Armenians live there. The latest blaze of this age-old clash appeared on world’s timeline at the very end of the Soviet era, when the independent region of Nagorno-Karabakh appealed to become part of Armenia.
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The Dynamic Metropolis by Chong Sociology Term Paper
10 pages (2636 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
An issue of central concern in relation to the American poor is the social deterioration of the ghetto. Such deterioration is clearly discernable through the loss of social cohesion among the urban residents which is referred to as the loss of neighboring. This goes in step with the loss of infrastructure, the loss of neighborhood. 
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Culture differences in the Arab world Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Using Arabic as the main language and Muslim as the dominant religion, the Arab world virtually consisted of most nations in North Africa and Western Asia with a rough total estimate of 400 million people in population (United Nations Statistics Division).
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Welfare Spending in the USA Sociology Research Paper
6 pages (1809 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It should be mentioned, that many such contentions came out right before the USA presidential campaign. If there is a grain of truth to such articles, audit reports by the government should have verified and confirmed or disproved the report. In other words, as of the present, such claims are at best subject to further investigation.
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What Economic Inequality Is Sociology Research Paper
8 pages (2332 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The nation has been under the governance of so many presidents now and the problems that troubled America before are getting more intense. There may have been solutions that have been proposed for this economic issue, however, it has proven over time that the solutions that were given to the people are not really long-term in nature.
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How the United Nations help people around the world Sociology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Founded in 1945 on the precipice of a falling world order, the United Nations came into existence as a replacement to the defunct League of Nations; an organization that had literally failed to reign in rogue governments leading to a bloody repeat of a world war, only two decades after a first.
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Applying Symbolic Interaction Theory Sociology Research Paper
7 pages (2064 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Improved lightning would help the police and the community to recognize the individuals who are carrying out the crime and the police would have more of a vision to keep a check on streets for the culprits. These people once caught will not attempt to commit the same crime as they would be sentenced for a particular span of time.
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Drug Addiction as a Serious Problem Sociology Essay
6 pages (1588 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Individual lives must be linked to the history of society and its institutions to understand and solve personal problems. The choices that individuals make not only affect them, but also the world around them, and as such treatment and interventions for drug users should be individual and also involve society.
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Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents Sociology Personal Statement
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The author of the paper states that in order to improve the interaction with the video games, there are also other devices that can be used together with the video device to improve o such aspects like sound, speakers, and headphones are used in this regard to bring about the desired sound effects.
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Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Sociology Essay
11 pages (3348 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Nevertheless, in the process of developing competitive advantage, some organizations fail to grasp the real meaning of CSR. This could be attributed to the fact that many such organizations concentrate much on maximizing profits and forget to look into issues revolving around factors that could lead to the maximization of the profit (Gray Koury and Lavers 1995).
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Retail Experience in Consumer Motivation in China Sociology Dissertation
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Economic reforms coupled with urbanization and the state’s commitment to development have placed China as the second-highest in terms of GDP, second only to the United States. As incomes have grown so can spending; consumer purchasing power in China has grown. China is now expected to become the world’s largest economy by 2016.
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Reasons for Infertile Couple to Adopt or Stay Childless Sociology Research Paper
15 pages (4163 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Advanced technology, better living conditions, improved transportation, a widespread network that connects the entire world and dissolves the boundaries, and numerous horizons to explore. As we have progressed and continue the process to such an era it is not ‘only goodness’, it has its share of darkness too.
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Eradication of Family and Child Poverty in Canada Sociology Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The 2012 report card calls upon the Federal Government to participate actively in its role to reduce poverty to children and to families. In addition, recommendations with reference to policies are offered to level out poverty persistence in Canada (“CAMPAIGN 2000 Report Card”, 2012).
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Sociological Theories and How They Are Applied in Social Work Practice Sociology Coursework
7 pages (2102 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In the current times of transforming values, the social policies of states across the globe are constantly undergoing the process of change. Indeed, when different sociological approaches are used within different sociological theories, government and social workers are able to devise new interventions for the best results.
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Emile Durkheim and Suicide: Social causes and Social Types Sociology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Durkheim believed that suicide was socially caused, and that it was a social phenomenon since each group exhibit different suicide rates under different conditions in the society. The main objective of Durkheim’s suicide theory was to account for the differences of the rates of suicides between groups, and he identified four types of suicide namely egoistic, altruistic, anomic and fatalistic (Cullen and Pamela 278).
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Racial Discrimination against Indians in America Sociology Research Paper
7 pages (1939 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
American Indians mainly rely on the Indian Health Service for their medical coverage. The Health Care Improvement Act only covers 60% of the American Indians' health requirements. The health facilities of the Indian Health Service facilities are in a sorry state, rendering it unreliable in providing health care for many Indians.
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Brothel Analysis Using the Social Deviance Theory Anomie Sociology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 8 , Book Report/Review
This theory shows the breakdown of social ties between individuals and the community. Hence, Merton sought to describe the existing difference between goals that are socially agreeable and the existence of ways to realize the said goals. For instance, unruly situations can lead to fragmentation of social identity and even rejection of self control values.
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The Social Psychological Underpinnings of Commons's Institutional Economics Sociology Essay
9 pages (2566 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As such, neither I nor anybody else can think of themselves as special because our knowledge, thinking patterns actions and lesions are not originated form us but from the socialization through which individual are nurtured based on the sociological framework in which they are born(Mortimer and Roberta 431)
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The Concept of Race and Racism Sociology Essay
7 pages (1888 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It is essentially fueled by an over-zealous capitalist society, explained by two trains of thought. The ‘white privilege’ viewpoint is that there is only so much of the economic pie to be had, and for whites to be financially well-off, as is the tradition, other groups must be poor, as they are accustomed to being.
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Abuse in the Relationships Sociology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Society has very many pressures and expectations. This should be handled in all the right ways. This is because there are tendencies they will blow up into something that they are not meant to be. It is crucial to treat victims of domestic violence with the care that they deserve. This is to reduce the effects of the trauma.
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Questions on Sociology Sociology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From Jacobs’s book there is evidence proving that these approaches consequently lead to cropping up of innovative ideas. Moreover, these ideas crop up in a more structured and even anticipated fashion as compared to the examples brought forth by Charles in the talk.
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