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Average amount of people late to work on a daily - Essay Example

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The research tried to find out the reasons why people late, the consequences they normally face and how they can be helped to solve the lateness to their…
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Average amount of people late to work on a daily
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The one chosen was had a population of 2,000 with 525 households. Only adults participated. Most people in the area had families living with them and lived just outside the base. Others had to travel to their work. Observations were also conducted directly on people living on their daily reporting routines to job. The questionnaires would then be filled by the researchers on the topics they could observe without bias. 250 questionnaires were received back, 172 of the total were completely filled, 50 were partially filled and 28 were damaged.

The 172 were used to conduct the analysis. NB: those who work on weekends not included. Data was collected for only a week. This cannot give the final trend of the militia’s lateness. Therefore the data given should be compared with other research done before coming up with the final opinion. We had to ask why they failed to reach their workplaces in time. This had numerous response as they tried to justify themselves for their shortcomings. Some reasons were observed by the researchers in their data collection process.

In the end we compiled the logical reasons putting others as one point while disintegrating others (Moses, 1996).The reasons given were mostly the same and they are numbered below. Lateness to work has caused many to lose their jobs, demoted to a lower position or have their salary being cut down. Warnings are always given before these consequences are faced. Those who fail to heed are the ones who suffer. When excuses are given, they should be genuine in order not to face one of the above. Sometimes people cheat to be given an excuse for coming late.

They normally face a tougher punishment for doing this. These reasons are the ones which were faced by greater number of respondents. Some were minor reasons which only affected a few and could be done away with if one became serious with their work. In the event of collecting data, some of the reason were also faced by the

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