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Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics Statistics Admission/Application Essay
4 pages (1288 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
Individuals working with statistics use statistical methods and thinking to a broad range of social, scientific, and business endeavors in such areas as biology, economics, astronomy, education, marketing, engineering, psychology, genetics, marketing, sports, public health and many others. The best idea concerning a statistician is that an individual gets to play in the backyard of every other individual.
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ASSIGNMENT 2 Statistics Statistics Project
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
From the table, we observe the coefficient for the  is 0.36488; this implies that for any unit change in  we would expect the dependent variable to increase by 0.36488. The coefficient for the explanatory variable is significant at 5% significance level. We can
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The Severance Pay for Laurier Employees Statistics Case Study
3 pages (1068 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Determination of wages and other packages for employees requires excellent communication because most employees view their employers with suspicion. Lauren ought to communicate the full criteria it uses to pay its employees the severance package and extend the same to Western Company employees whose jobs have been severed following the buy-out.
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Various Academic Programs Statistics Essay
3 pages (839 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Learning institutions admit new students into various academic programs. For purposes of planning, it is always important that the institutions understand the demographics which affect their student entrance demographics. Incidentally, there are lots of variables that dictate entrance. This paper assesses the role of various variables in the entrance.
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The Factors in Purchasing Soap Statistics Research Paper
4 pages (1076 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In this paper, we are interested in the relationship between the factors in purchasing soap and the education level of the person making the purchase. In this study, the correlation between the factors in purchasing soap and the education level of the person making the purchase will be evaluated. The factors that are involved in this study are; the level of education, and the factors impacting the purchase.
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Comparing Vectors and Lists in R Statistics Essay
7 pages (1952 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The simplicity of vectors makes it the best choice for beginners. The restriction on the type of data makes it suitable for numeric data analysis of one variable. Lists are the data structure of choice for multivariate and tabular data. Saving and loading large amounts of data from files is easier with lists. Lists and vectors both  have their own strengths and weaknesses
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Westar beverage Statistics Statistics Project
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
This paper seeks to offer a basis for predicting beverage sales for Westar hotel. The paper will use regression analysis to establish a model for predicting sales of the hotel’s beverage sales (Freund, Wilson, and Sa, 2006). The sets of data used in the
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The financial system and the economy Statistics Statistics Project
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
The failure in global financial system has led to countries being bankrupt with many banks being closed down (Dean, 2006).There has also been an increase in the cost of living as the financial crises spread across
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Research Reports Statistics Essay
1 pages (446 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of a research report is to communicate the findings of research studies to a wider audience. The report should be clear, concise, and well-organized so that readers can easily understand the information presented. Reports in research are recorded data prepared by researchers following the analysis of information gathered by carrying out organized research, on average in the appearance of surveys or qualitative methods.
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Discussion 2 Week 10 The Assignment Model Statistics Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
240). The assignment model facilitates solving transportation problems through the explicit identification of the objective function, the decision variables and the constraints.
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Growth Rate in Scientific Publications as Speculated by the SCI Statistics Essay
2 pages (707 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the year 1961, Derek J. de Solla Price printed the main quantitative data regarding the growth of science. The publication covered the duration from 1650 to 1950. The major source of information used was the statistics of scientific journals, and they showed a yearly growth rate of approximately 5.6%.
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Multiple Linear Regression Statistics Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 7 , Assignment
R2 measures the proportion of the variation on the dependent variable which is explained by the independent variable in a linear regression model. It also measures how best the regression model fits. Adjusted R2 adjusts the statistics based on
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Quality Statistics Statistics Project
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
Estimation of the sample size starts from table I, where the general level two is matched with category of the batch size where 40,000 units falls, to get N as the code letter. From Table II-A, code N is equivalent to 500, which
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Independent Samples Test Statistics Statistics Project
1 pages (453 words) , Download 8 , Statistics Project
Considering the results of the t-test for equality of means which show the p-value as equal to 0.000, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between the mean score of the students who watched the movie and those who watched the documentary at a 5% significance level.
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Physical Science and Statistical Science Statistics Essay
1 pages (445 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The scientific method of study involves five elements, beginning with observations measurements which provide quantitative data. From the data, a hypothesis, which is a possible explanation for the observation made, is formulated. Experiments serve to test the formulated hypothesis, and based on the results, the hypothetical assumption is either affirmed or nullified.
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Multiple Regression and Correlation Techniques Statistics Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Existence of diversified literature on subjects offers contradictory information that that may confuse researchers’ development of hypothesis through determination of dependent variables. An example of the source of the
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1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
In addition, this paper will also calculate what proportion of students’ z-scores are below 0.50. The average previous test score of the students was 85.22 and vary from the mean by
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Reduction in Structure Fires Throughout USA Statistics Essay
1 pages (481 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The estimate of the total number of structure fires was 54 percent lower in 2021 than in 1980, while structure fire death and injury estimates were 48 percent and 47 percent lower, respectively, over the same period. Every 23 seconds, a fire department in the United States responds to a fire somewhere in the nation.
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The Concept of Linear Regression Statistics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
It is an attempt to describe the movements in a variable with regards to movement in other variables. Linear regression is a form of regression which attempts to build a linear model between dependent and independent variables. In a linear equation, generally represents the intercept of the equation while represents the slope of the equation. 
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Statistical Tests Statistics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cohen’s d is to measure effect size and to evaluate the size of the treatment effect that is measured by t2. Cohen’s d is calculated when the boys and girls are tested again.
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Awareness, extent and nature of Business Continuity amongst managers Statistics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The use of statistics in reporting research, survey and business findings has often received criticism. This is mainly when there is misuse of the data so that facts are misrepresented and only some part of the observed
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Statistics in Business Statistics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Alternatively defined, a statistic is a sample characteristic. There are basically two types of statistics; inferential and descriptive (Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, 1994). While inferential statistics involves the description of the population based on the results drawn
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Elementary Statistics Statistics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Stratified sampling – the population in this case is divided into groups in a way in which the members of each group have similar characteristics. This is called stratification and the groups are referred to as strata. Random samples
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Single client/systems research paper Statistics Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This paper seeks to present an analysis of the intervention process of patients suffering from crisis and the effects of the intervention process on the health of the patients. The
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Assignment 1 Statistics Speech or Presentation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
25. Paul’s Grocery received 1,000 pounds of onions at $0.11 per pound. On the average, 3% of the onions will spoil before selling. Find the selling price per pound to obtain a
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Statistical Models for Forecasting milk production Statistics Statistics Project
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
In this project an attempt has been made to forecast milk production using statistical time series modeling techniques – double exponential smoothing and Autoregressive integrated moving average models. Forecasting of milk production enables policy makers and planners to estimate the supply of milk requirement in the future.
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Problem Set 6, 7, and 8 Statistics Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
That how many household are likely to lie in that bracket? To express the strength of linkage or even co-occurrence between two variables in a range of -1 to
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Probability Analysis Statistics Assignment
4 pages (1094 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The histogram is skewed to the right. This is because its right tail is longer than its left tail. This is also due to the reason that the tail on the right is more positive than the tail on the left. Furthermore, this is also due to the fact that values with higher frequency lie to the left making the histogram right-skewed.
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One-Tailed Test or a Two-Tailed Test Statistics Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that the first step in any t-test analysis is setting both the null and alternative hypotheses so that it can be determined whether there is any difference in the two means under study. In this case, our main interest is to know whether there is a difference between the oxygenation levels of the two groups.
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Bibliography and Description of Theoretical Framework and Methods Statistics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This mainly took the form of in-depth interviews, which were administered in sets of 25 for each city in the Budapest Metropolitan Region (130). Leaders and firm managers were the main respondents of the interviews in order to explain their decisions
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Choosing and Using Statistics Statistics Assignment
1 pages (284 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The slope of the graph is 0.39 and the y-intercept is 43.714. The equation of the graph is as follows, Y=43.715+0.39x. R and R squared. From excel, the values for R and R squared are 0.678 and o.46 respectively. Interpretation of the findings. From the graph, the coordinates are evenly distributed across the line of fit.
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Quantitative method for finance Statistics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is known as a spurious regression since it implies dependence although the variables are independent of one another. The problem will go away if the regression is run in first differences, or a lagged value of Y is
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Module 8 DQ 1 and 2 Statistics Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Accurate diagnoses and treatment is the very mainstay of patient-centered medical care (Broyles, 2010). Likewise, the use of statistics one finds the way in which the use of interval variables may help the Federal Qualified Healthcare Center to promote
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Week 2 workshop Statistics Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Hence mean (average) is the appropriate measure for measuring the central tendency. The average salary of the corporate customers is $300,000. The frequency graph with addition of new salary points of $500,000 and $600,000 will affect the skewness of the
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Confidence Intervals Statistics Statistics Project
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
A data set is collected for male and female for their age, weight and height, and BMI is calculated. The data set is attached in Appendix A. This paper will
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The UK Borrowing and Tax Revenue Statistics Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that in 2011, the Pearson correlation is zero meaning that the two variables, that is, borrowings and tax revenues are not correlated or they do not cause each other. In 2012, the Pearson correlation is 0.009853 meaning that there is some correlation between taxation and borrowing but it is very weak.
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Bottling Company Case Study Statistics Case Study
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9 , Case Study
Data set consists of n = 30 values shown in Table 1. According to the statistical concept, each value in the set is considered to continuous data. Central tendency of the set, in this investigation, is expressed
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The Usage Of Statistics Statistics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Statistics plays a very significant role in the shaping up of different events which unfold at the national and international fronts all over the world. These usually come out very clearly in the wake of a natural disaster, calamity or an event that sparks off controversy. Different reporters make use of these statistics to spice up the events.
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See instructions Statistics Statistics Project
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
ntal health nursing: a scoping project for a Victorian mental health care service on 18 March 20, 2012, I formed a group to analyze the recommendation. I am a health officer working in Australia and had similar problems in our health sector. According to the article, I had a
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Testing Hypotheses in Business Statistics Speech or Presentation
1 pages (363 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
The mean area devoted to display ads was measured (a display ad is a large block of multicoloured illustrations, maps, and text). Using Excel, the sample means 346.5, and the sample standard deviation s is 170.38. Since, population standard deviation, σ is unknown, therefore, using the t distribution.
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NBA Game Performances Statistics Research Proposal
2 pages (524 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
The general managers of the NBA need to determine the manner of allocating salaries to their loyal players (Peeffer, 5). This issue though not documented, is one of the key factors that influence the team performance at the NBA. In this respect, this survey proposes research to investigate the causal effect of the NBA team’s salary dispersion.
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Average amount of people late to work on a daily Statistics Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the process, we were also supposed to learn from the activity to better ourselves to avoid being victims of the negative consequences experienced by the respondents. An occupation area was chosen at random and a questionnaire given to a family with a working
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Hence, the final node 8 can be reached by three roads, 5-8, 6-8 and 7-8, which maximum total capacity is 16+7+8 = 33. This means that 33000 cars can not travel from Stadium to Interstate in on hour. In such period of
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The t Statistic Statistics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The sample undertaken for analysis comprises over the purchase records of 20 active customers shown in Table 1.0. The population is assumed to have normal distribution (Figure 1). For
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The Disciplinary Literacies Project Statistics Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Doctors are regarded as the most responsible people. They can save lives of patients at any critical condition. Well, the field of medicine and being a doctor comprises other several branches, which define a real and
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Testing Statistical Hypotheses Statistics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These are the accepted procedures used by statisticians to reject or not reject a statistical hypothesis in order to obtain a statistical inference. Five steps are involved in hypothesis testing. The moment a researcher identifies a research problem. He/she comes up with an exhaustive research question to carry out a rigorous process.
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Oakland, Illinois - a Typical American Town Statistics Statistics Project
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
In Coles County, there is a city Oakland in Illinois, in the US. The inhabitants were 880 as of the 2010 population census. In line with the 2010 population census, the city has a totality area of 2.3 km2, of which 2.1 km2 or 95% is land and only 0.10 km2 or 4.60% is water. There are roughly 450 housing units at a standard density of 205.8/km².
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Statistics Assignment Week 6 Statistics Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Mixed MANOVAs are used majorly to analyze experimental studies that have dependent variables that are more than one. From the output of the
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SPSS exercises Statistics Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The main reasons is that the disability set, simultaneously has three sets of sub parameters values as observed. Also at significant .05 level the disability effect is significant due
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National Health Care Association Statistics Assignment
3 pages (821 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The data was collected by interviewing a sample of 50 nurses and each one of them indicated their level of satisfaction with their work. On a scale of 1-100, with larger values for higher degrees of satisfaction. 2. On the basis of the entire data set and the three job satisfaction variables, what aspect of the job is most satisfying for the nurses?
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