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A distribution curve that is not symmetrical is referred to as skewed or asymmetrical curve and skewness is a measure of a distribution from symmetry. A probability distribution is said to be positively skewed if the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the left of the figure or if the largest portion of data is below the mean.
Results of the ANOVA with an F-statistic of 0.475 and a p-value of 0.823 (which is greater than α = 0.05), revealed that there are no significant differences in the levels of recidivism of the detainees when they are arranged according to their ages. These results signify that no specific age level had higher levels of recidivism that the other age levels.
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8 pages (2297 words)
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, Literature review
Women wearing high heels have been an argument for many years. The review of this literature is to mainly understand the reason why women like to wear high heels, factors that encourage women to wear high heels, the outcomes of wearing high heels, and the common view about it.
The collected sample should correctly represent the population in an unbiased manner for establishing the success of the experiment from the result of observation. Sampling error is the result of the difference between the estimation of statistics from a sample and population. Let us take an example of purchasing the IT products in a firm.
The application of statistics to financial analysis is a technical aspect that is normally performed by those who have an avid command over the field of financial econometrics. Though statistical techniques often provide very valuable information, they are prone to errors caused by mechanical and human mistakes.
A skewed distribution, according to Dever (1997), is a kind of asymmetrical distribution in which the majority of the collected data concentrate on a single side of the distribution line (p. 169). The author added that this is possible and is dependent on the existence of the practical and specification limits.
Again, English-speaking students (those who speak English at home) have a higher tendency of dropping out of school early as compared to students from non-English speaking backgrounds. The council upholds that youth from low/poor socioeconomic families could feel pressured to abandon school in order to aid in the alleviation of their households’ financial stress
It is seen that number of people who are above 65 is increasing which means the old population in America is surviving at a high rate, and that is because of the most effective and advanced health care facilities, which are provided for free to these people. In the year 2002, only seventy-five percent of the Americans were White and after them, the largest group was Hispanics or Latin Americans.
ive on the other hand uses statistical methods that begins from a more generalized point to a narrow observations and uses criteria such as chi-square, t-distribution. After the analysis, data is stored in archives for preservations. The following below thus discusses few
In general, the quantity sold in tonnes per day and the prices in dollars per kilogram are directly related. An increase in the price in dollars per kilogram will result in a decline in the quantity sold in tonnes per day. Also, during summer the overall production is generally low, but in winter, the overall production is generally high.
Ratio and interval attributes are almost the same. The summarising properties of the data such as the mean, range, percentiles, frequency, and median are used to show quickly the characteristics of customers. From the summarizing properties, it can be seen that on average, most of the customers are young and have most have gone through university.
In summary, a promotion of deterrence inside the focus area might successfully lessen disturbance associated crime. Predominantly so as it shows that school-aged adolescence is caught up who may be mostly influenced by advanced visibility of police guards at before or otherwise after school times furthermore as well by police trips to the schools.
Four percent of females were severely injured compared to about 30.4% males, thus, the severity of the injury is more in males than females. However, both non-dominant (17.4%) and dominant (16%) sides have approximately the same severity of the injury. Relative to females, the odds of the severity of the injury in males was 10.6 times higher.
The author states that if administrators and policy-makers would take into account both the benefits and the drawbacks of standardized testing, they could work to create educational policies that take advantage of the data that standardized tests offer, while not allowing test bias on test scores to detract from our student’s education.
9 pages (2571 words)
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, Research Paper
The investigation is carried further by evaluating factors other than government spending, which affect healthy life expectancy. The dataset was sourced out from the websites of the World Health Organization, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and Yale University. A total of 25 variable were included in the dataset.
The data can then be analyzed to establish descriptive characteristics such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. Different software can be used to perform the analyses. These include the use of Minitab, Statistical Software for Social Scientists, and Microsoft Excel. The data can be interpreted based on the outcomes of the analyses.
The reason why we choose the topic for the study is that corporate social responsibility has been a rising issue since, the relationship between the company and the shareholders in terms of customers, the community, and the employees of the company is weakening each financial period and hence, there is need to understand the impact of corporate social reasonability on the company’s financial position.
Hypothetically, these factors include the speed of service, quality of service, environmental cleanliness and safety, customer care and guidance services, arrangements, professionalism of the service providers, friendliness, and general experience and they directly correlate with the client's experience, and views on the services offered. Data was collected through a primary survey, observational research, and from the institutions’ websites.
Studies have evaluated the effectiveness of this law with regard to the management of democracy (statecraft). Other studies have analyzed the extent to which it permits or limits citizen engagement in federal policy development in the country. Almarabeh and AbuAli (2010) argue that this Article provides leeway to have telecommunication help people engage with the government.
The first set of variables includes GDP per capita versus Internet Users per 1,000 people and the second set of variables includes GDP growth (Annual %) versus Rate of Inflation. The data will be drawn from a set of 30 countries sampled randomly from all the
According to (Brase & Pellillo 83), variation in data sets is determined through the use of various measures of variation. These measures determine the range of the distributions in relation to the measures of central tendencies. The range in distribution 1 is smaller than the range in distribution 3, which is also far much smaller than in distribution 2.
After combining all the masses in the three sources, there were 450 variables, and the mean was 13.9742831. Other parameters are summarised in table 2. The positive value of skewness is an indication that most of the variables (masses of the lead balls) are above the mean side of the data sets, and the tail is more stretched on this side than on the side below the mean.
The information gathered from the data analysis of the three distributions was presented on graphs and tables for a quick and easy interpretation. The report analyzed and compared the three data sets in terms of their means, variability, and the nature of the distribution of the data points. Descriptive statistics indicated almost similar values of the means for data sets 2 and 3.
The data in the two tables will be referred to though separately. A sample mean, standard deviation, UCL and UWL are calculated and plotted at the control chart as illustrated below.
Starting with region Q, the mean was 12.4 minutes, standard deviation of 2.57. UCL was calculated by referring to the 3 sigma rule, the value of it equals 14 minutes.
To answer the above question, the researcher can go to either quantitative research, qualitative or the mixture of both researches. The patterns of these methodologies are quite different from each other (Creswell, 2003).
One of the possible methods for the
The diagram above shows the scatterplots for the consumption of coffee and sodas over a period of 48 days. From the diagram, we witness that the consumption of coffee was steady for the first twenty days before it picked in between the 21st to the 24th days. In the case of sodas, the consumption is erratic with changing consumption, especially in the first 30 days.
Predicting the life of products or samples is usually done by fixing a statistical distribution of life sample data, in our case the data from the 20 machines that were treated. This distribution set of data is used to approximate the life behavior of products, for example, their probability of failure after a given time period and their reliability, the failure rate, and their mean life.
A simple description of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) would be that it is a set of statistical models, together with their related procedures, whereby the variable to be looked at is divided into components capable of being attributed to diverse sources of variation (Urdan 98). This makes it considerably complex and subtle since each of the different variations applies in a given experimental context.
Generally, five variables are considered in this test, the “intent” variable which represents the buying intentions, has values that range from 1 to 10, the value 1 represents extremely unlikely and 10 represents extremely likely. The variable, in this case, is therefore considered as the dependent variable.
8 pages (2366 words)
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, Research Paper
There is a lot of division regarding public opinion on nuclear weapons as well as choices based on the replacement of Trident (Chatham House, 2010). Since the year 2005, it can be noted that at least 20 opinion polls have been undertaken at the moment Trident replacement debate had picked up (Chatham House, 2010).
Ass the paper highlights, populations or statistics are assumed to follow one of these several probability distributions and these are used to estimate population parameters as well as test hypotheses on the population. The standard normal distribution, for example, is used to draw inferences on population parameters such as the population mean.
The author states that the system which existed in RRA, a leading recruitment agency, was to concentrate more on the number of candidates recruited without any reference to the quality standards. The need for a change was felt, as he could see the company losing customers while handling the recruitment of manager for a welding company.
HDI is a measurement tool developed by the UN for ranking countries on social and economic development using the main benchmarks namely, education, life expectancy and per capita income. Human development is the basic distinction need to improve and differentiate the means and the end of development.
The mean error and mean percentage error tells us if the forecasts that have been made are biased and their level of biases. However, ME is not useful for measuring accuracy as it does not include the errors in forecasts. A ME score of 0 does not necessarily, does not exclude the cancellation effect of large errors with opposite signs.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
Statistics is a process in which scientific methods are used in collecting, organizing, summarizing presenting and analyzing data for the benefit of drawing and making reasonable conclusions and decisions. Therefore, it is useful in every aspect of organizing and running of a day today activities both in the state and private entities.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Book Report/Review
This paper looks at the detailed definition and the different roles that are played by statisticians in the research field. It enlightens its readers through the various concepts such as descriptive statistics, and in this case, it gives the understanding of how different numerical figures get distributed.
To understand the relationship between buyer and a B2B e-marketplace, Lancaster & Filipe employed stratified sampling where the entire population of respondents was stratified into strata and then simple random sampling carried out. The authors used sampling design tools to determine the size of the unbiased sample
The participants in this study, based on the objectives of the study will constitute a sample of 44 participants sampled from a total population of 50 and selected at a 95% confidence level. The people to be involved include respondents from the rural area where community colleges have ever been established
According to the findings, it can, therefore, be said that research is crucial in any areas of life. Primarily, research drives decision making. Importantly, the findings of any research present what is happening on the ground. However, bias and reliance on secondary data can compromise the credibility of the study outcome.
The cause of variance is present within a group of data as well as between the groups of data. The relative magnitude of variance between the groups to that within the groups is given by F-statistics. If F-statistics for a pair of datasets is less than the critical value of F-statistics, then there is no significant difference between the two datasets and vice versa.
Regardless of whether the variation is common (inherent in a particular system) or special (caused by changes in situations or circumstances), variation would still influence the way we do things and make decisions with respect to the different aspects of the business. When dealing with export and/or export businesses, for example, there are many variables involved.
Statistics is a mathematically based method and technique that permit to the transformation of raw or unprocessed data into information that has a certain sense. It makes it possible to find relationships, trends, patterns or just to summarize the obtained information. Processed data help to find proper decisions in business and science (Wegner, 2007).
Research is clear that nonsignificant findings should be presented through the use of p-values, standard deviations, and confidence intervals (Hoem, 2008), and also by employing a post hoc statistical power and sample size analysis to show that the study was responsive enough to detect an important effect or outcome (Derr & Goldsmith, 2003).
The author states that the mean and median are three different measures of central tendency for a given set of data. Mean is most suitable in case of ungrouped data or in cases where the data does not have a frequency distribution. On the other hand, median measures the middlemost value of the sample after the data has been arranged in ascending order.
There is an ample amount of evidence in the literature that heart and body size are correlated3&15. It is believed that individuals with large body size will generally possess a larger heart as opposed to smaller individuals. The cardiovascular system functions by pumping blood to meet the metabolic requirements of the tissues.
The author states that analysis of average order numbers and order size has provided the information that there is a consistent increase in the number of daily orders and average daily order size over consequent quarters. Besides, there is a wide variation in the performance of different profit centers.
Another basic purpose of this paper is to get familiar with the Central Limit Theorem and tell the reader its importance in statistical inference. No doubt, statistics is an important subject, which helps us in all of our researches and testing the reliability of hypothesis and Central Limit Theorem is one of the reliable tests.
We began by declaring the data as a time series data. This was followed by generating the log of the variables y (‘ly’) and sap (‘lsap’). We also generated the log returns of the variables y (‘dly’) and sap (‘dlsap’). The other sections present the results of the analysis starting with the descriptive statistics.
18 pages (4500 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that Systems Engineering is associated with conceptualizing, design, development, testing & make-live of large scale & complex engineering systems for various industrial & software applications. It comprises the complete life cycle of building complex engineering systems using the style & methodology of an engineering manager.
The research questions and the objectives have been put together because the answer to the questions is the objective of the study (Andrew, John, Hal, David, Aki, and Donald, 2013). Surveying is a statistical method that is used in data collection as well as measuring data. It is a primary method of collecting data (Verma, 2012).