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Managing Workforce Planning - Assignment Example

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The paper "Managing Workforce Planning" is an outstanding example of a management assignment. Professional association- provides information about a certain profession in relation to networking, concerns, and trend opportunities enabling workforce planning. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS): provide information about the nature of the labour market, economic indicators…
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Manage workforce planning- Activity 2 1. Sources of labour supply data (100–120 words) Professional association- provides information about a certain profession in relation to networking, concerns, and trend opportunities enabling workforce planning. Australian Bureau of statistics (ABS): provide information about the nature of the labour market, economic indicators, Australian social trends, and figures of unemployed and employed. There is provision of statistical information about the population growth, and the national regional profiles. Industry journals: provide information about the changes in consumer demand and factors influencing the demand The sources provide valuable information given that they engage in regular and thorough research activities, which help in the wider collection of relevant data. 2. Organisation’s staff budgets Base salary Superannuation Annual leave Public holidays Sick leave Payroll tax Recruitment Work position Time of work Compensation insurance, training costs Replacement staff Paid bonuses Performance 3. Calculating staff budgets (100–120 words) Zero-based budgeting method This method enhances budgeting from scratch whereby the projected costs are highlighted from the bottom-up. It would be possible to include all the above factors in the calculation. The method enhances the analysis of data and consideration of the alternatives in the current situation. Given that it considers the measurement of staff performance and work result, the method helps in the motivation of workers. It enables the detection of the inflated budgets and helps in the elimination of the obsolete and wasteful operations. This method discourages the focus on the past budgets, which might be biased. Activity 3 1. Diversity of workforce (100–120 words) The organisations should embrace the diversity of their workforce, offer equal tasks and enhance equal working opportunities for all. They should ensure interaction of all workers through the application of a workplace language, which is understood by all employees. Organisations should consider the needs of all workers and respect them accordingly and ensure flexible and fair workplace to support their quality working. They should build respect to all locations of diversity. Organisations should not discriminate their workforce based on the diversity of their age, gender, cultural background, and race, as well as physical appearance. 2. Advantages of having a diverse workforce Improved organisational performance, Increased creativity, Reduced skill shortages, Improved customer service Access to foreign markets 3. Need for and benefits of a diverse workforce (150 words) Diversity is necessary in the organisational operations of developing websites and online marketing tools for small business. Diversity will enable the organisation to have access to the overseas markets. The older workers might have knowledge about the potential markets in the overseas. Diverse workers have increased experience and talents and this would help in the reduction of skill shortages. Irrespective of the need for people with technology skills, valuing diversity helps in the improvement of customer service because of the ability of workers to communicate with customers from their diverse background. Valuing of workers diversity improves the productivity and performance of workers. There is also enhanced creativity in the organization because of working with people with different perspectives. Diversity motivates workers to perform because of the possible competition at the workplace because of lack of discrimination, which might lead to poor performance and poor customer service. Activity 4 1. Retention strategies (50–75 words) Retention strategies are strategies applied to retain the employees by looking after them and meeting their interests. Provision of positive working environment for their enabled satisfactory at the workplace Involving and engaging workers equally Evaluating and measurement of workers’ performance Development of skills and potentiality Reinforcement , rewarding, and recognition of behaviour 2. How the organisation might modify its workforce (50–75 words) The organisation needs to assess the performance of every worker and identify the good employees. It would better conduct redundancy through provision of formal notice period to the poorly performing employees and explain to them its reason for redundancy. The organisation should refer the workers to other organisations and offer them the severance pay. 3. How might the organisation modify its workforce?(100–120 words) The organisation needs to recruit more workers to attain the required number of sales staff. There should be redeployment of the present workers from the areas they were in of PCs and laptops and be taken to the department of selling computer tablets. The organisation will be required to inform the present workers about the change and involve them in the change management process. All the workers and the newly recruited workers will need to be trained to enhance their working in the new business. The organisation needs to offer the first priority to the present workers in working for its new business and offer the remaining opportunities to new workers. Activity 5 1. Turnover: Analysis of turnover rates (40–60 words) Turnover is the rate of employees leaving the organisations because of job dissatisfaction, employees feeling not valued, and poor management practices Organisations need to analyse turnover rates in order to understand their ability to offer employees satisfaction and workers’ retention. 2. (100–120 words) Turnover occurs because of problems, such as complaints and conflict among the staff and the organization needs to identify the situation making the problem despite the problem being expected. It is necessary for the organization to ensure workers’ satisfaction, valuing of employees, and provision of opportunity to advance, as well as improved management practices. Employees should be taken through exit interviews that would allow identification of the reasons why employees are leaving the organization and work towards the solution of that problem. Moreover, workers should be open to state why they feel uncomfortable remaining in the organization. 3. Address unacceptably high staff turnover rates (75–100 words) I would increase their pay to an efficient level. I would improve their career opportunities and opportunities for advancement. I would also offer challenges to enhance their hard work and reward the well performing workers. I would ensure friendly relationships with supervisors, managers and talk to the supervisors to stop overloading employees. I would ensure equal treatment and handling of all workers in the organisaton. I would provide safe and secure work environment for all workers and ensure they have job security by being permanently employed. Activity 6 1. Good idea to implement each of these strategies (150 words) Role development refers to the recognition of the role played by an employee and improvement of employee’s capacity in his/ her performance through provision of support through training, mentoring, skill-building, and learning of an employee to realise the organizational goals. Career development refers to skill-building, learning, mentoring, at job experiences, and training that grow a worker’s ability in service of the worker and his or her career goals. It aims at the realization of personal positive goals. These strategies are implemented in order to enhance retention of workers, their satisfaction, and improved organizational performance. Implementation of these strategies in an organization helps in the realization of positive outcomes and the development is directed towards the achievement of personal and organizational goals. It helps in making employees engaged, efficient and committed or enthusiastic to their roles because of one’s connection to work being strengthened and being allowed to be creative. 2. Strategy to retain required skilled labour (100–120 words) Training and development and reward Once the employees are offered the necessary training, this helps them to acquire the necessary and effective skills as per the organizational needs. Moreover, training and development make employees feel comfortable when working for an organisation since it becomes possible to meet the organizational goals. It also helps in making the workplace more attractive to the employees because of the provided support and breaching of the skill gaps. Rewarding of employees also makes them to be motivated to offer their best because of their recognition, thus meeting the firm’s skill needs. It helps the employees to apply their skills for organisation’s benefit. Activity 7 1. Manage diversity in the workplace. Equal treatment Teams’ difference identification and integration Efficient decision-making process Conflict resolution Identification of factors influencing performance Provision of support Role and behavior communication Enhances inclusive environment Valuing of diversity Eliminating discrimination 2. Diversity policy that supports an organisation’s requirements for diversity in the workforce (250 words) Workforce Diversity Policy The policy is an obligation by an organization to generate a fair and comprehensive workforce which focuses on the diversity of the workers and the local and outside customers The commitments The organisation’s staff is its assets. The organisation’s role is to ensure proper handling of its workers who are very important in its performance. The organisation’s aim is to attract and retain the best staff to sustain its high valued products and services All workers need to respect persons and their presented differences. The organization is committed to upholding professionals and individual development that is capable of in due course of benefit to the entire workforce The particular policy will be applied to create plans, programs, and schemes for a reasonable, plastic place of work To value diversity through the development of flexible at work place practices to meet the diverse interests of the employees Description Equal employment opportunity establishes that there is fairness in a diverse workforce There is embracement of diversity, which is applied in the creation of a strategic advantage against the rivals. Objectives To advance career and growth workplace opportunities for all members in a team To apply diverse ideas in the provision of support for effective diversity management To enhance workers’ satisfaction while working in teams despite their diverse backgrounds and differences To generate a workforce that is reasonable, the same and builds respect for all sections of diversity Activity 8 1 a. Online recruitment Advantages: Increased productivity Save money, Minimal time Less effort Wide exposure Disadvantage: No new skills employed b. Company website advertising Advantage: Wide exposure Disadvantages: Limited perspectives Longer process c. Newspapers Advantages: Wider coverage Skills acquisition Les time consumption Regularity Disadvantages: Longer process Not widely known No direct feedback d. Trade and professional journals/ magazines Advantages: Wider exposure Acquiring skills Available Disadvantages: Longer process e. Employment/ recruitment agencies Advantages: Easy to conduct Shortage of time Acquiring relevant skills Disadvantage: No personal assessment f. Direct applicants Advantages: Purposive Short time Disadvantages: Not diverse 2, Recruitment strategy in this situation (100–120 words) Internal recruitment I would conduct an in-house advertisement through the internal and staff notice boards. I would make it open for all the members of the staff to apply and present their documents for reviewing. After the review of the applications, I would invite the qualified applicants for an interview. I would conduct an interview to assess the applicant’s suitability in replacing the supervisor. I would consider the highly qualified staff in the team and provide him or her some relevant training to start the duty. The promotion would be conducted in a general meeting through a word of mouth. Activity 9 1.Communicate workforce objectives and rationale to relevant stakeholders/ employees Identify the stakeholders Identify the efficient means of communication Face the stakeholders through the identified method. Make the objective known Ask for their opinion Use simple words State the impacts of the change Encouraging conversations about the change Ask for feedback 2. memo to be distributed to all the nurses (150 words) To: All nurses From: The supervisor Date: 15/11/2016 Ref: Distribution of weekend shifts to the nurses Message: It has come to my notice that previously, specific nurses were given all weekend shifts. This led to other nurses not having opportunities to work during the weekends. Feedback gathered from other nurses has revealed that all nurses would like the opportunity to work weekends when greater shift penalties are paid. We have been aware that shifts are supposed to be equally distributed to all nurses in the organization. However, there was a mistake made, which needs to be corrected with immediate effect. For those who did not work during the weekend shift, the organization passes its apologies to you. It assures you that an immediate course is been taken. To solve this problem, the organisation has decided that from now on weekend shifts will be distributed equally amongst all nurses. Sincerely; Supervisor Activity 10 1.Two groups other than employees whose agreement and endorsement you would seek when setting objectives and targets and creating workforce plans (75–110 words) Clients Suppliers The two groups of stakeholder are relevant because they influence the organisation’s performance through their contributions. The clients or customers have a say regarding any change because change affect their choice of collaborating with a particular organization. On the other hand, the suppliers need to agree on the change because they are involved in enhancing accessibility of the resources necessary in the organization. The two groups enhance the continued operation of the organization. 2.Speech to employees outlining the objectives of this change (200–250 words) Good afternoon every one My name is Mr. J and I am a manager in this organization as majority or all of you know. The reason for calling you for an urgent meeting is to let you know some of the organisation’s ideas concerning the issue of working over time. It is clear that some employees have been taking their days off and after their return, they claim they need to work overtime in order to compensate for the lost hours. The issue has caused inconveniencies to the organization because of trying to update worker’s pay budgets, which takes time. Moreover, The company has realized that due to such cases it is not meeting the target especially the days that some employees take days off. I would like to give this opportunity to allow you think about the issue and give your points of view. Do you think that such a system if efficient for the company and for you as well? What do you think needs to be done to solve such issues? The organisation has decided that employers will no longer give employees rostered days off to compensate them for working overtime. Instead, employees will now be paid for any overtime they complete. Do you think that the organisation’s decision will be favourable? Kindly let your views be known to my office by tomorrow. Thank you for your time. Activity 11 1. Contingency plans (50–70 words) Contingency plans are plans that are designed with the aim of making the possible future occurrences and situations into account to respond to a future event that may or may not occur. These plans are applicable for the risk management when an outstanding risk that even if not certain to occur is likely to lead to disastrous impacts 2. Contingency plan to cope with the extreme situation of a large number of employees going on strike without notice. (200 words) This contingency plan is designed to identify the likely extreme situation of a large number of employees going on strike without notice and outlines the possible responses to this issue by the organization. Striking of a large number of employees without notice is of great loss to the company. The company has not yet experienced large number of employees’ strike, although there have been strikes from few members of staff from time to time. The fact that some few workers have been striking on different occasions unplanned or without notice and have cost the company great loss, there is a possibility of large number of employees going for a strike in any likely event. Response to such cases- Actions to be taken in the case of a large number of employees going for a strike without notice. Investigation to know the cause of the employees’ strike: The organization will hire some personnel to conduct investigation and seek to collect information concerning the cause of the strike. Institute emergency action plan if the strike become consistent Activate emergency response action plan if the strike results to more dangers to the organization and other staff. Implement efficient strategies to make the strike come to an end Restore back the workers and clean-up the damages. Activity 12 1.Iimplementation plan (20–30 words) Implementation plan is the tool designed to illustrate the appropriate actions taken for the development and commencement of a project. 2.Implementation plan should contain (150 words) Implementation plan is a guiding map to the program staff in the development of their programs whereby the likely challenges are identified. It helps one to understand the program and means of its accomplishment. Implementation plan contains The grantee name Program model Goals of the program and strategies to achieve those goals Areas to be implementing the program model Specific sites using the program The facilitators of every site Present staff hired for the program Staff needed to be added to the present staff Staff recruitment strategy for the new staff Staff retention strategy Staff training to all those involved in the program Staff redundancy Staff deployment Site settings and their description Dates and time of implementing the program Groups to acquire the program intervention Strategy client and their interests in the program Proposed activities and their rationale in meeting the interests and needs of the stakeholders Data collection Evaluation of the program activities 3.Things included in the WBS section of an implementation plan (100–120 words) Work breakdown structure (WBS) is a structure that contains project deliverables and how activities associated with construction of the extension are planned. The WBS is a major project deliverable capable of organising the project team’s work to some manageable areas. The deliverable prevents the workload of dealing with the project in full, which might lead to consumption of much time. Different deliverables and the time, as well as resources are also contained in the section of the implementation plan. There is also the demonstration of how the activities would be conducted one by one and the resources to be used in different steps. Activity 13 Change in the workplace is a source of stress 1. Possible negative effects of when organisations do not develop and implement strategies to assist workforce to deal with organisational change Emotional scars for employees, Leave employers grappling with resignations, increased sick days and worker malaise Poor workers’ performance Conflict at the workplace 2. Organisations do to assist the workforce deal with organisational change Inform them about the proposed change in time Involve workers in the change implementation process Acquire their agreement Consider their emotional response Training workers to adapt the change 3.Tthe strategies would you develop and implement to assist the workforce in the article deal with organisational change (100–120 words) Communication Training Communication of the proposed organisational change and the process to be followed in making the change successful would enhance the preparedness of the workforce to deal with the change. Once the managers communicate why the change is necessary to the staff, this helps the workforce to agree with the implementation and the associated benefits. Training workers helps them to understand and cope with the change because they become familiar with the change process. Training also helps employees to become aware of what they are expected to do to have an effective change and understand better means of adapting the change. Activity 14 1 Issues that make it difficult for people from diverse cultural backgrounds to secure employment (150 words) Discrimination: There is increased discrimination in industries whereby some organisations do not employ people from the foreign cultural backgrounds. Some organization present advertisements basing on cultural biases whereby they specify the people to apply and their cultural backgrounds. Due to discrimination, people from the minor cultures feel it hard to ask for employment in many organisations, thus remaining unemployed in their lives. Lack of equal employment opportunities: Some organisations fail to offer equal chances for people to be employed and select workers depending with their cultural backgrounds. There are cultures that are recognized for the higher positions and others for the lower positions in various organisations. Failure of organisations to value diversity: There is limited valuing of diversity in some organisations whereby some do not allow people from some specific cultural backgrounds to be employed in certain organizational positions. Failure of appreciation of workforce diversity leads to discrimination during the recruitment process of workers. 2.Strategies with the potential to attract and recruit more Indigenous Australians to help organisations to attract a diverse workforce Breeding a culture of diversity Attracting the indigenous people to the application of positions Collaborating with communities Exploring the emerging recruitment methods Reasonable adjustment Integrating diversity in the organisation’s branding Activity 15 Best practice in succession management 1 Succession planning (50–70 words) Succession planning is the process of ensuring that the preferred staff is retained in the organisaiton. It involves the identification and development of the in-house people having the prospective to occupy the leadership location in the organization. It is conducted to have workers being promoted as leaders in the particular organization. 2 Characteristics outlined in the extract of best practice succession planning systems and management that ensure desirable workers are developed and retained. Identification of gaps in talents and minimizing them Skilled workers with the right skills Efficient transitions Meaningful feedback and Appraisals Effective selection method Employee development plans A variety of good selections Appropriate job assignments Potential internal candidates Identification of top organizational players 3 Identifying desirable workers who can be developed and retained to fill key positions that might become vacant within the organisation (75–100 words) Individual development plans This method involves the identification of the areas that a particular worker is interests in, in the development of one’s career and assisting them to work towards the achievement of the specific goals. 360-degree feedback The method offers workers with an opportunity to acquire the performance feedback from the supervisor and peers. The feedback is given to every individual in a personal-assessment. The methods help in finding out how one is as a potential leader. Activity 16 1 An employer of choice (30–50 words) An employer of choice is an internal policy that allows the employer to be responsible for the impacts in the entire stakeholder parties. The policy is related with strategies for retention of staff and their recruitment. 2 Organisation and programs chosen organisation implement to ensure the workplace is an employer of choice Samsung Electronics: Programs: Workforce recognition Training and promotions Proper treatment of high skilled workers Awards and other benefits Increased pay 3 Program/ benefit considered the most valuable that might be offered by employers of choice (100–120 words) Reward and recognition Employees feel more motivated when their effort is recognized in an organization. This motivates them to remain in the company and work harder. When the organisation’s culture allows recognition and rewarding of highly performing employees, this enables the employees to be feel valued and as part of the organization and not just workers in the company. Recognition is done in different forms for different reasons. Ultimately, once the employer balances the recognition of the employees, this motivates all workers equally and enables them to work towards the achievement of the organisation’s goals. It is clear that organisation’s performance comes with a mutual reward. Activity 17 1 Resignation without reasons (100–120 words) I would hold back the employee for some hours and conduct an exit interview. The interview would focus on knowing the reason for the employee to leave the organization without stating the specific reason. I would look forward to know why the employee might be feeling dissatisfied in the workplace and hold a discussion trying to resolve the particular issue leading to his recognition. After the interview, I would request the employee to remain in the organization and guarantee him that all the issues of concern would be solved accordingly. I would evaluate other related cases in the orgnisation to prevent such an incidence. 2 The need to conduct exit interviews to identify patterns in turnover (100–120 words) Exit interview is very essential in an organisations when it is experiencing increased staff turnover rates. The exit interview helps in the identification of the specific cause of rising or developing staff turnover in a company. Moreover, the exit interview on the other hand enables the employer to realise areas argued by the employees to be leading to their dissatisfaction. This would enable the employer to work towards improving the levels of employment satisfaction. It would enhance retention of workers in the workplace, thus saving the company the cost incurred when replacing workers. There is also enhanced reduction of the turnover rate. Activity 18 Industry with an undersupply of labour 200 words) Mining industry: In the mining industry, the situation is not efficient because miner companies look for skilled workers, but identify that there is a significant shortage of the skilled workers to do the tasks. The working conditions in the industry are unfriendly a factor that discourages many from going for mining work. There is an undersupply of labour in the mining industry because the mining tasks are very hard and require workers to work more manually. There is poor pay for the tasks conducted in the mining industry, which is not equivalent with the work done by workers. The labour trends in this industry affect the demand for labour. This is because when the demand of minerals is high and there are no enough workers to enhance the mining of the required amount, the supply on the other hand tends to be low. To nullify the effects of the labour trends, an organization needs to improve the working conditions for the workers in the industry. It is also necessary to treat workers fairly and equally, by paying them good and flair salary, as well as rewarding them for their performance. The organization also needs to offer developmental chances to the employees. Activity 19 1 Questionnaire used to survey organisational climate to gauge worker satisfaction 15 questions, choices(strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree) I feel encouraged to develop new ways of doing things My role offers me a self-accomplishment I have all the resources I need to do my work efficiently In my job, I have recognized effective goals The organisation plays its core role of keeping employees informed concerning issues affecting them When a client feels dissatisfied, I manage to solve the problem to their gratification I realise why it is vital for the company to value diversity My work utilizes my skills and abilities efficiently My manager is committed to quality relationship with workers Other managers also value their subordinates I am satisfied with the information I acquire about the department I feel satisfied being involved in the decision-making process I experience significant growth and development of my skills working in this company In general, I am satisfied working in this organization and doing my job The information given out about the organization makes me feel satisfied I would wish to remain in the company even for a better job 2 Conclusions would you draw from responses to your survey about organisational climate and worker satisfaction (100–130 words) The responses of my survey about organizational climate and worker satisfaction show that the organization does not offer all it needs to, to enhance workers’ satisfaction. There is unfriendly organizational working climate for majority of the workers. The three workers identified that working in the organization is not satisfactory and they do not work in good conditions. This means that being in the company is just for convenience. My advice to the organization is to work towards the improvement of its working conditions. Supervision quality needs to be improved accordingly. The organization have to involve and engage workers in the decision making Activity 20 1. Global financial crisis (50–75 words) The global financial crisis is the situation when many financial parties globally at the same time concluded that the financial assets they hold are not possible to be honoured. The potential customers tend to reduce the rate of purchasing goods and paying for services until the moment of improved economic situation. 2. Effects of the global financial crisis Risky and unattractive projects Negative stock market values Falling investment Negative export impact Lowering of GDP Poor industrial output production Rise of commodity prices Poor debt repayment Weak banking sectors High inflation rate Low real interest rate 3. Downturn in the economy on a global scale It is necessary to retain the staff The organization needs to offer the possible local services The organization should reduce the price of its services to have some customers Activity 21 Success Story—Backpacking Welder Makes a Long Stop in Darwin (Access Economics 2008) 1. Advantages government policy had on labour demand and supply immigration policies Acquisition of the required skilled labour Work diversity Worker’s growth and development 2. Current government policy relating to labour demand and supply The national competition policy The government policy affects labour demand and supply in that it ensures some reasonable in the provision and acquisition of labour. There is adequacy in the market liberalization reforms in improving the business competitiveness and financial productivity There is the reality and retention of Australia’s improvement in the productivity and economic dynamism rising from labour demand and supply reforms. Because of the increased social inequality whereby the new organizational methods tend to minimize the role of the middle management and reducing middle class, the strong competitions has made remuneration accessible to those suffering diverse disadvantages. There are increased effects because of the public sector reforms with simple viewing of the economic reform comprising of a major reduction of the administrative competencies and enhancing government ability to control, govern, and increase the unworkable machinery in the management of the infrastructure. There was advice to the community leaders concerning the environment of provision of global labour supply. Activity 22 1. Changes to the workforce (30–50 words) The security staff allocated work in the nightclubs should be shifted to work during the daytime. There should be change in the shift to offer nightclubs’ duties to more responsible security staff. 2. Evaluate effectiveness of change processes (100-120words) To evaluate the effectiveness of the change process made to address the issue of nightclubs would be possible through monitoring the nature of work by the security staff. This would enhance the identification of if they are satisfied with working in the areas and time of job allocation. In the case of the change being ineffective, it would be appropriate to hire other people for the positions of those associated with the nightclubs’ concerns. The organization would allocate other duties to such workers as it continues monitoring their work. There would be training to all workers in the nightclubs to ensure meeting of the job objectives. References Part 1. Research workforce requirements:, Part 2. Develop workforce objectives and strategies, Part 3. Implement initiatives to support workforce employment planning objectives Part 4. Manage workforce planning. Read More
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