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48 pages (12000 words)
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, Research Proposal
The author of the paper states that there are two strategies of investment analysis used to study share price performance, namely fundamental analysis, and technical analysis, both of which aim to guide an investor into making the investment decision that will generate the highest return.
Tenants are part of the land and housing projects in the city of London. When there are outstanding balances on the rents and rates of any person, there is always a procedure of eviction. This procedure is made in light of fairness that has to be meted on both the landlord and the tenant having the house.
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16 pages (4000 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that while discussing the English language, we can have some words that relate to fixed meanings and hence are said to have logical meaning only. Therefore, it is the inference or interpretation of the formally valid suggestions that become logic for us. Yet other definition of logic can be the statement of a certain fact.
This research tells that current generation is less afraid of punishments compared to the older generation because of the loopholes in the criminal justice system which may help them to escape from punishments with the help of smart advocates. Moreover, the severity of punishment is getting weaker and based on that the readiness of the people in engage in criminal activities is increasing.
The end product or service is within the requisite norms and helps identify outlier situations and excessive wastage. It helps in identifying units that need to be rejected. The variation that is detected by the SPC can be of different types. The Common Cause Variations are those instances that are affected by naturally occurring situations.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
The grounded theory involves constant comparative analysis, where the researcher moves in and out the data collection and analysis processes. Research using grounded theory, therefore, involves multiple iterations because the researcher moves back and forth between data collection and data analysis.
Using the income method, the] most basic approach for a potential buyer is to calculate the rate of return by dividing the net annual income (gross earnings, fewer expenses) by the purchase price of the property, added to any improvements that might be needed to keep it in service (Jannen, 2010, Pgh. 5).
The author states that the measures of the center include arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and mode whereas the measures of spread are given by range, mean deviation, quartile deviation, and standard deviation. The measures of shape are skewness and measures of position is kurtosis.
The majority (59%) of the respondents were male (figure 1). The majority (63%) of the respondents were married (figure 2). The education level of the respondents was less than high school (2%), high school diploma or GED (31.5%), associate two-year or junior college degree (19%), bachelor’s degree (27.5%), master’s degree (10.5%)
The study makes several conclusions in the first analysis. The first major conclusion is that there is a strong positive correlation between male life expectancy and female life expectancy for the sample countries. Secondly, the mean GNP per capita in the sampled countries from Africa is significantly different from the World Bank’s GNP.
This report is all about the statistical analysis of that data. The aim is to figure out and highlight the problems through using statistical procedures and to produces recommendations for solutions through appropriate analysis of the given data. In this report, the problems related to the following areas are indicated and the recommendations are made.
The primary objective of this research is to develop a tool through which we can qualify traditional measures of crime rates through how citizens perceive the frequency occurrence of crime, how safe they are from crimes, their attitudes towards crime and prevention/response.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
The research paper would give a brief history of the hotel and evaluate the current situation in terms of its internal and external benchmarks. The solution to rectify operational management and delinquencies would take into account both of these functions in order to mitigate business threats.
In geographical areas like Europe and America, there are a vast variety of people residing, who categorically belong to various social groups. Very often the behaviors of these different people are explained by the common characteristics of the social groups they belong to. Here comes the concept of stereotyping.
The results of the test were statistically not significant, χ2(1, N = 316) = 1.37, p = .242. Thus, the null hypothesis is retained; the gender and bilingual capability are independent. In other words, there is no evidence to conclude that boys tend to be put into bilingual education more often than girls
The objective of the paper was to analyze the stop and search activity that the police had conducted. They wanted to evaluate the data they had collected so that it may be found out whether it was any good for the detection and prevention of crime within the area. The data currently at hand is obtained via a generic stop and search operation conducted.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that China is fast approaching the value of the United States in terms of exports and is an important destination for imports. India and the Asian countries have also shown export growth in these years. India’s export growth is fast growing that is already similar to China.
A qualitative research must, on the other hand, avoid the use of such data collection methods that would require cumbersome representation of numeric data. To this end, the use of survey questionnaire is proposed as the data collection method for the quantitative research
The root means square error and the mean absolute percentage error will be the most method to be sued to compare and rank the forecast method. From the ranking of the forecast method, the study indicates that the regression with econometric variance is the most appropriate method of forecasting the sales of automobile parts
The arrowheads pointing towards the endogenous variables clearly suggest that out of the three exogenous variables, the factor ‘Coworkers’ impose the greatest impact on the dependent variable ‘Job Satisfaction’, while the least effect is bestowed by the factor ‘Supervision’. The numerical values of these impacts are the result of a regression model
The researcher states that in the most basic example, calculating for the mean without making special provisions for missing values (such as using a spreadsheet function that discounts missing values or sorting the data column and running a calculation only on the non-zero cells) will yield an average that is lower than it should be.
Respondents evaluated this item from 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 which in ascending order signifies the degree of occurrence such as never, seldom, sometimes, often and always respectively. Those respondents who constantly hang out and stay socially close with their families are most likely to rate a high rating on this item.
There is a need for gender mainstreaming practices in the social work available in the society in order to encourage increased effectiveness and efficiency, and sustainability of production in the social work opportunities available in the society hence promote equity and discouraging disparities in gender.
18 pages (4500 words)
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, Research Paper
The author of the paper states that the procedure is utilized to figure out the right result from the exploration issue. This procedure helps specialists to collect the obliged data for the exploration. Research strategy directs the analyst and goes about as the controlling guide for them.
Article Review Article Review The statistical discussion in the hypertension article uses inferential statistics to sample its data obtained through random variation as observed. In its analysis and selection of statistical tests, the article often
The paper "Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioural Science" is a worthy example of an essay on statistics. The interval level of data is desirable because of its equidistance property that facilitates analysis. It is particularly important in inferential analysis in which the difference between data values is the center of focus (Gravetter and Wallnau, 2011).
The paper "Statistics as Science of Counting" is an outstanding example of an essay on statistics. The great English statistician and economist defined statistics as “science of counting Statistics play an important role in our daily routine life. Statistics are greatly applicable to the politics and the elections, statistics help in almost all the disciplines of politics.
Statistics in the business world I have learned numerous statistical factors which shall all be beneficial to me in life in one way or the other. I cannot say for a fact that there are some of them which I regret learning or which was a waste of my
1 pages (250 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Article Report: Mate-Choice Copying in Japanese Quail Coturnix coturnix japonica is a type of species among the Japanese quails. To determine the criteria that significantly affect how female Japanese quails are searching for their mate, the authors
Analysis of variance is a commonly used approach in testing of the equality of various means using variance (Derrick, 2008). This analysis of often based on several assumptions including independence of the samples, equal variance in populations, and that the populations from which the sample is extracted have a normal or near normal distribution.
Critical Thinking-Linear Regression Model Facilitator Critical Thinking-Linear Regression Model Linear regresssion model is a sloppy way of predicting the future because of its use of only two variables in prediction. Essentially, results about the
Discuss potential challenges to validity and reliability of your research question, data and analysis. Outline steps needed to minimize these challenges.
There are potential challenges which may pose to the validity and reliability of the research
The confounding variable I always held constant while calculating the statistics of the main variables. Another importance is that it represents a manner of controlling three variables with one being held constant where it is defined as a control in statistics where there are two variables described with an influence of a third party.
The study conducted by Narayana and Sunil (204) used statistical tools to be able to prove the equivalence of their proposed method to the reported or standard methods already available in the literature.The study that was conducted is a two-sided test, wherein the hypothesis is that the results from the proposed and reported methods are not different.
Decision-making is the core of the business, and correct decisions result in businesses thriving. Marketing decisions in a company are made based on information that is as a result of data interpretation or analysis. Analysis of quantitative data which is mainly measurable is done through several statistical models.
It is in line with this that the American Statistical Association (2004, p. 9) explains that “survey is used most often to describe a method of gathering information from a sample of individuals”. An important aspect of the definition of a survey given above is that surveys make use of information collected from a sample size.
The study is grounded in the supposed suppression of lung cancer by apoptosis that is activated through the intrinsic Bcl-2 pathway, as well as the extrinsic death receptor pathway. The objective of this study was to find out whether there are genetic variants of Bcl-2 that are associated with susceptibility to lung cancer and its prognosis in Chinese men.
The first objective is to evaluate the perception of learners on the quality of the sports services provided at the university sports center. The second aim of the research is to assess the areas that are important among the learners as far as the sports services and the sports center are concerned.
Moreover, various independent and dependent variables can be connected together using descriptive statistics as the starting point. This paper will analyze the utilization of mean as an effective descriptive statistic in a medical health research conducted to measure the effectiveness of seven different health plans across the United States.
Predicted values of y given the regression equation y= 9.4349+0.095235x, replacing values for x and solving for y we get the predicted values of y to be. Heteros dacoity is a problem since there is a wider variability between the two variables in the scatter diagram. i.e. as the independent variable increases the gap.
Z-Scores provide a direct measurement of size of score relative to other scores of the distribution and relative to mean of the distribution in terms of standard deviation. Z-score can be simply calculated using the formula below. Negative z-scores are below the mean and positive z-scores are above the mean.
Statistical data has various characteristics which makes it keep deviating, depending on the statistical tools of analysis that are applied to condense and interpret the data.
Statistics involves collecting data, organizing the data and analysing it to aid its presentation in a meaningful way to provide information about a given phenomenon. Statistics may fall under two main categories namely descriptive or inferential.
The United States Census Bureau provides authoritative information on pertinent geographic and demographic information in the country across different time frames. The site of one of the most reliable sources of information, especially in terms of determining the population of a state, county, or city.
According to the discussion, The Company ABC, in studying the past performance, the assignment compares the past quarterly sales through statistical parameters such as mean, median, quartiles, and bar chart. The future quarterly sales are predicted using regression analysis and moving average method.
This paper concentrates on the analysis of the population size, composition, and growth rate, nations undertook a census every ten years to determine the population size for policy making purposes. It is also important in that it helps determine the dependency ratio. High population growth rate is usually a problem especially with limited resources in...
Since the customer’s claim that an ounce is less than 16. The tail of this test is left sided. With a critical value of 0.05, the z-table shows a reading of -1.645 (99.95%). If the z- test statistic falls on the left side of -1.645, then the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative is accepted instead.
This paper gives information that this working group submitted a memorandum on 27th May 1994 to the director, NIOSH which clearly concludes that an in-depth review of scientific literature related back belts, on evaluating the adequacy of data in support of the use of back belts in preventing work-related injuries was insufficient.
Statistical assumptions are an important aspect of empirical studies. This study, just like any other study, applies some statistical assumptions in order to achieve the desired results. The statistical assumptions are: The mean difference is zero; The data is normally distributed; The variance of the two variables are equal.