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Statistics Bar graph of mean waist size of males and females by age groups Graph Mean waist The graph shows a trend of increasing waist as people tend to mid age. The waist size then declines another gradual increase. Men also have higher waist size than women except between 56 years and 60 years. Factors like aging and error could explain this. Pie chartThe following pie chart represents distribution of cholesterol level of the participantsChat 1: Distribution of Cholesterol level The graph shows that most of the participants have chplesterol level of between 0 and 300.
The level of between 100 and 200 has the highest frequency followed by the level of between 200 and 300 and then the level of between 0 and 100. The pie chart is based on the following frequency distribution table for males and females’ cholesterol levelsTable 1: Frequency distribution bin Frequency0-10013101-20020201-30017301-4008401-5004501-6006601-7005701-8003801-9000901-100031001-110001101-120001201-13001More0Descriptive statisticsThe following table summarizes measures of central tendency for the BMITable 2: Measures of central tendency Men Women Mean 25.997525.74Mode 23.819.6Median 26.223.9The mean BMI for men is slightly higher than the mean for women.
The slight difference, less than 1 percent, implies that the BMI among men and women is the same. Significant difference in mode and median among of BMI among men and women suggests that the two data sets have different distributions. BMI of men is more concentrated along the mean of the data set, because of the closeness between mean, mode and median, as compares to the statistics for women’s BMI. The following table summarizes measures of dispersionTable 3: Measures of dispersion Men Women Standard deviation 3.436.17Variance 11.7736.01Range 13.627.2Skewdness 0.3571.19Standard deviations and variances for the two data sets confirms suggested differences in distribution of the two data sets.
Men’s BMI have a lower standard deviation and this means that the data are more concentrated around the mean than data for women’ BMI. This is further evident in the range that is lower for women’s data. Nature of the distribution that the values of mean, mode and median suggest, is also evident in the skewedness’ values. Even though the data sets are skewed towards one direction, the skewedness is greater in women. These statistics shows that despite the average similarity in BMI among men and women, frequency of men’s BMI increases with increase in BMI while that of women’s BMI decreases with increase in BMI.
Based on the three analyses, it can be concluded that med have larger waists than women though this changes at old age and that people’s waist increased up to mid age and then declines slightly before increasing again. A majority f people have their cholesterol levels lower than 300 and trends in BMI differ between men and women but with equivalent means. (Lee, Lee and Lee 96- 110)Works citedLee, Cheng, Lee, John, and Lee, Alice. Statistics for business and financial economics. New York, NY: Springer, 2013. Print.
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