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These films bring to light the dangers of totalitarianism. That is, if totalitarianism is left to flourish unchecked it is bound to result in such a society. The films have shown the effects of psychological and physical manipulation on society, that is, all the regimes barraged their citizens with psychological stimuli.
They thus produced excellent performances. The movie casts six criminals who are unfamiliar with each other and are employed by a master planner Joe Cabot to execute a diamond robbery (Berardinelli, "Reservoir Dogs"). They are nicknamed from the onset of the movie with the intention of having them concentrate on their appointment.
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, Research Paper
Q.1 Compare and/or contrast the style and philosophies found in William Morris’ and Walter Gropius’ approach to design. Use specific works/ideas to demonstrate your meanings. Answer: WILLIAM MORRIS “less is never more” Morris, an English textile designer, artist, song writer was a major influence in the revival of textile art and methods of production and interior decor.
Do we have the right to justify terrorism? Do we have the right to empathize with terrorists? What is our own responsibility in preventing crimes and attacks? All these questions arise after watching “Paradise Now”. Additionally, it is hard to decide whether it is paradise, or apocalypse.
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, Book Report/Review
This is the same case that is being portrayed in the play waiting for Godot. This is the major theme that revolves around the play. This particular play majorly centers on two main characters, that is Estragon and Vladimir as they wait anxiously for hope which should come through Godot.
With Lysistrata leading the group of the Greek women, she organized a forum where all the Greek women would converge to proffer possible solutions that would restore peace and end the long raging war. Her plan was to use the sex drive of the women to force their husbands into a treaty that would put an end to the war.
What started from a mound for dead people built out of clay developed into a science form capable of building huge temples which withstand the test of time till date. The temples of ancient Greece are as marvellous as the modern contemporary structures build using the latest technologies. The old-world charm and the magnificence.
The design should be in that it reduces exposure time and intensity of the light. However, this can also be prevented by placing an object in dark storage cases as is the practice of most museums. Light-sensitive objects should not be displayed near windows and also for the visitor’s sake, gradually step downlighting from the entrance.
The femme fatale is one of the key components observed in film noir. Similar to the genre of film noir, the concept of ‘femme fatal does not require strict descriptions. She is an indefinite character who is different from every film. She has been the focus of numerous scholarly attempts about the sexual distinction (Kaplan, 1998).
Weeping Woman 1883 by Vincent Van Gogh.
Vincent Van Gogh was born in the 1853 by his mother Anna Cornelia Carbentus and father Theordorus Van Gogh, who was a reverend at a protestant church. Vincent Gogh lived and grew up at his place of birth in Holland.
The painting has an asymmetrical balance. The characters in the painting get provided with equal weight as the artist appears to have evenly divided the painting into two equal pieces by an imaginary line in the middle of the peace. The characters on each half of the painting also get drawn through the middle of each pane.
Developmental disorder is simply a term that is commonly used in the United States and Canada in an effort to bring to light disabilities that are life long.The disabilities that are described as being developmental are inclusive of all the mental and physical impairments that tend to be observed in children before they reach the age of 18 years.
In fact, it would not be incorrect to say that the historical events of the 20th century, especially wartime and political propaganda, have had a profound and lasting effect not only on design, but also on the art, architecture and other aspects that influence the major diaspora of society.
Since, the required expertise emanates from real practicing of one line of passion. Conversely, design is a skill that requires training and its advancement originates from hand on experience, coupled with more training. However, both may convey significance, but design’s is specific where its perspective remains identical to all people.
The compositions of the relevant works will also be scrutinized along with the techniques used in order to create these pieces. This will be utilized to decipher the meaning(s) portrayed by the work through a look at its style, iconography and function. The artistic movements that influenced these works will also be looked at briefly and will be related to the works to decipher any special meaning or styles.
Topic – The Bauhaus Movement THE BAUHAUS MOVEMENT The period during the World Wars was much restricted and constrained in itself. Almost every discipline that is required to form a civilized society was bonded by the archaic rules and ideas. Modern, rational thinking was a far sighted thought.
Commonly, rock music performance relies on highly conscious and thought-provoking recorded pieces that explore the different themes in this music genre. Currently, rock music is finding its way into the film industry, undeniably attracting a significant clique of new followers who would not have associated themselves with rock music before.
Student name Instructor name Course name Date Wizard of Oz Better as Book or Film In recent years, it seems, there have been no few new stories told. Instead, most of Hollywood seems intent on recreating favored stories of the past. We see remakes of Snow White and Cinderella, Beowulf and Beauty and the Beast.
This exhibition triggered the movement names Impressionism. These artists, in favor of independent exhibitions, instead of painting mythological subject matter, drew scenes from bourgeois, modern life which inspired them. Founding members of the movement involved Edgar Degas, Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet and others.
Family and brotherhood, these words have evolved significantly in our understanding of a relationship that is traditionally used to describe blood relationship. The familiarity of sharing the same lineage and in consequence the same experiences that bond one person to another.
There are those who interpreted the gaze as something being directed by the viewer to the subject with a prurient interest, while others see it as an extension of racial oppression. There are also theorists who posit that some artists resisted and even capitalized on gaze to stand out and carve their niche in the entertainment industry.
The companies are practicing reward systems to get effective productivity and to retain excellent performers. It has been found that downsizing adversely affects organizations. Due to high labor turnover, companies may face unforeseen circumstances regarding profitability. Innovation in HR practices can build a strong corporate culture.
Palettes of Sight and Sound: The Auteurist Aesthetic in ‘Vertigo’ and ‘The Magnificent Ambersons’. Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Welles imprinted their films with profoundly distinctive styles that had a seminal influence on the auteur school of formalism.
Film Response: West Side Story vs. Zoot Suit, A Comparison-Contrast.
West Side Story is a 1960’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The film is set in New York City and centers around a feud over turf between two gangs; the Sharks and the Jets.
This work is full of sensuality, idealization and mystery. The background seems quite undefined with a purported black portion that makes it more attractive. The different shades of bluish clothing and decorations make the picture more striking to the viewer.
The movie, “The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp”, presents events that occurred in 1902-1943, surrounding the life of a British soldier named Candy. The movie narrates of controversial events surrounding the actual life of Candy from the military service to the ideal human life, which involves the ethical need to live an identical live with other human beings.
American epic film has attempted to reveal the way filmmakers use Roman stories to discuss the theme of Christianity. Filmmakers use Roman stories in order to discuss Christianity themes in diverse ways. One of them is persecution or martyrdom, which is one of the significant aspects that strengthen the faith of Christians.
Communication is important and is the focal point of this relationship. The relationship between Lloyd and Diane is one that embraces the main relational parlances, which include Stability-Change, Separation-Integrations, and Expression-Non-expressions; it exudes both external and internal dialectics.
In the movie Avatar, a group of scientist and human explorers go to another planet. In the planet, the director intended to create other species that were completely different from humans. To do this, he had to ensure that the creatures would get public admiration all through the world and as a result sell more videos.
13 pages (3622 words)
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, Research Paper
The concept of ‘heroics’ has, for a long time, been denied to women within the Western genre. This tendency reflects how traditional American society views gender, particularly during the period of the American frontier. However, there are a few filmmakers who tried to break free from this tradition.
A look at his film career and the masterpieces thus evolved, is enough to mark his uniqueness, both as a director and a special effects artist. The director who resurrected the thrill of science fiction, giving Hollywood a new high, is a visionary who dared to think beyond the main stream.
The researcher states that both the Lion Man and the Woman of Willendorf have been left to speak for the people who created them. The works seem to have religious significance, even if there is no record of their meaning. One of the most important implications of their existence is that art has been an important part of the human existence since well before recorded history.
The origin, growth, and development of photography from black and white to color, and again to digital photography, can be considered as the effect of technological development. One can see that photographs in black and white create a nostalgic feeling in the minds of the viewers. The black and white photographs were introduced by Ansel Easton Adams.
A person may arrive at the realization of Zen Buddhism either through a slow process or by sudden inspiration, depending upon which school of Buddhism (Soto or Rinzai) one ascribes to. In both instances, however, it is by one’s own efforts that one attains the state of enlightenment; the study of holy teaching or the worship of deities could only provide limited assistance.
Akatombo is a piece of Taiko composition based on “a famous Japanese folk song and showcases tight Taiko choreography, Japanese flute and singing” (Akatombo). Taiko involves “repeatedly banging, slashing at and clacking an array of drums while pushing the body through sweeping, animated gestures.
According to the study the planning of the film’s product in is well done. The scenes show the realities of life. The scenes smoothly flow from one scene to the next. The story starts when the actors are children. Next, the film shows the children when they are adults. The story focuses the murder of Katie.
The focus of this paper is on ‘Angels of America’, an outstanding play that caught the attention of many in the early 1990s. The play exists in two parts ‘millennium approaches’ and “perestroika’. The play emerged into the American theatre at the conclusion of the Reagan era. The play is an epical drama representing more than what appears on the surface.
This paper discusses this in relation to the rising profile of art and fashion in America in the 1950s. . The French fashion industry came into being in the fifteenth century. During this period, art was the major economic activity that earned the citizens of the country income. The industry comprised of numerous fashions such as the haute couture.
Mira Nair’s 1991 Mississippi Masala's central subject is the relationship of an African American man and an Indian American woman and the filial opposition they face. The essay shows the politics of identity shaped through racial discrimination and the manner in which the characters respond to it through enduring interracial relationships.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
Such secrets include the actual room where the body of the Emperor, how many doors are within the entire structure, the treasures hidden underneath the ground, the depth of the tomb, and the precautionary measures set up to avoid people from tomb raid. Moreover, since the tomb is more than what has been unearthed at this stage, investigators once assumed the other half of the tomb is where the Great Wall located.
The researcher of this paper tells that the objective of the painting is to help people understand that the products that people consume on a daily basis affect the demand and supply situation of every economy; people’s wants and needs add up to a lifestyle and determine the way by which one should ideally live.
The choreography is present in opera. The choreography is what makes the performance more attractive and appealing to the audience. The choreography is of prime importance in an opera as this is what catches the eye of the audience. The choreography is also important in order to make proper use of the stage space (Harewood, 2001).
Graffiti is experiencing a new high because of the coming of age of one infamous, anonymous graffiti artist under the pseudo name Banksy, whose works have been fetching astounding prices, and are being sought by art patrons and celebrities alike. Banksy has made it possible to lead graffiti into mainstream art.
According to the paper, the Tutankhamun inner coffin sarcophagus and the Nike victory of Samothrace were symbols with great significance in the societies involved. They were both holy and of great importance to the people. I.e. the sculpture of the Nick victory of Samothrace symbolizes Greeks to victory.
The 1985 film The Breakfast Club was written and directed by John Hughes, a Hollywood power of the 1980s who brought about the development of the teen-pic style film. The films created by John Hughes both exemplified the time period of the 1980s and explored the life of the phenomenon of the teenage years.
The realists were inspired by the rise in consumerism and mass production, and responded through representation of subjects in their artistic works. According to Schultz (131), the new realists believed since they were so involved in the world, and lacked the distance required to perceive what was real, there was a necessity to transform it.
The road to seeking justice has been unfortunately rough and highly demanding. More often than not, the greatest sufferers are the unfortunate in the society who are deemed incapable due to their monetary dearth. The issues upsetting these groups of low-income earners include incapability to provide for their daily life bread and other forms of injustices.
The film industry is one of the most dynamic and broad entertainment industries in this current generation. The dynamic element is attributed to the fact that film technologies keep advancing to meet the audiences’ demand. There are various film genres or types, and this depends on the content, the theme.
I felt that the space looked very modern – the lighting was contemporary, the skywalks that were photographed were curving in such a way that would suggest that these, too, were very contemporary, and everything in this building had clean lines and white walls.