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Latest disasters’ empirical evidence has provided evidence that people or witnesses directly impacted by the disaster are more and more turning to social media as a key information source. In this case, networking platforms are utilized so as to call for aid, analyze the information provided by the public, and publish texts or photos concerning their individual experience.
This annotated bibliography focuses on the stressors affecting the mental health of migrants and refugees. The literature search utilized refugee challenges, mental health, stressors, traumatic events, psychological distress, immigration challenges. The literature search was further limited to include articles written in English published after 2002 providing refugee accounts in Australia.
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The future of any society in the world holds upon a strong, responsible, and educated youth; which lies in their better schooling, training, and matching with jobs. However, the extent to which these young adults could better even find an employment opportunity today is becoming a high concern affecting the societal structure.
66 pages (10711 words)
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, Research Proposal
Under the present UK laws, a physician under certain conditions can give orders to withdraw or withhold life-supporting systems to a patient. He is also legally entitled, again under certain conditions, to give pain-alleviating opioid drugs, which may hasten death without actually intending to do so.
A study can be conducted, however, upon children below seven years old or three years old who are already exhibiting offensive behaviours and solicit their experiences that were contributory to such behaviours subject to the ethical standards. Such studies must be group-specific and clearly identify such a group as an infant.
Vasquez and Wainstein (1990) discuss the popular notion that minority students do badly because of biological or linguistic deficiencies; they argue that this is not necessarily true, and consideration should be given to cultural differences too. These cultural norms are not necessarily inferior to the cultural norms followed by the majority.
Tibor Scitovsky suggested that pleasure is related to increases in stimulation and, hence, to the rate of growth of consumption but that the excessive innovation of new kinds of status goods have rendered the source of happiness to be accessible to many, causing the stagnation of happiness, especially in developed countries.
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities last May 2008 recommended that individuals with disabilities not be institutionalized but should be integrated into the social community. This indicates that individuals with disabilities need to be integrated into a community in order to improve their social development.
During the interview with Taguba, he admitted that he personally saw the Abu Ghraib abuse photos that President Obama is now trying to hide (Benjamin 2009; Hersh 2007). He also admitted that he agreed to support the president’s decision to stop the spread of these photos in order to protect the safety of the U.S. troops in Iraq (Benjamin 2009).
The concept of international child adoption may be new, but child adoption itself has been practiced in human societies for ages. No matter what the cause, the process of child adoption carries with it a number of responsibilities as well as risks although it helps quite a lot of couples who are infertile.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Literature review
This literature review examined the prevalence of bullying in workplaces from a number of perspectives. It produced three key findings. Firstly workplace bullying, however, defined, is common. Secondly, theories on the subject have changed in recent times from an explanation based upon personality factors to one based upon organization.
The 20th century introduces fashion to the system of mass production, making clothes more affordable than the carefully tailored garments of the previous eras. “The twentieth century has been repeatedly characterized by cultural, social, art and design historians as the century of “mass”: mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-media”.
The "Women Smoking and Family Health" paper contains a critical appraisal of the study the purpose of which is to investigate smoking in the context of poverty and motherhood. There has been an emphasis on epidemiological studies on women smoking behavior with attention to smoking and motherhood.
This study was proven valuable for the reason that it was discovered what types of abuse were evident such as psychological abuse which is defined as continuous emotional behavior such as bullying that harms the older person, followed by neglect, financial abuse, physical and sexual abuse (McCreadie et al., 1998).
Aside from resolving who would be authorized to establish the legality of the decision (the medical practitioner, the family members, or the patient), there are also issues to adherence to professional codes of ethics as medical practitioners are supposed to do everything within their means to prolong the life of their patients.
7 pages (2089 words)
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, Research Paper
The children victims often have no way of expressing themselves and the abuse they suffer from people they look up to ends up scarring and affect them for life. It is with this in mind several methods of curbing the vice have been put across by different child abuse organizations and welfare societies.
By and large, diversity is a very sensitive issue. This is because people are judged on the basis of their identity. The fact that we do not choose our identity makes it a helpless and therefore a very explosive situation. Diversity must be promoted and extended in all places and to all people. This is because diversity does four main things.
14 pages (4180 words)
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, Research Paper
In a democracy, where the citizenry has diverse rights, duties, and obligations, the constitution of the United States stands out as a beacon of hope and direction amongst other democracies. The constitution holds within it certain inalienable rights of every citizen by the people, of the people and for the people (The Gettysburg Address).
One surprising thing about women in the Middle East was given slight importance because at times they were responsible to impart religious knowledge among the people. For instance, Prophet Muhammad's wife A'ishah who has great religious significance was responsible to propagate the Prophet's hadith to the people.
Progress is a necessary part of life. It mostly becomes necessary for two main reasons. Either the old ways of doing things are overtaken by time or new ways make life easier and more in touch with the changing times. The case applies to the Muslim religion. This is a religion in which a substantial number of the world population believes.
Privatization is a process through which the government sells its public corporations to individuals thereby making them private and at the operational mercies of their new owner. This relinquishes the corporation from other public policies such as public procurement and other management policies that govern public bodies.
Any form, but most especially rape, of SSM in community corrections, is something that has to be confronted seriously because of its short-term and long-term severe and profound adverse impact on the victim, physically, emotionally and behaviorally, that will ultimately jeopardize the safety of the community as well.
As the juvenile crime rate is increasing throughout the world, the public demands more punitive measures to be adopted as compared to rehabilitative measures. The public is becoming increasingly concerned over the increasing episodes of mass shootings and hate crimes being executed by children and young people nowadays.
8 pages (2241 words)
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, Research Paper
From time to time the young generation has shown different trends of emphases and interests in the course of human history. For example, in the narrative by Douglass, we find that many young black slaves in the 18th or 19th century America wished to achieve proper education and equal opportunity. Many of the 20th-century youth were inspired by ideas like social change.
6 pages (1854 words)
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, Literature review
A study was conducted in 2000 regarding the advantages of working at home and a majority of those interviewed alluded to the following benefits as their chief reasons for pursuing this avenue-quiet environment, self-management, comfort and familiarity, access to their loved ones (especially children) and being able to work undisturbed.
7 pages (2142 words)
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, Literature review
There exists a stigma associated with abortion worldwide. This article argues the majority of mothers who seek to undergo abortion procedures choose to maintain their decision a secret to escaping stigmatization. The entire world, stigma is identified as a possible trigger of maternal morbidity and mortality from unsafe abortion, even when abortion is within the law.
Drug abuse is the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of various types of over-the-counter medication and prescription drugs. Additionally, intentional inhalation or consumption of other industrial chemicals is also categorized under drug and substance abuse. The majority of drug abusers often do it to alter the normal functioning of the mind, which creates a false feeling.
The Shang dynasty is said to have existed from 1600 B. C. to 1100 B.C. it was also called the Yin dynasty and it was founded by Tang. There were several other dynasties that were known to exist in the history of China. Examples of these dynasties include the Chou or Zhou dynasty, the Qin dynasty, the Han dynasty, the Xin dynasty, the Sui dynasty, and the Liang dynasty among others.
Although the social worker, in this case, was not as judicious as to play the pivotal role of proposing egalitarian solutions that would have boosted the chances of having better clinical results for a sexually abused 15-year old girl during an encounter at a pediatric unit, s/he has applied retrospect to generate theory from the incident.
6 pages (1998 words)
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, Literature review
Since the Second World War, there have been successes made in the liberalization of capitalism and corporatism. However, there are still issues cropping up as new corporatist institutions come up (Phelps 2009, p. 401-414). The system is seen to be impeding, blocking, or discouraging changes that pertain to the organization and its workers including being against the relocation to a new firm.
There are many intentional communities including cohousing communities, eco-villages, and spiritual communities. Organizations such as Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, Jubilee Debt Campaign, and FOTEI may be regarded as intentional communities that may fit into one or more of the formally recognized intentional communities.
Urban planning calls for decisive decision-making that takes into account not only the economic but also the social needs of the community involved. It includes aspects such as disaster management, settlement, social amenities, and recreational facilities, infrastructure, and water and waste management.
Following Tatum’s (1994) message that “allies need allies,” there is still a significant gap in my practice principles and practice strategies, which, if filled, could provide my profession a map for working across various dimensions of power and oppression in their role as an ally to Aboriginal communities.
The results are analyzed and a conclusion is given as to the trend that has emerged in regards to the use and application of social media in the recruitment process and in the posting of work vacancies. Through this analysis, an in-depth understanding is created o the field of social media and job applications. It is the belief of the researcher that it will be helpful to all the users.
Through time, global food insecurity is becoming one of the most threatening issues that attempt to challenge the general ecosystem sustainability conditions. Essentially, food is critical than just necessary in ensuring that human beings, animals, and plants persist to thrive and without sufficient food, the ecosystem shall surely become extinct (Griggs et al 306).
The investigation has found out that plans, programmes, schemes, groups, institutions and crusades are in place to care for abused children. On the other side, reports of abuse and exploitation of young people continue to surround and haunt London society. There is one thing absent which is opined to be the most important - prevention.
Studies have shown that a particular group or tribe that has been culturally and socially marginalized due to various reasons can create a situation where this marginalization can be reduced. It can also help such groups to integrate into the dominant ruling class, which in this case is the White population of Australia.
Homelessness in Canada is a relatively new phenomenon as it is a land of prosperity and high standard of living. One of the major causes of family homelessness in North America and Canada is due to the shortage of affordable and cheap housing facilities. The federal government withdrew from supporting new housing initiatives.
The paper used selective and interpretative literature review and analysis to assess the available reports. The review was able to establish that family-based interventions usually included development therapy, training, and supervision (Liddle, 2004). Different models for family therapy have been assessed based on their success in controlled trials and studies.
I think that it is more important to target those of greater economic status first. This is because like in our service project, the topic of green energy comes with a price tag. They also have the funds readily available to fund such changes. Those in lower economic status levels are more fundamentalist because they live off a strict budget.
Australian society which has increased participation in this kind of volunteer work is sowing the fruits of this work. Today, housing projects have improved Indigenous health, education, and at the same time employment. We all know that having a decent home is fundamental to developing a healthy body and mind.
On the recent Labor Day celebrations, two firefighters from Staten Island found it humorous to paint themselves black and act out James Byrd Jr.’s gruesome death on the department’s float. Their actions only received criticism after going viral on social media and publication on print media; however, there were no punitive measures imposed on them.
Games have always been used as sources of entertainment for both the old and young ones. And it is worth noting that no one is born knowing certain principles of a given game, but it is through learning that can be done in class under an instructor or through observation, then trying to put whatever is learned into practice.
The Revolution was not idle since it endeavored to be largely inclusive, which developed into a combination of youth identities that was fixed within the Cuban revolutionary accord to a superior or less significant extent. On the other hand, the national interests would have chosen to ignore them but this would have had detrimental outcomes as the power of the revolution was invested in them.
Accordingly, relative poverty views the poor as those who lack what is needed by most Americans to live better since they earn less than half of the nation’s median income. Based on the relative definition, over 20 percent of the Americans are thought to live in poverty with the 60 percent falling within the working-class poor that is in line with statistics over the past forty years.
The psychological issues experienced by cigarette smokers as well as drug abusers include Depression, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Affective Disorder. The social issues that cigarette smokers face are alienation and lack of social acceptability because society now considers cigarette smoking as a bad habit.
While the intake of spices, oil, and sugar is much higher among the African Americans, the Euro-Americans, rooted in their tradition of a healthier diet from the plantation days, consume less fat and sugar. The black experience even after the abolition of slavery has centered around discrimination and segregation, further pushing them to poverty, lack of education, and health awareness.
The term social policy is usually used to refer to the study of social welfare and its relationship to society and politics. It makes a reference to both the activity of policymaking and in order to promote well-being as well as to the academic study of such actions taken to promote welfare (Alcock, P., Erskine, A. & May, M. (Eds.) 2003).
Race refers to the classification of people into groups based on similarities in heritable physical traits such as eye color, skin tone, and facial features. The passing on of these characteristics from one generation to the next is a complicated process that is studied in the field of genetics. The race is also a vital social issue in that it is often used by people to justify discrimination.
The paper tells that globalization and youth are the two keywords that symbolize the present-day world. Globalization is a phenomenon, whereas, the youth are seen as the vehicle for carrying forward this phenomenon. The relation between the two is critical to the growth of a new world and extremely intricate.