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The Assessment of Child Health-Related Behavior Nursing Assignment
7 pages (1926 words) , Download 7 , Assignment
The objectives for the participants are to define healthy food with some examples, Identify food groups, report the importance of starting their day with healthy meals, and provide a handout with full healthy food information to kids’ families as well and Differentiate between healthy and junk food; individually and as a group.
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Abortion due to rape or/and incest Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Rape entails sexual assault involving sexual intercourse, which is started by an individual against another with no the consent of that other person. Rape can happen to both men and women. However, rape on women attracts significant and heated debate around the globe due to chances of a woman getting pregnant as a result of rape.
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Review of the Literature Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Following the widespread computerization of health records, as well as information sources such as health human resources data and health information technology, health information technology and health informatics are becoming increasingly common in the management practices of health information within the health care sector.
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Nurse Political Leader Nursing Speech or Presentation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
Among other notable bills and topical issues, she has been known to propose and support in her tenure in senate the ban of high capacity magazines in response to the tragedy where many children were shot in a classroom shoots out. Having had a previous experience in nursing profession of over thirty years, she has been an icon in politician medical practitioners in the history of the US having served as a representative in the congress for three terms and the form one being the current tenure.
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Four hours in my lai Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Army in an attempt to imposed capitalism to the communist bent North Vietnam (Bilton & Sim, 1992). This massacre was spurred by the anger of the many American soldiers who were supposed to protect Vietnamese people from the injustice and inhumanness of the communist ways which was rampant at that time.
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Community Outreach Program Nursing Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The hospital has a reputation of providing high quality medical care and must ensure that the methods used meets the compliance requirements of The New York State Department of Health. Coney Island Hospital is committed to providing quality care with compassion and dignity to all patients in the community by offering accessible, efficient and cost effective services.
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Nursing in Partnership with Faith Based Parish Nurses Nursing Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Based on this research, faith based communities have to maintain their faith and strengthen their system of beliefs. This extends to the parish nurses who have a role in strengthening their faith. As such, the nurses have an important role in maintaining the faith of their community at all times. This is an indulging task that is based on their activities, interaction and in their service provision.
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Impact of Nursing Philosophies on One's Beliefs and Views Nursing Essay
6 pages (1827 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of the following paper is of the view that the idea behind the nursing philosophy is to try to harmonize the various perceptions of individuals so that we can come up with unified approaches that focus on possible health care services to all people, prevention of diseases, and illness management. 
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Bedside reporting in nursing care Nursing Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 7 , Assignment
In order to study this project, Family and Patient Centered Care was the model used, particularly in the effort to improve communication, as well as care, to the families and patients (Kerr, 2002). This research will investigate various aspects of care centered on the patient and family, especially the initiation of bedside reporting and the problems faced by the patients and nurses.
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Critique of Performance Evaluation: Nurse Navigator Nursing Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
“During the appraisal process, employees become aware of any performance deficiencies they may have and are informed of what they must do to improve their performance and thus become promotable,” (Grobler, 2006, p. 11). As such, this paper seeks to critique the performance evaluation for the position of nurse navigator.
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Diabetes Management in General Practice Nursing Essay
3 pages (984 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Some of the perceptions that the community has upheld include, eating too much sugar causes diabetes, and diabetes is not a very serious disease, people with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods, and obesity or overweight ultimately results to be diabetes. All these myths have some foundation but research has dispelled some of these notions (American Diabetes Association, 2013).
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Allocation of resources Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
A project is a unique set of interrelated activities geared to a common goal of organizational success. A project must be completed within a given time frame and the results evaluated by the observing team. In project planning and management, a strategy is the key factor to success of the given project.
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The Use of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Nursing Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In nursing the utilisation of evidence- based practice is founded on the notion that medical practices have to be generated and tailored according to a constant succession of research findings such as theories and evidence.
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Nursing assigment: Organizational culture; Nurse and health care; Leadership and culture Nursing Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Organizational culture relates to the practices and behaviors of an organization which is customarily practiced by an institution or corporation in the performance of duties to achieve shared values, goals and vision. This is reflected too in the medical practices, among nurses, whose education and training focused and nurtured them to provide health care to patients.
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Nutrition and Illness Issue in Global Context Nursing Research Paper
13 pages (3400 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The international consultation on nutrition and health did recognize that, firstly, there is a growing trend in the epidemic of many chronic diseases that keep afflicting the international community, and, secondly, these epidemics are linked to poor nutrition, dietary issues, as well as the changing lifestyles people take up in many countries around the world.
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All They Said Was My Kidneys Were Dead Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1813 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The journal featured in the ERA ranking from 2009. It can, therefore, be said to be highly regarded among numerous published journals. The authors of the report can be identified as professionals in the field. Kate and Jeannie are research fellows at the George Institute for International Health, Sydney, NSW. Cunningham works at Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, NT.  
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Hindu Marriage Customs and Beliefs Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1564 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Hinduism considers marriage or vivah as a sacred relationship between two individuals. This relationship does not end with life. The relationship sustains for seven lives an individual gains. In each of these lives, the couple makes spiritual progress with each other’s help. Hinduism supports the cliché that marriages are decided in heaven.
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Critical Appraisal on the Model of Impaired Sleep Nursing Research Paper
7 pages (2344 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The 60-minute education component of the FCMPN included information about fatigue, sleep, and circadian rhythms: neurobehavioral and health effects associated with sleep loss or deprivation; and misconceptions about sleepiness. Strategies for managing alertness, minimizing fatigue, and maximizing sleep duration and quality were highlighted.
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How Victims of Crime are Revictimized by Society Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
A victim who is involved in a drug transaction would be considered vulnerable, for putting himself into that situation.  While this is an understandable example of blaming the victim, other categories are less understandable.  Women rape victims and victims of domestic violence are typically blamed for the crime. 
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Connecting my teaching style with what adult leraners need to know Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Based on personal experience as a student, an effective teacher is first of all one who manages to bring across a type of teaching that strategically enables ease of comprehension among the majority of learners. As a flexible educator to a learning adult, an effective teacher makes it a point to improvise tools or innovate techniques which are sensitive to the needs of each student especially when it comes to targeting personal growth in terms of enhanced potentials and increased level of self-worth.
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Cooper Clinical Medical Directors Guide to all the Healing Benefits of Exercise Nursing Book Report/Review
3 pages (779 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The book titled ‘Move Yourself: The Cooper Clinic Medical Director’s Guide to all the healing benefits of Exercise’ by Ted Mitchell is a unique source that advises readers on the importance of eating healthy and following an active exercise pattern. After reading this book, I am totally convinced of the importance of working out regularly using the right mix of exercises (Mitchell, 2008).
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Tissue Viability Nursing Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Still, I have focused my attention on the incident from my own practice. I have been working in a nursing home with elderly people. A complicated nature of tissue viability can be explained by the complex treatment it involves: “general surgery, vascular surgery, dermatology, care of older people, pediatrics, orthopedics, and diabetology” (Ebersolle and Hess, 1998).
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Asthma and Pathophisiological Template Case Study Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Case Study Regarding Asthma and a Pathophysiological Template Structural and Functional Changes in Asthma Asthma is a heterogeneous disease process referring to a symptom, an exacerbation or attack, or underlying diseases of the airway characterize by episodic airways inflammation, airways hyperresponsiveness, and mucous hypersecretion (Harver& Kotses, 2010, 19).
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The Stress and Anxiety before Surgery Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1662 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Some people prefer to hold conversations with people and discuss their worries and concerns, while others practice breathing exercises and other relaxation methods. Some people approach it spiritually as they connect with God to make things easier. People with much anxiety and stress can be given anti-anxiety medications before going to sleep.
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Practical Skill and Techniques of Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation Nursing Essay
6 pages (1702 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Peripheral intravenous cannulation is the ability to obtain peripheral intravenous access to the body. It is a very important clinical skill for most clinical medical professionals. It is considered one of the simple procedures, however, mastering this procedure requires a great deal of refining of skills and experience. 
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Windshield survey of Los Angeles California Nursing Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 7 , Assignment
Windshield survey of Los Angeles California. A community is defined as people who reside within the same demographic location. The people in the same community usually face the same predicaments in terms of governance and other social issues. Community health refers to the initiative within public health which objectively aims to promote the welfare of the community in terms of health.
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Nursing Homes and Assisted Livings for Elderly Nursing Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The population of adults over age 65 is expected to more than double by the year 2050, and the population over age 85 is growing the fastest. Reliance on long-term care (LTC) is increasing, and concern over the quality of life of those living in LTC is mounting
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Lesson Planning: Needs Assessment and Learning Objectives Nursing Essay
5 pages (1555 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The invitation to attend the lesson may be coursed through the local government, who in turn will identify the attendees and will give invitations for parents to attend. The invitation should mention the opportunity for parents to learn strategies to help their children cope with the problem of obesity. 
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Safe Injecting Facilities Nursing Term Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Introduction Safe injecting sites are an approach to harm reduction in which people can go to a safe place to inject drugs and connect with a variety of services. "Safe injection" remains controversial, as people question whether this is the right approach to tackling the problem of drug use in communities.
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Practical Dementia Care Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
This research tells that in Mrs. Archer’s case, her nutrition and safety are of greatest priority yet her social, emotional and spiritual needs must never be neglected. Especially those suffering from cognitive impairment, most of the time lacks self-esteem and autonomy in any intervention, one must be sensitive enough to act and speak with them as individuals with dignity and independence.
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Heart Disease in low income geographical area Nursing Research Paper
9 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is evident from the study that most of the low-income groups are at stake mainly because either they have no facilities at their disposal, or they are not thoroughly aware of the factors that may lead to the problem along with recognizing the initial symptoms. However, secondary research revealed that there are various other factors too which lead to heart problems in low-income groups.
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Ethics Research in Modern History Nursing Essay
7 pages (1972 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The term ‘ethics’ is from ‘ethos’, which is a Greek word for character or custom. Ethics is contrasted with the term morality which frequently relates to how the way a person was raised and the values learned from the culture, parents, or religion. Ethics refers to the systematic study of the basis of a right or wrong decision.
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Nurses' Responsibility in the Prevention of medications errors Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the situations occurs when the nurses engage in duty shifts. Errors are \unintentional lapses on the part of the nursing staff. The nurse administrators must do their share to eliminate medication errors (Kalra, 2011). There are corrective activities remedies needed to reduce the frequency and effects of medication errors.
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Personal experience at a community healthcare facility Nursing Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Reflective essay on personal experience at a community healthcare facility Name Course University/College Lecturer Date Introduction Feeding the elderly patients at St. Cecilia Nursing Home (fictitious name) was one encounter like none other. It shaped my attitude and feelings about the nursing profession.
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Nursing shortages and Obamacare Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A soon-to-retire and aging population of workers in the nursing profession, and a maturing baby boomer numbers with increasing health requirements are combining to develop a condition of enhanced demand for professional nurses and less supply of qualified nurses (Mitchell, 2003).
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The Unconscious Patient Nursing Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Unconsciousness can be prevalent to any person who has a sense of smell. Extreme levels of drinking can cause unconsciousness, through shutting down some parts of a person’s brain that control his breathing.
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Applying Theory to a Practice Problem of Nursing Nursing Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Nursing is considered by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as the “protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities; the prevention of illness and injury; the alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human responses; and the advocacy in health care for individuals, families, communities, and populations” .
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The Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Anxiety and Depression among Nursing Home Patients Nursing Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
 Previous research evidenced this Animal Assisted Therapy is successful to treat depression, mental disorders, anxiety and other mood disorders. Both children and adults are benefitted by this therapy and therefore patients at nursing homes, hospitals and mental institutions are treated using AAT or Pet Therapy. 
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Business Plan to Nursing Proposal Nursing Essay
13 pages (3555 words) , Download 3 , Essay
System analysis and design are needed for this particular project to ensure that the entire proposed project is viable and that it can be economically viable. The economic impact is also included in this proposal with tables and graphs that show how the costs and benefits of Meta vision for critical care will have an effect on the company.
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Reflective Journal: the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Nursing Essay
11 pages (2858 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The introductory parts of this lesson were important in the sense that it provides some insight into some of the common factors that affect the access to good healthcare by minority groups. Cultural factors, disparities in resource distribution, and low-income status are some of the issues that afflict the lives of these groups.
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Forced Medication in Mental Health in Canada Nursing Essay
12 pages (3577 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Ethical codes usually require free will or constraint on the part of clients only when a threat is probable and imminent. Other scholars firmly oppose this observed contradiction between nursing principles and involuntary treatment; they refer to the right of clients to treatment, not only his/their right to say no to medication.
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Mother and Teenager Daughter Fight Constantly Nursing Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
For a high percentage of adolescents (37% in the younger group and 62% in the older), grandparents are adults to whom life problems and secrets can be entrusted. Such conversations seem to be gratifying and helpful for the adolescents and lend additional significance to their relationships with grandparents.
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Leadership Styles in Professional Nursing Nursing Dissertation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 7 , Dissertation
Head nurses are particularly responsible for having a leaderships style that works will with people because how they lead will determine whether other nurses improve their performance. The literature does not support that there are specific learning styles for nurses.
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Everyone Should Have a Concealed Handgun Carry Permit Nursing Research Paper
9 pages (2436 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The public places are the interests of the assaults. The places like markets, coffee shops, meeting places, and even schools and colleges. A person decided to cause wide causalities to open fire at these places. If such an incident happens at these places the public becomes a bit confused about what to do next.
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Homeland Security Preparedness Model Nursing Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Emergency Officer will be responsible for communication of any information or recommendations about proposed changes in the emergency preparedness policy. The Safety Officer will see that proposed changes are implemented as specified.
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Unnecessary Spending in the US Governmentt Nursing Research Paper
6 pages (1834 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In relation to health, Congress has also refused to implement recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services (p. 2). The department recommends management adjustments on hospice care and on conditions of participation -- recommendations that the federal government has yet to implement.
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Critical Review of Research Papers in Nursing Nursing Research Paper
8 pages (2120 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The entire critique is clustered with incidents handpicked from different zones of the globe which have been severely affected by military aggression. Swift deciphers a bloody past & future of mankind which has been (& will be) ravaged by the aggression & inhumanity of the ruling elite.
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Differences in competencies Nursing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
However, this does not denote that all of them are equally prepared for practice. There exists differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the baccalaureate-degree level in nursing and those prepared at the associate-degree level as a result of differences in their educational preparation.
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The Current Health Status of Aboriginal Australian Population Nursing Essay
6 pages (1851 words) , Download 8 , Essay
As stated in the National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Party report, health to Aboriginal peoples is a matter of determining all aspects of their life, including control over the physical environment. It is not merely a matter of the provision of doctors, hospitals, medicines, or the absence of disease and incapacity.
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Management of a Chronic Wound in an Elderly Female Patient with Diabetes Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (747 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In addition, interventions in terms of protocol to implement, treatment area, ultrasound frequency, intensity, and duration, and frequency of treatments must also be addressed to rule out and draw a clear description of the cause of ulcer reduction. A critical analysis of both the systematic reviews and individual trials was recommended by the author to determine best practices.
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