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It is evidently clear from the discussion that the techniques used to obtain respiratory samples such as sputum can be used in the diagnosis of the disease. “Nucleic acid assays” may also be used for diagnosis purpose. No specific clinical description of pulmonary tuberculosis is referred. The symptoms after “primary infection” may be constitutional and respiratory.
Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways in the lungs. It causes the patients to have episodes of a bronchospasm and causes hyperinflation of the alveoli. The most recent data for the Centers for Disease and Prevention states that in 2010 there were 18.7 million adults and 7 million children suffer from asthma in the United States.
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According to the paper smokers even more than non-smokers understand the health consequences because they are living with the ill-effects of their habit and willingly take the necessary steps to ensure their smoking does not infringe on others. However, excessive, over restrictive policies and laws regarding smoking bans ignores the lawful rights of those who choose to smoke.
Patient comes alone and gives own health and personal history. The patient also sign the consent form on his own and consents to examination and any necessary care. The patient comes walking with a level of difficulty. The patient is not sick-looking, communicates with ease and freely. The patient complains of a swollen and painful ankle
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Literature review
The main problem is caused by cancer testis (CT) antigens are a group of proteins united by their importance in development and in cancer immunotherapy. In general, expression of these proteins is restricted to male germ cells in the adult animal. However, in cancer these developmental antigens are often re-expressed and can serve as a locus of immune activation.
The paper gives a reply on the question: Is modern cosmetic surgery a state of art of a sophisticated scientific branch? Cosmetic surgery is now one of the most developed and widespread division of general plastic surgery with around twelve million cosmetic procedures performed only in the U.S. alone in 2004.
Multiple studies and researches have been conducted on the bodily reactions of patients after surgical procedures that were performed. These researches are done by professional doctors and physicians who are bound by their oath and are adamant in keeping their clients from experiencing pain or discomfort as well as discovering a viable treatment to alleviate any pain.
The patient was brought to the unit on a stretcher after being involved in a motorcycle accident. The patient was in pain but alert and fully oriented. Bleeding had been arrested and the affected area bound with a white clean cloth by the well-wishers. The patient signed the consent for examination and care and gave her own history.
The patient is a young lady brought in by friends after having dislocated her knee cap in a sport event. The patient is in pain and cannot walk. She can talk and gives consent for examination and care (Greaves and Johnson 2002, p.74). She also gives her own history. Dislocated knee cap, swollen and painful knee joint. Consistent throbbing pain.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
Some species of bacteria are useful in the environment, and in the end can help in mitigating the problem of global warming. Prochlorococcus and synechococcus are single celled cyanobacteria, the smallest yet most abundant photosynthetic microbes in the oceanic ecosystems. Researchers have established that these microbes have the ability to remove about 10 billion tonnes of carbon from the air each year.
The affected individual with certain genetic conditions is presented with solid or filled-in squares or circle symbols depending on gender. However, the solid squares or circles present either an autosomal inheritance or an X-link inheritance as two copies of the allele are required for an affected individual to express the susceptible acquired phenotype.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
From this paper it is clear that different types of E.Coli bacteria has been identified during laboratory studies on both human and animals. In the case of humans, the bacteria are found in the gut of healthy people, and it is less harmful. Various studies have suggested that various strains of E. Coli are capable of producing small enzymes.
The patient arrived at the hospital walking and alone. On first impression he is an old man who is well kempt and groomed. He walks with relative ease appropriate for his age. He gives his own history and consents to examination and care. The patient complains of multiple cuts on the left hand (dominant).
This essay examines whether Greek medicine was a radical departure from the healing based on religious beliefs that was practiced in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. It enlightens that Hippocratic medicine was such a radical departure because of its use of surgical procedures, its concept of practitioner responsibility, and its basis in naturalism.
This assignment will be focusing on the medical and fitness standard concerning the safety of an officer at the fire station. The wellness and fitness of a fire station officer is the driving force behind the developing of the medical and fitness standards. There is a lot of trainings in the emergency sector and departments in the fire station.
Patient comes accompanied by the mother and an older brother 7. The mother gives consent for examination and treatment (Greaves and Johnson 2002, p.74). Patient scheduled for examination and planning of care. The patient is alert and oriented, he however appears to be in pain. He has no problem walking and eating.
One of the new perspectives is about the historic markets for psycho-active substances. As early as 1960’s, international opium trade had already started in Southeast Asia in a remote region called Burma. Most addicts and dealers were found in Hong Kong while the drug policymakers were based in Washington, D.C.
Surgery (from the Greek “cheirourgia” meaning "hand work") is the medical specialty that treats diseases or injuries by operative manual and instrumental treatment. General surgery deals with surgical treatment of abdominal organs, e.g. intestines inclusive esophagus, stomach, colon, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, and furthermore of the thyroid gland and hernia.
This study will apply the methodology of critical medical anthropology to analyze cosmopolitan medicine and its influences on women in Gold-dust Dynasty. Critical medical anthropology is a branch of medical anthropology founded upon Foucault’s perception that cosmopolitan medicine was shaped by a modern way of observation.
Endoscopy is indicated in many gastrointestinal complaints. It has diagnostic and therapeutic value. It has been proved to be the best curative treatment for post-surgical bleeding. Endoscopy can be done in the outer patient department as well as the inner patient department. Procedure times vary depending on the requirements of every patient.
Some of those who experience aphasia are predominantly affected in the expressive language (what is said) whilst others are predominantly affected in their receptive language (what is understood), other people who experience aphasia have both expressive and receptive language dysfunction. In general, language disability occurs in the form of talking and understanding and also in reading and writing.
According to the report rationales reflect a more proactive and offensive thrust, such as diversification into new geographic markets and therapeutic areas, achieving scale and scope economies, developing competitive capabilities in R&D, and fostering disruptive change. There is the sense that these rationales focus on cost reduction and on revenue enhancement.
The researcher states that treatment of schizophrenia has substantially progressed in the last decade. A battery of treatments may be availed of to alleviate symptoms, to enhance quality of life, and to restore productivity and functioning. Treatment options discussed in the essay are related to the clinical phases of schizophrenia today.
According to the report medical education received further boost with the advance of Christianity. Such factors, as promulgation of doctrine and teaching that protected and supported sick persons, led not only to further discussions on the causes of illness, but also entailed the establishment of first institutions.
The main reason behind choosing malaria as a topic is that it has been the prime root of death and morbidity in the global context. In the year 2011, malaria has been the reason for 660,000 deaths worldwide, which laid the requirement of making further researches in relation to this particular field National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, “Understanding Malaria”).
Stephen and company in their study (2003) pointed out that the rapid increase in incidence is over 60 years old with a small percentage of cases under 50. They further found out that its incidence varies by race and ethnicity. It is estimated that about millions are affected. The disease is a slow degenerative disorder of the central nervous system.
Malaria maybe caused by one of the four species of Plamodium parasites-Plasmodium falciparum, P.vivax. P.ovale and P.malariae. However, Plasmodium falciparum is found all around the world especially in the tropics and kills more than 1 million African children each year.
Chronic illnesses are common afflictions of the older adults, and among some of the younger adults as well. They are difficult conditions to go through as they can impact significantly on the quality of their lives. This case study is being carried out in order to establish clear pathways of disease processes, especially in relation to chronic diseases.
My name is Jowana Bahhy and I am a woman. I am 5’6” tall and weigh 135 lbs. I live a very active life. I do not exercise at a gym or anything like that, but I do work two jobs that require me to be on my feet and moving all day long. I am not a sedentary person so my estimated caloric needs are 2200 calories per day.
13 pages (3744 words)
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, Literature review
As with the benefits of any new medical technology, CT also has its share of woes in terms of exposure of patients to high dose radiation. It is challenging to optimize and reduce the dose without compromising the image quality and resolution. This paper aims at bringing out the optimization of the radiation dosage by modifying existing parameters based on the latest discoveries and innovations.
Estimating the time since death is an important aspect of death investigations since it helps to narrow down to the specific time of death, and the possible suspects involved. There are three major methods applied in the estimation of time since death, namely body core temperature, rigor mortis, and forensic entomology.
It also correlates to the number of lives saved, technological adjustment, reduced life expectancy or quality adjusted life years. It is a major facet of priority in any setting that brings together both external and internal factors with the aim of encouraging optimism, emotional and psychological productivity.
E.coli O157:H7 is among the enterohemolytic forms of E.coli that has been reported in many food related outbreaks. It is highly acid-tolerant and therefore may survive in acid rich foods such as
During the reproduction process, the hyphae of two organisms join to create gametangia. Joining of the gametangia leads to creation of Zygosporangium and zygospore. The zygospore creates haploid sporangial after undergoing division. An example
In 1835 Agostino Bassi discovered a causal relationship between a fungus and the silkworm disease. This was just a mere connection between the two variables he used. The 1935 research just proved the hypothesis that can be framed as is there a connection between fungus and silkworms. The results were not particular even though his study gave a preliminary foundation for the germ theory.
1 pages (250 words)
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, Personal Statement
It would be remiss not to say that the author's love for Pharmacy field would enable him to serve the community as well, which he would do with the work ethic and professionalism that he has learned through his experiences, both at home with his grandmother, and at work in his neighborhood pharmacy.
The other goal of using gene therapy in agriculture is increasing the nutritious value and provision of useful qualities and quantities.
Gene therapy has also been used in agriculture to produce materials that they do not
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
Beyond the physical issues for Parkinson’s disease, there are also mental and emotional challenges. Central to these other issues is depression, dementia, psychosis and personality disorders. Depression is one of the most prominent of the disorders with 45% of people with PD experiencing it (Lemke 9).
Recognizing my passionate interest in the study of cancer, Dr. Ormond Braithwaite, my Organic Chemistry Instructor and mentor has greatly helped me to learn the fundamentals of the organic chemistry and understand the need for further research in the area that would help develop drugs to fight cancer, the most dreaded disease.
Aside from regular record keeping, being the contact person with insurance companies, and preparing patients for an exam, the medical assistant can also be of minor help to the doctor during simple clinical procedures. The job requirements for a medical assistant is not as stringent as one might believe.
Generally speaking, lethal injection practices and physicians participate in executions have proven to be hard to control. The incentives offered to the board are not enough to finance its activities and the cost of providing the licensing services has upsurge posing a challenge to the relevance of GCMB.
The acuity of vision is tested using Snellen’s chart which has progressively smaller letters from top to bottom. In this test, the patient reads letters from across the room. Each eye is tested at a time, while the other eye is covered. This test determines whether the patient has 20/20 vision or less acute vision.
5 pages (1685 words)
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, Research Paper
Caco-2 cell culture model is established in vitro intestinal epithelial model used for studying the absorption of numerous biomolecules and drugs. It is a cell line obtained from human adenocarcinoma cells in the intestinal epithelium. Previous studies have shown that Caco-2 is a valuable model to elucidate mechanisms underlying membrane traffic.
The Nigerian government had implemented the National AIDs Programme to reduce the spread of HIV/ AIDs. However, the government’s increasing efforts to control the widely spreading disease is inadequate, since there is a requirement for the integrated efforts of everyone to effectively eradicate the disease.
Sometimes the cervical cancer is associated with some women who complain to have reproductive area problems. A certain odor may come out of the vagina due to some bacterial infections and vaginosis bacterial. Some women usually complain of pain when having menstruation periods or during coitus (Acland, 2003).
The overall consensus of numerous clinical health studies is that removing the cost barrier to facilitate access to these breast cancer diagnostic screening tools will produce greater compliance rates, particularly among currently underserved groups. It is also probable that increased compliance will produce a lower death rate from this disease.
While some people favour these technologies, others have dissenting views over the same (Toby & Eyck, 2005). This paper focuses on one of such technology i.e. genetics and Hybrid animal technology with regards to its description,
A family practitioner is also known as a family practice physician will attend to patients with almost any health issue. When a patient has a complicated health condition, the family doctor refers him/her to an expert specialist. The general practitioner may attend deliveries and in most cases is the primary provider of parental care.
Testing of microbes that ferments glucose is tested by adding methyl red reagent in the broth, which turns from yellow to red to signify reduced levels of pH to around 4.4 (Buchanan & Cibbons, 1974). However, if the broth remains red it indicates negative because the organisms cannot ferment glucose (McDevitt, 2009).
Microbes play a myriad of various functions in our ecosystems. These roles include, among others, protection against infection, aiding decomposition and soil enrichment, processing foods and beverages, and aiding in agricultural production through nitrogen fixation, for example, are useful in the study and manipulation of the DNA of plants and animals, and in the development of vaccines.