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I am overweight and I foresee that I may also develop diabetes when I reach my 40s. Diabetes is a multi-systemic disease where the blood glucose levels are too high. Glucose is one of the final products of the food we eat and through the hormone insulin the glucose can be transported to the cells for energy
The use of animals has been widespread across the world for the medical research and testing. There are a lot of health hazards and diseases which can be tested only on living beings. Before developing any treatment, the researchers have the duty of detecting the health problems associated with it.
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The essay "Reducing Radiation Exposure in Computed Tomography Angiography" explores some types of the computer tomography and the risks that could appear. There are several types of computed tomography scans used today. Computed tomographic angiography is one of these specialized types of scans, and it is also one of the most interesting with regard to dosage.
Many parents are willing to subject themselves to the testing as a gift to their children. Given their age, their genetic risk is already reduced, a fact that augurs well for a good outcome. However, to a person who has achieved some sense of freedom from the threat of Huntington's disease, the information that the gene is most probably present may be all the more devastating. The disease may be more likely to appear soon, depending on their age.
Their opposition may be based on their dislike of the direction some new researches might take “and they might utilize their position to block such research” (Grad, 1984). However, there are too many other dangers that human experimentation can bring to human subjects if properly obtained informed consent is not sought.
5 pages (1417 words)
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, Research Paper
In America, the disease infects about 2.8 million individuals annually, and it is characterized by a high proportion of asymptomatic cases. Globally, Chlamydia is the most commonly reported sexually transmitted disease (Malik, Hakim, Shukla, & Rizvi, 2006). Most of the infections occur in sexually active adults and young adults.
Cells are basically classified into two main types that are prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. This essay will focus primarily on the prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotes are a very important subject of study in both microbiology and biochemistry and much research has been done on their structure and genetic expression.
The driver's behavior made him unable to expect the unexpected on the road hence causing death. The suitable punishment would have been thirty years imprisonment as Reggie is an adult of 19 years who caused a grizzly accident due to irresponsible and distracted behavior on the road, his punishment would then act as a deterrence to other drivers who have the tendency to drive while distracted.
In the neonate, although rare, it is a significant source of morbidity. Unlike in adolescents wherein the torsion is intravaginal; in the neonates, the torsion is extravaginal with the spermatic cord and the adjacent tunica twisting as a unit. The entire testis, epididymis, and tunica vaginalis twist together in a vertical axis on the spermatic cord.
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
Body Dysmorphic disorder is a psychiatric condition, mostly affecting females and the condition makes the patient obsessive about a perceived defect in a body part. One of the treatment methods that has been advocated in this regard is cognitive behavior therapy, which aims to restructure a patient’s thinking patterns in dealing with anxiety.
The practice promises the hope of eliminating, perhaps in our time, genetic propensities to cancer and other inherited conditions. Its usefulness in and research on the treatment of Parkinson’s has been promoted by doctors. There are those who say using vibrant fetal tissue in such studies is medically unethical, morally wrong, possibly unnecessary, and from a legal standpoint, dubious.
The mission of this organization is to create a network of dedicated people who can involve in advance research so as to provide hope for pancreatic cancer patients. The vision of the pancreatic cancer action network is to double the pancreatic cancer survival rate by 2020. This organization plans to convert its mission and vision into reality.
However, many members such as Enterobacter, Shigella, Citrobacter etc. are also known to cause harmful diseases as well.
A 12 year old boy is admitted in the ER. In the morning the boy had bought a ham-tuna
The author states that differential media is a method that is utilized to distinguish one microorganism from the next in situations where both are growing in the same medium. Example; Eosin methylene blue is differential for the fermentation of lactose to disperse the individual cells across the medium surface.
The joint’s stability is maintained by various ligaments and the arrangement of the bones. The ligaments on the lateral side of the ankle are the anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, and the posterior talofibular ligament. The ligament on the medial side is the deltoid ligament (actually a ligament complex).
The Triangle fire is one of the deadliest fire accidents to occur in the workplace in New York’s city history. It claimed the lives of 146 people. Though the workers had succeeded in
Obtaining my Doctor of Pharmacy will not only provide me with the competence in the field of research but will also provide the rare privilege of being a trusted member in my profession as well as the community. This knowledge must be earned especially in the demanding field of pharmacy particularly if one is to pursue a doctorate degree.
One of the dangers of drug dependence and abuse among the elderly is comorbidity. According to Parker and Liu, comorbid occurs when one or more medical conditions present simultaneously, and alongside with other unrelated health conditions. For instance, the age factor of the elderly may lead them to develop heart diseases or liver damage that may occur simultaneously with mental destabilization.
Since diabetes has formed part of every life for most individuals in the society, there is need to understand how individuals can be able to embrace it and live with it without undergoing much torture, rejection and stigmatization. As a result of this, the study will focus on the stage of living for today in the life of a type 1 diabetes patient.
In the discussion, Fannin (2013) addresses that in 2007, Cryo-Cell, one of the leading umbilical cord blood banking company of the US, had launched C’elle, another commercial enterprise, to preserve stem cell. The company’s vision emphasizes that with the help of stem cell, various diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, stroke, autoimmune disorders, and osteoporosis can be cured.
Method: Food was evaluated for the presence of common food poisoning bacteria by convectional bacterial culture methods Total bacterial counts to determine (CFU/ul) and detection of different bacteria were done using both selective and non-selective media and
The need for nurses is increasing every day and as nurses are the main human resource in the hospitals, the need for well trained and efficient nurses are very essential. Despite these many challenges, the nurses continue to serve their patients with utmost care have always taken responsibility for other areas because of the depth of knowledge, experience, and talent.
What happens when a diagnosis of Bipolar disorder is added to complicate alcohol recovery? Bipolar disorder is best treated with medications specifically designed to treat this illness. Your attitude towards taking this medication can actually help your alcohol recovery. Viewing the new medication is one positive way to approach your treatment.
A sputum sample of the infected patient had been obtained for a laboratory examination.
The bacterium Bacillus is a rod-shaped bacteria and can form long chains; it is also
The paper under consideration will discuss the effectiveness of hand sanitizer methods. The result showed that agar-well method was not suitable for testing an effectiveness of a hand sanitizer. For disk diffusion test, E.coli was susceptible to a hand sanitizer, while S. aureus was resistant to a hand sanitizer.
From this report it is clear that in the past, community acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections occurred in patients who frequently had contact with health care or in specific group of patients such as intravenous drug users. Currently, CA-MRSA also affects healthy people that have no risk factors for the disease.
The journal article discusses on tendon surgeries and using allografts for tendon reconstruction. It discusses the advantages as well as disadvantages that come with an allograft surgery. The article is mostly centered on the use of modern bio-engineered tendon for surgery and highlights the necessity of avoiding allografts.
According to the author, the prevention of infectious diseases largely depends on maintaining a sterile environment. Lately, opportunistic bacteria found in the environment have led to the outbreak of diseases in different settings. The ability to control is of paramount importance to many establishments such as healthcare facilities.
Squeezing the efficiency of drug storage or shipment prompts new applications of value-added elements that determine patient outcomes and competitor edge. Roughly 85% of medications come in containers, pouches, closures, bottles or tubes. As a result, drug storage or shipment becomes a fragile point in the health delivery process.
The social aspect of an individual is determined by myriad factors that sum up to influence the life of an individual. Homelessness is a critical concern when it comes to accounting for the social lives of the people in any given social setting. One of the outstanding challenges that face homeless people is access to and utilization of health care (Kushel, Vittinghoff & Haas, 2001).
Some philosophers during the ancient times believed that the neonate possessed some inborn character traits. The philosophers noted that people recollect the knowledge, which remains dormant in the brain. However, some philosophers contradicted the old philosophers saying that the brain of a born child was like a blank slate.
Rectal balloon, “bag-and-box system” and offline imaging gives aid in localizing the prostate. Further studies are needed to identify a standard treatment modality for prostate cancer management which can accurately deliver the radiation dose to target structures while excluding the surrounding healthy tissues.
Rainbow Connection is a not-for-profit organization which is committed to providing health care facilities to the ailing children of Texas suffering from cancer and other severe blood-related disorders. The organization was established in 1985.
This observation is evident in Thaddeus Metz’s article, “African and Western Moral Theories in a Bioethical Context.” The article highlights the different theories that inform bioethical practices. In so doing, it is evident that there exist critical disparities between the West and African approaches to bioethics.
esses have a very low mortality rate and do not necessarily pose an extant threat to the continued survival existence of humanity (Tortura et al., 2013). However, the case in question has the potential to provide just such a threat. Ultimately, scientific researches indicated
It is interesting to note that anorexia and bulimia nervosa have been mostly reported among females who belong to middle or upper-class families. This brings to question the contribution of sociology and epidemiology in etiology of the disorder and emphasizes the need to study more about why it occurs in a particular population of women.
Prevention measures to curb the problem of childhood obesity have been intensified so as to ensure those at risk of developing obesity are assisted. For example, parents are these days sensitized to ensure they serve children with healthy foods and avoid junk. School cafeterias have also been compelled to give low-calorie foods to students.
However, it is still evident that some of the medical doctors and practitioners including health care workers are entangled with alcoholism, being addicted to it, and worst, being drunk while practicing medicine. In this case, it is evident that these people (medical practitioners) seem to neglect or does not practice what they preach.
The X-ray's extraordinary benefit to medical science was immediately recognized and, with the research of French scientists Marie and Pierre Curie that followed Roentgen’s discovery, scientific and technological advances have led to the important role radiology plays today in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
1 pages (312 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Galen asserted that health could be maintained only when the four humors were evenly balanced within the body. Comprising blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile, the humors could break with this symmetry if the body was abused, either through a faulty diet, unaccustomed exercise or a change of climate.
However, with cases of domestic violence escalating throughout the years with 20-50% of women being subjected to violence in the hands of their intimate partners, domestic violence has risen as a major public health issue worldwide, which if left unchecked may injure the moral fibers of American society (Jewkes, 2002, p.253).
As the paper outlines, prolonged use of alcohol results in brain degeneration, particularly of the cerebellum with loss of Purkinje cells, and nutritional disorders with visual disturbance, loss of memory and impaired intellect. While this is not by any means a complete list of the horrors, dementia caused by loss of cortical neurons, nerve damage and palsy is also well documented.
The representation of family medical history and family relationships in a pictorial manner is commonly referred to as a genogram. The concept was introduced by Monica Mc Goldrick and Randy Gerson in 1985, genogram are currently used in various fields which include medicine, psychology, social work, education, genetic research, and genealogy.
One of the most effective methods of treatment for OCD if Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is done on a one to one basis or within a group setting assisted by a trained specialist. It is usually the first step of treatment for OCD patients, especially children. The only proven form of psychotherapy for OCD is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT.
31 pages (7750 words)
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, Research Paper
The active components that have been isolated from this extract are hydrastine, canadine, and berberine. Some of the components have been shown to demonstrate antimicrobial properties, but no clinical studies evaluating the efficacy of this remedy have been published (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2009).
After each use, the medical devices undergo various decontamination processes to render them safe and for reuse on patients and for staff handling. Prior to beginning the decontamination, the used medical device is first received by the sterile services department in a special collection container and is subjected to reprocessing.
From the database, they are also able to share their medical publications and allow their peers to review them. This ultimately helps in furthering cancer research as each set of clinical trials tests either a new cancer drug or an established one. The database also helps different institutions find better pharmaceutical companies worldwide.
Each group is sustained from the professionalism in its specific area and they are closely in relation to one other. Practice has shown that if one group fails either to work effectively or to cooperate with other groups, the entire system tends to collapse; global function is dependent from participation of each group.
One of the most significant advancements in the instruments for clinical use has been that of tympanometry as a means of analyzing middle-ear function. It is suggested in the technical note, “Recommended procedure for tympanometry”, that the calibration of the instrument needs to be checked every day with test cavities that have dimensions at 226 Hz.
RadWhere Voice Recognition software greatly improves this process by going directly from the spoken word to the typewritten report, which eliminates the transcription phase. In addition, it interfaces with Radiology Information Systems (RIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) allowing reports to be archived and accessed with voice commands.