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Interview with an LMFT Professional Assignment
5 pages (1273 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
She looked forward to exploiting this academic chance fully. During her psychology course, she did not fully participate for several reasons. However, when she enrolled at Stanford University for the second time to pursue another profession, she looked forward to an educational experience that involved her full participation.
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NCO Experience Review Professional Essay
7 pages (1826 words) , Download 1 , Essay
First, the after-school experience gave them insight regarding the power of soldiers` motivation. Haiti's deployment made them reassess the global mission of an NCO. Further, Iraq and Afghanistan deployments tested their cultural diversity competence, leadership skills, and the ability to learn. They find their ideas and experience to valuable for future NCOs.
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Scientific Approaches Used During The Investigation Professional Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The scene must be safeguarded and fully protected from unauthorized or unnecessary people so that all the physical evidence are not lost, altered, moved, contaminated or destroyed. Other police detectives, including the supervisory personnel, without a genuine reason for being at the crime scene, are regarded as invalid or unauthorized persons.
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Ship and Cargo Types Professional Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
A 3 type of cargo is that special purpose cargo and although they are often shipped all over the world, they are normally quite unusual. This is because special purpose cargo is not part of the traditional types of cargo such as crude oil and other dry goods and it can be considered to be in a category of its own. 
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Do Airplane Mechanics Play the Most Important Role in the Safety of the Aviation Industry Professional Essay
5 pages (1313 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Aircraft mechanics plays a crucial role, the safety of passengers and goods directly depends on the work of technicians, who implement checks and eliminate defects. Maintenance of aircraft consists of regular checks of planes’ technical conditions, which have to be made by airlines in a certain period of time stated in the Maintenance Program of Airlines.
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Third-party Logistics Professional Case Study
5 pages (1561 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The phrase third-party logistics, also abbreviated as 3PL, is referred to as a company that works with shippers to manage their logistics operations (Berglund et al. 1999). Logistics may comprise warehousing, transportation management software, freight rate negotiation, in-depth reporting, forecasting, freight bill auditing, and much more.
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Success and Grit of the Companies Professional Essay
7 pages (1907 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A company's growth and success are not only measured by the popularity, outlook, or feature appeal of the products that the company sells. It is important to note that a company must first establish its brand and product name in the local market before diversifying to other markets internally and regionally. 
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A Distribution Analysis of the Tax Systems Professional Essay
5 pages (1327 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The effective tax rate of approximately twenty percent of the taxpayers who earn the lowest income is arguably more than twice that of the top one percent of the taxpayers. The poor and middle-class populations in America will contribute 10.9 and 9.4 percent of their income as tax (Davis et al. 3). On the other hand, one percent of Americans will pay 5.4 percent of their earnings as tax.
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Police Stress, Discretion, and Responses to Stress Professional Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
When a police officer is performing their contractual obligations, situations may arise where discretion kicks into play. A police officer ought to decide on his actions at a particular moment. When faced with a situation, the police officer has many types of decisions which he or she can draw to use his own “discretion”.
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Customs Procedures Cause Transport Delays in the Gulf Professional Essay
5 pages (1379 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Generally, those factors that can be avoided in order to increase efficiency in transportation problems are supposed to be avoided. This means that not only in the gulf but also in other countries, smooth processes of transport are essential towards the increase and rise of economic growth and development.
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Applying 5S Management Approach to Organizations Professional Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (2015), the concept of 5S aims at achieving leanness in organizations, factories, and the corporate world. It involves taking a number of measures and engaging in certain activities in order to enhance efficiency and increase productivity within organizations.
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Southwest Airlines Co Professional Article
7 pages (1850 words) , Download 1 , Article
Both external and internal business environmental factors are situations or events that take place within the business environment that alters the normal operation of a business in either a positive or a negative manner. The internal environmental factors include all the events that take place within the organization and can thus are under the control of the organization.
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Ballistic Analysis of Crime Scene Professional Case Study
5 pages (1295 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
From the description given it appears that the mentioned “undercover” .38 special revolver had been used in the crime as it was still loaded, as discovered.  To determine this, there should be evidence such as a cartridge case or bullet that should be used for comparison.In carrying out the ballistic forensic examinations in this crime scene, an establishment has to be made that the weapon in question is safe to handle.
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Critical Reflection Professional Personal Statement
11 pages (2961 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
When I started writing a critical reflection, the events that came into my mind were my high school education, my practical life experiences, and experiences during my diplomas. My university studies have been completely different from my prior academic experience. This reflection is an outline of all my experience that I had before university.
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Continuous Professional Development Professional Personal Statement
6 pages (1841 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
From an early age, I have admired and respected the work done and undertaken by coaches or mentors. I especially admired the work done by my high school coach who also doubled as a mentor. Since then, I have undertaken different short courses so as to enhance my mentoring and coaching qualifications.
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Librarians Then and Now Professional Report
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 0 , Report
In another decade or two, it is possible that the librarian will occupy a central position in the global atmosphere owing to the influx of information and resources that will need, sharing, organizing, and preserving among other functions. The librarian is yet to become obsolete and may even be in very high demand in years to come.
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Lifelong Career Development Professional Case Study
12 pages (3602 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Age 7: During this age, I had just school a few years ago and was interested in what was around me. My dad was a businessman, and since my school was nearby, I would visit him more often after school. I would spend time with him in the business and with time I developed so much interest in his business.
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Self-Evaluation of Learning Professional Personal Statement
6 pages (1582 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
In the initial assessments of skills, the author has identified a number of capabilities such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, self-management, planning and organizing, initiative and enterprise, abilities to build positive relationships in life and work, locate and use information effectively and make career-enhancing decisions.
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My Personal Development Plan Portfolio Professional Coursework
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Herein is my PDP that outlines an appraisal of my current learning skills and their significance currently and in the future. According to David Allen of the West of England University (2002), he defines PDP as a structured or laid down and supported process embarked by individuals to reflect upon their learning accomplishments.
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An Information-Gathering Interview to Learn about a Career Professional Assignment
10 pages (2574 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The purpose of brainstorming is to prepare the mind and body for the work ahead. It creates a vivid idea of the tasks to be undertaken. The basic rules of brainstorming include knowing the subject, discussing it in the preparatory phase, and finally correlating each of the tasks to the objectives at hand. 
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Becoming a Civil Engineer in America Professional Essay
6 pages (1760 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For many centuries, engineering was classified either as civil engineering or military engineering. Military engineering dealt with designing and building roads, bridges, and trenches for military purposes, but civil engineering was only about designing and constructing all other public and private buildings. 
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Ethics in Career Counseling Professional Report
14 pages (3596 words) , Download 1 , Report
Ethics dictates that proper and professional ways be followed when the career counselor in performing his/her duties. National Career Development Association (NCDA) is the main body and has formulated a specific ethical code of conduct that is supposed to be followed by all professional career counselors and other parties such as the clients so that services in the professional can be streamlined.
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The Importance of Personal and Professional Development Professional Research Proposal
6 pages (1820 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Personal and professional development (PPD) is defined as the process of setting up aims and goals in life (Throop and Castellucci, 2009, p.105). This is achieved by setting a clear and concise personal and development plan that enables one in identifying the skills he or she requires for his long-term development in life. 
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Work Experience Reflection: Visual Communication Designer Professional Essay
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 1 , Essay
We hold strong potentials that can front us to great victory levels but we fail to stand and face challenges. Opportunities are at our disposal hence if we engage creativity, we can develop superb ideas providing us with individual and societal benefits. Lastly, teamwork is important, which we can utilize to build our productivity. 
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Portfolio: Career and Self Development Professional Essay
6 pages (1833 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I have decent ideas as well as experience upon various software packages like MS-Word, and MS-PowerPoint. I have excellent communication skills and stay always motivated in my job. I have the qualities to work as a team member as well as a team leader. Also, I have fair experience in customer handling and customer service which can be transferable.
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My Learning Development Plan: A Closer Look into My Lifes Objectives Professional Essay
8 pages (2866 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As a child, I am blessed to have lived comfortably in an orderly family and society. Having grown up in the sultanate state of Oman, my childhood is mainly shaped by my faithful adherence to Islam. This means that I believe in God whose proper name is Allah and I live my life in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Qur’an.
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Career Prospects after a Degree in Biomedical Science Professional Assignment
7 pages (2084 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The Health care professional council (HCPC) is a regulatory body that is responsible for setting and maintaining standards of training, performance, and conduct which is required to be followed by biomedical scientists. In order to work as a biomedical scientist, the person first needs to register with HCPC.
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Professional Development of Psychologist Professional Assignment
9 pages (2514 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Individuals with long term conditions (LTC) have increased in the past due to the changing demographics of the populace. The chronic condition is well-defined as a disease of a long period and commonly slow progression.  Long term conditions (LTC) need continuing management and treatment over a period of years or decades. 
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Career Development Plan Summary Professional Essay
7 pages (2057 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The compensation plan that we have discussed previously is fair in that anyone can receive the benefits from the plan. We have put mentoring in place and we have put weekly sales meetings as safeguards so that all employees can equally improve enough to receive the benefits of the compensation plan. 
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Customer Service Issues in Pakistan International Airlines Professional Research Paper
13 pages (3863 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) is the premier airline of Pakistan on which more than 200 million commuters rely for domestic and international travel needs. It was established in 1955 by a charter of the Government of Pakistan and has since expanded its operations from the once-domestic circuit to the international arena too (About PIA, 2009). PIA connects Pakistan to a wider network of cities than any other airline and is thus the choice of most international travelers to and from Pakistan. However, for quite a significant portion of this population, PIA is the selection due to lack of choice rather than by choice.
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Professionalism Professional Assignment
7 pages (1844 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
According to Schwartz (2010), a professional is one who ‘practices a learned profession i.e., one who has special knowledge and skills used to benefit the public, regardless of personal gain. This separates the learned professions from those self-proclaimed “professions” that essentially exchange goods and services’.    
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Development of Physiotherapy Professional Coursework
13 pages (3388 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
I was able to distinguish the roles of each MDT members through efficient communication and collaborative work with them while providing patients with the effective care. The evidence 7: 1 which shows that I was able to communicate well with the MDT and engage the patient in the joint treatment session with another member of MDT supports this.
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Leadership Analysis Paper Professional Article
7 pages (1884 words) , Download 2 , Article
There has been leadership and management revolution experience in almost every organization globally. Ken Blanchard in his book “The One Minute manager” introduced a new method of management using a fictional story of a young executive, Steve who is advised by a magician to own his situations. Cayla advises Steve not to fall victim by teaching him the three principles of self-leadership.
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The Major Changes and Challenges Facing Academic Libraries Professional Essay
10 pages (2880 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The challenges that are faced by these academic libraries with the passage of time are manifolds and much needs to be done to set things right in the proper direction. The support aspect of new users of these academic libraries is also a quintessential aspect and one which needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
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Advanced Professional Development Plan Professional Coursework
10 pages (2712 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The development plan has been undertaken to train me to be a leader and be a mentor or a leader, to be able to manage people, things and situations. I have now learnt to focus on one thing at a time and not leave things half done or give it up mid-way. I owe this to the seminars that I attended and the extensive reading that I did.
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Diversity in Career Counseling Professional Article
6 pages (1549 words) , Download 1 , Article
There are various ways of career counseling. The first method is to take an aptitude test to see which profession is right for the person. After giving the aptitude test he may be surprised to learn that his original career plan does not suit him at all. Nowadays career counseling is flourishing a lot in the whole world; even the trend of career counseling is constructive in the third world or developing countries.
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Personal Development Review Professional Personal Statement
6 pages (1684 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
I think that a placement will also be important to help me develop the ability to work in a multidisciplinary team that deals specifically with the values and principles unique to social work.
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How to Choose a Career Professional Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many times most find themselves stranded whereas others find themselves all the more confused even after hours of research into their career choice. A career, as many of you know, is a profession that one embarks on that determines the social and economic standing in the society.
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Statement of Purpose for Grad School of Economics Professional Personal Statement
6 pages (1580 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
Earlier, economic crises were limited to the spheres/borders of nation-states. But now, economic crises are not limited to the sphere of any nation but are like a chain reaction. One can easily identify that privatization and globalization reduced the scope of nation-states within the international context.
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Five-Year Career Forecast in the Field of Management Professional Report
9 pages (2354 words) , Download 1 , Report
A forecast can also help in evaluating what was done or pursued that would lead in the attainment of career goals and achievement of a satisfying and contented personal life. The forecast will also provide a glimpse of whether the present achievements are in accordance with the preconceived plan or changes should be made. 
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Self Reflection - Progress within the AIS Module Professional Essay
6 pages (1592 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As indicated in the requirements, the self-reflection is designed to take a personal evaluation of how I managed the task and how I worked as an individual. With emphasis to be focused on the learning process, the discourse would hereby highlight the skills learned from various modules, the personal and professional developments. 
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Internship in Energy Sector: The Learnings Professional Scholarship Essay
13 pages (3307 words) , Download 1 , Scholarship Essay
The paper is listed with sub-headings for each of the main activities that I did as part of my internship. As I list down the summary on each page, it is clear that my internship was an educative experience for me. Professionally as well as personally, it was worth the effort, and what was involved was not just the internship part of it, but also the various other associations.  
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Managing Professional Development Professional Essay
15 pages (4359 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Based on my research, I have learned that professional development or professional learning is a continuous process. It does not stop when one gets a certificate or diploma. Moreover, it does not necessarily mean that I have to enroll in another course. There are in-house training, seminars, and activities available in my company. 
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Personality Identification by Fingerprints Professional Essay
7 pages (1932 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Experts frequently start to compare the fingerprints on the scene of the crime, while this should be done in the laboratory. Speaking about the deliberate leaving of the fingerprints of other people on the scene of the crime by evil-doers in order to confuse the investigation is considered only by the authors of detective stories but not by the experts.
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Being a Successful Engineer Professional Coursework
6 pages (1767 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
To be successful an engineer should know what qualities he needs to work independently and also in a team. He will have to complete all pre-requisite degrees, get the license, and then apply for a job or start his own firm. In any case, he needs to have ethical leadership qualities in him and should know the importance of good behavior.
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Community Pharmacy Placement Exercise Professional Assignment
13 pages (3435 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The pharmacy is surrounded by many small shops and businesses servicing the people living in the area. There is a supermarket in the area along with several restaurants and food establishments, a hairdresser, a newsagent, and a bakery shop. People most frequently patronize the supermarket and the food establishments in the area.
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Persuasive Writing Folio Professional Assignment
6 pages (1369 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
I have been an avid reader of your newspaper for quite some time now. The Rural Times’ reporting and integrity in publishing news and other commendable stories helped propelled us into taking the same route. It paved the way for discovering the niche in providing straightforward news that is not limited to the Metro. 
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Marketing Manager Career Professional Coursework
7 pages (1939 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
I am creative in developing new strategies and solutions to problems in the marketing sector. I also like traveling thus I would be comfortable traveling from one place to another to market products and oversee the marketing process. I am a multicultural person thus I can effectively market products in various places with many cultures. 
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Press Conference on Preservation of Environment at Bilby Professional Assignment
6 pages (1140 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
John has started up Bilby Landcare, to raise local interest in returning the area to more native vegetation. That’s the reason why he has launched a campaign against the Bilby Business Association since he feels that their development proposals are a great threat to the environment and ecological balance.
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Introduction to Combustion and Fire Professional Assignment
9 pages (2577 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Fire development is dependent upon the supply of oxygen, and in spaces that are closed or small openings, availability of oxygen is reduced, so that the fire extinguishes by itself due to oxygen starvation, or may burn, but at very slow rates. The size, position and shape of ventilation is an important determinant in fire development. 
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