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The Ellis Study
7 pages (1881 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
That exercise allows reflection for understanding and communication.... He pointed out that knowledge is not always seen on formal research as even journalism can share knowledge too (2005, p.... From the paper "The Ellis Study" it is clear that the truth about life that security is not 100 percent as life can be taken away anytime in an unexpected fashion....
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Spiritual, Physical, And Emotional Death In Tuesdays With Morrie
9 pages (2355 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Healthcare personnel have to determine and respond to the views and practices of their patients regarding dying and aging, so that they can integrate their religious or non-religious values about death in their healthcare and communication strategies.... He became wrapped up with his journalism career, though it meant sacrificing playing the piano and his social connections....
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Advertising Approaches based on Maggi Brand
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
journalism and Mass Communication.... This paper is based on providing a vivid explanation of the advertising of brand Maggi.... Maggi was founded by Julius Maggi and founded by Nestle.... The brand Maggi is known for sauces, instant noodles, instant soups, bouillon cubes, Maggi noodles, and Maggi cube....
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Racial Distancing and Racial Alignment In Migrant Domestic Workers' Stereotypes
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Moreover, as a result of fact that the language differential provided such a difficulty of communication, at least with the first generation immigrants, this impediment was oftentimes lampooned and used as a scapegoat for not allowing these individuals the same rights and privileges that other Americans might necessarily be afforded.... This representation was brutally displayed within mass media and journalism; specifically with respect to the caricatures of the way in which these Chinese immigrants and laborers were represented....
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Beyond Zero Emissions Critical Analysis
8 pages (2393 words) , Download 0 , Essay
BZE is based on a team of dedicated and committed volunteers with the required professional capability in engineering, the social and physical sciences, journalism and media, and the humanities and arts.... This clearly illustrates that BZE is looking out for society and the future of Australia in all its efforts and has ensured that all criticism is addressed and responded to ensure an effective implementation or communication of its values and interests, which are transforming Australia from the fossil fuel economy to that of renewable energy through the practical and justifiable methods....
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Education in the patient care setting
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
At any point in the communication, the process may go wrong, and communication becomes less effective (Prozesky, 2000, p.... communication is also an essential part of the teaching process.... 44), communication refers to the “act of imparting, especially news, or the science and practice of transmitting information”.... There is a definite link between communication and teaching with teachers transmitting new knowledge and information to the students....
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Effect of Branding on the Increase of Tablet Computers Market in the UK
16 pages (5921 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
VanAuken (2004) suggests that “once the brand is designed, the design must drive all of the organisation's consumer communication, and all other marketing elements, organisation design and value chain.... The paper "Effect of Branding on the Increase of Tablet Computers Market in the UK" investigates the impact of branding on the growth of tablet computers share, consumers perceive of tablet PC, branding in general and technology branding in particular, aspects of branding and consumer perception....
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Intervention for People with Learning Disability
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 7 , Essay
The determination of eligibility can be based on the level of intelligence (via the use of IQ test), the level of social functioning based on such areas such as communication, budgeting, or personal hygiene and the history of the individual.... The paper highlights theory, evidence in caring for individuals with learning disabilities, barriers and challenges that they encounter when accessing the full range of health services, and practical and effective interventions seeking to enhance access to healthcare....
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Medical Categories and Inclusion of the Aged
13 pages (3854 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The most recognised theories include Psychological Theories of Ageing, behavioural, communication accommodation, and socio-cultural ones, which are being discussed as following: ... ommunication Accommodation Theory: Developed and presented by American theorist Howard Giles, communication accommodation theory lays stress upon the divergence in communication style and mode applied and observed by the individuals during their communication with others....
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International Marketing
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation - Kundera, (marketing quotes, 2006) The innovation of product must be complemented by good marketing techniques in order to make it a big success in the domestic and global market.... Marketing is one of the core.... ... ... Whatever the product or service offered by the manufacturer or service provider can reach the consumers only through effective marketing techniques. ...
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Self Regulation Skills Apprenticeship for Children with Hyperactivity
10 pages (2816 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
4) Positive Effects of Methylphenidate on Social communication and Self-Regulation in Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Hyperactivity The study based its objectives in establishing the significance of Methylphenidate in regulating behaviors of children with hyperactivity, and its benefits to social communication.... The other method used was the use of communication measures to detect the effects of methylphenidate on communication....
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Clinical Issue of Patient Handover
11 pages (3108 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Patient-Centered Perspectives on communication and Handover between the Emergency Department and General Internal Medicine. ... The transfer should be a fundamental communication process examines the attention.... he communication that occurs during the delivery is required for patients to monitor the activity and obtain long-term care (Sherlock 2005, p.... Patient-Centered Perspectives on communication and Handover between the Emergency Department and General Internal Medicine. ...
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Short Term Premarital Relationships
14 pages (3825 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This involves the process of understanding of partners as well as being open to each other for better communication.... Enhancing the communication skills among the couple 4.... communication goes a long way in unearthing the pros and cons of each individual.... If there is no solid communication between the couples then that might lead to instability in the relationship.... A proper communication level between the partners results in the solving of problems and also allows for slight modifications and adjustments wherever required....
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Challenges of Embracing ICT Tools in Literacy for Teachers Emerging from the Traditional Pedagogy
12 pages (3765 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The educational aspect of our lives has not been spared this onslaught, probably because literacy learning as explained by Waycott and associates (2005) hinges upon effective communication and interpersonal relationships.... It is the aim of this paper "Challenges of Embracing ICT Tools in Literacy for Teachers Emerging from the Traditional Pedagogy" to examine how seasoned teachers are coping with the challenges of adopting the use of ICT tools in classroom instruction....
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Celebrity Appeal in Branding
11 pages (3021 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
om, 'Endorsement is a channel of brand communication in which a celebrity acts as the brand's spokesperson and certifies the brand's claim and position by extending his/her personality, popularity, stature in the society or expertise in the field to the brand.... om, "Endorsement is a channel of brand communication in which a celebrity acts as the brand's spokesperson and certifies the brand's claim and position by extending his/her personality, popularity, stature in the society or expertise in the field to the brand....
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Development of Unit Plan
15 pages (3921 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
This is known to encourage language and vocabulary mastery and enhance the communication skills of students.... The paper "Development of Unit Plan" discusses that lesson five will be a generally quite lesson at the beginning.... Since the lesson involves the use of a picture book, students will only be required to see the pictures and comprehend what they mean without having to utter a word....
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The Doctrine of Suggestion, Prestige and Imitation in Social Psychology
10 pages (3051 words) , Download 3 , Essay
People will change their own expression of events to be more similar to the description of others as a basic phenomenon of communication, even if it means denying, downplaying, or silencing their own views of reality.... The paper "The Doctrine of Suggestion, Prestige and Imitation in Social Psychology" suggests that Freudian theory associates compliance as learned behaviour, which is acquired by the process of acculturation proceeding from infancy....
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Contemporary Marketing Issues
10 pages (2805 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
As per Andreasen in 1996, the potential factor responsible for the success of a marketing activity is based on the type of communication been conveyed to the customers and the type of response the customers gives to the company (Austin, 2000, Pp: 65-72).... The paper "Contemporary Marketing Issues" focuses on the evaluation of the issues of contemporary marketing, mainly social, not-for-profit, and cause-related marketing....
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The Business and Financial Performance of AirAsia Organisation Over
35 pages (10195 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "The Business and Financial Performance of AirAsia Organisation Over" is an exceptional example of a research paper on finance and accounting.... Analyzing the financial performance of a company is important in determining the overall financial health of that particular company over a given period of time....
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The Role of Identity Constructions and Social Media in Shaping the Image
12 pages (3319 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Virtual culture: Identity and communication in cybersociety.... Despite their vastness, only a percentage of them are acceptable by most countries' departments of communication.... Despite their vastness, only a percentage of them are acceptable by most countries' department of communication.... They also enhance communication.... Online social world like Skype have a free way of communication.... communication is through chats, web camera and phone calls....
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An Enquiry into Branding at Nike
16 pages (4460 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A brand creates and identification for the products in a given entity and builds an emotional connection that acts as basis on which communication with consumers can proceed (Schultz, 2009).... The fundamental position of branding is to provide a means through which easy communication can be conducted.... Once a brand is created, various concepts and ideas of the product offerings are woven into the brand and advertising and other marketing communication ventures are conducted through the brand and this makes it easier for the company to build a strong relationship with the brand and maintain long-lasting relationships with the company in question....
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Strategic Leadership
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Unlike material and financial assets, human resources, by their nature, are highly dynamic and elusive, defying foolproof quantitative analysis and predictability.... The challenge of.... ... ... The role of leaders is critical in the creation of an environment for performance.... They integrate tasks, structure, technology, resources, and people into a productive configuration....
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Review and evaluation of E-commerce solutions for SMEs
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The technology use and implementation by the SMEs mainly remains constrained with information and communication technologies (ICT).... The authors also portrays that the despite of the prevailing opportunities, most of the SMEs have embraced information and communication technology and thus the adoption rate of e-commerce is extremely low.... The trend of using internet and other communication technology remains mainly constrained with the large companies....
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Managing Workforce Planning
20 pages (5102 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
ole and behavior communication ... dentify the efficient means of communication ... The paper "Managing Workforce Planning" is an outstanding example of a management assignment.... Professional association- provides information about a certain profession in relation to networking, concerns, and trend opportunities enabling workforce planning....
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Convergence and Interactivity in New Media Studies
18 pages (5014 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Dwyer (2010) affirmed that “media convergence is the process whereby new technologies are accommodated by existing media and communication industries and cultures” (2).... Consumers are becoming media producers through their social networking accounts, blogs, and other online/offline communication tools and databases.... Murdoch (2000), in “Digital Futures: European Television in the Age of Convergence,” defined convergence in terms of three major dimensions: convergence in cultures, convergence in communication systems, and corporate convergence (36)....
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Students perceptions of women in advertising commercials
49 pages (12250 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
According to Wolin, gender appears to be an important factor when planning a communication strategy yet this study reveals that race is also an important consideration.... This study can inform design managers working to develop effective communication strategies....
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Measuring and Managing Marketing and Performance of Employee Development
46 pages (10133 words) , Assignment
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A proper and efficient marketing strategy contributes towards the financial success of a company.... I consider that a marketing manager should have the ability to establish relationships with customers.... ... ... The paper 'Measuring and Managing Marketing and Performance of Employee Development' is a thoughtful example of a management assignment....
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Employment Generation in Post Globalization Era in Greater Mumbai
16 pages (4146 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Fourthly the growth of services and communication sector industries in the country is also noticed side by side with the manufacturing sectors thereby leading to the emergence of new employment structures.... Henceforth a larger incidence of unorganized sectors related to services and communication increased along with capital and technology based industries thereby requiring lesser significance of labor intensive production Moreover the period of economic liberalization is also found to create the growth in the casual system of laborers in India that tends to encompass a larger portion of the total employed workforce in the country....
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The Impact of Globalization on Recent Changes to Employment Patterns
16 pages (4145 words) , Download 1 , Report
Fourthly the growth of services and communication sector industries in the country is also noticed side by side with the manufacturing sectors thereby leading to the emergence of new employment structures.... Henceforth a larger incidence of unorganized sectors related to services and communication increased along with capital and technology based industries thereby requiring lesser significance of labor intensive production Moreover the period of economic liberalization is also found to create the growth in the casual system of laborers in India that tends to encompass a larger portion of the total employed workforce in the country....
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Effects of Social Responsibility Policy of ASDA on Business Practice
42 pages (10028 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
The dissertation "Effects of Social Responsibility Policy of ASDA on Business Practice" focuses on the critical analysis of the way corporate social responsibility helps the retailer achieve a wide range of benefits and high market share in the British retail industry.... ... ... ... Corporate social responsibility is always debated as public relations activity to the extent that even corporations with genuine initiatives and interest in CSR were not given due recognition....
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Medical Ethics and Law
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
communication plays a central role in the medical profession.... Therefore, medical practitioners should maintain adequate communication with other medical professionals2.... The absence of such communication would result in poor deliverance of medical care to the patients.... Moreover, doctors would be subjected to the allegation of clinical negligence, if there were to be inadequate communication between them....
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Violence In The Workplace
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Violence is not negligible because it affects the employees, the employer, customers and the workplace.... Violence has bad effects on people.... The employees can have degraded.... ... ... In addition, violence can damage the workplace and can cause economic and financial loss.... Violence can also become a cause for someone's physical harm or death....
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Effective Steps to Success in Career Goals
16 pages (4147 words) , Download 5 , Assignment
My communication power has grown which enhanced my sales skills.... or becoming a successful professional in financial service or bank a person has to have a very strong communication skill and convincing power.... For becoming a successful financial manager or a banker, a graduate candidate requires various skills like communication, sales skills etc which are required in different companies according to the market conditions (Dyck and Neubert, 2008)....
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Thinking Performer in Human Resources Functions and Continuous Professional Development
16 pages (4216 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Emphasis should be on encouraging open communication than focusing on dismissal to understand employee's perspective.... Buller and McEvoy (2012: 43) states that communication skills are more important during this process.... communication provides the opportunity for discussion, clarification of the goals of conducting a performance appraisal and also exchange ideas that will assist employees to grow and aligned with the organisation goals The performance review should revolve around a two-way conversation on employee career development....
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Practicum Documentation and Evidence of Accomplishment Manual
25 pages (10488 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Practicum Documentation and Evidence of Accomplishment manual" is about the need of improving the scores in any healthcare facility.... In line with this, this was crucial in identifying the reasons why healthcare facilities sought to improve HCAHPS scores.... ... ... ... From this general perspective, it was crucial to identify the need to improve HCAHPS scores in Ben Taub General Hospital, which is the facility that I was carrying out my practicum....
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Domestic Terrorist Threat
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The different components of the plan include detection, diagnosis, investigation, therapy, communication, and training.... The purpose of this paper 'Domestic Terrorist Threat' is to examine domestic terrorism in the United States of America, as a growing issue threatening national security and peace....
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Future of Human Factors in Aviation
20 pages (6124 words) , Download 7 , Thesis
The paper "Future of Human Factors in Aviation" highlights that the communication and transmission of information are crucial, but sometimes a minor gesture may create a considerable fault.... Therefore, special language codes have been developed to eliminate the chances of error due to verbal fault....
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Policies and Regulations of Social Media
54 pages (9919 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Nowadays, Social Networking Sites (SNS) have become prevalent ways of communication.... This paper ''Policies and Regulations of Social Media'' tells that With the help of websites or other Internet gateways, members of social networks can save their contact and data, because social network configuration has features that allow this to be done....
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Web Mining and Social Multimedia
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
New technologies, communication and data strategies present an exciting opportunity for the future and social sciences both quantitative and qualitative to harness the power of the web.... Journal of Mediated communication, 8.... Web Mining and Social Multimedia....
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Discuss Competitive Strategies Coca Cola Should Adopt to Develop Business Expansion in China
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The aim of this research is to obtain the competitive strategies that Coca-Cola should adopt to develop its business expansion in China and to recommend suggestions on the competitive strategies that the company may follow to expand its business.... .... ... ... This academic proposal is being carried out to determine the current scenario of the Coca-Cola Company's business in China's beverage market and the strategies that the company is following for its business outcomes; to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company in its conducting and expanding business in China....
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The Development of Measurement Systems
10 pages (3035 words) , Download 2 , Thesis Proposal
Factors such as lack of communication within different departments of an organisation have a considerable influence in the work process of the employees.... Similarly, factors such as integration among employee base, manager - employee communication, limited rewards against the target set by the managers, lack of motivation, inability to adapt to the changes, etc are some of the crucial factors that act as barrier for the implementation of performance management process (Daley, 2007)....
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Replacing the Conventional Palletisation Methods
12 pages (3563 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
A handbook of media and communication research: qualitative and quantitative methodologies.... This will require official communication with the various organizations that utilize the robots.... The paper "Replacing the Conventional Palletisation Methods" discusses that robotic palletisation is increasingly becoming important in the industry....
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Impact of Human Resource Policies in the Context of Servo Engineering Companys HR Management
11 pages (3211 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The "Impact of Human Resource Policies in the Context of Servo Engineering Company's HR Management" paper presents evidence of HRM to reach rational conclusions and recommendations.... The paper answers questions about the theory of 'self-managed' teams in manufacturing applied to Servo Engineering....
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Conflict Analysis and Resolution
9 pages (2886 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In ordinary language an interview is a social communication process between two people, with one person gathering facts from the other.... It is also vital that organizations offer training programs on such matters as communication, listening, dealing with difficult people, dealing with anger and customer service and so on....
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12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
entors through good communication skills, environment of encouragement and trust amongst each other guarantee commitment to learn.... Since decades, a significant importance has been given to the process of mentoring and teaching, which has resulted in their significance in academia....
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Factors that Influence Consumer Behavior Patterns, when Purchasing Fashion Items
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
As the level of communication and interaction are growing with the rapid advancement in information and communication technology, with the same acceleration fashion is changing.... This paper is about the factors that influence consumer behavior pattern, when purchasing fashion goods....
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International Business of Walt Disney
13 pages (3347 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
couple of Disney's key TV systems; ABC and ESPN, have an agreement with Cox communication where the firms then offer hit programs and football games upon demand.... Association amid business segments with the same company culture & significance make the communication and manufacture more resourceful. ...
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Current Issues Facing Schools and the Education System
9 pages (2847 words) , Download 3 , Essay
- Speaking Homework for English communication Classes.... Intercultural communication Studies, pp.... The paper "Current Issues Facing Schools and the Education System" discusses that instead of banning homework, the higher education authority and schools should adopt as well as implement measures based on which amount along with the stress of homework can be minimised....
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The Effects of Organisational Change on Productivity in Large Organisations
14 pages (4016 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
This dissertation "The Effects of Organisational Change on Productivity in Large Organisations" focuses on examples of organizational change in organizations involving scale decentralization which helps the employees in all departments to gain authority in order to perform effectively.... ... ... ...
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Cultural Intersections: Black and White People Groups in America
8 pages (2109 words) , Download 2 , Essay
communication and cultural movement toward change become very difficult, if not impossible.... The purpose herein, as should be the purpose of communication within the culture at large, is to understand the two people groups as they understand themselves.... The objective of this essay "Cultural Intersections: Black and White People Groups in America" is to demonstrate the differences between the fundamental belief systems of different racial groups and subgroups in the US through an analysis of its cultural values and experiences, ...
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