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Graffiti Art on Public and Private Property - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Graffiti Art on Public and Private Property" will begin with the statement that a report on the topic “scrutiny of “Envirocrime” was set out on April 2003, by the committee made under the British Parliament following the London Act 1999. …
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Graffiti Art on Public and Private Property
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? Graffiti Graffiti A report on the topic “scrutiny of “Envirocrime” was set out on April 2003, by the committee made under the British Parliament following the London Act 1999. The committee was prepare to scrutinize the issues that are being the cause of environment hazards and needed to be legally dealt under the ‘envirocimes’. The committee set out to investigate the effects of enviro-crimes on public health, both physically and mentally. Considerations on ‘graffiti’ and ‘green space’ were among the top priorities. The team had to present their results to the parliament, which is further independent about taking any kind of action. According to the Southampton City council the list of environmental crimes includes littering the ground, graffiti and not clearing the mess made by your dog. The city council charges a strict fine of 75 pounds. Authority is given to the city patrol officers and they have the right to enforce the law and prosecute the person committing any of these crimes. Graffiti and other similar environmental crimes pollute the environment and have bad effects on the residents of Southampton. Graffiti can serve as a mean to spread racism and offensive attacks on individuals. The city council is meant to remove the racist and offensive graffiti within 24 hours of the act the crime was done. The new investigation technique is cracking down on gangs using GIS.As graffiti become the signature move for gangs, the police department is coming up with plans to take help of this illegal act for their positive purpose of busting the gang members. Each gang maintains its unique attributes. The weapons, their purpose and their future plans, can be calculated by these paintings in the streets. The GIS system is a combination of spreadsheets and Excel documents, which allocates graffiti locations and works to help mark the range of territory of the gangs. This system efficiently helped to trace ‘F-stones’, one of the reputed gang of the country. Aaron C.Otto, Ken W.Maly and Don Schimenos Akron, Ohio, Police department The book “Wallbangin’: graffiti and gangs in L.A’ written by Susan A. Phillips, begins with a short story of graffiti. The art started as a form of cultural and artistic combination at art. Everyone used to adore the beauty on streets but soon the evil side of US population took it as mean to symbolize their gangs and its activities. Susan enlightens the reader about how the habitat, ethics and culture of gangs affects the way they create graffiti. They used it for impolite communication with the antagonistic gangs and also as a mean to create warning signals for the civilians or the security agencies. Los Angeles, as being a populated city serves as a home for many of these gangs marked by their graffiti art. The author of the book “the graffiti subculture: youth, masculinity, and identity in London and New York’, by Nancy Macdonald, addresses the topic ‘graffiti’ with a rather socialist and psychological approach. The greed for fame, authority and power rules the mind of every man who seeks for some kind of evil. The young blood involved in the acts more often. Researchers have observed that most of the wall paintings near to colleges and universities seem to advertise some of the nick names of the students or expressing some emotions that are hard to express. Graffiti became a lucky medium for students until the legal or illegal debate began. Also the writer expresses grief concern for graffiti leading to masculinity, which can also be a crime. In the book ‘legal guide for the visual artist”, author Crawford educates the people about the concern of growing number of ‘graffiti’ artists throughout the world, and especially in US urban center. The US government has criminalized the graffiti art-work and any person found guilty of thrashing a person’s property is held responsible and abducted. Under the law, graffiti is termed as engraving, painting, layering, drawing upon or other shrewd placing of a spot upon public or private property. Even selling spray paints without ensuring age check is legally unadvisable. The book “Graffiti” written by Jane Bingham has answers to many of the questions regarding wall paintings or ‘graffiti’. The less famous history of graffiti, it’s resemblance with the hip-hop and other styles, and the diverse titles in the ‘Culture in Action’ chain put together into a broad library, covering a variety of art topics. The book contains tricks and activities with easy instructions that are designed to enforce literacy proficiency and art understanding. Graffiti often refers to the act of scratching property by using writing, graphics or symbols. For simplicity, ‘graffiti’ is termed as the marking of other people's belongings (their property) without their permission. Therefore graffiti is an illegal act. For about 200 years, archeologists have been looking for graffiti and collected its samples to have information of daily life in the ancient world. The data obtained from various sources have been published in some detailed journals but only a few ever read them. The most prehistoric shape of the graffiti art is in the form of a writer's signature which’s usually prepared in permanent marker or spray paints. Talking about the matter artistically, labeling is the root of graffiti, and an amateur writer should become proficient in drawing and sketching, before becoming an expert graffiti artist. While thinking of ‘graffiti’ art, the scenario of outdoor murals and tags created with spray paint hits the mind of every individual. Street s are considered to be the most popular place to write graffiti while on the contrary the reality is that scripting in graffiti can be done with nearly any writing tool and a blank canvas. Graffiti’s Style is a very solid idea among its creators. It’s all about who the shapes and letters are assembled and connected. There lies a range of kinds of style, starting from the aged, trouble-free bubbled letters, to extremely evolved and multifaceted wild style. A simple word can have hundreds of ways to be expressed and understood. Like one can say ‘thank you’ and indicate it honestly or scornfully. It is how the remark is delivered that concludes how it’s implied. Graffiti, devoid of style is either interpreted with hate or apathy. To put it simply, style speak a thousand extra languages than a writer's card ever will. London police have reported an unusual increase in the number of youth getting involved in ‘graffiti’. A research found out that among ambassador sample of adolescents, the part of individuals who engaged themselves in graffiti drawing in civic places emerged to peak in the age following 15 to 16 years. Some of the reasons for the increase are outlined below: Many of the individuals involved in this had experienced some kind of isolation from school. The majority of formative year people are launched to graffiti through friends and acquaintances as a part of their regular fun activities. Once uncovered to graffiti creation, many build the conscious choice to continue engaging in the movement because they get pleasure from it. Graffiti are activities that induce strong feelings of self-respect, contentment and joy. The need for excitement and the pleasure of adrenalin rush is loved by teenagers seeking risk-taking actions. Uprising and rebellion as a face of breaking the rules and disobedience of social norms and values. Graffiti is a popular concern in the urban lands. It composes neighborhoods show dirty and unappealing. Removing it from the streets, costs local councils millions of pounds and labor. It’s now connected with anti-social behavior and environmental crime. Back passageways, open spaces, underground tunnels, pedestrian bridges, government’s property, public walls and all the fences are exposed to graffiti. Public fitness researchers and security agents have gained from the emergence of geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology .GIS put forward the chance to amalgamate spatial info from a range of dissimilar sources into a solo structure, and to use these statistics to enlarge precise measures. At the same time as data achievement for some walk ability measures such as attendance of traffic control devices or walking paths can repeatedly be sourced from accessible GIS databases. Others that are linked to aesthetics such as garbage and graffiti tend to involve observers to exclusively reviewed areas. GIS also allows police to map effectively for emergency reactions, analyze how lawbreakers travel from a crime scenario and also forecast where the crime is next being going to be apprehended. For me it looks like if graffiti is all over messing up with public and private property. We should think of all the plans and infrastructure the capital could pay for that would surely benefit everyone. I think the London city administration should take more serious steps to remove graffiti. Bibliography MACDONALD, N. (2001). The graffiti subculture: youth, masculinity, and identity in London and New York. New York, Palgrave. PHILLIPS, S. A. (1999). Wallbangin': graffiti and gangs in L.A. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. CRAWFORD, T. (2010). Legal guide for the visual artist. New York, NY, Allworth Press. BINGHAM, J. (2010). Graffiti. Chicago, Ill, Raintree. Report: scrutiny of “Envirocrime”: City Hall, The Queen’s walk, London SEI 2AA Enquiries: 020 7983 4425 minicom: 020 7983 4458 Southampton City Council: Parks and Street Cleansing Team, Southampton City Council, One Guildhall Square, Southampton, SO14 7FP Cracking down on gangs using GIS: Aaron C.Otto, Ken W.Maly and Don Schimenos Akron, Ohio, Police department Read More
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