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Ethics & Morality in the Health Professions
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The medical ethics help the health professional in differentiating between the situations that are right and wrong pertaining to abortion, genetics, newborn screening, organ donation, birth control matters, parental rights, advancements in cloning and life care matters related to the patient.... The ethical code of a health professional helps him or her in deciding whether a certain act or procedure is moral or immoral.... In certain situations, the health professional is also faced by two conditions which are either right or moral to a certain extent and decision has to be made in favor of a situation that is more right....
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What Does Professional Behavior and Being Professional Mean
3 pages (783 words) , Download 102 , Essay
As the paper states, being professional is about maintaining an attitude that is conducive for one's complete involvement in the work.... When a corporate executive behaves in a professional manner, it improves his/her rapport with the clients and conveys a good image of him to the public in general.... professional behavior requires people to be extremely polite and considerate in their mannerisms.... Some executives think that as long as they are controlling the work in such a way that they are meeting the requirements of the strategic planning, they are being professional....
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Managing Professional Development
15 pages (4359 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ack of background in marketing, organisational behaviour and research projects ... Based on my research, I have learned that professional development or professional learning is a continuous process.... ndertake research projects for the HNC /D ... ndertake research projects at work ... ndertake research projects for the HNC /D ... esearch requirement from professor, library materials, online research materials ...
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Peer review of classmates' papers
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Comments: There are just too many grammatical errors in the text to call it a professional writing.... March, Comments: There are just too many grammatical errors in the text to call it a professional writing.... 1 March, 2011.... You have frequently switched off and on between past and present tense....
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Professional Development
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
professional Development (Name) (Institution Affiliate) (Subject) (Tutor) (Date) Introduction Engineering profession involves interacting with people from different background such as fellow workers, clients and legal agents (Baillie and Moore, 2004, p.... By leading my fellow students in school, I have acquired skills to manage contractors and other workers as professional engineer....
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Narrative Competence Is Very Vital for Professionals
4 pages (1136 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For example, when I started the course, I cherished the concept that empirical research is the very basis of scientific enquiry.... airclough, N 2000, ‘Discourse, social theory and social research: The discourse of welfare reform', Journal of Sociolinguistics, vol.... Reflective Practice: Writing and professional Development, SAGE Publications, London. ... arhurst, R 2008, ‘Reflections on reflective learning in professional formation', Studies in the Education of Adults, vol....
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Critique of any qualitative Nursing Reserch Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 7 , Research Paper
As indicated by Marshall & Rossman (2011), in order to build a sold proposal the researchers has to argue that the study has the potential to contribute to theorizing and research, to policy issues and policy making.... Although the paper by Walker et al (2010) intentionally omits the results and discussion on the second objective of the study, it provides and analyzes the research findings concerning the role and function One of the major motivations behind the research conducted by Walker and colleagues (2010) was the absence of predialysis guidelines and educational components that would facilitate and regulate the work and professional development of predialysis nursing in New Zealand....
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Archeology Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the most amazing things about archaeology is that it is an ever-transforming landscape that constantly causes humans to reconsider a majority of the strongly-held notions on the past, as well as the humans who populated it (Morell 3).... Projects such as the Knossos, in.... ... ... , Tutankhamun's tomb, in Egypt, Machu Picchu, in Peru, Sutton Hoo, in England, The Rosetta Stone, in Egypt, the First Emperor tomb, in China and Akrotiri, in Greece, all managed to change the face of archaeology in a couple of ways (Morell 3)....
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American Colonies Political Science Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The colonial rule research helped me identify the major problems Britain was facing while it was governing America.... American Colonies History and Political Science 14-09-11 American Colonies Introduction: The Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland began the colonization of America in the year 1607 in Virginia and soon such colonies were established throughout the entire America....
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Global Implications for the Profession
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research will begin with the statement that the global trend of smart-phones has an impact on every sector.... The researcher of this essay will make an earnest attempt to explore the ways global trend of smart-phones has impacted professional work, viewpoints of professionals towards this trend and the significance of this trend in the professional field.... Smart-phone application as a global trend is very popular among the people, and the trend has very deeply impacted on the professional work....
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Physics Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The objective of this research is to tailor-design TiO2/Al2O3 composite membranes with enhanced photocatalytic activity and nanostructured TiO2 thin films so that they can be used in the treatment of water and wastewater as well as the reuse systems.... This research will do a systematic characterization of the photocatalytic, disinfection, separation, and the anti-biofouling traits of the TiO2 membranes and films.... This research also aims at investigating the effectiveness of the TiO2 materials in the breakdown of creatinine, methylene blue dye, and biological toxins, along with the inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms....
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Nursing, Professional Roles and Values
15 pages (3604 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
A nurse scientist has expert content knowledge and knowledge in specific principles of research and methodology in a specific clinical area.... The primary roles of nurse scientists vary from the provision of leadership in the development, coordination, and the management of research in medical fields, and the provision of mentorship to other nurses in research.... The paper "Nursing, professional Roles and Values" focuses on the critical analysis of the main issues on nursing, professional roles, and values....
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The Collaborative Learning Approach Used in Classrooms
2 pages (554 words) , Download 6 , Essay
I also learned to develop lesson plans and completed five modules which include Introduction to teaching and learning, planning and assessing, applying theory to practice, reflective practice, curriculum, and professional practice.... It helped in the overall professional development as a teacher.... Through this course, I realized the significance of observation and the manner in which it helps in self-reflection and influences the way we teach since it exposes the teachers to new innovative methods of teaching and helps in creating a professional learning environment with the student's best interest in mind....
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Eating Competence Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Satter, in his research, described the efficiency of Satter Eating Competence Model and stated that this model provided the definition for an interconnected continuum of positive eating habits and positive behavior.... Slots and Lohse supported Satter's presentation of ecSatter inventory in their research.... Krall and Lohse present another interesting research in 2010, focusing on eating competence in low-income women.... Krall and Lohse (2010) present another interesting research in 2010, focusing on eating competence in low-income women....
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Unit IV Research Paper Outline
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Environmental stakeholders have realized the necessity of focusing on proper approaches towards environmental management in order to conserve natural resources for future research Paper Outline I.... Methods The research will be carried out using observations and secondary sources containing literature concerning environmental management.... Results Findings from research will be presented using tables, figures, and diagrams....
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Critiqing two of my peers
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he essays strongest arguments are that addiction to the Internet damages the brain, and that it also harms the financial conditions of the society.... The thesis of the author is that the government should not remove the drinking age limit in the country because it can lead to serious harms to the health and welfare of the youth and society....
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Professional Nursing
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
his paper is a critique on a research article written by Ng et al.... The discussion is guided by Colin Rees' (2003) critique framework, which looks into the following parts of the research article: focus of the material, the background presented, the terms of reference, the study design, the data collection method, and ethical considerations.... The theme of the research article is that there is no relationship between isotretinoin or antibiotic/topic treatments and depression and the patient's quality of life....
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Management Accounting Master Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
When the fixed cost for Component X has to be brought down it is charged on Component Y and it increases to cost of Component Y.... It is obvious that it is unethical to allocate the costs of Component X to be charged to the customers of Component Y.... It is also not according to the corporate guidelines in the overhead cost allocation....
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Research paper summary Carrying capacity
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research was conducted to verify the carrying capacity of the ant nest to support the species of the predator.... The paper combines both laboratory and field experiments to Insert Insert Grade Insert research paper summary “Carrying capa Caterpillars of Maculinea butterfly are usually the major predators of the Myrmica ant species in their brooding stage.... This research was conducted to verify the carrying capacity of the ant nest to support the species of the predator....
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Professional Career Path for Accountant
4 pages (1128 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is a better body because it evaluates its syllabus after four or five years through a comprehensive research and consultation program so as to make sure that the current business needs are reflected.... The paper "professional Career Path for Accountant" asserts finance accountants should always go the ACCA way and those that want to focus on management should choose the CIMA way.... CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) is a body that offers professional training in accountancy management....
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Locate aggression research paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The observational method used in conducting this research is the.... The observational method used in conducting this research is the archival method in which the authors relied on existing data to carry out their study.... One of the major strengths of this research is that the findings reported are based on actual researches on this topic.... This helps to show the different trends and variations in the different studies, and this offers more information on the research topic....
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Reseach Paper proposal
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
y including the workstation in machining industry begins a huge upset, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) this is non-stop innovation which is gotten unrest all mother Benefit of Computer in Manufacturing Assignment 2- research Paper Proposal Edmond Nikoghossian California of Los Angles TECH 305 The Computer workstation is a standout amongst the most striking enhancement that happen for Human history....
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Contemporary Therapeutic Relationship for a Professional Practitioner
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Theory and research on the therapeutic working alliance: New directions.... 47) “the client's inductive understanding of self and the world are more important than the helper's deductive understandings (from theory, research, and practice) about the client.... , The working alliance: Theory, research and practice (pp.... In the essay 'Contemporary Therapeutic Relationship for a professional Practitioner,' the author analyzes the five components of effective nurse-client relationships, which have been identified as 'trust, respect, professional intimacy, empathy, and power'....
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NHS Professionals
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
With the help of these prospects, it facilitates to create a balance between personal and professional lives of an individual.... Moreover, the medical related individuals are also interested to work with NHS as it provides entire supports to both personal and professional lives, which facilitates in fulfilment of the career goals and objectives....
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Position Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is notably difficult to single out one problem or issue as the cause of the problem.... However, four basic problems have seriously damaged the Californian education system; lack of commitment, policy.... ... ... One of the biggest questions that the American education faces is "can it be done?...
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Critical Review of Research Papers in Nursing
8 pages (2120 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Critical Review of research paper Reconstructing the argument Richard Swift has embarked on a global political journey that transcends the boundaries of nation states & ultimately speaks of state sponsored militarization in the crudest of forms in his research article, “State of Fear; The Global Attack on Rights”....
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Single client/systems research paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
A person suffering from crisis experiences a combination of different health problems such as depression, bi-polar syndrome, anxiety, and addiction to substance abuse among many others.... Such a patient loses hope in life and manifests suicidal thoughts.... Crisis intervention is an.... ... ... This paper seeks to present an analysis of the intervention process of patients suffering from crisis and the effects of the intervention process on the health of the patients....
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Teachers' Professional Lives
3 pages (966 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the essay 'Teachers' professional Lives' the author focuses on the teaching profession, which requires unique skills and knowledge in order to educate people and help students acquire new knowledge and professional skills; education represents a unique educational environment for children and teens.... Strict moral and ethical principles are important for teaching philosophy because they help professionals understand and develop unique professional skills and principles of education....
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Professional Perspectives in the Care of the Older Person
12 pages (3509 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "professional Perspectives in the Care of the Older Person" is a brilliant example of a term paper on nursing.... The paper "professional Perspectives in the Care of the Older Person" is a brilliant example of a term paper on nursing.... professional Perspectives in the Care of the Older Person ... This assessment provides professional perspective necessary for care of people in this particular age group.... This is due to briefs from every professional who handles the patient....
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Research paper on Masaaki Suzuki
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Suzuki was also a national patron of Delta Omicron, an international professional music fraternity.... His Methodologies He explained that he does not train children who are prodigies, neither are they gifted with an inherent talent nor their parents are professional musicians....
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Historical Development of Professional Associations
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
is involved in providing information and research to various disciplines that contribute to the resolution of contemporary public health issues and concerns.... The former sections are focused on the major health disciplines or public health programs wherein the members of each section are allowed to convene to develop scientific program content, policy papers in their areas of interest or fields of practice, provide for professional and social networking, career development and mentoring....
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Critically Exploring Professional Practice
12 pages (3451 words) , Download 1 , Essay
However, a limited proficiency in English language, ‘still-to-be-polished' research skills, as well as under-developed leadership and management skills are some of the weaknesses I have identified.... Mantzoukas and Watkinson (2007) study found out that the generic features in ANP include use of knowledge in practice, critical thinking and analytical skills, clinical judgement and decision-making skills, professional leadership and clinical inquiry, coaching and mentoring skills, research skills and changing of practice....
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The Role and Importance of Professional Associations
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
fter carrying out the research and analyzing data, the results were recorded and used to establish a strong foundation for enhancing skills development through professional association.... Skills training in research degree programmes: politics and practice.... The author of this essay under the title "The Role and Importance of professional Associations" mainly focuses on the benefits that students gain from learning in a professional context outside the learning institutions while taking their studies....
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Ethics and Legal Professionals
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to the provisions of the code of conduct for legal professional, any legal professional handling a case before a court of law is prohibited from engaging in any form of discussion regarding the case with any side of the case, outside the courtroom (Beauchamp, Arnold & Bowie, 2009)....
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Professional Portfolio: Examining Projections of the Professional Identity
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This has According to many experts, some of the critical qualities required in my future professional career field include multi tasking abilities, good communication skills, visionary business insight, patience and optimism (Spiro and Rich 134).... This paper critically examines the key professional qualities and attributes of successful sales managers in the increasingly globalized society.... ne of the most important professional qualities for sales mangers is mental agility and ability to multitask....
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How to Write a Great Research Paper
11 pages (3118 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
ow to Write research papers.... Though, this case some key elements in the research are missing such as introduction, implications, limitations and research hypothesis.... This research proposal "How to Write a Great research Paper" discusses the inclusive context for the author's arguments hence attracting the reader's attention.... A good introduction is very much important in any research paper since it gives the reader an overview of the thesis as well as the article in brief....
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Understanding Prewriting Techniques in Essay Writing
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research is one of the major prerequisites for this subject.... hen done with the research or the exploration stage, writing experts suggest that the writer should make the purpose of writing on a particular subject clear from the very start.... In the paper 'Understanding Prewriting Techniques in Essay Writing' the author explains different techniques on how to effectively do an essay....
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Career Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Instructor Course Date Career Exploration: Conductor of Symphony Orchestra Among the occupations, that I regard highly is that of performers in symphony orchestra.... I have always admired how the performers are able to combine sounds from the different musical instruments to bring out the sweet music....
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The Military Art Reseach Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The Military Art The nature and tactics of war have been in a state of evolution for centuries and these variations in the nature of war are quite evident in the history of war.... Throughout mankind's history, civilizations have been switching between total and limited war.... ... ... ... Total war is a conflict in which the belligerents deploy and mobilize all possible resources, while Limited war is one in which the belligerent does not fully deploy or expend all of the available resources....
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Research paper from Supply Chain
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The objective of this research is to identify the obstacles to good supply chain management in Singapore and to suggest possible remedies.... In the present global context customers have become exposed to products sold across the counter sourced from all over the world.... The supermarket culture has pervaded all....
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Improving Productivity through Professional Associations
8 pages (2200 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Improving Productivity through professional Associations" states that the professional organization promises to provide services ranging from business technology, sustainability, organization, training, technical behaviors and interpersonal skills.... Improving Productivity Through professional Associations Management user [Pick the Productivity is considered to be of primary importance in the emerging cooperate world of today whether it be individual or collective....
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Professional development and the role of mentorship
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It also equips them with personal and professional competencies so that they are able to deliver the expected outcome with higher efficiency.... It also equips them with personal and professional competencies so that they are able to deliver the expected outcome with higher efficiency.... But most importantly, the moral and ethical considerations become hugely vital factors while applying the accrued knowledge within and across one's personal and professional life....
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Research and Anaylsis Paper
6 pages (1609 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "research and Anaylsis Paper" tells us about Amy Tan's captivating novel, The Joy Luck Club.... research and Analysis Paper Introduction The love between mothers and daughters is a sacred sort of love that will never become surpassed on the same type of intimate level....
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Summary of a research paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
[Instructor Name] Summary of research Paper A journal article published in the Journal of Finance that has been selected for review in this paper is titled “Are Stocks Really Less Volatile in the Long Run?... The reason for selecting this research document for review is the common understanding that investments in stock do yield stable returns in the long run as compared to the short run.... It is suggested in the research article that investors are not able to observe the variances and instead they rely on historical data of returns to predict future returns....
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Role of HR Professionals as Business Partners
11 pages (3324 words) , Download 3 , Essay
International Review of Business research papers, 4(5), pp.... Advanced research, 12(1), pp.... The firms also have to ensure that the desired objectives are successfully achieved by communicating the right messages to the entire workforce which is possible only by an effective and efficient HR professional (Ress & Edwards, 2009).... There is an increased emphasis on cost reduction measures and the latest technology has given rise to the outsourcing of HR professional services....
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Methodology of Writing a Persuasive Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Writing persuasive essays is not difficult at all.... Writing persuasive essays is not difficult at all because I believe that simple and appropriate use of the vocabulary is more important than focusing on various arguments.... The goal of the present assignment "Methodology of Writing a Persuasive Essay" is to briefly discuss how to approach the writing of a persuasive essay....
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Personal and Professional Development
12 pages (3107 words) , Download 0 , Essay
British educational research journal, 32(4), pp.... The paper "Personal and professional Development" discusses that one must recognize the professional standards needed to ensure that one recognizes their weaknesses and strengths and how they support one in attaining the skills needed by my career path requirements.... The report is intended to present my path to professional and personal lifelong development.... Personal and professional Development ...
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Witchcraft Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are many myths related to witchcraft, this paper will shed more light upon some of the misconceptions about witchcraft.... Different people react differently when they hear the word “witchcraft”, Halloween is arguably the first thing which comes to mind when witchcraft is being talked about....
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Construction Professional Services
7 pages (2167 words) , Download 2 , Essay
good amount of research and expansion of knowledge base for a foreign company like from UK can be a value in terms of doing business.... ujita research.... This essay "Construction professional Services" contains material that explores the opportunities in Bulgaria, one of the member states of the European Union for doing the business of construction professional services, from a United Kingdom firm's perspective.... CONSTRUCTION professional SERVICES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN GERMANY INTRODUCTION The construction market in Europe is both large and complex....
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Cancer Treatment Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research Aim The financial cost of treatment varies according to the degree of treatment required and the goal of the research to be conducted is to determine whether price differentials have an effect in morbidity and mortality in cancer treatment.... Cancer is defined to be a group of diseases wherein cells become malignant, multiply abnormally and destroy normal cells in the process....
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