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Portfolio Management Analyses of Qatar-Based Organizations Marketing Research Paper
23 pages (5904 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The main aim of carrying out the analysis is to identify the best of the four companies through studying the various macroeconomic variables. Other kinds of variables considered in this analysis include financial ratios and stock prices of the identified organizations. The Qatar-based organizations under analysis include Qatar Oman Investment Co., Mazaya Qatar Real Estate Development, Barwa Group, and Dlala Holding.
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Reasons for the Victory of Obama Marketing Essay
9 pages (2514 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Campaign strategies are based on what people value and what affects the people. Politicians must always preach practical ideas, things that can be implemented, not ideas that are out of reach. That is where campaign strategies come in. Speaking of campaign strategies, the just concluded USA's election was based on issues and ideas.
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Tata Nano Cross Culture Marketing Marketing Essay
10 pages (2869 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Tata is an Indian automobile company that has bought several other European brands over the last decade. Tata has acquired a British company; Jaguar, land rover, together with a South Korean company Daewoo to increase its motor vehicle production and service quality (Hollensen, 2007, p. 287). The company offers other services in its conglomerate such as consultancy services.
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The Abercrombie and Fitch and Burberry Australia Marketing Assignment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
This paper discovers the Fashion retail marketing. Fashion is an evolution of clothing industry, due to increase in customer tastes and preferences. The mode of marketing products has also significantly changed. Many companies in the modern day opt for personalized retailing, and especially the fashion companies.
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Organizational Culture and Structure in Flight Centre Marketing Essay
8 pages (2645 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The successful expansion of firms in the global market is related to certain factors; organizational culture and structure are key elements of a firm’s strategic planning, especially in the case that the firm wishes to develop its activities worldwide. The current paper focuses on the culture and structure of a well-known Australian company, the Flight Centre.
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New Zealand Tourism - Target Market Segments Marketing Essay
5 pages (1541 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Generally, the project makes an analysis of the stakeholders and the market segments in the region. It is identified that some of the economically advanced nations of the world could be targeted, like China and New Zealand and out of these populations, the people aged between 25 and 60 years could be chosen.
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Why Should the Wendy's Brand Enter the European Market Marketing Research Paper
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Why should the Wendy’s Brand enter the European Market “You Know When It’s Real” BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE DATE HERE Table of Contents 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 1.1 Aim…………………………………………………………………….
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Issues in Global Business and Consultancy - GlaxoSmithKline Company Marketing Essay
8 pages (2276 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The company strives despite the challenges in the global business, including economic disparity among different states barring affordability, diseases outbreak, increasing cost of production and transportation to achieve their mission. The company operates in more than 100 countries spread across the world, meaning that they have to obey the trade treaties and international trade organizations such as the World Trade Organisation. 
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Decision Analysis for the United States Army Marketing Essay
4 pages (1258 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Weapons acquisition is among the problematic areas in the US department of defense that have decision analysis tools applied. Analytical decisions are undertaken when there is ample time to compare the facets, to choose the most profitable course of direction. The best module amongst the alternatives is taken (See appendix).
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Saxonville Sausage Company Marketing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Established seventy years ago in the state of Ohio and now headquartered in Saxonville, Ohio is a family business that has been a success story over the years and now boasts revenue of 1.5 billion US dollars. The great score sheet was as a result of several market forces and strategies formulated by the stable management that the facility has struggled to maintain.
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Satisfaction and Force Group Analysis Marketing Research Paper
7 pages (2303 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
It can be a situation where an individual agrees and approves his immediate environment, events, occurrences, object, services, products etc. In other words, fulfillment or gratification of any desire can also be termed as ‘satisfaction.’ According to Zethimal et al. (1993), satisfaction is considered to be the outcome that is derived when desired services and perceived services are compared.
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Marketing Services of Damia Spa Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2361 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The Spa was built in a harmonious community, combining cultures and fostering peace of our diverse people and cultures. The Spa uses the national flower of Singapore to serve as a signature of the essence and a symbol of peace (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). Damai is a healthy Spa experience inculcated with the extraordinary beauty of nature and resilience as a spirit of Singapore.
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How Individualism-Collectivism Influences Sales Of Mobile Phones in China Marketing Essay
12 pages (4001 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Individualism is defined as a working culture where people work and prioritize their individual tasks more than that of a team effort. It can also be termed as an individualist working culture where people tend to achieve their personal goals with more efficiency over their in-group goals. Whereas, collectivism can be defined as a working culture where people work in groups, form relationships among teams.
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Nordstom: How to Succeed by Selling Just One Shoe Marketing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Ideally, since the start of business, John’s business philosophy was vested on offering exceptional service, best selection, high quality and value. With this, the company has been able to expand and even diversify to offering other products in business.
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Healthcare Marketing: Positioning and Differentiation Marketing Research Paper
6 pages (1706 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Health plans are undergoing tremendous alterations in the competitive arena that challenge their competitive position. Stagnation in terms of growth has been evident in the commercial market. Various cost containment strategies comprising care, disease have been quite successful in combating healthcare cost trends in the present era.
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The Hershey Chocolate Company Marketing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Hershey founded it, and at present, it forms part of the biggest and popular chocolate companies in the world. Essentially, the Hershey Company has been in the chocolate industry for more than a century. The popularity of the Hershey Chocolate Company grew when the company revolutionized the chocolate industry by making milk chocolate a common and affordable commodity.
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Justification Analysis of A Security Software Marketing Research Paper
5 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Norton is antivirus software to be significantly useful for the company to efficiently run its business activities in the future. It is so because Simmons Company is engaged in the business of providing professional tax services for its clients who are either individuals or any business firms. It needs to make use of computers and the Internet frequently.
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Health care marketing Marketing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Marketing through television and internet is effective because they are available to almost every person in the world and advertising through these channels raise the level of awareness in people about ongoing changes and latest issues in healthcare. If we talk about internet advertising, we can say that it is one of the most effective tools of marketing in the present world.
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Marketing Mix Recommendations for Mintel Marketing Essay
5 pages (1449 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Every single business, whether it is small or big needs to have a sound marketing strategy to meet the objectives of the business. Hygiene is one of the important factors within the food industry and consumers give the highest priority to it. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the company should only sell hygienic and fresh foods.
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BlackBerry Mobile Phones in the United States Marketing Essay
5 pages (1467 words) , Download 2 , Essay
BlackBerry mobile phones have been a device commonly used in communication. It has been on the decline in the recent past years according to the census with regard to this product in the US. Notably, the product gained its base in the United States in the initial stages of its development in which case it was used mostly by adults and less used by the youths during its initial entry into the US market.
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Company analysis of the Qatari Gulf international services Co ( Marketing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Company was registered under commercial registration number 38200. The GIS Company acquires leases and establishes ownership as a holding Company. The Company’s legal form is a joint stock Company with an operational status. Its headquarters is based at Doha Qatar, Dafna area at 3rd floor Al Saad plaza building.
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7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
CONCLUSION Relationship Marketing has gained a dominant position in marketing and business literature. Its importance can be gauged from fact that form of relationship marketing as Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) is now being identified as strategic goal in business (Jang, 2010).
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Starbucks Strategy Analysis and Evaluation Marketing Essay
10 pages (2741 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The value chain is a system of interdependent and connected activities through linkages. It is embedded in the activity streams of a company where another affects the costs of one activity. A company can gain a competitive advantage by optimizing the coordination of the value chain to create value for services and products, which are more than what it would cost to perform value activities.
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Recruitment of Salesperson Marketing Essay
5 pages (1472 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Efficient recruitment and selection of salespeople are one of the most indispensable tasks within the overall sales management. It incorporates the search for persons who can hold positions that are required by a particular organization. In the practice of recruitment and selection, there is a huge difference between order taking and order getting positions in sales.    
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Strategic Analysis of Apple Marketing Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
It was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in the year 1976. Apple is currently headquartered at Apple Campus, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California, U.S (Linzmayer, 2004). According to reports the company is currently at the second position in terms of revenue just after Samsung Electronics.
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Global Marketing Objectives and Strategy of the Body Shop Marketing Essay
10 pages (3006 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The process of doing business is getting highly complicated in today’s largely connected business world. The emergence of the internet plays a major role in regards to providing strong lines of connectivity. The flow of information between the developed as well as the developing economies has become easier and faster.
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The Problem of Rival Promotions: Consumer Analysis in Gap Incorporated Marketing Term Paper
9 pages (2472 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Gap Inc. has diversified its merchandise offerings from its original foundations of providing blue jeans and record albums to a variety of merchandise that maintains mass-market appeal. Gap not only provides apparel and accessory merchandise in the United States but in Europe as well, competing with major clothing retailers Zara and H&M.
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Marketing Research Issues Marketing Essay
6 pages (4352 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Qualitative research also aims at providing an explicit interpretation of the order, structure, and broad concepts present among participants (Ernst, 2003, p.156). This research method does not alter variables or introduce variations nor does it impose the operational definitions of the research variables on the participants.
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How Targeting Gen Y Market Segment Marketing Case Study
4 pages (1118 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It is evidently clear from the discussion that both automakers, Toyota and Honda, seem to have noted the increased purchasing power of Gen Y by becoming more innovative in meeting their needs. In this regard, they have introduced new automobiles in the market at a price within reach of the majority of this age group.
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Good-Value Pricing Strategy for Ikea Marketing Case Study
3 pages (856 words) , Download 13 , Case Study
To do so, it pursues a good-value pricing strategy, where it can offer a better life to its customers by providing quality furniture that they can afford. Ikea President Josephine Rydberg-Dumont asserts that the “shopping experience is something that is exciting and talks to many different people”. Ikea makes shopping exciting because of its low prices.
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Success of Coca Cola Brand in Terms of IMC Marketing Assignment
11 pages (3025 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Branding is of great benefit to anyone who wishes to attain a wide market. It is necessary for companies and organizations to be careful and watchful when designing a brand name in order to avoid the shocks of poor and non-appealing brands. Brand names should be simple, easy to understand but at the same time distinctive.
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Tescos Marketing Story Marketing Essay
4 pages (1960 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the major and all-encompassing marketing concepts highlighted by this article is that of retail management and consumer behavior. The U.K, like its developed counterparts, is facing a change in its demographics with a skewed population pyramid (KPMG, 2013). The so-called “aging population” translates to changing customer habits based on age.
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Strategic Management and Marketing for the Luxury Goods by Vivienne Westwood Marketing Assignment
13 pages (4049 words) , Download 18 , Assignment
Luxury Goods Company Vivienne Westwood has been selected sample organization in the paper and the study will conduct a marketing audit in order to help the sample organization decide on a marketing strategy. Organizations should use both strategic and tactical marketing plans in order to design marketing strategies.
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The American Marketing Association: Marketing Theory Marketing Term Paper
7 pages (2234 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This definition of marketing forms the core of all marketing theories that have been developed by various authors. It emphasizes the purpose that marketing has in businesses or organizations. Keeping in mind the concept of marketing theories and techniques, the establishment and operation of a new business venture would be discussed.
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International marketing management Marketing Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Polaroid Corporation has been making polarized sunglasses for about 70 years. They were the first to mass produce polarized lenses. They did not restrict their production to sunglasses but also to the production of camera lenses among others. Their success was brought about by the fact that wearing sunglasses was perceived by society to be cool.
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Integrated Social Media Plan for Rockport Company Marketing Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author states that the mission statement of Rockport emphasizes on becoming a dominant marketer and manufacturer of leather footwear products globally. It can be observed that the business strategies applied by Rockport centrally focuses on promoting adequate innovation designing to provide ultimate comfort and style to its customers.
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Lululemon Marketing Analysis Marketing Research Paper
6 pages (1625 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Lululemon athletic a is an athletic wear store selling high-quality performance wear mainly meant for women and was founded in 1998 by Dennis Chip Wilson in Vancouver, British Columbia. The primary focus is women leading a healthy lifestyle and is determined to achieve it in a more comfortable but fashionable manner.
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Information Technology Application in Marketing Marketing Essay
8 pages (2296 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The main question that people look for is from where do these websites generate profit. Nobody is there to serve for philanthropy; obviously, they have their business models that are relatively different from those owned by usual organizations. In this report, the business model of various social media platforms has been explained.
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Marketing research of Holland & Barrett Marketing Essay
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 17 , Essay
Development of marketing plan is a comprehensive task and requires a detailed marketing analysis including external and internal. Realizing the increasing importance of marketing activities, many scholars and academics have developed multiple useful marketing models.
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Federico World Travel Services Marketing Essay
11 pages (3997 words) , Download 2 , Essay
FWTS is an eco-green Corporation that offers world travelers the opportunity to discover the world by pricing hotels, utilizing connections with businesses and co-workers through social networking, offering information about destinations, and booking flights and hotels for all types of vacation. FWTS is concentrated on a friendly eco-green environment.
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The state of the real estate market in UK Marketing Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the research findings real estate globalization is an economic life fact where by cross-border savings are becoming common in tangible assets plus the portfolio savings. Most of the global real estate markets face barriers caused by different factors, which include social, political, technological, economic and legal.
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Strategic planning of Apple Brandin in 2011 Marketing Literature review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Strategic planning is highly linked to improved performance in many organizations when considered from different dimensions. The overall objective of planning strategy is to come up with a map that determines and manages the positioning of an organization. Though others consider it to be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating, strategic planning has been found to lead to quality decision making.
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What is Customer Service Quality Marketing Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
What is Customer Service Quality? Customer service includes a series of factors connected to the skills and knowledge of staff to meet the requirements of customers in an effort to meet their needs and ensure they continue doing business with the company.
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Marketing Plan: Jims Cleaning Group Marketing Essay
13 pages (3828 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Jim’s Cleaning management will have to intermittently visit and inspect the manufacturer to whom the outsourcing work of production of cleaning products has been assigned. This will ensure quality products are manufactured and the reputation of the company increases. Jim’s Cleaning should make it mandatory for franchisees to get a customer feedback form filled after the job is over.
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International Marketing of Mcdonalds Marketing Essay
12 pages (3537 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Generally speaking, internationalization and globalization have changed the business environment thereby compelling companies to evaluate their strategies. Companies that operate in international business environments are likely to achieve success if they are able to combine standardization with adaptation.
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Marketing Strategies for Al-Gizza Pizza Restaurant in Abu Dhabi Marketing Research Paper
20 pages (5426 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Companies concentrate more on effective strategic activities with a view to meet consumers’ on demand-expectations. In order to be competitive and to survive in today’s fiercely competitive markets, businesses have not only to seek a response from customers but also discover hidden market opportunities and stimulate demand for their goods or services (Kotler and Keller, 2006, p. 10).
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Marketing Strategies of Harley-Davidson, Inc Marketing Essay
24 pages (6686 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The earliest Harley Davidson models were on the road and winning races as early as 1913, and by 1920 the brand had already been exported to countries outside the U.S. (HD History Timeline, 2010).  The HD bikes are described by enthusiasts as having a unique design and historical legacy that dates back to World War I.
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Retailing: United Colours of Benetton and H&M Hennes & Mauritz Marketing Essay
19 pages (5418 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Generally, the retailing industry can be highlighted as one of the dynamic industries of the world. It is often regarded as an ever-growing business that caters to the changing needs of the consumers. The retailing industry is characterized by outlets that offer a wide range of products to customers.
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An Inventor Company Marketing Mix Marketing Essay
10 pages (2634 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is essential to state that the report details the 7Ps of marketing/mix that a company applies currently including, people, product, price, promotion, place, process, physical evidence and recommendations. This entails the analysis of the immediate external environment in which an investor operates.
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International Marketing Entry Strategy for Cow & Gate in China Marketing Essay
12 pages (3360 words) , Download 3 , Essay
C&G Specializes in producing milk for the healthy development and growth of bottle-fed babies, infants, and toddlers (Cow & Gate, 2013). The company has over 35 products catering to different needs at different ages, all of which provide excellent nutrition to children. They work closely with the medical profession to develop the best foods for babies.
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