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Essays on difference between structured and unstructured observation

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  • Difference Between Structured And Unstructured Observation
Importance of Body Worn Cameras
39 pages (9888 words)
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From the paper "Importance of Body Worn Cameras" it is clear that generally, the observation method is considered one of the most appropriate methods of data collection.... Bryman (2004) argues that observation is involved in all techniques of data collection.... ata for this research study were obtained from three data collection methods including semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and video recordings in three sampled police stations in Abu Dhabi....
Is It Possible to Ensure Scientific Rigour When Conducting Quantitative and Qualitative Research
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 5
The techniques discussed include structured, semi-structured and unstructured techniques.... A mixed technique that comprises the structured, semi-structured, and unstructured techniques can also be used depending on the environment where the research is carried out, since each technique has its advantages.... To have control of the results scientific research need to avoid informal interviews but choose the structured and ethnographic techniques, which allows longer questionings and deeper probing (Seale & Silverman 1997)....
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Types and Characteristics of Research Methods
6 pages (1746 words) , Download 5
The observations can be in the form of recording the behaviors and patterns as participant observer or more focused systematic and structured forms of observation.... Good qualitative researchers usually employ participant observation approaches first to assess whether and how an externally derived observation method can be more appropriate to the setting and study problem. ... Typically involves participant observation over an extended period of time, but other methods (including those generating quantitative data) can also be used (Robson, 2002, p....
Child Observations for Childs Behaviour and Development
14 pages (4020 words) , Download 3
Observation can entail diverse forms including informal and unstructured approaches yet also structured and standardised procedures.... Child observation is important for studying developmental changes in a child.... In learning environments, child observation helps to determine whether a child needs evaluation by an Educational Psychologist for additional support in learning.... Child observation is important for studying developmental changes in a child....
Longitudinal method compared with 5 other methods in text book
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2
Longitudinal research methods are correlation research studies that often involve repeated observation of a particular or same variable over a set period that may be even decades.... Longitudinal research methods allow observation of changes in a more accurate way; therefore, it can be applied in different fields particularly business field among other fields (Bryman, 2012).... Notably, longitudinal studies often allow accurate observation of changes that occur during the study in numerous fields....
Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
1 pages (367 words) , Download 2
The author of the paper "difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches" argues in a well-organized manner that qualitative research is a more subjective type of research whereby, a researcher introduces some bias to assist in forming a complete picture.... The methods of data collection vary using semi-structured or unstructured techniques.... This type of analysis uses measurable data, and the collection techniques are more structured than in a qualitative approach....
Childrens Behaviour towards Undirected Play
22 pages (6285 words) , Download 1
The main methods that were incorporated in the study entailed the use of questionnaires, interviews, and observation.... This research paper "Children's Behaviour towards Undirected Play" discusses the significance of play that can be in the provision of support to children's behavior especially those with special educational needs....
Overview of Qualitative Research Study
5 pages (1514 words) , Download 0
The nature of the interaction between the researcher and the interviewees is what makes the difference between in-depth interview and direct observation.... Categories of qualitative data are; direct observation, it is different from interviewing since the observer does not actively ask the respondent questions.... The data is recorded through photographs, drawings, for example, in the courtrooms the drawings of the witnesses are forms of direct observation....
Qualitative Method of Social Science Research
13 pages (3590 words) , Download 5
Semi-structured interviews (or guided interviews) are in the middle between structured and unstructured interviews in terms of form: the researcher prepares an interview guide consisting of a set of questions.... Consequently, there is no difference between reality and perception of reality, and the primary task of researchers is to disclose facts of the objective world.... ualitative research is time consuming: data are collected through direct contacts with human beings, either with the help of observation or interview....
Business Research Methods
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3
Qualitative research employs interviews, observation, participant observation, and focus groups in data collection.... observation is one of the most frequently employed qualitative methods of collecting data (Srivastava & Rego, 2011, p.... observation is more costly compared to the questionnaire method; however, the data obtained from observation are considered as more reliable.... observation offers information that otherwise may not be provided by other data collection methods....
Subjectivity and Major Differences in Organizational Structure
6 pages (1658 words) , Download 0
Over the year's observation has been the most efficient way of data collection due to its efficiency. ... he most important elements of observation include, the ability to provide researchers with means to interact participate and be in a position to reach research site faster.... The use of observation also helps in identification of respondent and provides general guidance of relationship between the researcher and the informant.... dvantages of observation ...
Nursing - Organizational Structure
6 pages (1645 words) , Download 5
There are formal and unstructured communication techniques that institutions can adopt depending on the nature of their operations (Green, Bowie & McGraw, 2011).... Various lines of communication, reporting, and observation There are vertical and horizontal lines of communication that propel conveyance of operation policies and guidelines in health institutions.... Formal communication aids delivery of structured information that should be specific and factual to aid decision making while unstructured communication may not adopt clear procedures but must hold relevance....
Blowing the Whistle on Police Violence
7 pages (2107 words) , Download 2
The interview methods employed in this research methodology are informal and unstructured.... “One primary difference between ethnography as science and other social and behaviour science methods of investigating is that ethnography assumes that we must first discover what people actually do and the reasons they give for doing it before we can assign to their actions drawn from our own personal experience or from our professional or academic disciplines” (LeCompte....
Explosive volcanism on Mercury and the Moon: Insights into the nature of sub-surface magma storage
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
he study mentioned in the abstract was done using two types of research methods, which include; observation and sampling methods.... observation is a crucial way of finding out about the world around us.... ystematic observation entails careful planning of what the researcher need to observe....
Careful Observation in Order to Assess the Learning Needs and Achievements of Pupils
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2
The reporter casts light upon the fact that careful observation is necessary in order to assess the learning needs and achievements of pupils, while also using the observations to plan ongoing learning activities and for the use of future learning goals and objectives.... While using a holistic and objective approach to observation, the teaching assistant should remember the mnemonic SPICE (social, physical, intellectual, communication and emotional) when observing; so that all aspect of development is considered....
Cognitive, Physical and Social and Emotional Developmental Differences across Ages
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 0
This task will present a slight difference between gross motor skills for individuals in early childhood and young adulthood, though children need more assistance.... All participants will be subjects to structured observation (participants perform the tasks) and structured interview (participants answer constructed questions).... Results would reveal that older people can barely recall, while children and young adults have slight difference in the number of words recalled....
Students' PE Experience and Their Evaluation of PE Teaching Efforts
12 pages (3174 words) , Download 1
Information is obtained by asking the participants both structured and unstructured questions based on cross-sectional and longitudinal studies (Creswell, 2013, p.... Quantitative researchers measure the variables on a selected group of subjects, and then establish relation between the variables using “effect statistics such as correlations, relative frequencies, or difference between means; their focus is to a large extent on the testing of theory” (Thomas, 2010, p....
The Efficient Research Technique
12 pages (3290 words) , Download 4
Information is obtained by asking the participants both structured and unstructured questions based on cross-sectional and longitudinal studies (Creswell, 2013). ... Quantitative researchers measure the variables on a selected group of subjects, and then establish relation between the variables using “effect statistics such as correlations, relative frequencies, or difference between means; their focus is to a large extent on the testing of theory” (Thomas, 2010, p....
Pedagogical Practices of Mathematics Education for Young Children in England and South Korea
8 pages (2392 words) , Download 1
The findings from the study revealed that pre-school mathematics teaching in England is more structured and more learner-centred than learning practices in South Korea.... According to Oleary (2010), a researcher doing the participant observation is expected to work and live within the settings being studied.... However, in South Korea, the research assistant conducted the observation using a video recording device.... The duration of the activities suggests the structure and the organisation of the class; this plays an important role in the observation....
What Do We Get From Using Theory and Method in the Research
7 pages (2146 words) , Download 1
The importance of this aspect is that it helps to definitively represent the true difference between theory and method.... The problem with the relationship between method and theory is that often through creating a theoretical framework in which method is established, a predetermined outcome is formed before observation and inquiry establishes a sense of the truth.... In making this observation, Goodman (2006) suggests that it is a better method to create observational studies without burdening them with conclusions so that those who read them draw their own conclusions....
Early Recognition of Deterioration in Vital Observation
23 pages (6659 words) , Download 4
From the paper "Early Recognition of Deterioration in Vital observation" it is clear that the early warning systems must be taught to these nurses, and if possible these guidelines can also be posted at the nurses' stations in order to ensure familiarization.... To conduct a literature review that explores and critically analyzes current published studies relating to nursing observation practice, with particular reference to patients with physiological deterioration....
Evaluation of a Study Involving Faculty Development
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
Thibault (2011) identifies that if faculty development programs are not structured in a way that is meaningful to the educator, they are not likely to be sustainable over the long-term.... This system involves interaction between educational professionals in which discussion about education and the teaching profession occurs between colleagues....
Challenges of International Apparel Brands in Penetrating China
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4
Methodology: The methodology used in the paper is qualitative as the research is based on the observation.... The purpose of this present paper is to show the relation between the consumption of international brand and the Chinese consumer.... Challenges of International Apparel Brands in Penetrating China Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show the relation between the consumption of international brand and the Chinese consumer....
Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Data
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7
Research approaches include observation, survey and experiment.... observation is one of the techniques in the primary data collection method of research.... In some cases, observation may be the only way to obtain the needed information" (Philip Kotler).... The observation technique ... There are two types of observational research: the direct observation (with an independent observer) and the participant observation (in which the observer takes part in the process)....
Developing a Research Question
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3
“Feminist research makes great use of the semi-structured and unstructured interview.... Secondly, un-structured observation is described as follows “ In unstructured observation the researcher does not use predetermined categories and classifications but make observations in a more natural open ended way.... Firstly, participant observation which is a technique of self-referent learning is considered.... 'In participant observation, the researcher is required to spend considerable time in the field, and study the phenomena within its social and cultural context....
What is research
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4
The critical case is carried out with a clear hypothesis in mind, the unique case is used for clinical studies with a common focus, and the revelatory case is used "when an investigator has an opportunity to observe and analyse a phenomenon previously inaccessible to scientific investigation" (Yin 1984:44) Case studies can be conducted both deductively and inductively and may be linked with qualitative research using tools such as participant observation and unstructured interviews....
Technical Report on Point Cloud
6 pages (1650 words) , Download 3
The difference between this two representations can be clearly illustrated using a cylinder.... The effect of the technique includes the unstructured cloud point.... There is a high need for having semantically and structured enriched 3D of the historical building 3D digital models so as to handle, conserve, restore, and modify the projects.... POINT CLOUD (technical report AND reflective report) There is a high need of having semantically and structured enriched 3D of the historical building 3D digital models so as to handle, conserve, restore, and modify the projects....
Analysis of William Labov and Penelope Eckert
9 pages (2763 words) , Download 2
illiam Labov's seminal Martha's Vineyard study incorporates direct linguistic observation with past recorded linguistic accounts to analyze the patterns of linguistic change among the island inhabitants of Martha's Vineyard, Dukes County, Massachusetts.... He indicates three predominant requirements: (1) The variable should occur frequently in unstructured conversation.... By adopting a less structured linguistic variable, the study will be allowed to achieve a higher level of objective truth; (2) The linguistic variable should be ‘structural'....
Strengths and Weaknesses of a Qualitative Approach, as Opposed to a Quantitative Approach
9 pages (2746 words) , Download 1
However, the basic difference between qualitative and quantitative approach is that the qualitative approach takes the whole person as its beginning point.... Quantitative approach, on the other hand, centres on counting and categorising features besides creating statistical figures and models to explain an observation.... Qualitative research follows unstructured or semi-structured interviews.... In qualitative research, on the other hand, interviews are open-ended or unstructured where the respondents are allowed to express their views and provide as much information as possible....
Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
6 pages (1751 words) , Download 2
The strengths and weaknesses of each research method will be discussed to give a vivid difference between the two approaches in social studies.... More importantly, the strengths and weaknesses of each research method will be discussed to give a vivid difference between the two approaches in social studies. ... Data collected in qualitative research involve interviews, observation, group discussion, and reflection of field notes as well as various text pictures among other materials....
NoSQL and Big Data Management
8 pages (2401 words) , Download 2
As the paper "NoSQL and Big Data Management" outlines, big data can be described as large volumes of data that are both structured and unstructured.... ig data can be described as large volumes of data that are both structured and unstructured.... Lastly, he described big data regarding variety saying that big data come in all types of format including structured and unstructured forms.... The advantage of using NoSQL techniques is that they are fast when dealing with structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that are rapidly changing. ...
Social Work
7 pages (1374 words) , Download 1
What is the difference between reliability and validity of an instrument?... InterviewsQuestionnaires observation techniquesLogs and Journals Scales Secondary data What defines applicability in relation to measuring instruments?... t is suitable for the problem to be measured it applies to the population in questioncan be InterviewsQuestionnaires observation techniquesLogs and Journals Scales Secondary data What defines applicability in relation to measuring instruments?...
The Impact of Outdoor Play on Young Children Social Development
44 pages (10531 words) , Download 4
Finally, the research also used an observation method where 5 selected students were observed (at the school premises) by the researcher over a period of three months to record their involvement in outdoor play.... At the end of the observation period, the researcher evaluated the social development records from the teachers and the parents, and his own observations to assess how outdoor play may be influencing the social development of the children.... The research uses structured questionnaires for the parents and staff and interviews for the young children....
Peculiarities of Gender Issues in a Language
9 pages (2408 words) , Download 2
The essential difference between mans and womens language is noticeable.... Tablot quotes the observation of Cameron to write, “ dominance and difference represented, historically speaking, particular moments in feminism: dominance was the moment of feminist outrage, of being witness to oppression in all aspects of womens lives, while difference was the moment of feminist celebration, reclaiming and revaluing womens distinctive cultural traditions.... ?? This is a small observation but it throws light on a big issue that concerns the female gender....
Educators Views on Diversity, Culture and Difference
11 pages (3198 words) , Download 2
fter securing the consent of the teachers, the process of interviewing and observation started from within the classrooms for about 3 hours.... Semi-structured model interviews have been carried out with two teachers from two different day care centers.... Hence, I deployed profound semi-structured interviews with educators in order to examine their views and experiences on teaching these children.... There were five themes in total which were developed and they include: a) the understanding of cultural diversity and difference, b) the practices which credit social justice, c) the relationship between teachers and families and community, d) kinds of experiences and e) values....
Credibility and Trust of the College Students towards the Use of Facebook
7 pages (1860 words) , Download 0
In addition, the measurement process is the central theme of the quantitative research since it usually provides an important connection between mathematical expression and the empirical observation.... In addition, the qualitative researchers have a large number of choices of techniques which they can use in obtaining data that ranges from the grounded theory, case studies, ethnography and also the participant observation.... Moreover, sometimes the qualitative researchers are usually associated with the field of education, whereby the methods of collecting data which they mostly use include; field notes, participant observation and also the interview....
The Extent of Employee Satisfaction in the Health Sector in General
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3
The model makes use of the inductive and qualitative tools like observation, discussions and interviews in order to address the research question.... The second is that any observation is not objective and rather affected by the constructions of the reality.... observation ... Interpretive models focus on qualitative data and try to analyze the individual behaviours generally by using unstructured interviews that might allow for description of answers instead of having exogenous or endogenous variable facilitating the mathematical approach....
Orthopaedic Patients Experience in Perioperative Teaching as Reflected in Patient Satisfaction Surveys
15 pages (4559 words) , Download 0
IE inquiry applies data collection methods consistent with qualitative methodology notably observation, interview and textual analysis and it aims at constructing an empirically sound argument based on practices that occur in institutional settings (Bisaillon & Rankin, 2012).... Typically, ethnographers would use the big-net approach – mingling and mixing with everyone at first – which is conducive to participant observation.... hree data collection strategies are generally employed by ethnography: participant observation, interviews and examination of documents (Cruz & Higginbottom, 2013)....
Global Management Concepts
8 pages (2430 words) , Download 0
Primarily the researchers have followed a structured and controlled data collection procedure which encouraged them to select 20 distinct samples.... Positivism influences the observation of different subject matter of the world from an objective point of view (Phiri, 2015).... In the article of Michael Woywode (2002), one part of the questionnaire has allowed the respondents to communicate their personal opinions through focused group discussion, observation and ethnography while the other part involves structured questions which assisted the researchers to quantify the similarities and differences of these organisations (Ehigie and Ehigie, 2005)....
How Cultural Differences Affect Conflict Management within Lenovo
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 5
The conducted research also arrived at the results that, after the IBM merge, cultural difference between the Chinese and American staff seldom occurred and there were no major culture issues between the predominant Chinese work force and American managers.... The research methods used for the examination of cultural differences and its effect of conflict management within Lenovo by way of the Chinese and non-Chinese civilization is the observation based study....
Methods and Research in Science
8 pages (2133 words) , Download 0
The following are a set of research goals in naturalistic observation: prediction, description and explanation.... Thirdly, observation offers direct access to whatever social phenomenon is under consideration and thus does not rely on a third party to provide required report or information.... Lastly, observation is able to assume different forms, from unstructured and informal approaches to tightly standardized, structured approaches, leading to yielding of related kinds of data, both quantitative and qualitative....
Research Methods in Education
17 pages (4712 words) , Download 0
here are two major types of observation: structured and unstructured.... The findings of the research through a t-test show that there is no significant difference in performance between online and offline students though there is numerical difference between the two.... To capture this type of data, the most feasible way is through observation which is not consistent.... owever, Kanuka cites Hudson and Bruckman who through a series of quantitative observation research similar to that of Thirunarayanan and Prado noted that many ‘participants' being observed without their knowledge were angered by the fact that they had not been informed and they had not consented to such....
Action Research Method and Other Research Methods Compared
8 pages (2268 words) , Download 1
imilarities and Differences between Action Research and Participant observation ... articipant observation is mostly used in cultural and sociological researches that seek to provide the researcher with an opportunity to participate in the activities to which they are researching about.... ) Action research and participant observation gives the researcher freedom to give opinions and make suggestions that can improve the final results of the research (Booth & Segon, 2009). ...
Relationship between Theory and Research
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
A descriptive study employing the empirical method involves observation of a phenomenon in its natural setting.... Data gathered by a participant or a non participant observation, as well as by structured interview schedule, questionnaires or by open ended.... Data usually gathered by a non participant observation or self report measures.... However, instruments usually fixes choice observation checklists standardizes questionnaires and rating scales....
Why Do Children Behave Aggressively
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 2
When trying to provide a more understandable definition of concepts, such as 'delinquency', 'antisocial behavior', 'conduct disorder', 'conduct problems' and 'externalizing behavior disorders', he hypothesized that definitional and classification issues exist between concepts of antisocial behavior....
A Qualitative Research Method
5 pages (1524 words) , Download 1
The first method involves direct observation.... In contrast, participant observation involves a deliberate attempt by the researcher to engage in the research process.... Qualitative Research Qualitative Research Qualitative research is a wide field that uses unstructured data collection methods.... Lastly, focus groups can also be used because they involve structured or unstructured focus groups.... Structured or unstructured focus groups provide an enabling mechanism for the participant and the interviewer to interact....
Patient Centered Medical Homes
8 pages (2202 words) , Download 2
In this qualitative approach, I will use structured and semi-structured interviews in obtaining data results.... The primary sources for data collection may include focused group discussion, observation, questionnaires, experiments and structured interviews.... The data is obtained through observation, and this may involve use of field notes.... I this same, I will obtain data through observation method.... Data collection will be structured in the form of questionnaires, use of random sampling and field surveys....
Differences between the qualitative and the quantitative data 2111
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
Data is a collection of information that has facts and is expressed inform of numbers, measurements, words, observation or even in.... In this essay, the differences between qualitative and quantitative data will be examined, as well as, their pros and cons.... ... ...
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Forms of Interviewing
15 pages (4151 words) , Download 3
An integrated method that can be recommended is a combination of structured and unstructured approaches: where a focus group of selected individuals form the interviewees.... According to Gold's theory of continuum (1958: 217), the fieldwork roles of the sociologist can range from a situation of complete observation to one of complete participation at the other end.... The technique of the researcher using a questionnaire can be placed at the observation end of the continuum....
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
19 pages (6078 words) , Download 3
Structured observation is carried out by individuals who believe it is possible to quantify behaviours, while unstructured observation is carried out by those who operate from interpretive perspective that focuses on understanding the meanings participants draw from observations (University of Strathclyde, 2013).... Observations take many forms from unstructured approaches to tightly structured and standardised procedures 3.... Moreover, reviewing documents reveals the difference between formal statements regarding the purpose of a program and the actual implementation of the program....
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