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Tourism in the United Arab Emirates Tourism Essay
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Tourism is either already widely established as a major sector of national, regional and local economies in many parts of the world or being actively considered or fostered as a development option in many others. The growth of tourism has invited a significant increase in research and scholarly activities in this field.
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A Semiotic Comparison of Disneyland with Marriotts Great America Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
One major reason why theme parks are absolutely appealing to the public is that because it helps the people in getting a feel of things that are absolutely spectacular, making the experience-even for the time being the beauty of fantasy.  It is truly undeniable that most people come to visit these parks to unwind.
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The Emergence of the Dark or Grief Tourism Phenomenon Tourism Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is now declared as an industry like any other industry. A desire for novelty and difference, the curiosity to remove the myths about exotic places gives tourism a boost. Tourism reflects economic disparities, and can even cause cultural conflicts. Tourism ranges from Jerusalem to Bangkok and shapes politics, creates identities, and manufactures history.
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Feasibility of Hotel to Implement Changes in Strategy Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the strategy of the hotel to cope with the influx of guests is feasible because the hotel has already moved to a system of having multi-skilled works to cope up with the needs the hotel has proved this also by having them call stuff from other hotels and restaurants to the do the job.
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Design a Marketing Plan for a Tourist Attraction Tourism Essay
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author explains that British Museum is one of the famous museums of the world. The museum showcases the art, history, and culture of many races and nations around the world. The museum is located in London. It was established in 1753. From that time, the museum has kept many unique collections and works.
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The Issue of Security in the Country Tourism Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author claims that the issue of security has affected the economic sector of the country. As a result, the government of the country has approached the issue by even employing other security officials including the cabinet secretary of security. This move is aimed at reviving the current issue of security to ensure that tourists can feel safe.
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Investigating Sustainable Tourism Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This discussion talks that small and tightly organized tour companies allow for safe, but intense activities. It is important, however, that the tourism industry in Suriname be expanded and supported through the building of appropriate systems of support that can service the needs of the tourists that the country wishes to attract.
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Economic Impacts of Tourism Tourism Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Tourism for a country brings in the much needed foreign exchange that is welcomed by the government. What it does best is to make the law-makers realize of the tremendous potentials that their country possesses in the wake of tourism and thus an industry of sheer magnitude needs to be in place so that more and more tourists visit each year.
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Tourism of Byron Bay in New South Wales, Australia Tourism Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Tourism is increasingly being considered as one of the leading and largest industries all over the world is focused on building the attractions of the relatively immaculate natural environment on a global basis. According to World Tourism Organization, tourism involves the activities of an individual travelling and staying in outside locations.
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Resident Attitudes towards Gambling tourism in Marcao Tourism Essay
38 pages (9500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the paper, the Portuguese administrators tolerated the gambling practice since they vowed to let the locals as much freedom as possible. Although the islands may be considered under Portuguese rule, China still had much impact on it so that what may be banned in China, have, in some way, forms of adaptation in Macao.
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The Impact of Tourism on Indigenous Communities Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are countless types of tourism, which should be defined before deciding which ones cause the most harm. There are tourists who are merely backpacking tourists who move in with the locals and then go on their way, they do not usually have an environmental or social impact on the surrounding communities (Forsyth 1996).  
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The Use of Social Media on Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprise Tourism Essay
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the paper, High Beeches B&B is regarded as one of the finest and beautiful Edwardian resorts in the Southern Edge of Bath in the United Kingdom. It highly attracts the tourists because of the natural beauty surrounding the resort. The organization also attracts the tourists for its peaceful environment.
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Georgia Recreation and Park Association Tourism Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author explains that the Board of Trustees comprises a team of 34 highly experienced and qualified personnel. In addition, its rolls show a membership 1,600 strong. These members are drawn from public enterprises, private businesses, academia, etc. They also participate in fundraising and technical assistance activities.
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New Tourism Industry- Wine Tourism Tourism Case Study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper gives information that a look towards the sweeping horizon, across surging hills and sloping valleys reveal an increasingly known sight – straight rows of leafy grapevines stretching far into the distance. Nashik in Maharashtra is the largest and most established wine producing areas in India with 30 wineries and...
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Event Planning in Tourism Tourism Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author defines an event as a temporary occurrence that possesses a fixed length of time. An event can be of different types, i.e. planned and unplanned, and the ones that are planned are usually publicized to ensure they get maximum exposure towards the targeted audience. Every event is unique in itself.
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History and Development of W Retreat & Spa Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author states that the target market of W Retreat & Spa is individuals between the ages of 28 and 35. Even though children are allowed in the facility, the retreat has a strict policy of no children below the age of 13. This is due to the layout of the resort. Children below this age might accidentally fall into the Ocean.
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ICT in Tourism and Hospitality Sector Tourism Essay
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper will identify the various applications or innovations of information and communication technology that have been integrated into the mentioned industries and how they have helped in improving operations. Information and communications technology has revolutionized the way organizations conduct their operations in their given industries. 
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Tourist Information: Local Special Events Tourism Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author describes that the first special event is the Field of the battle land of peace of World War 1 that takes place on November 12 every year. The second special event is the Trent to Trenches, annually commemorated on 16 November every year. It is done to commemorate the Great War. It was developed by Nottingham City council.
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Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Tourism Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Starwood group of hotels and resorts stand 8th as per the worldwide hotel ranking 2007 on the basis of rooms. The operations of the group are divided into two main segments being: hotel and vacation ownership and residential operations. However, the main business is from the hotels.
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Thailand the Struggle for Success Tourism Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As far as the globalization of Thailand’s economy is concerned, it dates back to nearly as old as 1960s when the world did just get to know about the definition of globalization. This was possible due to the Thai government’s five year policy regarding the import substitution policy to introduce industrialization in its heavy agrarian economy.
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Wildlife Tourism Tourism Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author states that the viewing of animals takes place in different locations; these include animals’ natural habitat or environment where they live. Tourism involves actions that are termed as non-consumptive, these include taking photographs, looking at the places and observing eating procedures.
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The Commonwealth Games in Glasgow City Tourism Essay
6 pages (1639 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The commonwealth games originally were meant for countries that were under British colonies and were branded the British Empire Games (Harold, 1989). This name was later changed in 1950 after it occurred that the name showed some incidences of colonialism (Black D, 2010). The games attract so many disciplines hence always held in the summer and winter of every sporting year.
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Four Season Hotel in Guangzhou Tourism Thesis Proposal
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Thesis Proposal
The author explains the theory of service quality and customer loyalty and establishes the levels of service quality in food & beverages department in Four Season Hotel Guangzhou, China. Service quality and customer loyalty are directly proportional to each other. The greater the quality of service, the greater would be the loyalty.
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Background of Tourism Industry Tourism Case Study
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
The tourism expenditure is expected to reach US$ 2 trillion. Tour operators in the developed world affect the nature of tourism. The tour operator is an intermediary between the customer and the hotel or the carrier. However, the travel trade, which includes travel agents and the tour operators, is undergoing turbulent times.
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Merging in the UK Package Holiday Market Tourism Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Since the inception of the company, Thomas Cook has been unfailingly serving it's the UK and an overseas pool of travelers with integrated services at par with international standards. Similarly, MyTravel, a UK-based travel agency known erstwhile as Airtours, has also enjoyed a premium status in the global tourism arena.
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Prospects and Practices in Educational Tourism Tourism Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper tells that educational tourism has existed for decades but there is no theoretical framework yet available. It needs specific resources and management to yield desired benefits. Singapore has been aggressively promoting educational tourism as it has world-class educational institutions as well as a government committed to the growth and popularity of educational tourism.
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Serbia Tourism and Events Management compared to Hainan Tourism Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It contributes significantly to both GDP and employment than the largest manufacturing sectors. Moreover, surveys and research find out, economic consequences of tourism are very beneficial. The benefits include effects on income and price elasticity and the economic significances on tourism spending thus the foreign exchange.
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A Tropical Paradise Called Bohol Tourism Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Philippines is home to several tourist destinations.  It has many natural wonders such as the Mayon Volcano, which has an almost-perfect cone shape (  It also has the eighth wonder of the world - a man-made rice terraces called Banaue Rice Terraces, which is a mountainous region built by hand and about 2,000 years ago by the Ifugaos, natives of Banaue in the highlands.
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The Field Trip in Miami Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
One of my hobbies is that I like touring places. I am an adventurous person who keeps on visiting different places to have a first-hand experience of the amazing and fabulous scenes both within and out of Florida. For this reason I, together with my friend Josh, Diana and Caleb, organized for a very elaborate trip in which I traversed Miami.
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Formulating Analyzing & Researching Tourism Policy Tourism Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The developmental philosophy for any new endeavor or enterprise should take into account the legal, ethical, political, social and environmental factors. The Gatwick policy, in this respect, is strongly rooted in the Sustainable Development Strategy of 2000/01 and has put special emphasis on ‘environmentally responsible growth at Gatwick’.
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Health and Spa Tourism Tourism Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the paper the globalization has further, made it easier for the entrepreneurs to encash the vast potential in this new emerging industry. Suddenly the sedate and traditional tourism has ventured into the quarters which were hitherto beyond the boundaries of imagination of the common people.
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San Francisco The Top Three Stops to Make Tourism Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It has an incredible shopping district, the trolley cars, Lombard Street, the piers and any number of other attractions that might prove interesting to the average tourist. Then there are the water activities, exploration of the areas just outside San Francisco, such as visiting the wine country, and the many other things to do in and around the city.
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Tourism Planning Tourism Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
 The economic impacts in the tourism sector immediately ask for grants, loans and stipends to be given to the people who have an indirect or for that matter direct role in the building up of structures, buildings, and pathways – all of which come under the tourist attraction cycle. 
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2012 London Olympic Games Tourism Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the life cycle of this event project was transformed from a three to four-hour event to an elongated strategic project objective that would have a considerable period of growth before meeting ultimate decline. This event became a tangible special project requiring significant reallocation of labour and finance.
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Thoughts and Experiences of a Travelling Tourist Tourism Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine Travelling is something fun and it teaches things that you cannot learn without traveling, Travelling is recommended because it will open your mind to different things like other cultures, religions, and different lifestyle.
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Hotel Revenue Management Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The author states that hotels revenue management implies selling the appropriate room to the best client at the most competitive price on the right supply channel. Hotel rooms are considered as perishable products owing to their limited number. Revenue management will strive to achieve equilibrium of demand.
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The Principles of the Event Tourism: Australia Tourism Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are many activities, which can bring up tourism in any given area. Most nations in today's world are generating their revenues through tourism. This makes it a vital source of revenue for host countries gets a foreign exchange from such tourists. More so, event tourism has been on the increase as it attracts people from every walk of life.
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Tourism Industry Trends Tourism Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In fact, one of the attractive features of Shanghai is because if its size. This is the largest city by population in China, with its population towering above 24 million as evidenced by statistics in 2013. On the other hand, the city is also the largest city proper, under similar considerations. 
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Trip to Las Vegas Tourism Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The male gaze is evident from the very first moments in Vegas as certain members of the male cast begin expressing interest in the allures that Las Vegas has to offer in terms of strippers and adult entertainment. Likewise, this has the causation of creating a rift of jealousy to emerge as a moral panic develops within the minds of the female members.
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Holiday tour proposal: Tanzania Tourism Statistics Project
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
Our holiday tour proposal will be in East Africa, Tanzania – Arusha and Zanzibar. We have decided to choose this location because we believe that our customers will have a great time in Tanzania.
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Thailands tourism industry through Royal Thai Airways Tourism Essay
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The proposed research looks at Thailand’s tourism industry through Royal Thai Airways’ Royal Orchid Plus (ROP) market segment. A study of identity management by a global commercial airline company, RTA offers a critical site of inquiry into the gendered world of business, and in the particular the development of a high wealth, sex tourism industry in one of Southeast Asia’s emergent economies.
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Image-based Advertisement Analysis Tourism Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The message of the advert is very easy to comprehend, considering the fact that it has avoided the application of a lot of textual content, rather choosing to indicate the brand name of the company, ‘Air France’, the advert message ‘France in the Air’ and then the destination, ‘Dakar’.
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Dream Vacation to India Tourism Essay
1 pages (254 words) , Download 22 , Essay
I want to visit India because she is so unlike my country i.e. the USA. The people of India not only look different, but they also speak a different language and are entirely different from us Americans from every aspect. For one, I love the Indian race because of its facial features. I want to explore the diversity of India.
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Heritage tourism - The city Bath Tourism Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The city of Bath has been renowned as a World Heritage Site since 1987; therefore, it attracts million of tourists every year. Since the city of Bath is producing a major chunk of revenues from its tourism industry therefore, a great focus has been given towards the active management of its World Heritage properties.
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Travel and Tourism in Sri Lanka Tourism Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay explains the strategic objectives to be made, to assess the internal and the external factors that affect the organization, the marketing strategies and the marketing mix for the target market, the identification of the target market, a marketing budget for the business and the critical issues that can affect the intended new project.
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Restaurant Management Tourism Outline
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Outline
This outline mostly focuses on describing the concept of the restaurant, it's type and style, discusse some emerging trends in the food service industry these days. It also analyzes restaurant's strengths and weaknesses and calculates the projected financial statements, that are also given in table form.
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Global Recession and Hospitality Management in 4 Star Hotels in Eastbourne Tourism Dissertation
3 pages (1321 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
The aim of this dissertation is; ‘’to explore how 4-star hotels in Eastbourne have strategically responded to the global financial downturn". The global recession which took its toll on various sectors of the economy maximally in 2008 affected the hotel industry in London. As a result of this, hospitality and quality management were compromised, which had an effect on service delivery in this city.
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The Key Providers In Travel And Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
According to a recent IATA bulletin, today’s travel & tourism and aviation industries are among the world’s largest, currently employing more than 200 million people and grossing more than U.S.$ 3.5 trillion annually. An airline or an airway is a system for scheduling air transport of passengers and freight; a business providing a system for scheduled air transport.
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Sustainable Development of Tourism Snowdonia Park Tourism Dissertation
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
This research aims to highlight the importance of sustainability in tourism with a specific focus on the need for involvement of the local community and other stakeholders. It also proposes to develop a charter for sustainable development with active collaboration of local communities in a ‘bottom-up’ plan addressing the initiators of policy on tourism.
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Impact of Internet Usage On the Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Planning a trip is complicated because there are many things a traveller needs to do. The paper will examine and review the role of the Internet as a tool for competitive advantage amongst companies and entities in the tourism industry. It will critique the role of the Internet in the overall tourism industry and how it is inducing a reformation in the industry.
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