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It is evidently clear from the discussion that patient with Plummer Vinson Syndrome demonstrates symptoms such as pallor, fatigue, weakness tachycardia with difficulty in swallowing solid food. The esophageal web is painless. As exact etiology for this syndrome is not clear, iron deficiency anemia is considered to be the primary cause for web formation.
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, Research Paper
For you to succeed in a career especially in counseling you need to have a plan. It is important that you understand the characteristics and the background of the people that you'd like to work with. In this paper, we will be dealing with a population of young adults and teenagers. One must also consider the network that they will be using to deliver their services.
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, Research Paper
In the early 1930s, Dr. Burrill B. Crohn, together with two colleagues—Dr. Ginzburg and Dr. Oppenheimer, described a chronic inflammatory disorder, now known as Crohn's disease, most commonly affecting, but not limited to, the intestines, which, together with ulcerative colitis, are characterized by a hyperactive immune system.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
It performs several functions among them; it is essential in the dispensation of nutrients, the manufacturing ob bile which assists in food digestion, toxins cleansing such as drugs, alcohol and many other hazardous substances in the blood and manufacturing agents that help in the clotting of blood.
The dose-response curve can be used to plot the results of many kinds of experiments. (What are dose-response curves? 2007) In toxicology, the dose-response curve is used in relation to the concept of dose-response, which is in turn “used as a basis for determining the relative safety of a chemical compound in the living organism
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
According to the report, the word euthanasia is from Greek origin meaning ‘good death.’ Writers of 1700’s Britain referred to euthanasia as a being a preferential method by which to ‘die well’ (“Definition”, 2007). The euthanasia debate embraces compelling and impassioned arguments on both sides of the issue.
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, Research Paper
It is evidently clear from the discussion that in the recent past, medical personnel such as doctors and midwives have been documented to perform the ritual, mostly for financial gain in some countries in the world including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Mali, and Nigeria.
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, Research Paper
More often than not, the therapies may not treat the patient. When the condition continues to be detrimental, a heart transplant remains the best option. In order for one to undergo a successful heart transplant, one needs to be less than seventy years old and the patient should not be suffering from irreversible diseases
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, Research Paper
Animals do not have rights since they do not have moral reasoning and moral judgment. Use of animal as research subjects in medical research has been condemned widely criticized and condemned on two grounds: that it wrongly violates the animal rights and that it wrongly imposes much avoidable suffering on sentient creatures
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, Research Paper
Although estimates of radiation risk in this study are relatively small for any individual patient, the use of this technology to perform a cardiac scan should be balanced against the risk of this test and the risks of other diagnostic tests. Also, estimates of radiation risk should be interpreted with caution for several factors.
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, Research Paper
Cats need to eat prey animals due to an inability to generate and store the amino acid taurine in their tissues. This leads to heart-disease; (cardiomyopathies) if the substance is not regularly included in the feline diet. The rapid muscle growth of kittens compared with other mammals creates a strong demand for taurine.
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, Research Proposal
The potential deleterious impacts of Valsalva pushing had earlier led to the emergence of evidence proposing that the directive techniques of managing the second phase of labor should be revisited. In his study, Sinquefield gave a summary of the recommendations of veteran nurse-midwives who explained the way they managed the second stage of labor.
How the heart works are due to the complexity of the muscle fibers that form a structure with spaces, interconnections, and layers in different orientations. Aside from mechanical stability, the structure of heart muscles is contractile and compliant. Gelatin, polyglycolate and other scaffold materials used do not have all these characteristics.
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, Research Paper
Development of a single treatment for autism spectrum disorders is complicated by the presence of various causative factors for the condition. There are a plethora of researchers present that like autism with various causes and variables. However, none of them has proven to be a breakthrough aiding the development of a definite treatment
16 pages (4000 words)
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, Research Paper
Therapeutic abortion is no longer considered necessary in cases of Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer (PABC) and there are a number of possible treatment options. Consideration is given to ethical concerns regarding the well-being of both mother and child and how the potential risks of treatments influence the clinical decisions taken.
Magnesium plays a vital function in eliminating the threats of hypertension and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Geiger and Wanner 2012). High levels of Magnesium also limit the risk of metabolic syndromes in individuals. The cation, therefore, has numerous physiological functions and uses in human bodies, and as discussed in this paper, in disease treatment.
Everyone is susceptible to get oral candidiasis, but it attacks the young ones, older people, and people with low immune against fungal diseases mostly. The mouth has a number of bacteria that check on the fungus growth. When the protection of an individual is weak, the bacteria die and it gives room for the fungus growth that in return leads to oral candidiasis (WHO, 2015).
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
It goes without saying that a mother can prevent causing fetal alcohol syndrome in her babies by avoiding alcohol as soon as she becomes aware of being pregnant, or if she is consciously trying to become pregnant. Since a safe level of alcohol for pregnant mothers has yet to be determined, expectant mothers should avoid alcohol entirely
Some of the characteristics that have been the area of focus for most works of population pk especially in the area of antiretroviral drugs in HIV patients include body weight, therapeutic features. By having an understanding of unique characteristics of patients, it's possible to identify how various drug concentrations will impact on the patients
Most ophthalmologists prefer practicing in private sectors to public institutions due to the high amount of revenue they collect. However, they fail to realize that private practice usually targets individual ophthalmic patients. This focuses on ophthalmic care only to some few individuals leaving the rest of the population unnoticed
Immortality is the capability of something living forever. The human, animal or plant cells can be preserved in medical and agricultural laboratories, which can assist doctors and agricultural experts in doing research about the diseases. The human, animal or plant cells are categorized depending on the body tissues and organs
The paper "Sugar Substitutes and Blood Glucose Level" is a worthy example of an assignment on medical science. Sugar belongs to the carbohydrates category of biopolymers that interfere in the biological processes in the living bodies. Carbohydrates play a main role in human development as modifications at particular sites in the glycan chain may modulate a carbohydrate’s overall biological role.
The paper "Oral Health Education In Schools: Promoting Health Agents by Garbin, Garbin, and Lima" is a brilliant example of an article on medical science. The methodology of the experiment is explicitly detailed. It will be possible to replicate the study on other subjects. The population considered for this study involved pre-school children and their parents.
The paper "Sudden Death In Epilepsy: Researchers Finger Possible Cause by Couzin-Frankel" is a good example of an article on medical science. Couzin-Frankel authored the article titled “Sudden Death In Epilepsy: Researchers Finger Possible Cause” talks about research that helped in identifying the shutting down of the brain stem can cause death amongst patients experiencing epilepsy.
The paper "Pharmacogenomics; its Beneficial and Harmful Effects" is a great example of an essay on medical science. This paper contains the basic definition of Pharmacogenomics and the beneficial and harmful effects imposed by this biotechnology will also be discussed. The term Pharmacogenomics is a combination of pharmacology and genomics,
The paper "Sleep Deficiency and Disorders" is an outstanding example of an essay on medical science. Sleep deficiency occurs when a person is unable to get the amount of sleep that is required if that person is to function normally throughout the day. It is a medical problem that can further lead to other sleeping issues, such as insomnia or sleep apnea.
The paper "Vaccine and Immunity" is a worthy example of an essay on medical science. Immunity refers to the ability of the human body to tolerate the invasion of the pathogen and finally eliminate it from the body. Antibodies are the main basic unit that carries out the function of fighting and naturally eliminating the pathogen from the body.
The paper "Conducting a Clinical Trial" is a brilliant example of coursework on medical science. A clinical trial is a research aimed at determining the safest and most efficient treatment for an illness or disease. Clinical trials are conducted after adequate information has been acquired that satisfies the legal and ethical requirements of the country where the therapy is to be carried out.
The paper "Diets without Meat Are the Healthiest Diets" is a great example of an essay on medical science. I selected this dish in keeping with the idea that diets without meat are the healthiest diets. We started by using five flavorful and healthy vegetables as the basis for our dish. These include tomatoes, zucchinis, green and red peppers, and onions.
The paper "Graphic Warnings as a Crucial Way of Passing Medication Information to Consumers" is an outstanding example of an essay on medical science. It is important for drug manufacturers to include graphic warnings in their advertisements because some drugs have got special problems, especially the ones that may cause serious injury or even death.
The results show high percentages in the assumptions made regarding the desire for social distance and unpredictability. Another finding is that nurses tend to project a lesser desire when it comes to the case of social distance; this is because nurses tend to interact with patients on a day-to-day basis (Serafini, 2011, p580)
1 pages (250 words)
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, Personal Statement
Over the years I’ve seen changes in the subject of radiography and I’m looking forward to studying at this university because, in my opinion, it’s the best option for me. Strong analytical skills, empathetic nature, problem-solving ability, and knowledge about the field make me a suitable candidate for this prestigious university.
The outbreak of Ebola in West Africa is an issue of serious concern. It concerns me both at the personal and societal level. It is essential to highlight that I have a sister who is a nurse in Pittsburgh. Moreover, my mother is a nurse who travels around the world. The chances of my family members acquiring the Ebola virus are very high.
There is undoubted fact that it is increased interest to the alternative approaches in the wound healing. British researchers and health care patricians participate very actively in the process of developing this “new old” method of wound healing. The medicine passed long distance since the first attempts to manage heavy wounds were made and simple methods of maggot sterilization were introduced.
In human tumors, the activation of ras genes occurs at various stages of carcinogenesis. In addition to being observed in malignant tumors, as genes have also been noted in adenomas, which can progress to a malignant tumor. They have also been detected in several benign tumors like human skin keratoacanthomas and basal-cell carcinomas.
The number of urine samples, when compared with the other typical specimens in the field of medical microbiology laboratories, is very large. In normal human condition, the urinary tract is sterile through the infections can result from different conditions. The infections can either be simple, complicated, symptomatic, or asymptomatic.
It has thus become mandatory that every single American is entitled to a universal health care system. The question ‘have you ever paid a medical bill?’ in Britain deserves primary attention in this regard. Government run Hospitals play pivotal roles in the health care of these nations.
According to the report, hormonal hyperplasia is a type of abnormal medical condition that involves proliferation of tissues involved in the production of hormones. The proliferation leads to increase in the production of the chemical substances called hormones. In the hormonal hyperplasia, the general structure of the cell or the tissue remains the same.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) has classified complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) into alternative medical systems like traditional Chinese medicine, biological-based therapy like herbal and dietary treatment, energy therapies like magnet therapy, manipulative body-based activities like massage and osteopathy.
The researcher of this essay aims to demonstrate that bioabsorbable interference screws are popular in endoscopic reconstructions of the ACL as there is no need for a second operation for removal and no complicating factor in case of a revision surgery. Pullout studies of metal and bioabsorbable interference screws have yielded similar results.
The study encompassed twenty healthy dental students included for double-blind study. The subjects were given 0.6 ml of each test solution at different times to test the consequences of infiltration anesthesia on the upper lateral incisor. The commencement and episode of anesthesia were examined with the help of electric pulp tester.
From this paper it is clear that when blood pressure increases, there is a high probability that this organ would thicken. When the heart cannot accommodate the pressure , its ability to squeeze is impaired resulting to heart failure. When Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) happens, the heart cannot pump enough blood to the other organs of the body.
The author concludes that the issue of introducing the GMF into the market has been a burning issue in the last few years. The same has been linked to causing cancer which has made many consumers avoid it. Now the issue is being judged on speculation but in the near future, it may be possible to either establish the truth or forget the GMF
From this paper, it is clear that this medicine should also not be used in patients who have an allergy to calcipotriol or to any other components of the medication. Patients with disorders of calcium metabolism should not use this product. Those with severe widespread psoriasis cannot be given this medication.
His mother was known as Esther Goldenbaum and father was Rabbi Zvi Hirsch. Immediately after his birth, the parents migrated to Manhattan, Washington Heights. Lederberg was born in a family of three. He had other two brothers who were born latter. He was the first born son of the family and helped the parents in home activities (Nobelprize.org, 2011).
Quite recently, a man with rotator cuff repair of right shoulder was rushed to the hospital. I was the Day Surgery nurse on duty at the male ward where he was rushed to. I was disturbed by the helplessness of the man but quite apart from being disturbed. My curiosity was in the fact that the man had recently come to the hospital.
It is estimated that at least 1 in 1,000 patients in the UK each year have DVT and about 25,000 people die of blood clots that develop when an individual is in the hospital. The behavioral changes associated with DVT are those that instruct the patient to stop any activity that will restrict the “free flow of blood within the lower extremities”.
Common knowledge has indicated that there is a direct link between the health of an unborn child and whether or not the mother smokes during pregnancy. Reflection of this common knowledge is of course seen with respect to the way in which the Surgeon General of the United States has warned for decades with respect to the negative ramifications.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
Menstruation disorders are conditions that affect women with a normal menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycles in a woman are experienced every month, come like a clock starting and stopping at nearly the same time every month, and will cause little inconvenience to the reproductive woman.
Health is perhaps the most important aspect of one’s life and it is the basic right of every individual to lead a healthy life. Resources needed for maintaining a healthy life should be provided to all individuals by the society and the governments should aim to take measures that ensure the protection of people’s health in general.