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Customized Learning Theory
10 pages (2670 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''Customized Learning Theory'' discusses the bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries.... A common saying is that a horse can be led to the source of water but he has to drink the water himself.... This can be said to be the crux of the Piaget's theory of constructivism....
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Reasons for Infant Deaths
10 pages (3342 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Reasons for Infant Deaths" reports on studies on why infants that have had an apparent life-threatening event die less often because of SIDS, what family doctors need to do to help prevent SIDS, find out the risk of the sudden infant death syndrome recurrence in families, etc.... ... ... ...
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Stress Management and Mental Health
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The author examines the articles concerning stress management and mental health.... The author states that in the constantly advancing world, the need to have a quality stress management and mental health mechanism as one of the most crucial subjects of concern in ensuring success.... ... ... It is very important to note that this movie provides a diverse set of information on the subject of trauma....
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Analysys of Articles about Organizational Change
16 pages (4353 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Organizational Behavior: The State of the science.... Organizational Behavior: science, the real world and you.... Organizational Behavior: The State of the science.... Organizational Behavior: science, the real world and you.... Various factors come in when dealing with the issue of database systems in hospitals and thus the importance of going through the positives and negatives.... Despite the many advantages that database systems and information technology have offered our environment, it is also vital not to assume that negativities regarding this do not take place. ...
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Why Students drop off from School
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper focuses on how joining college means to give up time for students and devote all their time to studies and achieving high grades in order to be successful in the future, get a good job, earn for the family and basically live a happy life.... .... ... ... Unfortunately some people don't think that way; they believe that college is a burden to their life and that it isn't beneficial at all....
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Effects in Adult Diabetics Participating in Anaerobic Exercise versus Strength Training Exercise
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of this review is to evaluate and review research completed within the last ten years comparing the effects of anaerobic exercise to those of strength training exercise such as "Exercise therapy in type-2 diabetes, Is daily exercise required to optimize glycemic control?... .... ... ... This study sought to determine if short-term aerobic exercise training improved blood flow following ingestion of glucose....
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Supply Chain Management
11 pages (2912 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The importance of supply chain management depends much on the length of the supply chains (Lu 30).... Where supply chains are very short,.... ... ... The paper "Supply Chain Management" is an outstanding example of a management annotated bibliography.... Supply chain management is an effective and efficient management of all activities that take place from primary suppliers to the market place....
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Analysis of Articles about Labor Legislation
10 pages (2726 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper contains an annotated bibliography of such articles 'The Intriguing Relation between Adult Minimum Wage and Child Labor" by Basu, "Origins of Protective Labor Legislation for Women" by Susan Lehrer, 'Labor Standards and International Competitiveness" by Raynauld and Jean-Pierre Vidal.... ...
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Is Parental Involvement Relevant to Academic Achievements
9 pages (2705 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The bibliography "Is Parental Involvement Relevant to Academic Achievements?... focuses on the critical analysis of the discussion on children's academic successes.... In other words, it discusses whether parental involvement is relevant to academic achievements.... ... ... ... It goes without saying that doing well in school can lead to greater opportunities for children to further their education and in the job market overall....
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Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
11 pages (3525 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment" describes that when carrying out studies on exercise interventions it is important to understand that neurogenesis takes place within the hippocampus, a structure that is important for learning a memory.... ... ... ... Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a neuropathologically distinct slowly progressive tauopathy that is known to have environmental etiology....
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The Suitable Age for Second Language Acquisition
9 pages (3064 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
As the paper "The Suitable Age for Second Language Acquisition" tells, second language acquisition has always been a debated topic in the field of education because it has become quite a necessity for children to learn a second language which is one of the requirements for education at all levels....
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More Guns Less Crime
2 pages (939 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
science 187:398-404.... The purpose of the Study 'More Guns Less Crime' is to determine if the data involved in this issue by the MGLC state-level crime data is whether proven correct or wrong.... TThe researchers have sought the error in the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)'s cross-sectional time-series data....
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Human and Embryonic Stem cell research
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
In particular in California, science is based on the progressive nature of the society.... In particular in California, science is based on the progressive nature of the society.... As a result, many people think that this drive will take our society down an avenue where science completely takes over and gets rid of the morality in life....
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Wireless and New Technology
1 pages (363 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The annotated bibliography under the title "Wireless and New Technology" demonstrates that the study is based on the application of a wireless technology referred to as Audience Response System to high school students on the basis of different concepts.... .... ... ... The paper also shows that one main basis is the constructivist learning highlighting the active role of learners in attaining the knowledge themselves....
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Nursing theory
1 pages (250 words) , Download 12 , Annotated Bibliography
Orems self-care deficit nursing theory: its philosophic foundation and the state of the science.... Nursing science Quarterly, 13, 2, 104-10. ... Orems self-care deficit nursing theory: its philosophic foundation and the state of the science.... Nursing science Quarterly, 13, 2, 104-10.... The three parts are “self-care, self-care deficit and nursing systems” (Taylor, 2000)....
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Fatigue and performance in aviation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This article calls upon the stakeholders in the aviation industry to solve the issue of fatigued pilots, which is among the causes of airplane accidents.... According to the article, the 24/7 global schedule, disrupted sleep due to varying time zones across the globe, and internal.... ... ... The author goes ahead to propose solutions to this problem....
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Apples Operation Management
8 pages (2490 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
They both research on supply chain network and designs though other authors focused more on geographical systems.... Their main research concerns the organization and management of geographical systems and supply chain networks.... Product design for product/ service systems; ... It is also similar to Simangunsong Elliot work on supply chain and on product systems and the product design.... 2009, Product design for product/ service systems; ...
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Anthropogenic Climate Change
7 pages (2319 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
"Anthropogenic Climate Change" paper provides a brief review and analysis of various scientific articles on whether humans caused the current climate change and derives that climate change being a natural hazard that encompasses both meteorological and geological issues.... .... ... ... Along with oxygen, CO2 is an essential element for the survival of life on earth, as plant metabolism is dependent on the absorption of CO2....
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Critical Thinking of Criminal Behavior
5 pages (1465 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
(2003), The effectiveness of juvenile curfews at crime prevention, The animals of the American Academy of Political and social science, 587(1), 136-159. ... (2003), The effectiveness of juvenile curfews at crime prevention, The Animals of the American Academy of Political and social science, 587(1), 136-159. ... The inability of teenagers to participate proactively in legal processes, manifest their inclination, for instance, to plead guilty to a case in which they have promises of leniency from the judicial systems. ...
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Health Issues
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper entitled "Health Issues" provides annotations on different books on nursing.... As the author puts it, the first article looks at a management and prevention of pressure injuries at a rather interesting scope.... The author underscores the fact that healthcare becomes important.... ... ...
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Cultural Safety Issues Based on Media Analysis
9 pages (2630 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The measures should ensure that besides science other than cultural differences should be used as a foundation for understanding treatment and health.... The fact that this model is based on science hinders attainment of culturally safe health services.... This approach influences the health care systems leading to prejudiced mindsets that have become a segment of the practices and policies in healthcare provision.... The biomedical approach prevalence is apparent in the Australian Healthcare systems given the increased institutional racism....
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Neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
Retrieved May 15, 2011, from the science Direct database.... The article was published in a peer-reviewed journal and was found on science Direct, a renowned database, so reliability is high.... The manual gives information on the medications given to those with cancer as well as information on the side-effects that these may have....
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Importance of Bedside Nursing in Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores
20 pages (5314 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "Importance of Bedside Nursing in Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores" focuses on the main objective of nursing handoffs that is to make oncoming nurses aware of the present condition of the patient under care by providing them with all information.... ... ... ... Improved interpersonal communication has always been the key to personal or professional success for every person....
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Human Development and Functioning
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The science of Life-Span Development OLC: Retreived from 22 Jan 2012.... The science of Life-Span Development OLC: Retreived from 22 Jan 2012.... Ecological systems theory .... ronfenbrenner's Ecological systems Theory.... In addition, the writers reiterate that the consistent study of the theories of developmental psychology such as the cultural and ecological systems help in further comprehension of modern human problems and how to solve them....
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Issue of Increasing Lead Times in the Retail Industry
6 pages (2166 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Management science, 57(4), 778-795.... Increasing lead times in the supply chain systems of such retail concerns leads to the unavailability of the right merchandise at the right season or time thereby contributing to loss of sales.... Localized manufacturing and supply chain centers contribute to the enhancement of the parameters of accessibility and affordability relating to the merchandises on demand and also assists the concern in gaining an effective track on the performance of the supply chain systems....
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Supervision Related to Education
7 pages (2062 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Challenges of standards‐based reform: The example of Californias science content standards and textbook adoption process.... science Education, 87 (3), 378-389. ... he authors of this article concentrates on standards-based science prospectus in California.... science education in U.... In order to ensure science for all, the science education reformers recognized that they should specify details such as science teaching, teacher's professional development, assessment, educational systems and programs, and science content standards. ...
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Human terrain: Past, present and future applications
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The theater coordination elements are embedded within the three star general commander's staff and provide strategic support directly to the commander.... The TCE team consists of both civilian and military personnel including team leader, scientists and managers. ... ... oon after the.... ... ... 9/11 incident, the US involved in many fronts simultaneously most of the places which involved fighting insurgents and gorilla style militants, the knowledge and the know-how of the local population and how to win their hearts over the advances of the enemy was termed utmost Source González, R....
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Analysis of Articles about Plagiarism and Collusion
4 pages (1214 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
"Analysis of Articles about Plagiarism and Collusion" paper contains the summaries of such articled as "Collaboration, Collusion, and Plagiarism in Computer science", "Avoiding Plagiarism: guidance for nursing students", "and Analyzing and reducing plagiarism at university".... ollaboration, Collusion and Plagiarism in Computer science Coursework ... Notably, computer science has been prone to a considerable amount of cheating (Roberts, 2002)....
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Social Movements and the Politicization of Chronic Poverty
9 pages (2258 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Such positions in thought are a clear departure from science and particularly biology which holds nature as the ultimate determinant of our life and dictates the way we behave.... Such positions in thought are a clear departure from science and particularly biology which holds nature is the ultimate determinant of our life and dictates the way we behave.... Sociology for instance appears to hold a different opinion from science when it comes to reality such as nature's influence on human interactions....
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Letter to the Editor
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
In the Thursday paper, a common person named Bill Meyer, writes a letter to the editor while point out an important issue, which is very commonly practiced in the society.... These days the trend of health care insurance policies is.... ... ... The insurance agents are trying their best to sell as many as possible insurance policies to the public....
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Human Resource Practices
6 pages (2063 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Human Resource Practices " is a great example of human resources annotated bibliography.... It is quite evident that there exist strong links between employee engagement and performance management.... Mone et al (2011) indicate that there exists substantial evidence that suggests that performance management can widely be conceptualized as a fundamental framework....
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The Interpersonal Meanings of Texts the English Language
11 pages (2767 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
He primarily took these books and article from four main disciplines divisions, specifically, Law, science, Arts and Commence.... Martin explains the specific systems of genre as well as register in details arguing that both are like parasites and can only be meaningful when using semiotic of language. ...
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Asian Studies, Mau Tse-tung
22 pages (5749 words) , Annotated Bibliography
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The paper "Asian Studies, Mau Tse-tung" is an outstanding example of a social science annotated bibliography.... The paper "Asian Studies, Mau Tse-tung" is an outstanding example of a social science annotated bibliography.... The paper "Asian Studies, Mau Tse-tung" is an outstanding example of a social science annotated bibliography....
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Sexual Harassment of Children
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
ew York: Nova science Publishers. ... The paper contains the annotated bibliography of books about sexual harassment of children such as "Sexual harassment and bullying: A guide to keeping kids safe and holding schools accountable" and "Childhood victimization: Violence, crime, and abuse in the lives of young people"....
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Shaken Baby Syndrome
5 pages (1354 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
resentations addressed two main themes: (1) the adequacy of current and/or projected systems for measuring the incidence of shaken baby syndrome; and (2) a review of available strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of primary programs for its prevention in large jurisdictions.... Keenan, Minns and Trent described their experiences with active and passive surveillance systems....
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Impact of Trade on Inequality
16 pages (4188 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
In the opinion of the author emphasis on trade without considering the socio-economic and political involvement of the local communities explains the emerging wage disparities across.... ... ... The paper "Impact of Trade on Inequality" is a wonderful example of an annotated bibliography on macro and microeconomics....
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Hegel's Moral View of the World
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper focuses on Hegel's major philosophical goal.... In this paper presents is his idea of recognizing the variance bounded by his thought of disagreement and 'negativity.... he has laid out the center of his philosophical system and has mentioned how his philosophy is different from the philosophy of past....
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Global Learning Experiences
5 pages (1383 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
he study used a quantitative research design, mainly a cross-sectional study, to examine the consequences and events of role-facilitation and role-conflict in 185 students (77% female and 23% male) taking social science programmes at a university in Australia.... dnan, M, Mohamad, S, Buniamin, S & Mamat, A 2014, "Self-Regulated Learning And Motivation Of Islamic Studies And Non-Islamic Studies Stream Students," GESJ: Education science and Psychology, vol 6 no 32, pp....
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Informal Settlements in Johannesburg
5 pages (1451 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
Water science & Technology, 64(9), 1781-1789. ... This is because most of the patients who may want to access plastic surgery may opt to go foreign private health care systems which are less expensive.... In addition, the cost for carrying out the surgery may substantially higher as compared to other health systems in the global markets (Turner, 2010). ... Therefore, the government should put forth measures to address the above problems by providing the residents with better housing and drainage systems....
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Military Technology Makes our Daily Life Easier
12 pages (3032 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
"Military Technology Makes our Daily Life Easier" paper contains an annotated bibliography of such articles as "Using science to improve communications about suicide among military and veteran populations" by Langford, and "The war fighter's need for science and technology" by Beason.... Using science to improve communications about suicide among military and veteran populations: Looking for a few good messages.... Langford and other researchers explore the use of science in improving communication about suicide among the veteran and military populations....
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Biography of Nikola Tesla
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The mental training that Nikola's father gave him by making him do mathematical calculations without using a pen or paper was his initiation into the field of science.... The mental training that Nikola's father gave him by makind him do mathematical calculations without using a pen or paper was his initiation into the field of science (Dommermuth-Costa, 13).... He gave his own unique contributions to fields of science as diverse as, “robotics, ballistics, computer science, nuclear physics and theoretical physics” (Rajvanshi, 4)....
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Fetal Gene Therapy
5 pages (1615 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Fetal Gene Therapy" describes that generally, Mattar CN has conducted various researches with other scientists on various pediatric issues and other healthcare issues.... The majority of his articles talk about obstetrics and gynecologic issues.... ... ... ... McBane asserts in his article that British scientists have come up with a mechanism of treating diseases of children before they are born....
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Why is Gibran still Famous until now
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The author assesses how the trend has changed over the years in coherence with the change in relations between America and the Middle East.... After the attacks on the trade center people have been.... ... ... Arab immigrants are documented to have first arrived in America around the early 1900s....
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The Criticism of NHST
7 pages (1935 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This article "The Criticism of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST)" states that NHST has actually blocked the advancement of psychology as a science.... Indeed, he states that NHST has actually blocked the advancement of psychology as a science.... ohen then suggests how psychology as a science can move forward.... Psychological science January Vol....
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One of the Artists
7 pages (1920 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
By the end of the war, he started to pursue his interest in art after getting disillusioned by his study of natural science.... What is interesting is that these functions became integrated within an extended concept of art, “with all the forms of expression based upon the quest for the ‘whole person' in which nature, myth, science, intuition and reason become one again.... Beuys repeatedly referred to this theme in many of his lectures, particularly in terms of the development of science in the 19th century, explaining both the natural world and the human being in physical or biological perspectives, and which ultimately developed a materialistic world view that enveloped every area of our life....
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Diversity in the Classroom
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper stresses that one of the primary changes that occur during middle childhood is the development of self-concept.... It states that this can be seen in how these young adults, 'make social comparisons, judging their appearance, abilities, and behavior in relation to those of others'.... ...
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A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Protocol for Internet Application
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
As the paper outlines, peer-to-peer systems basically do not have a centralized location, thus they are characterized by features such as redundant storage, permanence, anonymity, search, authentication and hierarchical naming.... Despite this rich set of features, the core operation in most peer-to-peer systems is their effective search capability of data items.... eer-to-peer systems basically do not have a centralized location, thus they are characterized by features such as redundant storage, permanence, anonymity, search, authentication and hierarchical naming....
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The Effects of Ethanol Subsidies on Food Prices
8 pages (2221 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The article 'The Effects of Ethanol Subsidies on Food Prices' is a questionnaire that has been prepared around the issues regarding Ethanol Fuel.... This article provides a very realistic picture of the pros and cons of using ethanol fuel, along with the subsidizing policy of the U.... .... Government....
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Analysis of the Sources about Political Ideologies
14 pages (3546 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
issimilar to previous economic systems, capitalism made use of the surplus of production over consumption to enhance capacity to produce rather than putting it in economically idle ventures such as cathedrals or bastions.... he mercantilist period's well-built national states furnished the social prerequisites, such as standardised legal policies and monetary systems, needed for the emergence of capitalism....
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Crisis Management of Chinese Enterprises
10 pages (2495 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
Administrative science Quarterly, 21, 378-397. ... Mitroff, an expert in organization crisis management asserts that efficient organizations are those which have sound systems that address complex principles and their role in solving crises.... he authors of this journal agrees with Mitroff idea about the importance of having better systems that are efficient in handling daily challenges as far as organizational management is concerned.... Therefore, systems that are projected towards solving potential crises should be in such a manner that they are broad and able to address the challenges from all points....
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