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Breast Reconstruction Statistics Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
With chest wall irradiations, breast cancer-related mortality and loco-regional recurrence in women with high risks for recurrence after mastectomy, have greatly decreased. It is also evident that most women who undergo mastectomy would desire to have an immediate breast reconstruction procedure (Durkan et al., 2012).
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Statistical assessment of two research reports Statistics Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Overview of the Problem In the paper “Care recipients’ and family members’ perceptions of quality of older people care: a comparison of home-based care and nursing homes”(Study 1) –the aim was to compare care recipients’ and their relatives’ perceptions of quality of care in nursing homes and home-based care because older people are increasingly being provided care in community care facilities and private homes instead of hospitals.
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Differences between a persons head size and their intelligence Statistics Assignment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The researcher of this following essay will make an earnest attempt to investigate, using statistical tools, the data articulating the case for a direct relation between head-circumference and intelligence, making provisions for the obvious manipulations, and investigating any variations in the conclusions given modifications.
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Multiple Regression as One of the Most Widely Used Tools in Statistical Analysis Statistics Term Paper
8 pages (2963 words) , Download 6 , Term Paper
In the case of multiple regression, the main purpose is to find the linear relationship between the dependent variable and a number of independent variables (Yan & Su, 2009). Multiple regression is one of the most widely used tools in statistical analysis because it is a very good reflection of real-world situations.
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ABC Company Statistics Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
There are a number of companies in the US that deal with Cedar roofing and siding shingles. Therefore ABC Company is operating in a very competitive market. However, the demand for these products is still high owing to the high rate of upcoming real estate ventures.
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Business modelling for decision makers Statistics Coursework
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
30 1 1 1 10 79 32 12:19 3 12:20 12:23 1 11:32 11:35 0 1 0 11 44 52 11:44 3 11:44 11:47 0 11:54 11:57 2 0 2 12 18 4 11:18 3 11:20 11:23 2 11:11 11:14 6 2 3 13 95 5 12:35 3 12:35 12:38 0 11:15 11:18 9 0 9 14 100 49 12:40 3 12:40 12:43 0 11:57 12:00 9 0 9 15 23 20 11:23 3 11:24 11:27 1 11:20 11:23 0 1 0             Total 7   Total 28 7 28             Average 0.46   Average 1.9 0.46 1.9 Explanations of Model The model shows that the wait time with pump A isn’t as long of an average as with pump B.
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Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Statistics Book Report/Review
4 pages (1043 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The research paper selected for this report is “Customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment as predictors of customer loyalty within an optometric practice environment” produced by T. van Vuuren, M. Roberts-Lombard and E. van Tonder in 2012. This research paper was published in the Southern African Business Review.
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The title is related to New applications of mathematics or Maths and technology Statistics Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The proposed study puts forth a few practical examples in order to support this implication. INTRODUCTION The present times are the era of science, research and technology. Inputs from various domains of study eventually converge into these three disciplines.
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Problem Solving-Research Paper Statistics Math Problem
3 pages (750 words) , Download 12 , Math Problem
For the results of the study conducted on the sample to be held true for the entire population, the sample should be a representative sample – that is, it should possess the same characteristics as the entire population, or as close to it as possible. A statistic is a characteristic that describes a sample; a parameter is a characteristic that describes a population.
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Changing Demographics in the UK and Europe Statistics Research Paper
6 pages (2081 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The trend in the UK population is following an upward trend. From 61.8 million, the total population in the UK is reported to have reached 62.6 million in 2011 and again to increase up to 64.8 million in 2016. Other than live births, one of the main reasons why the UK population is continuously increasing is due to the upward trend of immigration.
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Analysis of the Population of South Eastern Sydney Statistics Assignment
14 pages (3701 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Truly speaking from a Statisticians viewpoint it becomes necessary to analyze mortality or disease in two locations by not just collecting death rate data but to find the impact of various factors or variables impacting the population in the two areas or at two scales which might be spatial factors such as the local natural or built environment or cultural factors that influence a rate.
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Statistic paper 1 Statistics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Justification of the Research Question Cereal is one of the popular breakfast products in lot of countries of the world. Each day, consumers navigate through the cereal aisles in order to find the most nutritive, most savory products (Sifferlin). Due to the increase in worries over obesity, people tend to find the tastiest and nutritious products with low calorie.
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Do police reduce crime(Know how to use stata) Statistics Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are factors that were presumed to predict rate of crime, Estimates using the police forces allocation after a terrorist attack and different locations were considered whereby the data on crime was taken from this locations. The major challenge in the crime literature is based on isolation of police on crime causal effects.
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Factor Analysis: Statistics Research Statistics Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Multivariate analysis (MVA) is grounded on the arithmetic source of multivariate statistics that includes observation and analysis of statistical variable at an interval. Now design and analysis, the procedure is used to achieve trade studies in various dimensions by taking into account the properties of various variables.
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The Normal Distribution and Probability Statistics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
On computing and comparing median for my town, Galion, this was $ 33,841 with that of Ohio, $45,395. It is clear that median is an effective measure as it divides the distribution into lower and upper halves. Given that an average of the data is likely to be affected and thus altered or influenced by extreme incomes in this case, it will be therefore not good to use mean as the measure of choice.
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Fundamentals of Financial Management Statistics Assignment
8 pages (2513 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Save gold deposit includes five mineral concessions covering 433ha of land. The company has also secured an investigation permit of up to 2765ha for a total of 3198ha of highly potential gold deposits (Asturgold, n.p). The area has already been developed, and access roads, power lines, water, and telephone lines are available in the area.
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Using Probability Concepts to Formulate a Decision Making for ABC Statistics Case Study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Corn production is affected by extreme weather conditions as corn requires warm weather when it is sown. In the past few years farmers have experienced severe weather conditions in the planting and growing season. This has resulted in a lower yield per acre and has affected the price of corn.
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Reflection of calculated risk book by Gred Gigerenzer Statistics Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Calculated Risks by the cognitive scientist Gigerenzer has highlighted the fact that we are still living in the period of uncertainty, because we do not have the knowledge of statistical thinking. According to the author, risk and uncertainty is associated with every phase of our life, as the same can be seen while assessing damage in an accident or evaluating the medical screening procedure and results.
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I am a person who has always possessed a natural aptitude towards mathematically handling things. Since childhood the game that I was best at was the stacking together of similar kinds of toys into separate bags and then labeling them with a general title.
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Different Aspects of Statistics Statistics Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It helps in designing strategies and planning business activities so that all business functions can be carried out in a most affective as well as efficient manner. A successful businessman must be a good decision maker and for taking decisions he would require some data which can only be gathered using statistical processes .This can better be understood by an example that a businessman while starting a business must know the purchasing power ,per capital income likes and dislikes of the public so that he plans his activities according to the requirements of the market .All such information can be collected by using statistical methods as it would not be possible to go and ask every country
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Correlation Assignment Statistics Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In such a case, we will interview a few students selected randomly from the student population regarding their television watching patterns, then compare these values with their GPA scores using appropriate correlation tests. Generally, we expect a negative correlation between the two variables since GPA scores are seen to be low among students who spend more hours watching television and vice versa.
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College tuition pricing and the drive behind it Statistics Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Higher education is becoming a distant dream for ordinary people in America now. American government is currently trying to implement globalization and liberalization policies. As part of these policies, the government is trying to stay away from spending much in the non-productive sectors.
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Changes in Unemployment Statistics in UK over Time Statistics Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Unemployment is as much of a social issue as it is a business issue. Unemployment reduces the purchasing power among consumers and, therefore, directly affects the profitability and at times the viability of many businesses. On the other hand, the unemployment presents a delicate challenge for governments who have to resolve it through change in policies while dealing with hostile public sentiments.
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Quality statistics paper Statistics Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Present global economic crisis not only has constrained the utilization of resources and but also hasstepped up the costs associated with the manufacturingthe products and offering the services to customers. This necessitates businesses to be more lean, agile and innovative structuring their decision making processes on facts based on data rather than on opinions and suggestions (Lyonnet, 1991).
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Statistics 401 Mod 4 SLP - Regression Analysis Statistics Coursework
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In an effort to establish this, I formed a simple regression in excel to try and put the presumption verses factual nature of the issue to rest. I related the variable values of SAL and the variable values of the DJIA. In say a typical line graph, the values of these variables in my opinion would form a pattern when plotted on the graph that can be pinned down to a specific mathematical formula.
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The Strategies Pursued by Ferrari between 1975 and 1978 Statistics Coursework
6 pages (1576 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
One of the most renowned strategies employed by Ferrari between 1975 and 1978 was revolutionizing engine design. Ferrari came to the point of creating elegant handling and power advantage of the engine. This remarkably created a great impact on the team’s performance considering that the other teams are trying to come up with highly advanced or revolutionized engine design in order to be a cut above the other.
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Statistics in Public Relations Statistics Essay
6 pages (1760 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Statistical data and analysis are important to Strategic Communications because this is a way that businesses can determine what type of decision to make regarding a product development strategy or the best ways to market to specific groups of consumers to get better sales. An educational publishing company must determine first what consumers (teachers and students) like.
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Assessment to cover m5 Statistics Coursework
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The microprocessor is a multipurpose and programmable electronic device that accepts binary input data, reads binary instructions from memory, and processes the data in accordance to the instruction set to provide output. The microprocessor consists of millions of transistors (semiconductor devices that amplify and switch electronic signals) is the brain of the computer, controlling all the activities of the computer system, and performing all operations necessary for the execution of programs.
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Ethical Behavior at Bayview Statistics Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This urge necessitated the discovery of technology that has made academic cheating easy to be realized and difficult to be identified by the faculty or dean of institutions (Bouville, 2010). As one of their duties, institutions expect the dean or members of the faculty to make sure that learners maintain academic integrity in their instruction process for their course work or syllabi.
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Analysis of Obesity as a Clinical Problem Statistics Essay
6 pages (2158 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The well-being index (WBI) is a comprehensive measure of people’s quality of life that incorporates a number of different factors based on socio-economic conditions (Doll, Petersen, & Stewart-Brown, 2012). Research indicates that obesity is becoming increasingly common especially in the developed world.
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Job Search Data Analysis Statistics Coursework
6 pages (1673 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Although the file downloaded contains datasets for the whole of England and Wales, this research will only extract data for the 32 cities of London. Data for unemployed persons was obtained from the Annual Population Survey (APS). The APS is conducted annually during which information on the number and percentage of people who are employed.
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Introduction to SPSS Exercise Statistics Essay
2 pages (773 words) , Download 8 , Essay
SPSS was used to carry out the descriptive analysis of the data generated for two variables each having a sample size of 30 i.e., N=30 as shown below in table 1. The mode is the highest score value in the data sample that has the maximum frequency of occurrence, the median is the center value in the order data sample. 
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Analyse the association between variables Statistics Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The points obtained on a scatter plot were connected using a best fit line such that the line passes through or close to the maximum number of points possible. The use of this technique allows the researcher to connect as many points as possible. The plotted points were then connected statistically using regressive techniques.
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The Wellness of Expected Child Statistics Essay
8 pages (2399 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The present study is aimed at statistically analyzing this fact. Along with the status of the health of the expectant mother, the study also discusses the effects of the ethnic background of the mother on the expected child. Concerning the threats to the expected baby’s health one of the basic factors that is bought into consideration is the tendency of the expectant mother to smoke.
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Project Time and Quality Statistics Coursework
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
According to the PMBOK, “a project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to provide a unique product or service” Nevell & Grashina (2004). This can be interpreted to mean that a project is quite distinct from day-to-day activities of an organisation in that it is not done on a regular basis.
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Effects of Font Size in Standardized Testing Statistics Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Communication barriers are, however, external factors that may have intrinsic effects on a student to affect performance by either encouraging or discouraging the student. Font types and font sizes with which test questions are presented are identified to elicit different responses among students and readers in general.
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Statistics 401 Mod 4 Case - Regression Analysis Statistics Coursework
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Each of the corresponding values of X and Y designate a specific point on the graph and therefore when the points are all plotted they form scattered dots on the surface of the graph. This so formed pattern of plotted points scattered on the graph are attributed to the name of the graph, scatter plots.
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Quantitative analysis Statistics Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Quantitative research confounds exist that influences research results against independent variables’ forces and therefore challenges implementation of quantitative research. History confound, maturation confound, and testing confound are examples of challenges to quantitative research.
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Evaluation of Statistical Data Statistics Term Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Education providers have long been interested in determining the factors that influence student’s performance so they attain knowledge and skills essential to effectively contribute to community on a broader landscape (Kooi, 2008). Determining the possible factors and identifying the significant ones that can influence the student’s academic performance is a challenging task.
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Stastistics Statistics Assignment
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The company has an offer to receive sure revenue of $2,150,000 from HSBC bank in return for uncertain revenues in local currencies. The purpose of this report is to analyze the usefulness of this offer and help USA Super Cars reach a decision best suited for the company In order to reach a verdict the risk faced by US Super Cars and the amount of uncertain revenues resulting from exchange rate fluctuations are calculated and compared.
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Analysis of Major Variables Statistics Essay
16 pages (4005 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For one additional unit of average daily occupation, 1.29 fewer man-hours are needed. For a rise in the monthly average number of check-ins by one unit, 1.81 more manhours are needed. Coefficient 4. For an increase in weekly hours of service desk operation, there will be an increase in the manhour requirement by approximately 0.60 hours per week.
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The Impact of Temperature on Permeability of Cell Membrane Statistics Assignment
8 pages (2911 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
A cell membrane is a very important component of a cell because it is the one that controls the movement of substances in and out of a cell, hence protecting it from its environment. The experiment will be performed on a beetroot cell. To further explore the subject, recent experiments that have been performed with a similar purpose to the current study will be reviewed critically, and their findings linked to the findings of the current study.
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Quantitative Research Statistics Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To analyze critically, the most important components of the appraisal are an evaluation of the appropriateness of the study design to adequately deal on the research questions and a careful assessment of the key methodological aspects of the design. The other important aspects which should be analyzed are suitability of the statistical methods used and their subsequent interpretation, if there could be potential conflicts of interest and the relevance of a research to practice application.
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Quasi-Experimental Designs Statistics Assignment
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Assignment
The non-equivalent groups design would not effectively allow the teacher to determine if the quiz administration would improve learning. This is because the experimental design does not provide for the elimination or reduction of confounds that might affect the outcome of the exercise.
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Alternative hypothesis or testable hypothesis Statistics Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In a mathematical interpretation of this hypothesis, the researcher uses an equal sign to indicate no relationship. This hypothesis is signified by H0. It is the hypothesis that the researcher aims at changing by testing the alternative hypothesis
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Statistical Critique of an Article Statistics Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The development of strong conflict management skill is a particular concern for law enforcers because they regularly interact with the public and these interactions are not always pleasant. Traffic police officers specifically face intense emotional moments, when they apprehend disgruntled traffic violators.
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Statistics on Defensive efficiancy for NBA Basketball Statistics Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
All this processes are conducted by statisticians. This is an economic data analysis project that has incorporated different items in statistics. The data used is for NBA defensive team, it keeps the national basket ball records annually. This data are for the years 2009 and 2010, both home and away games.
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The Use of Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient by Messina and Coyne Statistics Term Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Term Paper
From the research it can be comprehended that that Spearman’s rho indicates a strong negative correlation between hospital admission (from the chosen sample of 14 teaching and nonteaching) hospitals and patient satisfaction as rs = -.287, P = .018, it becomes very clear that there is a relationship between patient satisfaction and inpatient admission.
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Statistics in the workplace Statistics Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The data mainly kept is the reason why the patients visited the facility, their duration of visit, and the cost. Such information as is visible to the public is important in determining the quality of healthcare at a given hospital. The administrators of a hospital might use statistical data in prioritizing the needed services so as to improve on the efficiency and effectiveness of the hospital in service delivery.
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5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
verall value are fundamental to resource allocation decision making. Corporations’ C-Suite executives have created Business Intelligence (BI) and Client Insights teams in order to become competitive. These teams leverage analytical tools such as simple six sigma efficiency methodologies and powerful third party analytical tools and systems for organizational analytics.
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