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Business Plan

Business Plan is one of the most popular assignments among students papers. If you got stuck with writing or lack of ideas, scroll down and find inspiration in best samples we collected for you!
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About Business Plan

The academic year has different writing assignments. While most of them are met with inevitable cold and irritation, there is one exception. A business plan paper considers being one of the most anticipated assignments during the year that causes excitement among the students simply because it makes them feel like entrepreneurs. It is even a crucial first step for some last-year undergraduates as they begin to consider opening their own company or introducing new products to the market.

Writing an essay about business that you want to launch is exhilarating. However, nothing is that simple because you need to overcome some obstacles. Let us consider them closely.

Difficulties of Business Plan Paper

Coming up with a strong business plan that will fetch investors and raise start capital is a true challenge. Let's consider the difficulties that you need to fight:

  • Featuring unrealistic goals.
  • Doctoring up the current situation with the company.
  • Going for an overly optimistic plan.
  • Not defining critical sections of the project.
  • Not doing thorough research of the target audience, competition, and niche.
  • Hiding your weaknesses.
  • Display too much irrelevant information.
  • Not using proper words, thereby sounding juvenile.
  • Being inconsistent with goals, mission, and plan of action.
  • Not addressing your financing plan.
  • Not getting your vision on the paper.
  • Not setting the right first target.
  • Glazing over spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

Business Plan Examples for Students: Top 7 Elements to Include

Business plan examples for students offer lots of benefits. They are a reliable source of inspiration that helps overcome writing blocks and gives undergraduates a much-needed boost to kick start their projects.

They demonstrate how to structure the information by dividing it into bite-sized portions, forming a logical structure, and creating an enjoyable reading experience. On top of that, they serve as a background to build a strategic planning essay covering seven crucial elements that all investors are looking forward to hearing. Let us consider them closely since they should underlie every business plan essay:

  • Company description. It provides in-depth information about your small local firm or brand-new digital startup. It should hint about the competitive advantage, potential customers, and potential marketplace spot you want to occupy. It should also feature the official company formation.
  • Executive summary. It is all about creating the impression that counts and giving your future company a dramatic entrance. It is here where you need to impress your investors. It should reveal the strengths of your venture and hints about products or services that are going to meet the demands of the market. As a rule, this section of the essay example free on strategic planning includes such components as the mission statement, ultimate goals, founders and their backgrounds, financial possibilities, product description, capital, and financial state.

Note that it is highly recommended to put an executive summary at the beginning of the business plan narrative. However, it is not necessary. It goes perfectly fine after the company description.

  • Company's organization. It reveals the company's organizational structure, including owners and their responsibilities. Use visual instruments like graphs and charts to represent this information. If you are going to hire employees, it is the section to reveal your tactics concerning a pool of talents as well.
  • Market analysis. It goes into a depth description of the market. This section of your relatively small business essay should prove to potential investors that you are perfectly aware of the target audience's needs, preferences, and expectations. On top of that, you need to show your expertise in this niche. Why will your company get its place under the Sun? What demands are you planning to meet? Reveal your pricing formation and list the advantages of your company that help to fight the competition.
  • Product or Service. It unveils the real beauty hidden inside your main product or service. It should describe the product's specific benefits and how it stands out from the crowd. Include critical features of your service and its competitive advantage.
  • This section of the narrative business plan is all about strategic growth and how you will achieve your short and long-term goals. It should include tactics and a plan of action to branch out and prolong the company’s lifetime. If you want to franchise, you need to mention it here as well. Also, this section is excellent for sharing your thoughts about marketing campaigns across various distribution channels, including email marketing and social media.
  • If you introduce "starting a business essay," it is normal to discuss only hypothetical numbers. However, if you are already running your local firm, you may give some exact numbers to demonstrate the progress towards the ultimate goal. This section should also reveal the prospective financial information that provides investors with food for thought.

To sum up, the essential business essay format should look like this:

  • Executive summary.
  • Company introduction.
  • Company's organization.
  • Market analysis.
  • Product/service description.
  • Marketing plan.

Finally, you might include such sections as business leadership, strategic partnership, legal form, distribution channels, chances and risks, and business coordination.

How to Benefit from Business Essay Example?

A business essay example is a great instrument to push your assignment forward. As we have already pointed out, it has much helpful information inside. For instance, it demonstrates the proper structure and format. It also serves as a business plans template that you can use as a foundation.

In addition, while surfing through the library of marketing plan essays, you may get familiar with some popular and unique topics for a business plan that you might include to reinforce your presentation. For instance, consider these topics and questions:

  • What will be a future trend in your niche?
  • Who are your competitors, and how can you separate your business from them?
  • What are potential packaging plans?
  • What is a timeline for your solution?
  • What is a deadline for your ultimate goal?
  • What is your target market share?
  • List the supportive evidence for the sales model of your company.
  • Demonstrate the gap between the company's today and future situations.

In a word, business essay example is beneficial in many respects. So, how to make the most out of it? Follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Locate business papers made in your and adjacent niches.
  • Step 2- Choose two to three samples that meet your company's description, mission, and, most importantly, goals.
  • Step 3 – Familiarize yourself with the papers to gather as much information as possible.
  • Step 4 – Pick the one to use as a template.
  • Step 5 – Populate it with your information to create a good outline.
  • Step 6 – Use a business plan outline to create the first draft of your plan of action.
  • Step 7 – Take this draft and revise it several times to make it fit your company's idea and vision.

Examples List on Business Plan

1 - 25 results of 453 items
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