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A Policy in Healthcare that was Implemented as a Result of Regulatory or Legislative Requirement Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Narratives based on the theme of love often depicted rapes of mortal women by male gods. Such interactions led to the conception and subsequent birth of heroic offspring. When analyzing rape in heroic narratives from its references in art, it is seen that rape was used to develop and project social normality or otherwise.
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Community Risk Assessment Nursing Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Analyzing the nurse primary role, the author states that it is early recognition of alcohol and drug problems through a thorough assessment. Further crimes can be prevented if the nurse recognize the risk factor early and suggest a possible treatment for patient. Decreasing the risk for criminal activity requires funding from the local government.
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Nursing Care for People with Substance Disorders Nursing Case Study
5 pages (1668 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
He is a client of Alcohol and Drug Services. Joe has a drinking problem that has developed gradually over years. Initially, he liked drinking with his friends but over the past few years, his drinking has become quite escalated to the extent that he is alcohol dependent to cope with daily chores. His convulsive consumption of alcohol is very pronounced.
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Are There Predictors for NCLEX-RN Success Nursing Research Paper
8 pages (2135 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The independent variables initially tested included SAT / ACT scores, science grade point average (GPA) prior to admission to the nursing program, critical thinking test score, writing portfolio score, individual nursing course grades, a number of nursing course failures, all standardized test scores, graduating GPA, and a number of semesters taken to complete the nursing program.
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Reflection On Therapeutic Interaction Nursing Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Effective communication was the key to this nurse-patient relationship to be an effective therapeutic tool. The suggested forms of communications that I learned were; asking questions and allowing patients to express themselves and their feelings, or reassuring patients by means of touch this will be a significant increase in patient satisfaction.
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Consumer Participation in Mental Healthcare Nursing Essay
7 pages (2117 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Consumer participation is the active involvement of mental patients in all activities related to access to sound mental health services. This is an important link in the delivery of mental health services. It takes different forms such as planning, decision making, sharing of their experiences, and opinions.
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Health Promotion and Prevention: Alcohol Misuse Nursing Essay
7 pages (2093 words) , Download 5 , Essay
One of the most significant public health problems in the UK is alcohol misuse, with more than 15million people consuming alcohol above the stipulated government guidelines. The National Health Service incurs significant expenses, estimated at around £2.7 billion every year. In 2006-2007, there were more than 811,000 hospital admissions related to alcohol, an increase of about 71%.
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Reflective Practice and Nursing Using Gibbs Model of Reflection Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 34 , Essay
This paper will begin with the statement that reflective practice is one such a vital aspect as far as nursing management is concerned. More often than not, reflective practice is guided by the model of reflection. In this respect, the reflective practice model is a framework upon which nursing, as well as management professions,  work.
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Nursing Management Leadership in Health Care Institutions Nursing Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
It is a fact if not an opinion that all nurses should strive to couple managerial roles with leadership roles. The essential elements to striking a balance include critical thinking skills, good coping skills, as well as active listening skills (Stanley, 2006). The purpose of this study is feasible, appealing and relevant. The study subjects here were humans and the issues of ethics arise. 
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Delegation Survey Analysis Nursing Case Study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This includes knowing the patients, knowing the capabilities of assistants, giving proper instructions, and monitoring the procedure and/or outcome. Central to this effective management is proper documentation. Laws are in place to ensure that this standard of management is complied to by registered nurses.
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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1732 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Cognitive behaviour therapy was developed by Aaron Beck who proposed that depression was the result of conscious negative thoughts of depressed individuals viewing the future as bleak and empty (Knapp and Beck, n.d.). Therefore, to review the framework of cognitive behaviour therapy, this paper discusses the crucial concepts of how the therapy works.
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Integrated Clinical Issues Nursing Essay
3 pages (1098 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Nearly 20 percent of the alcohol gets absorbed directly into the blood via the stomach walls while 80 percent gets absorbed in the bloodstream via the small intestine. Considering that alcohol needs to dilute itself into the body’s water volume to travel via the system, vital organs such as the brain require a sufficient blood supply.
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Informactics Nurse Specialists Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper will discuss the need of Informatics Nurse Specialists, their scope of practice, costs and benefits of having them. It will also describe their impact on the relationship between nursing and other information system departments. Information Nurse Specialists, (INS), know, understand, use and interact with computer applications and healthcare information systems (Saba & McCormick, 1996).
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The Program of Breastfeeding Nursing Essay
3 pages (778 words) , Download 3 , Essay
To provide a synopsis of this program, it is essential to point out that the role of nurses in ensuring that mothers breastfed their babies using the appropriate techniques and approaches is crucial in a health care facility. Hence, mothers devised their own techniques and approaches that they used during breastfeeding.
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Prevention of Infection in Home Health Care Nursing Essay
5 pages (1577 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Although the level and extent to which infection is acquired at a hospital during treatment has been exhaustively discussed, measured, and analyzed within a litany of different medical research journals and studies, the level to which infectious disease exists within the home treatment realm is an issue that has received a far reduced level of focus.
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The Co-Occurrence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit Disorder Symptoms Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1702 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Almost 50%-72% of genetic elements are responsible for repeated co-occurrences of such disorders to the same patient. The research problem that has been addressed in this article is whether the parent of origin effects of ASD and ADHD in parents have any relationship with the co-occurrence of either ASD or ASD with ADHD among their children.
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What are the chief problems your sickness has caused for you Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
At the time of the interview, the subject was living underneath the overpass of the Florida Turnpike and Kendall Drive. The subject agreed to an anonymous interview. The subject’s illness has eliminated his means of subsistence. The symptoms are constant cough and pain in the back and legs, resulting in his inability to move.
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Domestic Violence as it Relates to Pregnancy Nursing Research Paper
7 pages (2072 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
It is the prime responsibility of nurses to identify such cases existing in society and provide sufficient help to them. Nurses can also play their part in resolving husband-wife conflicts through proper intervention and counseling. In this research paper, the possible ways of identifying victims of domestic violence are discussed.  
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Consumers' Experiences of Stigma Nursing Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A study has shown that one person in four people is to experience a mental health problem at one point or another in their life (Thompson and Thompson 1997, p.6). World statistics also show that one in every ten children, in the world, today suffer from mental health disorders. The same research also found out that at least 450 million people in the world suffer from mental health problems.
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Introduction and Problem of Practice Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Some of the schemes that have been used in nursing are the nursing theories that have been used in encountering problems that nurses undergo. Knowledge development among nurses has been the main endeavors of nursing scholars. This has led to the development of a range of nursing theories since the mid 20th century to date.
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Evaluation of a Patient Education Tool Nursing Essay
6 pages (1683 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many hospitals and health organizations author, review and approve the patient information for use within their institution and make this information digitally accessible. Patient education activities focus on the educational and information needs of the patient and are used by health care professionals to provide patient care support.
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Sunrise Assisted Living Nursing Essay
5 pages (1341 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The facility ensures that it preserves the resident’s dignity and respect. I had the privilege to collaborate with Wendy, who gave me a brief introduction of the facility and the rules and regulations that I had to abide by in the facility. During this time, Wendy who was the point of contact provided an updated plan which outlined the activities.
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Find a new relaxation technique Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Also, it is a reading of one’s blood pressure that is of 140 over 90 or greater. Today, there is about 1 in 3 adults who experiences this condition (What Is High Blood Pressure, n. d.). What is tricky about this issue is that most of the time, hypertension or high blood pressure does not show any signs or symptoms.
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Homework 3B Legal Aspects of nursing Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
First, the patient herself reported that she wanted to commit suicide. That is a principle to protect the safety of the patient even if it is made by the patients themselves. Second, the police leaves the patient; Judy, under hospital care since her life could be at risk with depression and stress if not helped by a psychiatrist, that is majorly why the police take them to the hospital where medical health could be found the third principle is that the patient is placed under psychiatrist check and a nurse is assigned to the patient for around the clock monitoring and check (NPSG, 2013).
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Psychology life span develpement Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For an individual to be referred to as an intelligent person, this labeling is meant to impart a positive feeling, encourage sense of worth and self-esteem. Defining intelligence is the key to understand what intelligence is all about. There are two principal classification of definition of intelligence (Nettelbeck, 2005).
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Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Models Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper would deal with the process of implementation of Nurse Caring Delivery Model. To gain a better practical insight to the context, the model will be assessed within the healthcare setting followed by Adventist Healthcare, a healthcare organization in the United States.
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Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care Nursing Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Philosophy of Working in Health and Social Care [Name of Student] [Institution] 2319 words [Date] SECTION I Introduction Working in healthcare with children and young people involves the provision of a range of services that integrate services from both health and social care departments for the target clients (Norman, 2001).
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Nursing Home Administration Nursing Assignment
10 pages (2851 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
In medical and nursing homes, normally, there are three distinctive leadership roles provided to the nursing home in order to ensure the smooth running of the medical operations at the nursing home. Each leadership role is tasked with distinctive responsibilities in order to ensure the nursing home medical operations are smooth and well-coordinated. These medical positions are:
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Role of therapist in serving the old population Nursing Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The traditional systems of providing healthcare services to the aging population requires a sea change with the incorporation of a team of medical professionals operating in various medical fields. Further the modern health care system focused at elderly population must also encompass a larger network of specialized hospitals and nursing homes.
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The Patients with Stroke Nursing Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Assignment
The author states that the help of a professional broad-minded and skilled nurse is, perhaps, the most efficient way out. It does not mean that all three diseases are likely to be healed completely. It is all about how well a nurse assists a patient in accordance with the six dimensions of nursing, namely cognitive, interpersonal, ethical, nursing skills.
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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Nursing Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author explains that SLE is a chronic, inflammatory, prototypic, systemic autoimmune disease affecting connective tissues such as skin, joints along with kidney and serosal membranes. Researchers available indicate an environmental cause, which leads to the development of the disease in individuals genetically predisposed.
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Criminal justice Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Managing public safety settings in a contemporary scenario requires a much higher degree of collaboration between associated agencies. This also calls for much innovation and an ability to shift scarce resources from low risk populations to high risk communities.
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Theoretical Dimensions Involving Criminal Behavior Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1122 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Crime is an international phenomenon, something that has been happening for centuries. There had been a lot of studies on criminality and criminal behavior. Are criminals born or made? What factors make a person a criminal? Is it something biological or psychological? For years scholars have been looking for answers to these questions, and some answers lead to other questions.
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Prejudice against Elderly People: a Bane to the Society Nursing Research Paper
9 pages (2411 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
However, instead of enjoying their old age in leisure and relaxation, elderly people are being indirectly forced to feel that they have made a mistake by becoming ‘old’. Moreover, the thing to be noted here is that the disadvantages experienced by elderly people are not because of their age or physical health.
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Effective Communication in Obstetric Emergencies Nursing Essay
9 pages (2946 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Maternal deaths are an important factor in the lack of communication due to obstetric complications. The failure to operate and seek effective healthcare, receiving the appropriate medical and life-seeking interventions can lead to unwanted maternal and childbirth deaths. The reduced mortality rate indicates that skilled and proficient midwives and nurses can assist in childbirth, especially the caesarian section.
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School-Age Crack Babies Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (1044 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Other issues have been noted to be impulsivity, high levels of emotional swings, getting quickly irritated, and exhibiting other anti-social behaviors, besides being unable to control the way they behave in front of others. These problems have been attributed to changes in the environment or settings with which they are not familiar (Clare, 2001).  
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Native American Culture Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Furthermore, the Native Americans lost many of their people because they had not acquired immunity against the new diseases brought by the Europeans. American Indians were oppressed by the colonizers and the treaties they made with them were violated and broken (Calloway, 2001).
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Nursing medication administration and work flow using computerized physician order entry Nursing Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the research, finding a system has some errors, one would try to avoid the mentioned errors while requesting for orders. For those who were computer illiterate or knew less about the computer system, proper training on its usage would have to be recommended in this case. Minimization of destructors at work can also be improved in this.
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Evidence Base Practice of Repeat Cesarean Sections and Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This is the general analysis consideration, meaning that unsecure child bearings have been experienced. Contemporary times have seen an increase in cases of cesarean, and a decrease in that of vaginal births. The natural way of giving birth is slowly being replaced by cesarean section.
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Music Therapy in Nursing Practice Nursing Coursework
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The research design is appropriate for the study. What type of design is it? How many times are the data collected? So, is the design congruent with the research question?
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Cultural Transformation in Extended Care Nursing Homes Nursing Term Paper
5 pages (1548 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The environment in which nursing care is provided, as well as the work practice adopted by the care providers, affects the quality of care given to the veterans in these centers. The combined factors contribute significantly to the recovery of the patients and their ability to develop social and domestic skills.
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Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1877 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
It has been verified by all the researchers that as time passes various health-related problems and issues are born in society. Teenage pregnancy is amongst the most frequently occurring issue in our society. As education is an important part of society, the new trends and modifications in its scheme of representation cannot be disregarded and thus need to be provided for the awareness of the young generation.
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The Anatomy of Temperature Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Hyperthermia can be important in a patient and is indicated by high temperature. This is also known as heat stroke and can cause nausea, confusion, and headache (White, 2005). Knowing the temperature of the patient, in this case, can help the nurse to understand how severe the case is and what kind of treatments are appropriate.
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Ethical Issues in Global School Fealth Promotion Nursing Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The author states that the health and working conditions were extremely unhealthy for children, and many fell sick quite often. Epidemics and deaths became frequent in healthcare concerns were out of reach for many. Diseases like tuberculosis spread remarkably fast especially in public schools where children would go after work.
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Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1821 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Some of the vessels used for central line insertion include the aorta, pulmonary artery, superior venacava, inferior venacava, brachiocephalic veins, internal jugular veins, subclavian veins, external iliac veins and common femoral veins (Moe, 2012). In neonates, the central line is the umbilical vessel.
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Quality of Life and Functioning Nursing Essay
9 pages (2364 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Negative perceptions have negative consequences to the health of a dying patient as in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Three strategies that can be used in improving the quality of life of patients suffering from chronic ailments include activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), and active grief and bereavement.
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Nursing Practice in Minnesota Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay discusses licensed practical nurses (LPNs) in Minnesota that administer medication and carryout necessary treatment as prescribed by a physician. They get this specialized knowledge in an approved school that imparts skills of practical nursing; however, that is not as intensive as gained by registered practical nurses (RPNs).
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Educational Mission Statement Nursing Admission/Application Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
It provides the context or framework within which the strategies of a company or organization are formulated. Philosophy refers to the study of general and primary problems or troubles, such as those related to existence, reality, language, reason, mind, value and knowledge.
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Journal Medical Mission in Dominican Republic Nursing Term Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Members of this community are poor, and they earn less than $3 a day. Most adults and children have some basic education. They also have an access to clean drinking water and electricity. We created makeshift exam rooms, mostly in public schools, health centers and churches, where patients had to wait in line for longer hours in order to be examined.
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Combating Compassion Fatigue Nursing Essay
5 pages (1443 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Caregivers engage in a myriad of care-related activities and would thus be expected to show compassion every day in their engagements with patients. In the course of executing their duties, the emotional shifts and giving experienced by caregiving professionals could drain them from focusing on their care for others.
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