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Macro-Environmental Analysis for Bulla Dairy Foods' Entry in the Japanese Market Marketing
12 pages (3332 words) , Download 2
The paper “Macro-Environmental Analysis for Bulla Dairy Foods’ Entry in the Japanese Market” is an informative example of a report on marketing. Macro-environment comprises of strengths such as Political, economic, legal, cultural technological as well as social factors. Political elements incorporate laws, offices, and gatherings that impact and breaking point associations in a given society.  
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Provisions for Gas, Electricity, and Water Markets Marketing Report
9 pages (2618 words) , Download 1 , Report
Competition is generally seen to be possible and desirable in such utilities regulators now have all primary duties to promote competition. From a regulator`s point of view, it is crucial to have a clear view of what a competitive market is and what can be done, in the real world, to establish the conditions that will allow such a market to emerge. 
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The Issue of Customer Orientation and Its Manifestation Marketing Essay
8 pages (2238 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In the recent past, companies have committed a lot of resources on researching the subject of customer orientation behavior and building an organizational culture that is customer-oriented. There has been an effort by many companies to come up with programs especially in their production and sales department that are customer-oriented.
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Different Levels of Market Efficiency Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2009 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that weak-form efficiency describes the market all the historical information has already been incorporated in the prices of the stocks, all the information contained in the past prices. With semi-strong-form efficiency, the market does not only incorporate the past information in the prices of the stocks.
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Insolvent Periods of High Sales Growth Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2146 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Dividend yield ratio gives an idea about the dividends paid by the company as compared to the market price of the shares. It is with the help of this ratio that the investor identifies how much return he or she is going to get from the company in terms of percentage of the market of the company’s shares.
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Green Product that Could be Offered in the Market Marketing Essay
6 pages (1800 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Green product promotion basically focuses on three areas – address a relationship between a product/service and the biophysical environment, promote a green lifestyle and present a corporate image of environmental responsibility (Dash). The extra pricing of the service can be justified by the overall saving and convenience to the customer.
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Semiotic Analysis and Comparison of the Oilatum and Elvive Ads Marketing Term Paper
6 pages (1648 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
When the “Elvive” product is effective for five hair-problems, the “Oilatum” is effective for only one, namely eczema. But the usage of the “Oilatum” product requires at least two types of the bottle in its healing process. That is, first the user has to soak or shower with the Oilatum and then he/she has to apply the Oilatum cream.
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The Coca-Cola Company: An Analysis of Fundamental Marketing Techniques Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2302 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
From mass marketing, Coca-Cola has successfully evolved to target specific market segments for greater positioning. It has also productively adjusted its operations for its global expansion with its own distinct distribution system that allows for the product to be made available in virtually every part of the world.
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Understanding and Implementation of Co-Branding Marketing Thesis Proposal
10 pages (2825 words) , Download 1 , Thesis Proposal
Brand extension is a part of brand management and is a marketing strategy in which the company tends to diversify in a new product category under the same brand name. It aims to leverage the existing brand’s image and loyalty into the new product’s success. It is also seen as a means of creating integrated brand architecture.
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The Marketing Mix of LED Television by Samsung Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1889 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Targeting is the strategy in which the marketer targets a particular segment of the market. Under this strategy, Samsung targets two categories of the market. One is the local market and the other is the niche market. The third and perhaps the most important marketing communication strategy followed by Samsung is that of positioning.
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Marketing Plan for Private Medical Clinic in Birmingham Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2756 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Porter’s generic strategies are the core strategies that are effective for entering into a new market. Michael E. Porter has identified three core strategies i.e. cost leadership, focused and differentiation strategies. With the help of these three strategies, four types of strategies can be formulated and are presented in the following diagram. 
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Impact on the Oil Market of a Series of Events Marketing Term Paper
10 pages (2842 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The development of political crises in countries-oil exporters affects the global oil market. The extension and the duration of this impact depend on the time required for the response of the global community, the initiatives of local authorities but also the conditions of the global economy – which can allow or not high risks in the oil market.
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Analyze iPhone in the Context of Broader Corporate Design Marketing Article
7 pages (1811 words) , Download 1 , Article
Companies hire corporate designers to do this job for them. Corporate designers are responsible for designing the corporation’s brand identity as well as the identity of its products and their individual designs.
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An Evaluation of the Appropriateness of Viral Marketing Strategy for K&K Beverages Marketing Dissertation
49 pages (9999 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Triangulation enhances the reliability of the data as well as the process of gathering it (Tellis 1995). According to Johansson (2003), it also ensures the validity of data. If the data collection techniques yield consistent findings, reliability has been achieved. Triangulation, to a large extent, ensures reliability.  
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Marketing Analysis of DKNY Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The outside appearance is nice with appealing lighting that makes the Bond Street store to have a lavish and luxurious look. This store and its products are visible from the outside and this makes is possible for customers to peek inside and have a feel of the store even before entering the store (Bhalla, 2010).
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Critics of Advertising Marketing Term Paper
7 pages (2024 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Advertising helps modern-day companies to sell products, services, ideas, and images via a persuasive information channel. This crucial marketing tool also enables business ventures to communicate relevant information to both current and prospective buyers. Information provided in advertisements principally revolves around the company.
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My Audience - My Boss Marketing Article
6 pages (1666 words) , Download 1 , Article
The advertisement focuses on uniquely placing the Coke beverage as a necessity for human life. Ideally, every man wants to be happy and the Coca-Cola drink is brought out as the source of that happiness. Using a previously dull world, the introduction of coke to this world brings back the stolen happiness and paralyzes sadness and anger that characterized everyone.
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The Marketability of Market Marketing Case Study
12 pages (3103 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
As such, it is no wonder why businesses invest heavily in marketing campaigns today. However, as the markets increasingly become competitive, companies are increasingly finding it suitable to hire marketing specialists to assist in analyzing the market conditions to ensure that a company identifies its potential.
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Market Attractiveness Report - Retina Mini iPad Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2354 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Market Attractiveness Report - Retina Mini iPad" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. An international market arena is an environment where organizations stand to gain or risk losing. Closeness to raw materials, a saturation of the local market, diversification, and search for new markets are some of the reasons why organizations enter the international market.
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Marketing Strategies for the John Lewis Partnership Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1799 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Strategies for the John Lewis Partnership " is a good example of a marketing case study. John Lewis Partnership plc is an outstanding company in the fact that it is not only owned by staff but it is also managed by staff. The staff is known as partners. In the United Kingdom, this partnership is the largest department store.
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Internal Factors Influencing Consumer Decision Making Process - Coca Cola Soft Drink Marketing Case Study
12 pages (3392 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Internal Factors Influencing Consumer Decision Making Process - Coca Cola Soft Drink" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. This report outlines the influence that consumers’ internal factors in the consumer decision-making process involving different products or services that give the same benefits when consumed.
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Qantas Airways Limited Marketing Planning Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2145 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Qantas Airways Limited Marketing Planning" is a good example of a marketing case study. Qantas Airways Limited marketing situation analyses provide information that any other company faces in pursuit to perform in the related industry. Conversely, the analyses of its SWOT, PEST and position vis-à-vis the market it operates to provide a need to identify elements of a marketing plan with a view to analysing problems and propose solutions.
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Indulgence Jewels Company Market Segmentation Marketing Case Study
22 pages (5690 words) , Case Study
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The paper "Indulgence Jewels Company Market Segmentation" is a great example of a marketing case study. Starting up a company involves quite long processes of having to define the product or service that the company will specialize in, set some objectives by establishing a mission statement, plan for the production, processing and distribution of the product or service and work towards attaining the profit-making goal.
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The Consumer Buying Decision Making Process - Fast-Moving Consumer Good Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2231 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Consumer Buying Decision Making Process - Fast-Moving Consumer Good" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. The first step in the consumer buying decision is the need or problem recognition step (Solomon, Polegato, and Zaichkowsky, 34). In this step, the consumer recognizes he/she has as a need that can be satisfied by a product with certain attributes.
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International Marketing of Sard Wonder Company Marketing Case Study
11 pages (3214 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "International Marketing of Sard Wonder Company" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. SARD WONDER is one of the major detergent products produced in Australia and distributed to other markets. Currently, it is the second-largest detergent product in Australia taking over 15% of the total market. The company intends to venture into the international market.
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Super Eyes to the Management of Toyota Australia Marketing Case Study
10 pages (3073 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Super Eyes to the Management of Toyota Australia" is a good example of a marketing case study. Driving has become a necessity in our modern world is it is a way of getting from one destination to another. Unfortunately, to drive you to need to see and hence the visually impaired are at a disadvantage as far as driving is concerned.
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Opportunities and Threats of Tourism Tasmania Organization Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1791 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Opportunities and Threats of Tourism Tasmania Organization" is a great example of a marketing case study. Australia is the strangest land on earth. It has a wide variety of weird wildlife and endless horizon of the magical landscape that can be found nowhere else in the world. When one moves away from its modern cities to the wilderness, it gives a feeling of being on another planet.
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Marketing Plan Report for Kleenmaid Australian Company Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2641 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Plan Report for Kleenmaid Australian Company " is a perfect example of a marketing case study. Kleenmaid is a company that deals with manufacturing, importing and distribution of household goods such as ovens, washing machines, dishwashers and cooktops. The main purpose of this report is to identify a marketing strategy that will enable the company to remain distinctive in its performance.
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Why Many Environment Conscious People Do Not Use Buses Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2207 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Why Many Environment-Conscious People Do Not Use Buses" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. This report is as a result of a market survey commissioned by FirstGroup to establish why people despite being environmentally conscious are yet to shift significantly from using private vehicles to using busses in their travel.
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Consumer Experience and Experiential Marketing Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2231 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Consumer Experience and Experiential Marketing" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. This report discussed the various concepts of marketing. According to this report, there are various methods that can be applied by a company to enter into a foreign market and they include licensing.
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On the Simple Economics of Advertising Marketing and Product Design Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2671 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "On the Simple Economics of Advertising Marketing and Product Design" is a perfect example of a Marketing Case Study. Many have termed American Apparel to be promoting sexism; Most of their ads have shown women either topless or wearing barely enough to cover their essential parts. The recent controversial ad was the image of a girl in a pleated skirt bending over a car’s rear window. 
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Experiences With A Set Of Four Service Encounters Marketing Case Study
13 pages (3544 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Experiences With A Set Of Four Service Encounters" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. The global services industry has expanded in the recent past. Unlike the perspective of the traditional service that services provided could not be standardized, Lay (2014, p.162) argued that modern service industry trends imply a changing industry dynamics. 
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Marketing and Reasons for Metrics Selection Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2154 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing and Reasons for Metrics Selection" is a perfect example of a Marketing Case Study. ‘What’s not measured is not managed.’ Understanding of this catchphrase proves that to complete the process of marketing and its management the studying of brand equity and proper evaluation of the same becomes very important for any organization. 
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Brand Equity and Associated Metrics Marketing Essay
7 pages (2376 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Brand Equity and Associated Metrics" is a great example of a Marketing Essay. Organizations operate based on different fundamental requirements, but the most important aspect is the generation of revenues to the shareholders. The current business environment is very competitive, and marketing management understands the importance of employing different strategies.  
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Examining World Market Segmentation and Brand Positioning Strategies Marketing
24 pages (6846 words)
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The paper "Examining World Market Segmentation and Brand Positioning Strategies" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Business Plan. The Lights solar recharge was invented by Simon Doble as he camped on the iconic North Shore of Noosa in Queensland with his family. He got problems with visibility since the light that he had placed on the table was too bright. 
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Effects of the Rising Popularity of E-Commerce to the Travel Industry Marketing
6 pages (2351 words) , Download 0
The paper "Effects of the Rising Popularity of E-Commerce to the Travel Industry" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Business Plan. Harvey World Travel is a travel agency company that offers travel services to the people who want to go on holiday. The company is based in Australian and it is privately owned. 
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Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications Marketing
15 pages (4281 words) , Download 0
The paper "Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications " is a perfect example of a Marketing Business Plan. Sport UNE is a controlled entity of the University of New England, SporUNE is a non-profit organization. The organization has over fifty employees from both the University of New England and the wider community.
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The Pursuit of New Product Development Marketing Case Study
16 pages (4643 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Pursuit of New Product Development" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. SportUNE was formed in 1938 with the aim of boosting sporting, fitness, and health-related programs. Over the years, SportUNE has demonstrated greater effort in ensuring that sport, exercise, and health-related programs are accessed by the students and the community at large. 
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Linking Customer and Employee Satisfaction to the Bottom Marketing Assignment
7 pages (2318 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper "Linking Customer and Employee Satisfaction to the Bottom" is a great example of a Marketing Assignment. What is an effective communication strategy? What role can customers play as part of a firm’s communication strategy? Would you say employees have a role to play in a firm’s communication strategy? As part of your answer use concrete examples to make your point.
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Designing Brand Experiences Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2553 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Designing Brand Experiences" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. The increased globalization and advancement in technology have led to an increase in competition in the market over the years (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). Such factors have made contemporary managers understand the importance of building strong brands.
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La Brioche Abu Dhiab And Developing Market Competition Marketing Case Study
15 pages (3919 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "La Brioche Abu Dhiab And Developing Market Competition" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. During the year 1976, Louis Le Duff, the current President established the “Group Le Duff” in Brest City. The Group Le Duff was principally composed of 9 different brands in the food industry.
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The Impact of Brand Value on Brand Selection Marketing Term Paper
15 pages (4147 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "The Impact of Brand Value on Brand Selection" is a great example of a Marketing Term Paper. Samsung Smartphone has been successful in tapping a huge market of smartphones and has emerged as tough competitors to the larger giants like Apple, Nokia, etc which has amplified the need to study the internal factors affecting the consumer decision making of such products.
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Making Niche Marketing Work Marketing Case Study
12 pages (3712 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Making Niche Marketing Work" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. KI Pure Grain, an upscale specialty grain dealer that serves Australian and world markets with grain products. Therefore, investigating the current market is essential to the victory of the food grain services offered by the firm.
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Strategic Market Management And Global Perspectives Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2432 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Strategic Market Management And Global Perspectives" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. The report is prepared to advise the Marketing Manager in Nando’s on how to measure brand performance. It will provide suggestions on how to deal with different measures of brand performance of the company and how the results have been interpreted.
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Good Strategy And Bad Strategy Marketing Case Study
15 pages (4087 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Good Strategy And Bad Strategy" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. Due to technological developments, many organizations are considering using online marketing so that they can reach out to the wider market scope. Traditionally, the marketing function was conducted using traditional ways like Radios and TVs.
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Business Marketing And Segmenting And Targeting Markets Marketing Coursework
6 pages (1775 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Business Marketing And Segmenting And Targeting Markets" is a great example of a Marketing Coursework. Businesses operate in different environments because the customer differs when it comes to internal and external decision making. The customers are influenced by numerous components, and marketers have to understand these components.
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Marketing Strategy and Management Marketing Assignment
8 pages (2332 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Marketing Strategy and Management" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Assignment. Strategic marketing management is an important concept that helps to influence the marketing performance of an organization. This is because the strategic marketing plan helps to provide a framework that can be used to implement the strategies of the organization.
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Human Resource Development in Toyota Culture Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2472 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Human Resource Development in Toyota Culture" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. In the 1920s, The Toyoda Model G Automatic Loom was invented by Sakichi Toyoda. The technique is allowing the machine operation when a problem is detected/occurs and later on, the technique was introduced into Toyota Production System. 
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Exploring Marketing Research Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2313 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Exploring Marketing Research" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. SportUNE is a university sporting precinct that is found in Australia. Due to the variety of facilities and services provided, UNE life has been considered to be the best sports facilities provider in Australia through the sportUNE. 
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Market Growth of Solar Panels Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1583 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Market Growth of Solar Panels" is a perfect example of a Marketing Case Study. The Australian energy market is going through a rapid change in its structure, which is now controlled by the technology factor, the preferences of customers and the change in the price. Ten years back coal and gas were the sources of energy in Australia.
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