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is to ensure that the business continues to be in operation by having the ability to pay short-term debts and operating expenses anytime they fall due. This involves managing payables, stock, cash and receivables. The Week 3 video assignment presents different strategies that
The research problem is stated the sixth paragraph of the study. The study presents the article’s statement of purpose. The study uses pre-existing groups because the workers are randomly assigned and not shuffled to engage within different sites.
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This approach reduces noise in experiments by minimizing extreme deviations in groups’ observations. It reduces noise by eliminating outliers in collected data
In deed, my grasp of the content taught fascinated me.
Overall, the course was very interesting. I found it motivating using the statistics disc to analyze data. My favorites were the MSL assignments, hypothesis testing, descriptive
This is not a practical difference.
b. A small effect is less than 0.30, a medium effect is from 0.30 to 0.50 and a large effect is more than 0.50. Thus the 0.03 effect
More than one-third of customers (36 %) bought from 3 to 6 items. A relatively small number of customers bought more than 7 items. To get a per cent frequency distribution for the age variable it is necessary to determine the number of bins, the width of the bin, and determine the frequency for each bin (Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, 37-95).
Similarly, Johnson joined the AC/DC rock band in 1980 to replace Scott. Johnson featured as the main vocalist in nine albums produced even into the 1900s. The Scott versus Johnson competition to establish the best rock vocalist reveals that
The mean is the most normally-used gauge of central tendency. The mean is the total values of the data divided by the overall amount of the items in the set of the same data. However, to measure how items behave in a set of data with regards to mean as a measure of central tendency, dispersion is used.
The student must complete all sections of the survey, which include about himself/ herself, school academics, student and life at school. In addition, only one survey for each student per academic year per institution submitted through the prescribed medium like online or properly filled forms qualifies to be included in the sample data.
(Nahid & Leila) apply confidence intervals in the study “Comparison of Intelligence Quotient in Children surviving leukemia who Received Different Prophylactic Central Nervous System
99% Confidence Interval for the mean value (original cost). Using the normal distribution, as the sample size is large (n = 450 > 30). For 99% confidence, z = 2.576. The true mean value of the original cost of the item is between £86.09 and £87.91 with 99% confidence. 99% Confidence Interval for the mean length of time in stock (in weeks)
Subsequently, the study uses measures of spread such as standard deviation in the analysis of the results by the use of aspects such as out if the 113,476 telephone numbers of respondents sampled, 59%
Privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity of the participants are of high priority to the researcher. Your participation in the research will end after sending the questionnaire unless you require the
The three major measures of central tendency include the mean, mode and the median which describe a completely different indication of a central value in the distribution.
Theft is the common crime in my community. The data of theft cases varies from time to time
3. An education expert is researching teaching methods and wishes to interview teachers from a particular school district. She randomly selects ten schools from the district and interviews all of the teachers at the selected schools. Does this
In different parts of the country, advertisements are placed with either the local TV or a local radio station. The length of the advertisements is characterized as short, medium or long. Each combination of media and
Hence, correlation alone is not causality, but can be considered as a determining factor. (Verma and Pearl, 1990)
According to Statistical Assessment Service (2012) under the sponsorship of George Mason University, “In general, we should all be wary of
But, how does a consumer know which one contains the lowest calorie among so many brands? That is why this assignment focuses on statistical evaluation of calories of breakfast cereals. This analysis will help a consumer to
On that note, the type of descriptive statistical method to be used to describe a particular variable is dependent on the level of measurement employed by the analyst. For instance,
The author states that the quantitative article used a simple random sampling method to determine the empirical value of various variables that relate to hypertension. Biophysical measures as a data collection method are used in the quantitative article because certain physical changes are subjected to measurement.
There is 95% confidence that the number of employees average is between 22.24 and 31.36.
The data consisted of ten points and was normally distributed. The lowest reported crime rate was 1.35 and the highest reported rate was 4.15. average crime
at +1, a coefficient variance of 0.75 indicates that there is a positive and strong linear-relationship between the credit balance and size of the holding.
A coefficient of determination (r2) normally explains the portion of fluctuation (variance) of a particular variable
The paper considers the following models: 1. original model (4); 2. original model with the addition of the variable; 3. original model with the addition of the variable momcoll; 4. model (6). Use your answer to c.i, and the Akaike criterion or Schwarz criterion (you can choose) to select the best among these 4 models.
As shown in the histogram of Profits on 180 vehicles sold, there appears that the profits on vehicles sold are normally distributed, as the histogram resembles a bell-shaped curve. Most of the profits are in-between $1,200 and $2,700. The peak of the distribution is for the profit range of $1,800 and $2,100, which is desirable as the mean and median for the profit on vehicles sold are $1,843 and $1,883, respectively.
The relationship of these samples is that the pretest has corresponding posttest of the students.
The problem involves determination of the performance of the students in terms of scores.
Snowball sampling is the one in which the respondents are included in the sample upon meeting specific criteria. When a respondent is included in the sample, that respondent is asked by the researcher to refer another respondent who also meets the same criteria. This method of sampling is especially quite useful when it becomes quite hard to access the respondents in a population.
Idols represent psychological barriers and relate to all imaginations which prevent men from seeing an object as it is (Bacon, pg.36). four idols beset the minds of men. Firstly, idols of the tribe relate to human nature and ethnicity. An example of this relates to the need by men to see the order in the universe even when it is not there.
The company samples 90 online shoppers and collected data on day of the week for each transaction, time that the shoppers spent on the website, number of pages
This research investigated the relationship between the satisfaction levels of Bahrain nationals aged above 18 years of age and how they perceive corruption to be deeply or lightly rooted in the government. Age and highest education levels attained by individual respondents to the survey were introduced to seek their abilities to moderate the relationship.
A researcher asks whether attending a private high school leads to higher or lower performance on a test of social skills when compared to students attending public schools. A sample of 100 students from a private school produces a mean score of 71.30. The population mean (μ) for students from public high schools is 75.62.
There are numerous statistical methods available for forecasting and deciding on the significance of various scenarios. We consider the three techniques of hypothesis testing, parametric analysis and multivariate. These three are most of the time used together since they are just the components of probability analysis.
The mean support level of the Londoners in support for the “Living Wage” was found to be 66.6667 indicating that there exists support for the “Living Wage” among the Londoners however, it is not full support. Full support would have meant an average of 100 which is not the case as dictated by the figures.
There are various methods that a club can employ to increase cash inflows. Some of the approaches that can be adopted include increasing the monthly charges, expanding the membership base, constructing more infrastructure to accommodate more members among others. Unfortunately, The Bay Area Athletic Club can only expand the membership base other than increasing the monthly rate in order to generate extra revenue.
e selected group or sample, external validity refers to the degree to which the findings can be inferred to other settings such as a wider population or similar settings. An example of threat to validity is the “historical effect” confounds that affects an experiment
From these ANOVA table above, one can conclude that MS (ERROR) and MS (B) differ significantly because P-value=0.000000697 which is a figure less than alpha value of 0.05. Thus the null hypothesis can be rejected. Moreover, the table shows
The analysis in this report is conducted on the basis of descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS of the data for Public and Private Schools. For the simplicity of the interpretation, we would prefer to ignore 8 schools that did not declare their status. With this 36.8% of the total schools fall in the status of public schools while remaining 63.2% in the category of private schools.
The author states that yet another remarkable tendency of ratio measurements is that the ratio amongst two coefficients remains constant even though the units of measurement change. While the ratio has the benefit of being the pinnacle level of measurement, they cannot be used in every situation.
Other variables that might be associated with number of accidents include over speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs as well as reckless driving. While rain is a natural factor, these other factors are caused by human initiatives. Driving while
This line shows that the increase in x (independent variable) is also associated with an increase in y (dependent variable). Thus, the independent variable postnatal age is used to predict
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, Research Paper
Social influence questions are mainly normally distributed. Normal Skewness shows that the participants’ distribution on the social influence questions were evenly distributed indicating values fairly resembling the mean. This shows that the participants were equally statistically significant in determining the outcome.
Transportation is important to people’s professional and social lives. People who go to work require an effective means of transport that can fit their budget and at the same time allow them to reach their workplace on time. The desired means of transport also need to be convenient. Similarly, students need to reach class on time and conveniently and this identifies the need to understand the most appropriate types of transport.
e three types of presentation, “Any test presentation” was coded as 1, Technical Literature Review was coded as 2 and presentation on International business was coded as 3. The presenters were also coded such that 1 denoted male and 2 denoted female. On that note, this paper
The standard deviation for the set of 5 points {2, 3, 4, 5 and 6} that are very close together is about 1.58. When a 6th point {20} that is far away from the original 5 points
If the process were repeated many times, each time selecting random samples of 500 people aged 20-24 and 450 people aged 25-29 and each time constructing a confidence interval for p1 - p2, 95% of the time the true difference between the two population proportions will lie
In the survey, 48 domestic (mean = 5.7708, standard deviation = 2.2993) and 169 international students (mean = 4.6923, standard deviation = 2.6748) responded to item five of the survey. This indicates that the international students’ response was a little lower than that
The researcher will select 20 nurses randomly out of the 75 nurses in the hospital; there is no method of selecting the nurses (Kothari, 2012).
This is where a researcher divides the entire population into
Despite being associated with several challenges, including fear of insecurity of personal data and theft of information leading to stealing of money. Nonetheless, uptake of the cashless payment system has been tremendous. The impacts of specific aspects (that could stand
Statistics involves the entire process of collecting and analyzing data. This is a true process since it involves an actual survey to obtain data for analysis. The collection of data could either be from primary or secondary sources. The primary collection of data involves the use of questionnaires or interviews. This in turn gives first-hand information required for the analysis.
The school management realized that the problem with the supply of these snacks was due to incompetence from the chefs and waste of time and labor when preparing them. The eight forms of waste were identified and were applied in solving the problem was solved. The